218 resultados para MSCS
Articular lesions are still a major challenge in orthopedics because of cartilage's poor healing properties. A major improvement in therapeutics was the development of autologous chondrocytes implantation (ACI), a biotechnology-derived technique that delivers healthy autologous chondrocytes after in vitro expansion. To obtain cartilage-like tissue, 3D scaffolds are essential to maintain chondrocyte differentiated status. Currently, bioactive 3D scaffolds are promising as they can deliver growth factors, cytokines, and hormones to the cells, giving them a boost to attach, proliferate, induce protein synthesis, and differentiate. Using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) differentiated into chondrocytes, one can avoid cartilage harvesting. Thus, we investigated the potential use of a platelet-lysate-based 3D bioactive scaffold to support chondrogenic differentiation and maintenance of MSCs. The MSCs from adult rabbit bone marrow (n=5) were cultivated and characterized using three antibodies by flow cytometry. MSCs (1×105) were than encapsulated inside 60μl of a rabbit platelet-lysate clot scaffold and maintained in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium Nutrient Mixture F-12 supplemented with chondrogenic inductors. After 21 days, the MSCs-seeded scaffolds were processed for histological analysis and stained with toluidine blue. This scaffold was able to maintain round-shaped cells, typical chondrocyte metachromatic extracellular matrix deposition, and isogenous group formation. Cells accumulated inside lacunae and cytoplasm lipid droplets were other observed typical chondrocyte features. In conclusion, the usage of a platelet-lysate bioactive scaffold, associated with a suitable chondrogenic culture medium, supports MSCs chondrogenesis. As such, it offers an alternative tool for cartilage engineering research and ACI. © 2013 Informa UK Ltd.
The aim of this study was to isolate, culture, and characterize mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from horse bone marrow (BM) using the techniques of flow cytometry, immunocytochemistry, cytogenetics, and electron microscopy. Immunophenotypic analysis revealed the presence of MSCs with high expression of the CD90 marker, lower expression of the CD44 marker, and absent expression of the CD34 marker. In assays of differentiation, the positive response to osteogenic (OST), chondrogenic (CDG), and adipogenic (ADP) differentiation signals was observed and characterized by deposition of calcium-rich extracellular matrix (OST), proteoglycans and collagen II (CDG) and intracellular deposition of fat drops (ADP). In immunocytochemical characterization, MSCs were immunopositive for CD44, vimentin, and PCNA, and they were negative for CD13. In the ultrastructural analysis of MSCs, the most outstanding characteristic was the presence of rough endoplasmic reticulum with very dilated cisterns filled with a low electrodensity material. Additionally, MSCs had normal karyotypes (2n=64) as evidenced by cytogenetic analysis, and aneuploidy in metaphase was not observed. The protocols for isolating, culturing, and characterizing equine MSCs used in this study were shown to be appropriate for the production of a cell population with a good potential for differentiation and without aneuploidy that can be used to study future cellular therapies. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Background: Cardiovascular diseases remain leaders as the major causes of mortality in Western society. Restoration of the circulation through construction of bypass surgical treatment is regarded as the gold standard treatment of peripheral vascular diseases, and grafts are necessary for this purpose. The great saphenous vein is often not available and synthetic grafts have their limitations. Therefore, new techniques to produce alternative grafts have been developed and, in this sense, tissue engineering is a promising alternative to provide biocompatible grafts. This study objective was to reconstruct the endothelium layer of decellularized vein scaffolds, using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and growth factors obtained from platelets. Methods: Fifteen nonpregnant female adult rabbits were used for all experiments. Adipose tissue and vena cava were obtained and subjected to MSCs isolation and tissue decellularization, respectively. MSCs were subjected to differentiation using endothelial inductor growth factor (EIGF) obtained from human platelet lysates. Immunofluorescence, histological and immunohistochemical analyses were employed for the final characterization of the obtained blood vessel substitute. Results: The scaffolds were successfully decellularized with sodium dodecyl sulfate. MSCs actively adhered at the scaffolds, and through stimulation with EIGF were differentiated into functional endothelial cells, secreting significantly higher quantities of von Willebrand factor (0.85 μg/mL; P < .05) than cells cultivated under the same conditions, without EIGF (0.085 μg/mL). Cells with evident morphologic characteristics of endothelium were seen at the lumen of the scaffolds. These cells also stained positive for fascin protein, which is highly expressed by differentiated endothelial cells. Conclusions: Taken together, the use of decellularized bioscaffold and subcutaneous MSCs seems to be a potential approach to obtain bioengineered blood vessels, in the presence of EIGF supplementation. © 2013 Society for Vascular Surgery.
In this study, in vitro cytocompatibility was investigated in the Ti-30Ta alloy after two kinds of surfaces treatments: alkaline and biomimetic treatment. Each condition was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy/energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Cellular adhesion, viability, protein expression, morphology, and differentiation were evaluated with Bone marrow stromal cells (MSCs) to investigate the short and long-term cellular response by fluorescence microscope imaging and colorimetric assays techniques. Two treatments exhibited similar results with respect to total protein content and enzyme activity as compared with alloy without treatment. However, it was observed improved of the biomineralization, bone matrix formation, enzyme activity, and MSCs functionality after biomimetic treatment. These results indicate that the biomimetic surface treatment has a high potential for enhanced osseointegration. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A produção in vitro de embriões (PIV) é uma biotecnologia utilizada para aumentar o potencial reprodutivo de animais geneticamente superiores, os embriões produzidos in vitro são de qualidade inferior aos produzidos in vivo, por isso técnicas tentam melhorar os índices de embriões produzidos in vitro. Uma técnica é o sistema de co-cultivo com células somáticas que removem metabólitos tóxicos e protegem contra o stress oxidativo. As células-tronco mesenquimais derivadas de tecido adiposo (CTA) são células multipotentes que segregam fatores de crescimento e citocinas. As células-tronco foram utilizadas em co-cultivo in vitro de embriões bovinos em diferentes concentrações com o objetivo de melhorar o protocolo de PIVE. CTAs foram submetidas à diferenciação em três linhagens mesenquimais, e foi realizada a imunofenotipagem de marcadores específicos de membrana das CTMs. A taxa de clivagem foi avaliada no segundo dia após a fertilização e taxa de blastocistos no sétimo dia, quando foram armazenados para contagem do número total de células e expressão gênica. Os resultados foram analisados por ANOVA, Teste-t e pós-teste de Fisher, adotando um nível de significância de 5%. O tratamento do co-cultivo com CTAs influenciou significativamente a formação de blastocisto, o número total de células de embriões e a expressão gênica correlacionada a pluripotência e metabolismo de carboidratos. Estes resultados mostraram aumento da taxa de produção e qualidade dos embriões produzidos in vitro em co-cultivo com CTAs em relação ao co-cultivo com células da granulosa. Os resultados deste trabalho indicam também que a presença constante de CTAs em co-cultivo é superior ao condicionamento com CTAs. Os efeitos verificados das CTAs podem ocorrer através de fatores solúveis ou via exossomos secretados pelas CTAs. Estudos futuros são necessários para esclarecer a possível via causadora dos efeitos positivos verificados neste trabalho pelas CTAs em co-cultivo.