110 resultados para MYELINATION


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Die Myelinisierung neuronaler Axone ermöglicht eine schnelle und energieeffiziente Weiterleitung von Informationen im Nervensystem. Durch lokale Synthese von Myelinproteinen kann die Myelinschicht, zeitlich und räumlich reguliert, gebildet werden. Dieser Prozess ist abhängig von verschiedensten axonalen Eigenschaften und muss damit lokal reguliert werden. Die Myelinisierung im zentralen sowie im peripheren Nervensystem hängt unter anderem stark von kleinen regulatorischen RNA Molekülen ab. In Oligodendrozyten wird das Myelin Basische Protein (MBP) von der sncRNA715 translational reguliert, indem diese direkt innerhalb der 3’UTR der Mbp mRNA bindet und damit die Proteinsynthese verhindert. Mbp mRNA wird in hnRNP A2‐enthaltenen RNA Granula in die Zellperipherie transportiert, wo in Antwort auf axonale Signale die membranständige Tyrosin‐ Kinase Fyn aktiviert wird, welche Granula‐Komponenten wie hnRNP A2 und F phosphoryliert wodurch die lokale Translation initiiert wird. Während des Transports wird die mRNA durch die Bindung der sncRNA715 translational reprimiert. SncRNAs bilden zusammen mit Argonaut‐Proteinen den microRNA induced silencing complex (miRISC), welcher die translationale Inhibition oder den Abbau von mRNAs vermittelt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte zum einen die Regulation der sncRNA715‐abhängigen translationalen Repression der Mbp mRNA in oligodendroglialen Zellen genauer untersucht werden und im zweiten Teil wurde die Rolle der sncRNA715 in den myelinbildenden Zellen des peripheren Nervensystems, den Schwann Zellen, analysiert. Es konnte in oligodendroglialen Zellen die mRNA‐Expression der vier, in Säugern bekannten Argonaut‐Proteinen nachgewiesen werden. Außerdem konnten die beiden Proteine Ago1 und Ago2 in vitro sowie in vivo detektiert werden. Ago2 interagiert mit hnRNP A2, Mbp mRNA und sncRNA715, womit es als neue Komponente des Mbp mRNA Transportgranulas identifiziert werden konnte. Des Weiteren colokalisiert Ago2 mit der Fyn‐Kinase und alle vier Argonaut‐Proteine werden Fyn‐abhängig Tyrosin‐phosphoryliert. Die Fyn‐abhängige Phosphorylierung der Granula‐Komponenten in Antwort auf axo‐glialen Kontakt führt zum Zerfall des RNA‐Granulas und zur gesteigerten MBP Proteinsynthese. Dies wird möglicherweise durch Abstoßungskräfte der negativ geladenen phosphorylierten Proteine vermittelt, wodurch diese sich voneinander und von der mRNA entfernen. Durch die Ablösung des miRISCs von der Mbp mRNA wird die Translation möglicherweise reaktiviert und die Myelinisierung kann starten. Mit der Identifizierung von Ago2 als neuer Mbp mRNA Transportgranula‐Komponente konnte ein weiterer Einblick in die Regulation der lokalen Translation von MBP gewährt werden. Das Verständnis dieses Prozesses ist entscheidend für die Entwicklung neuer Therapien von demyelinisierenden Erkrankungen, da neue Faktoren als eventuelle Ziele für pharmakologische Manipulationen identifiziert und möglichweise neue Therapiemöglichkeiten entstehen könnten. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde die translationale Regulation von Mbp mRNA in Schwann Zellen untersucht. Auch Schwann Zell‐Mbp wird als mRNA translational inaktiviert zur axo‐glialen Kontaktstelle transportiert, wo vermutlich auch lokale Translation in Antwort auf spezifische Signale stattfindet. Allerdings bleiben die genauen Mechanismen der mRNA‐Lokalisation und damit verbundenen translationalen Repression bislang ungeklärt. Es konnte hier gezeigt werden, dass auch in Schwann Zellen die sncRNA715 exprimiert wird und die Translation von Mbp reguliert. Überexpression der synthetischen sncRNA715 führt zu einer signifikanten Reduktion der MBP Proteinmengen in differenzierten primären Schwann Zellen. Damit kann vermutet werden, dass die Regulation der lokalen MBP Proteinsynthese in Schwann Zellen der in Oligodendrozyten ähnelt


