990 resultados para Machines à vecteurs de support


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A new method has been developed for prediction of transmembrane helices using support vector machines. Different coding schemes of protein sequences were explored, and their performances were assessed by crossvalidation tests. The best performance method can predict the transmembrane helices with sensitivity of 93.4% and precision of 92.0%. For each predicted transmembrane segment, a score is given to show the strength of transmembrane signal and the prediction reliability. In particular, this method can distinguish transmembrane proteins from soluble proteins with an accuracy of similar to99%. This method can be used to complement current transmembrane helix prediction methods and can be Used for consensus analysis of entire proteomes . The predictor is located at http://genet.imb.uq.edu.au/predictors/ SVMtm. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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This paper presents a composite multi-layer classifier system for predicting the subcellular localization of proteins based on their amino acid sequence. The work is an extension of our previous predictor PProwler v1.1 which is itself built upon the series of predictors SignalP and TargetP. In this study we outline experiments conducted to improve the classifier design. The major improvement came from using Support Vector machines as a "smart gate" sorting the outputs of several different targeting peptide detection networks. Our final model (PProwler v1.2) gives MCC values of 0.873 for non-plant and 0.849 for plant proteins. The model improves upon the accuracy of our previous subcellular localization predictor (PProwler v1.1) by 2% for plant data (which represents 7.5% improvement upon TargetP).


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In this paper we explore the use of text-mining methods for the identification of the author of a text. We apply the support vector machine (SVM) to this problem, as it is able to cope with half a million of inputs it requires no feature selection and can process the frequency vector of all words of a text. We performed a number of experiments with texts from a German newspaper. With nearly perfect reliability the SVM was able to reject other authors and detected the target author in 60–80% of the cases. In a second experiment, we ignored nouns, verbs and adjectives and replaced them by grammatical tags and bigrams. This resulted in slightly reduced performance. Author detection with SVMs on full word forms was remarkably robust even if the author wrote about different topics.


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Natural language understanding (NLU) aims to map sentences to their semantic mean representations. Statistical approaches to NLU normally require fully-annotated training data where each sentence is paired with its word-level semantic annotations. In this paper, we propose a novel learning framework which trains the Hidden Markov Support Vector Machines (HM-SVMs) without the use of expensive fully-annotated data. In particular, our learning approach takes as input a training set of sentences labeled with abstract semantic annotations encoding underlying embedded structural relations and automatically induces derivation rules that map sentences to their semantic meaning representations. The proposed approach has been tested on the DARPA Communicator Data and achieved 93.18% in F-measure, which outperforms the previously proposed approaches of training the hidden vector state model or conditional random fields from unaligned data, with a relative error reduction rate of 43.3% and 10.6% being achieved.


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In our study we rely on a data mining procedure known as support vector machine (SVM) on the database of the first Hungarian bankruptcy model. The models constructed are then contrasted with the results of earlier bankruptcy models with the use of classification accuracy and the area under the ROC curve. In using the SVM technique, in addition to conventional kernel functions, we also examine the possibilities of applying the ANOVA kernel function and take a detailed look at data preparation tasks recommended in using the SVM method (handling of outliers). The results of the models assembled suggest that a significant improvement of classification accuracy can be achieved on the database of the first Hungarian bankruptcy model when using the SVM method as opposed to neural networks.


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This paper formulates a linear kernel support vector machine (SVM) as a regularized least-squares (RLS) problem. By defining a set of indicator variables of the errors, the solution to the RLS problem is represented as an equation that relates the error vector to the indicator variables. Through partitioning the training set, the SVM weights and bias are expressed analytically using the support vectors. It is also shown how this approach naturally extends to Sums with nonlinear kernels whilst avoiding the need to make use of Lagrange multipliers and duality theory. A fast iterative solution algorithm based on Cholesky decomposition with permutation of the support vectors is suggested as a solution method. The properties of our SVM formulation are analyzed and compared with standard SVMs using a simple example that can be illustrated graphically. The correctness and behavior of our solution (merely derived in the primal context of RLS) is demonstrated using a set of public benchmarking problems for both linear and nonlinear SVMs.


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Accurate forecasting of wind power generation is quite an important as well as challenging task for the system operators and market participants due to its high uncertainty. It is essential to quantify uncertainties associated with wind power generation forecasts for their efficient application in optimal management of wind farms and integration into power systems. Prediction intervals (PIs) are well known statistical tools which are used to quantify the uncertainty related to forecasts by estimating the ranges of the future target variables. This paper investigates the application of a novel support vector machine based methodology to directly estimate the lower and upper bounds of the PIs without expensive computational burden and inaccurate assumptions about the distribution of the data. The efficiency of the method for uncertainty quantification is examined using monthly data from a wind farm in Australia. PIs for short term application are generated with a confidence level of 90%. Experimental results confirm the ability of the method in constructing reliable PIs without resorting to complex computational methods.


