966 resultados para Magnetic-field


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Among the multiple modulatory physical cues explored to regulate cellular processes, the potential of magneto-responsive substrates in magnetic field stimulated stem cell differentiation is still unperceived. In this regard, the present work demonstrates how an external magnetic field can be applied to direct stem cell differentiation towards osteogenic commitment. A new culture methodology involving periodic delivery of 100 mT static magnetic field (SMF) in combination with HA-Fe3O4 magnetic substrates possessing a varying degree of substrate magnetization was designed for the study. The results demonstrate that an appropriate combination of weakly ferromagnetic substrates and SMF exposure enhanced cell viability, DNA synthesis and caused an early switchover to osteogenic lineage as supported by Runx2 immunocytochemistry and ALP expression. However, the mRNA expression profile of early osteogenic markers (Runx2, ALP, Col IA) was comparable despite varying substrate magnetic properties (diamagnetic to ferromagnetic). On the contrary, a remarkable upregulation of late bone development markers (OCN and OPN) was explicitly detected on weak and strongly ferromagnetic substrates. Furthermore, SMF induced matrix mineralization with elevated calcium deposition on similar substrates, even in the absence of osteogenic supplements. More specifically, the role of SMF in increasing intracellular calcium levels and in inducing cell cycle arrest at G0/G1 phase was elucidated as the major molecular event triggering osteogenic differentiation. Taken together, the above results demonstrate the competence of magnetic stimuli in combination with magneto-responsive biomaterials as a potential strategy for stem cell based bone tissue engineering.


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The compressive behavior of carbon nanotube (CNT) foam with an entangled microstructure has become an important research area due to its excellent energy absorption capability. This report presents a tailored mechanical behavior of CNT foam under an applied magnetic field when all CNTs in the foam are coated with magnetic nanoparticles. The presence of nanoparticles not only enhanced the stiffness of the foam to four times but also revealed a nonlinear variation in both the stress and energy absorption capability with the gradual increase of the magnetic field. Magnetization of both CNT and attached nanoparticles along the magnetic field direction are shown to play a crucial role in determining the dominant deformation mechanism.


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SmB6 has been predicted to be a Kondo topological insulator with topologically protected conducting surface states. We have studied quantitatively the electrical transport through surface states in high-quality single crystals of SmB6. We observe a large nonlocal surface signal at temperatures lower than the bulk Kondo gap scale. Measurements and finite-element simulations allow us to distinguish unambiguously between the contributions from different transport channels. In contrast to general expectations, the electrical transport properties of the surface channels were found to be insensitive to high magnetic fields. We propose possible scenarios that might explain this unexpected finding. Local and nonlocal magnetoresistance measurements allowed us to identify possible signatures of helical spin states and strong interband scattering at the surface.


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The magnetic field in rapidly rotating dynamos is spatially inhomogeneous. The axial variation of the magnetic field is of particular importance because tall columnar vortices aligned with the rotation axis form at the onset of convection. The classical picture of magnetoconvection with constant or axially varying magnetic fields is that the Rayleigh number and wavenumber at onset decrease appreciably from their non-magnetic values. Nonlinear dynamo simulations show that the axial lengthscale of the self-generated azimuthal magnetic field becomes progressively smaller as we move towards a rapidly rotating regime. With a small-scale field, however, the magnetic control of convection is different from that in previous studies with a uniform or large-scale field. This study looks at the competing viscous and magnetic mode instabilities when the Ekman number E (ratio of viscous to Coriolis forces) is small. As the applied magnetic field strength (measured by the Elsasser number Lambda) increases, the critical Rayleigh number for onset of convection initially increases in a viscous branch, reaches an apex where both viscous and magnetic instabilities co-exist, and then falls in the magnetic branch. The magnetic mode of onset is notable for its dramatic suppression of convection in the bulk of the fluid layer where the field is weak. The viscous-magnetic mode transition occurs at Lambda similar to 1, which implies that small-scale convection can exist at field strengths higher than previously thought. In spherical shell dynamos with basal heating, convection near the tangent cylinder is likely to be in the magnetic mode. The wavenumber of convection is only slightly reduced by the self-generated magnetic field at Lambda similar to 1, in agreement with previous planetary dynamo models. The back reaction of the magnetic field on the flow is, however, visible in the difference in kinetic helicity between cyclonic and anticyclonic vortices.


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We report the magnetic-field-dependent shift of the electron chemical potential in bulk, n-type GaAs at room temperature. A transient voltage of similar to 100 mu V was measured across a Au-Al2O3-GaAs metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor in a pulsed magnetic field of similar to 6 T. Several spurious voltages larger than the signal that had plagued earlier researchers performing similar experiments were carefully eliminated. The itinerant magnetic susceptibility of GaAs is extracted from the experimentally measured data for four different doping densities, including one as low as 5 x 10(15) cm(-3). Though the susceptibility in GaAs is dominated by Landau-Peierls diamagnetism, the experimental technique demonstrated can be a powerful tool for extracting the total free carrier magnetization of any electron system. The method is also virtually independent of the carrier concentration and is expected to work better in the nondegenerate limit. Such experiments had been successfully performed in two-dimensional electron gases at cryogenic temperatures. However, an unambiguous report on having observed this effect in any three-dimensional electron gas has been lacking. We highlight the 50 year old literature of various trials and discuss the key details of our experiment that were essential for its success. The technique can be used to unambiguously yield only the itinerant part of the magnetic susceptibility of complex materials such as magnetic semiconductors and hexaborides, and thus shed light on the origin of ferromagnetism in such systems.