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Congenital peripheral nerve hyperexcitability (PNH) is usually associated with impaired function of voltage-gated K(+) channels (VGKCs) in neuromyotonia and demyelination in peripheral neuropathies. Schwartz-Jampel syndrome (SJS) is a form of PNH that is due to hypomorphic mutations of perlecan, the major proteoglycan of basement membranes. Schwann cell basement membrane and its cell receptors are critical for the myelination and organization of the nodes of Ranvier. We therefore studied a mouse model of SJS to determine whether a role for perlecan in these functions could account for PNH when perlecan is lacking. We revealed a role for perlecan in the longitudinal elongation and organization of myelinating Schwann cells because perlecan-deficient mice had shorter internodes, more numerous Schmidt-Lanterman incisures, and increased amounts of internodal fast VGKCs. Perlecan-deficient mice did not display demyelination events along the nerve trunk but developed dysmyelination of the preterminal segment associated with denervation processes at the neuromuscular junction. Investigating the excitability properties of the peripheral nerve suggested a persistent axonal depolarization during nerve firing in vitro, most likely due to defective K(+) homeostasis, and excluded the nerve trunk as the original site for PNH. Altogether, our data shed light on perlecan function by revealing critical roles in Schwann cell physiology and suggest that PNH in SJS originates distally from synergistic actions of peripheral nerve and neuromuscular junction changes.


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Classical schizophrenia literature reports motor symptoms as characteristic of the disorder. After the introduction of neuroleptic drugs, the existence of genuine motor disorders was challenged. Renewed interest arose as symptoms were found in never-medicated patients. Reports focused on abnormal involuntary movements, parkinsonism, neurological soft signs, catatonia, negative symptoms, or psychomotor slowing. Since these syndromes refer to different concepts, however, the definitions are not congruent and the symptoms overlap. The prevalence rates of motor symptoms in schizophrenia are surprisingly high, and recent studies indicate a possible pathobiology. In particular, the development and maturation of the human motor system appears to be closely linked to the emergence of motor symptoms observed in schizophrenia. Post-mortem and neuroimaging results demonstrated aberrant structure and function of premotor and motor cortices, basal ganglia, thalamus, and the connecting white matter tracts. Animal models have focused on aberrant neurotransmission and genetic contributions. Findings of localized abnormal oligodendrocyte function and myelination point to the special role of the white matter in schizophrenia, and recent studies specifically found an association between motor abnormalities and white matter structure in schizophrenia. This review of the literature supports the idea that motor symptoms are closely related to the neurodevelopmental disturbances of schizophrenia and a distinct syndromal dimension with its own pathophysiology.


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BACKGROUND: Cortical gray matter thinning occurs during childhood due to pruning of inefficient synaptic connections and an increase in myelination. Preterms show alterations in brain structure, with prolonged maturation of the frontal lobes, smaller cortical volumes and reduced white matter volume. These findings give rise to the question if there is a differential influence of age on cortical thinning in preterms compared to controls. AIMS: To investigate the relationship between age and cortical thinning in school-aged preterms compared to controls. STUDY DESIGN AND OUTCOME MEASURES: The automated surface reconstruction software FreeSurfer was applied to obtain measurements of cortical thickness based on T1-weighted MRI images. SUBJECTS: Forty-one preterms (<32weeks gestational age and/or <1500g birth weight) and 30 controls were included in the study (7-12years). RESULTS: In preterms, age correlated negatively with cortical thickness in right frontal, parietal and inferior temporal regions. Furthermore, young preterms showed a thicker cortex compared to old preterms in bilateral frontal, parietal and temporal regions. In controls, age was not associated with cortical thickness. CONCLUSION: In preterms, cortical thinning still seems to occur between the age of 7 and 12years, mainly in frontal and parietal areas whereas in controls, a substantial part of cortical thinning appears to be completed before they reach the age of 7years. These data indicate slower cortical thinning in preterms than in controls.