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Although the hyper-plane based One-Class Support Vector Machine (OCSVM) and the hyper-spherical based Support Vector Data Description (SVDD) algorithms have been shown to be very effective in detecting outliers, their performance on noisy and unlabeled training data has not been widely studied. Moreover, only a few heuristic approaches have been proposed to set the different parameters of these methods in an unsupervised manner. In this paper, we propose two unsupervised methods for estimating the optimal parameter settings to train OCSVM and SVDD models, based on analysing the structure of the data. We show that our heuristic is substantially faster than existing parameter estimation approaches while its accuracy is comparable with supervised parameter learning methods, such as grid-search with crossvalidation on labeled data. In addition, our proposed approaches can be used to prepare a labeled data set for a OCSVM or a SVDD from unlabeled data.


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Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are widely used classifiers for detecting physiological patterns in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Their success is due to their versatility, robustness and large availability of free dedicated toolboxes. Frequently in the literature, insufficient details about the SVM implementation and/or parameters selection are reported, making it impossible to reproduce study analysis and results. In order to perform an optimized classification and report a proper description of the results, it is necessary to have a comprehensive critical overview of the application of SVM. The aim of this paper is to provide a review of the usage of SVM in the determination of brain and muscle patterns for HCI, by focusing on electroencephalography (EEG) and electromyography (EMG) techniques. In particular, an overview of the basic principles of SVM theory is outlined, together with a description of several relevant literature implementations. Furthermore, details concerning reviewed papers are listed in tables, and statistics of SVM use in the literature are presented. Suitability of SVM for HCI is discussed and critical comparisons with other classifiers are reported.


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Identifying unusual or anomalous patterns in an underlying dataset is an important but challenging task in many applications. The focus of the unsupervised anomaly detection literature has mostly been on vectorised data. However, many applications are more naturally described using higher-order tensor representations. Approaches that vectorise tensorial data can destroy the structural information encoded in the high-dimensional space, and lead to the problem of the curse of dimensionality. In this paper we present the first unsupervised tensorial anomaly detection method, along with a randomised version of our method. Our anomaly detection method, the One-class Support Tensor Machine (1STM), is a generalisation of conventional one-class Support Vector Machines to higher-order spaces. 1STM preserves the multiway structure of tensor data, while achieving significant improvement in accuracy and efficiency over conventional vectorised methods. We then leverage the theory of nonlinear random projections to propose the Randomised 1STM (R1STM). Our empirical analysis on several real and synthetic datasets shows that our R1STM algorithm delivers comparable or better accuracy to a state-of-the-art deep learning method and traditional kernelised approaches for anomaly detection, while being approximately 100 times faster in training and testing.


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This paper addresses the challenges of flood mapping using multispectral images. Quantitative flood mapping is critical for flood damage assessment and management. Remote sensing images obtained from various satellite or airborne sensors provide valuable data for this application, from which the information on the extent of flood can be extracted. However the great challenge involved in the data interpretation is to achieve more reliable flood extent mapping including both the fully inundated areas and the 'wet' areas where trees and houses are partly covered by water. This is a typical combined pure pixel and mixed pixel problem. In this paper, an extended Support Vector Machines method for spectral unmixing developed recently has been applied to generate an integrated map showing both pure pixels (fully inundated areas) and mixed pixels (trees and houses partly covered by water). The outputs were compared with the conventional mean based linear spectral mixture model, and better performance was demonstrated with a subset of Landsat ETM+ data recorded at the Daly River Basin, NT, Australia, on 3rd March, 2008, after a flood event.


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In this paper, knowledge-based approach using Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are used for estimating the coordinated zonal settings of a distance relay. The approach depends on the detailed simulation studies of apparent impedance loci as seen by distance relay during disturbance, considering various operating conditions including fault resistance. In a distance relay, the impedance loci given at the relay location is obtained from extensive transient stability studies. SVMs are used as a pattern classifier for obtaining distance relay co-ordination. The scheme utilizes the apparent impedance values observed during a fault as inputs. An improved performance with the use of SVMs, keeping the reach when faced with different fault conditions as well as system power flow changes, are illustrated with an equivalent 265 bus system of a practical Indian Western Grid.