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Cobalt integrated zinc oxide nanorod (Co-ZnO NR) array is presented as a novel heterostructure for ultraviolet (UV) photodetector (PD). Defect states in Co-ZnO NRs surface induces an enhancement in photocurrent as compared to pristine ZnO NRs PD. Presented Co-ZnO NRs PD is highly sensitive to external magnetic field that demonstrated 185.7% enhancement in response current. It is concluded that the opposite polarizations of electron and holes in the presence of external magnetic field contribute to effective separation of electron hole pairs that have drifted upon UV illumination. Moreover, Co-ZnO NRs PD shows a faster photodetection speed (1.2 s response time and 7.4 s recovery time) as compared to the pristine ZnO NRs where the response and recovery times are observed as 38 and 195 s, respectively.


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The magnetic damping effect of the non-uniform magnetic field on the floating-zone crystal growth process in microgravity is studied by numerical simulation. The results show that the non-uniform magnetic field with designed configuration can effectively reduce the flow near the free surface and then in the melt zone. At the same time, the designed magnetic field can improve the impurity concentration non-uniformity along the solidification interface. The primary principles of the magnetic field configuration design are also discussed.


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The magnetic fields produced by electrical coils are designed for damping the the thermocapillary convection in a floating half-zone in microgravity. The fields are designed specially to reduce the flow near the free surface and then in the melt zone by adjusting the longitudinal coil positions close to the melt zone. The effects of the designed magnetic fields on reducing the flow velocity and temperature distribution non-uniformity in the melt zone are stronger than those of the case of an uniform longitudinal magnetic field obtained by numerical simulation, particularly at the melt-rod interface. It brings fundamental insights into the heat and mass transfer control at the solidification interface by the magnetic field design for crystal growth by the floating full-zone method.


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The magnetic fields produced by electrical coils are designed for P-doped Si crystal growth in a floating full zone in microgravity environment. The fields are designed specially to reduce the how near the free surface and then in the melt zone by adjusting the coil positions near the melt zone. The effects of the designed magnetic fields on reducing the Row velocity and the non-uniformity of the concentration distribution in the melt zone are better than those of the case of a uniform longitudinal magnetic field, obtained by numerical simulation. It is expected to improve the radial macro-segregation and reduce the convection in the crystal growth at the same time by using the designed magnetic field.


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A set of numerical analyses for momentum and heat transfer For a 3 in. (0.075 m) diameter Liquid Encapsulant Czochralski (LEC) growth of single-crystal GaAs with or without all axial magnetic field was carried Out using the finite-element method. The analyses assume a pseudosteady axisymmetric state with laminar floats. Convective and conductive heat transfers. radiative heat transfer between diffuse surfaces and the Navier-Stokes equations for both melt and encapsulant and electric current stream function equations Cor melt and crystal Lire considered together and solved simultaneously. The effect of the thickness of encapsulant. the imposed magnetic field strength as well as the rotation rate of crystal and crucible on the flow and heat transfer were investigated. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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In this paper, a complete set of MHD equations have been solved by numerical calculations in an attempt to study the dynamical evolutionary processes of the initial equilibrium configuration and to discuss the energy storage mechanism of the solar atmosphere by shearing the magnetic field. The initial equilibrium configuration with an arch bipolar potential field obtained from the numerical solution is similar to the configuration in the vicinity of typical solar flare before its eruption. From the magnetic induction equation in the set of MHD equations and dealing with the non-linear coupling effects between the flow field and magnetic field, the quantitative relationship has been derived for their dynamical evolution. Results show that plasma shear motion at the bottom of the solar atmosphere causes the magnetic field to shear; meanwhile the magnetic field energy is stored in local regions. With the increase of time the local magnetic energy increases and it may reach an order of 4×10^25 J during a day. Thus the local storage of magnetic energy is large enough to trigger a big solar flare and can be considered as the energy source of solar flares. The energy storage mechanism by shearing the magnetic field can well explain the slow changes in solar active regions.


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The perturbation theory is applied further to the discussion of the equilibrium properties of a sunspot-like magnetic field with a strong twisted component. The basic state reduces to the usual one discussed extensively for the axisymmetric magnetostatic equilibrium with twisted component of magnetic field, and the perturbed state is described by two coupled equations. As the magnetic force-line is twisted, there is a magnetic tension in the azimuthal direction. In this case, the perturbed total pressure is no longer independent of the azimuthal variable θ, and the magnetic field in the dark penumbal fibril may be either stronger or weaker relatively.


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As an improvement of resolution of observations, more and more radio galaxies with radiojets have been identified and many fine structures in the radio jets yielded. In the presentpaper, the two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamical theory is applied to the analysis of themagnetic field configurations in the radio jefs. Two-dimensional results not only are con-sistent theoretically, but also explain the fine structures of observations. One of the theo-retical models is discussed in detail, and is in good agreement as compared with the observedradio jets of NGC6251. The results of the present paper also show that the magneticfields in the radio jets are mainly longitudinal ones and associate with the double sources ofQSOs if the magnetic field of the central object is stronger; the fields in the radio jets aremainly transverse ones and associate with the double sources of radio galaxies if the fieldof the central object is weaker. The magnetic field has great influence on the morphol-ogy and dynamic process.