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White matter connects different brain areas and applies electrical insulation to the neuron’s axons with myelin sheaths in order to enable quick signal transmission. Due to its modulatory properties in signal conduction, white matter plays an essential role in learning, cognition and psychiatric disorders (Fields, 2008a). In respect thereof, the non-invasive investigation of white matter anatomy and function in vivo provides the unique opportunity to explore the most complex organ of our body. Thus, the present thesis aimed to apply a multimodal neuroimaging approach to investigate different white matter properties in psychiatric and healthy populations. On the one hand, white matter microstructural properties were investigated in a psychiatric population; on the other hand, white matter metabolic properties were assessed in healthy adults providing basic information about the brain’s wiring entity. As a result, three research papers are presented here. The first paper assessed the microstructural properties of white matter in relation to a frequent epidemiologic finding in schizophrenia. As a result, reduced white matter integrity was observed in patients born in summer and autumn compared to patients born in winter and spring. Despite the large genetic basis of schizophrenia, accumulating evidence indicates that environmental exposures may be implicated in the development of schizophrenia (A. S. Brown, 2011). Notably, epidemiologic studies have shown a 5–8% excess of births during winter and spring for patients with schizophrenia on the Northern Hemisphere at higher latitudes (Torrey, Miller, Rawlings, & Yolken, 1997). Although the underlying mechanisms are unclear, the seasonal birth effect may indicate fluctuating environmental risk factors for schizophrenia. Thus, exposure to harmful factors during foetal development may result in the activation of pathologic neural circuits during adolescence or young adulthood, increasing the risk of schizophrenia (Fatemi & Folsom, 2009). While white matter development starts during the foetal period and continues until adulthood, its major development is accomplished by the age of two years (Brody, Kinney, Kloman, & Gilles, 1987; Huang et al., 2009). This indicates a vulnerability period of white matter that may coincide with the fluctuating environmental risk factors for schizophrenia. Since microstructural alterations of white matter in schizophrenia are frequently observed, the current study provided evidence for the neurodevelopmental hypothesis of schizophrenia. In the second research paper, the perfusion of white matter showed a positive correlation between white matter microstructure and its perfusion with blood across healthy adults. This finding was in line with clinical studies indicating a tight coupling between cerebral perfusion and WM health across subjects (Amann et al., 2012; Chen, Rosas, & Salat, 2013; Kitagawa et al., 2009). Although relatively little is known about the metabolic properties of white matter, different microstructural properties, such as axon diameter and myelination, might be coupled with the metabolic demand of white matter. Furthermore, the ability to detect perfusion signal in white matter was in accordance with a recent study showing that technical improvements, such as pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling, enabled the reliable detection of white matter perfusion signal (van Osch et al., 2009). The third paper involved a collaboration within the same department to assess the interrelation between functional connectivity networks and their underlying structural connectivity.


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Objective: Cortical gray matter thinning takes place during childhood due to pruning of inefficient synaptic connections and an increase in myelination. Alterations in brain structure occur in very preterm born children with prolonged maturation of the frontal lobes and smaller cortical and white matter volume. These findings give rise to the question if age affects cortical thinning differently in very preterm born children compared to controls. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between age and cortical thickness in very preterm born children when compared to controls. Participants and Methods: Forty-one very preterm born children (<32 weeks gestational age and/or < 1500 gram birth weight) and 30term born controls were included in the study (7-12 years). The automated surface reconstruction software FreeSurfer was applied to obtain measurements of cortical thickness based on T1-weighted MRI images. Results: Cortical thickness was lower in bilateral frontal and left parietal regions and higher in left temporal gyri in very preterm born children compared to controls. However, these differences depended on age. In very preterm born children, age correlated negatively with cortical thickness in right frontal, parietal and inferior temporal regions. Accordingly, cortical thickness was higher in young compared to old very preterm born children in bilateral frontal, parietal and temporal regions. In controls, age was not associated with cortical thickness. Conclusions: In very preterm born children, cortical thinning still occurs between the age of 7 and 12 years, mainly in frontal and parietal areas. In controls, however, a substantial part of cortical thinning appears to be completed in these regions before they reach the age of 7 years. These data indicate a delay in cortical thinning in very preterm born children.


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Background: Cortical gray matter thinning occurs during childhood due to pruning of inefficient synaptic connections and an increase in myelination. Preterms show alterations in brain structure, with prolonged maturation of the frontal lobes, smaller cortical volumes and reduced white matter volume. These findings give rise to the question if there is a differential influence of age on cortical thinning in preterms compared to controls. Aims: To investigate the relationship between age and cortical thickness in preterms when compared to controls. Study design and outcome measures: The automated surface reconstruction software FreeSurfer was applied to obtain measurements of cortical thickness based on T1-weighted MRI images. Subjects: Forty-one preterms (< 32 weeks gestational age and/or < 1500 gram birth weight) and 30 controls were included in the study (7-12 years). Results: Cortical thickness was lower in bilateral frontal and left parietal regions and higher in left temporal gyri in preterms compared to controls. However, these differences depended on age. In preterms, age correlated negatively with cortical thickness in right frontal, parietal and inferior temporal regions. Accordingly, cortical thickness was higher in young compared to old preterms in bilateral frontal, parietal and temporal regions. In controls, age was not associated with cortical thickness. Conclusion: In preterms, cortical thinning still seems to occur between the age of 7 and 12 years, mainly in frontal and parietal areas whereas in controls, a substantial part of cortical thinning appears to be completed before they reach the age of 7 years. These data indicate slower cortical thinning in preterms than in controls.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE We evaluated cerebral white and gray matter changes in patients with iRLS in order to shed light on the pathophysiology of this disease. METHODS Twelve patients with iRLS were compared to 12 age- and sex-matched controls using whole-head diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and voxel-based morphometry (VBM) techniques. Evaluation of the DTI scans included the voxelwise analysis of the fractional anisotropy (FA), radial diffusivity (RD), and axial diffusivity (AD). RESULTS Diffusion tensor imaging revealed areas of altered FA in subcortical white matter bilaterally, mainly in temporal regions as well as in the right internal capsule, the pons, and the right cerebellum. These changes overlapped with changes in RD. Voxel-based morphometry did not reveal any gray matter alterations. CONCLUSIONS We showed altered diffusion properties in several white matter regions in patients with iRLS. White matter changes could mainly be attributed to changes in RD, a parameter thought to reflect altered myelination. Areas with altered white matter microstructure included areas in the internal capsule which include the corticospinal tract to the lower limbs, thereby supporting studies that suggest changes in sensorimotor pathways associated with RLS.


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BACKGROUND White matter (WM) fibers connect different brain regions and are critical for proper brain function. However, little is known about the cerebral blood flow in WM and its relation to WM microstructure. Recent improvements in measuring cerebral blood flow (CBF) by means of arterial spin labeling (ASL) suggest that the signal in white matter may be detected. Its implications for physiology needs to be extensively explored. For this purpose, CBF and its relation to anisotropic diffusion was analyzed across subjects on a voxel-wise basis with tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) and also across white matter tracts within subjects. METHODS Diffusion tensor imaging and ASL were acquired in 43 healthy subjects (mean age = 26.3 years). RESULTS CBF in WM was observed to correlate positively with fractional anisotropy across subjects in parts of the splenium of corpus callosum, the right posterior thalamic radiation (including the optic radiation), the forceps major, the right inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, the right inferior longitudinal fasciculus and the right superior longitudinal fasciculus. Furthermore, radial diffusivity correlated negatively with CBF across subjects in similar regions. Moreover, CBF and FA correlated positively across white matter tracts within subjects. CONCLUSION The currently observed findings on a macroscopic level might reflect the metabolic demand of white matter on a microscopic level involving myelination processes or axonal function. However, the exact underlying physiological mechanism of this relationship needs further evaluation.


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The signal transduction and activation of RNA (STAR) family of RNA-binding proteins, whose members are evolutionarily conserved from yeast to humans, are important for a number of developmental decisions. For example, in the mouse, quaking proteins (QKI-5, QKI-6, and QKI-7) are essential for embryogenesis and myelination , whereas a closely related protein in Caenorhabditis elegans, germline defective-1 (GLD-1), is necessary for germ-line development. Recently, GLD-1 was found to be a translational repressor that acts through regulatory elements, called TGEs (for tra-2 and GLI elements), present in the 3′ untranslated region of the sex-determining gene tra-2. This gene promotes female development, and repression of tra-2 translation by TGEs is necessary for the male cell fates. The finding that GLD-1 inhibits tra-2 translation raises the possibility that other STAR family members act by a similar mechanism to control gene activity. Here we demonstrate, both in vitro and in vivo, that QKI-6 functions in the same manner as GLD-1 and can specifically bind to TGEs to repress translation of reporter constructs containing TGEs. In addition, expression of QKI-6 in C. elegans wild-type hermaphrodites or in hermaphrodites that are partially masculinized by a loss-of-function mutation in the sex-determining gene tra-3 results in masculinization of somatic tissues, consistent with QKI-6 repressing the activity of tra-2. These results strongly suggest that QKI-6 may control gene activity by operating through TGEs to regulate translation. In addition, our data support the hypothesis that other STAR family members may also be TGE-dependent translational regulators.


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The lipid bilayer of the myelin membrane of the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) contains the oligodendrocyte- and Schwann cell-specific glycosphingolipids galactocerebrosides (GalC) and GalC-derived sulfatides (sGalC). We have generated a UDP-galactose ceramide galactosyltransferase (CGT) null mutant mouse (cgt−/−) with CNS and PNS myelin completely depleted of GalC and derived sGalC. Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells are unable to restore the structure and function of these galactosphingolipids to maintain the insulator function of the membrane bilayer. The velocity of nerve conduction of homozygous cgt−/− mice is reduced to that of unmyelinated axons. This indicates a severely altered ion permeability of the lipid bilayer. GalC and sGalC are essential for the unperturbed lipid bilayer of the myelin membrane of CNS and PNS. The severe dysmyelinosis leads to death of the cgt−/− mouse at the end of the myelination period.


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We present evidence that the microtubule-associated protein tau is present in oligodendrocytes (OLGs), the central nervous system cells that make myelin. By showing that tau is distributed in a pattern similar to that of myelin basic protein, our results suggest a possible involvement of tau in some aspect of myelination. Tau protein has been identified in OLGs in situ and in vitro. In interfascicular OLGs, tau localization, revealed by monoclonal antibody Tau-5, was confined to the cell somata. However, in cultured ovine OLGs with an exuberant network of processes, tau was detected in cell somata, cellular processes, and membrane expansions at the tips of these processes. Moreover, in such cultures, tau appeared localized adjacent to or coincident with myelin basic protein in membrane expansions along and at the ends of the cellular processes. The presence of tau mRNA was documented using fluorescence in situ hybridization. The distribution of the tau mRNA was similar to that of the tau protein. Western blot analysis of cultured OLGs showed the presence of many tau isoforms. Together, these results demonstrate that tau is a genuine oligodendrocyte protein and pave the way for determining its functional role in these cells.


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NGFI-A (also called Egr1, Zif268, or Krox24) and the closely related proteins Krox20, NGFI-C, and Egr3 are zinc-finger transcription factors encoded by immediate-early genes which are induced by a wide variety of extracellular stimuli. NGFI-A has been implicated in cell proliferation, macrophage differentiation, synaptic activation, and long-term potentiation, whereas Krox20 is critical for proper hindbrain segmentation and peripheral nerve myelination. In previous work, a structure/function analysis of NGFI-A revealed a 34-aa inhibitory domain that was hypothesized to be the target of a cellular factor that represses NGFI-A transcriptional activity. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we have isolated a cDNA clone which encodes a protein that interacts with this inhibitory domain and inhibits the ability of NGFI-A to activate transcription. This NGFI-A-binding protein, NAB1, is a 570-aa nuclear protein that bears no obvious sequence homology to known proteins. NAB1 also represses Krox20 activity, but it does not influence Egr3 or NGFI-G, thus providing a mechanism for the differential regulation of this family of immediate-early transcription factors.


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Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2, a trans-acting factor that mediates intracellular trafficking of myelin basic protein (MBP) mRNA to the myelin compartment in oligodendrocytes, is most abundant in the nucleus, but shuttles between the nucleus and cytoplasm. In the cytoplasm, it is associated with granules that transport mRNA from the cell body to the processes of oligodendrocytes. We found that the overall level of hnRNP A2 increased in oligodendrocytes as they differentiated into MBIP-positive cells, and that this augmentation was reflected primarily in the cytoplasmic pool of hnRNP A2 present in the form of granules. The extranuclear distribution of hnRNP A2 was also observed in brain during the period of myelination in vivo. Methylation and phosphorylation have been implicated previously in the nuclear to cytoplasmic distribution of hnRNPs, so we used drugs that block methylation and phosphorylation of hnRNPs to assess their effect on hnRNP A2 distribution and mRNA trafficking. Cultures treated with adenosine dialdehyde (AdOx), an inhibitor of S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase, or with 5,6-dichloro-1-beta-D-ribofuranosylbenzimidazole (DRB), a drug that inhibits casein kinase 2 (CK2), maintained the preferential nuclear distribution of hnRNP A2. Treatment with either drug affected the transport of RNA trafficking granules that remained confined to the cell body. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Alcohol dependence is characterized by tolerance, physical dependence, and craving. The neuroadaptations underlying these effects of chronic alcohol abuse are likely due to altered gene expression. Previous gene expression studies using human post-mortem brain demonstrated that several gene families were altered by alcohol abuse. However, most of these changes in gene expression were small. It is not clear if gene expression profiles have sufficient power to discriminate control from alcoholic individuals and how consistent gene expression changes are when a relatively large sample size is examined. In the present study, microarray analysis (similar to 47 000 elements) was performed on the superior frontal cortex of 27 individual human cases ( 14 well characterized alcoholics and 13 matched controls). A partial least squares statistical procedure was applied to identify genes with altered expression levels in alcoholics. We found that genes involved in myelination, ubiquitination, apoptosis, cell adhesion, neurogenesis, and neural disease showed altered expression levels. Importantly, genes involved in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease were significantly altered suggesting a link between alcoholism and other neurodegenerative conditions. A total of 27 genes identified in this study were previously shown to be changed by alcohol abuse in previous studies of human post-mortem brain. These results revealed a consistent re-programming of gene expression in alcohol abusers that reliably discriminates alcoholic from non-alcoholic individuals.