140 resultados para MP2


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We present a systematic investigation of the nature and strength of the hydrogen bonding in HX···HX and CH3X…HX (X = Br, Cl and F) dimers using ab initio MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ calculations in the framework of the quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) and electron localisation functions (ELFs) methods. The electron density of the complexes has been characterised, and the hydrogen bonding energy, as well as the QTAIM and ELF parameters, is consistent, providing deep insight into the origin of the hydrogen bonding in these complexes. It was found that in both linear and angular HX…HX and CH3X…HX dimers, F atoms form stronger HB than Br and Cl, but they need short (∼2 Å) X…HX contacts.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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RATIONALE: Oxazolines have attracted the attention of researchers worldwide due to their versatility as carboxylic acid protecting groups, chiral auxiliaries, and ligands for asymmetric catalysis. Electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometric (ESI-MS/MS) analysis of five 2-oxazoline derivatives has been conducted, in order to understand the influence of the side chain on the gas-phase dissociation of these protonated compounds under collision-induced dissociation (CID) conditions. METHODS: Mass spectrometric analyses were conducted in a quadrupole time-of-flight (Q-TOF) spectrometer fitted with electrospray ionization source. Protonation sites have been proposed on the basis of the gas-phase basicity, proton affinity, atomic charges, and a molecular electrostatic potential map obtained on the basis of the quantum chemistry calculations at the B3LYP/6-31 + G(d, p) and G2(MP2) levels. RESULTS: Analysis of the atomic charges, gas-phase basicity and proton affinities values indicates that the nitrogen atom is a possible proton acceptor site. On the basis of these results, two main fragmentation processes have been suggested: one taking place via neutral elimination of the oxazoline moiety (99 u) and another occurring by sequential elimination of neutral fragments with 72 u and 27 u. These processes should lead to formation of R+. CONCLUSIONS: The ESI-MS/MS experiments have shown that the side chain could affect the dissociation mechanism of protonated 2-oxazoline derivatives. For the compound that exhibits a hydroxyl at the lateral chain, water loss has been suggested to happen through an E2-type elimination, in an exothermic step. Copyright (C) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Rayleigh optical activities of small hydrogen-bonded methanol clusters containing two to five molecules are reported. For the methanol trimer, tetramer, and pentamer both cyclic and linear structures are considered. After the geometry optimizations, the dipole moments and the dipole polarizabilities (mean, interaction, and anisotropic components) are calculated using HF, MP2 and DFT (B3LYP, B3P86 and BH&HLYP) with aug-cc-pVDZ extended basis set. The polarizabilities are used to analyse the depolarization ratios and the Rayleigh scattering activities. The variations in the activity and in the depolarization for Rayleigh scattered radiation with the increase in the cluster size for both cyclic and linear structures are analysed.


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There is a continuous search for theoretical methods that are able to describe the effects of the liquid environment on molecular systems. Different methods emphasize different aspects, and the treatment of both the local and bulk properties is still a great challenge. In this work, the electronic properties of a water molecule in liquid environment is studied by performing a relaxation of the geometry and electronic distribution using the free energy gradient method. This is made using a series of steps in each of which we run a purely molecular mechanical (MM) Monte Carlo Metropolis simulation of liquid water and subsequently perform a quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) calculation of the ensemble averages of the charge distribution, atomic forces, and second derivatives. The MP2/aug-cc-pV5Z level is used to describe the electronic properties of the QM water. B3LYP with specially designed basis functions are used for the magnetic properties. Very good agreement is found for the local properties of water, such as geometry, vibrational frequencies, dipole moment, dipole polarizability, chemical shift, and spin-spin coupling constants. The very good performance of the free energy method combined with a QM/MM approach along with the possible limitations are briefly discussed.


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The Musa germplasm collection at Embrapa Cassava and Fruits detains accessions from different sections of the Musa genus. The objective of the present study was to identify and morphologically characterize banana accessions from the banana germplasm with ornamental potential, as well as to quantify their genetic variability; and identify possible progenitors to be used in breeding aiming to achieve ornamental crossbreeds. The accessions were evaluated with the use of 32 morphological descriptors. Then, they were the following grouped into categories: landscape plants, cut flower, potted plants, and male inflorescence minifruits. The pre-selected accessions presented great genetic variability and ornamental potential for different uses. The accessions of the Rhodochlamys and Callimusa sections were selected to be used as landscape plants, cut flowers, potted plants, male inflorescence and minifruits. Most of the diploids from the Eumusa section evaluated in this study are indicated for the production of ornamental minifruits, except for 'Lidi' and Cici, which can also be indicated as landscape plants. The BB diploids have great potential for the use of the male inflorescence in floral arrangements, and did not offer any other indication.


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The ornamental market is dynamic and demands constant novelties. The use of fruit crops as ornamental plants can be an interesting alternative with very differentiated and original products. The banana germplasm bank at Embrapa Cassava and Fruits has been primarily used in the breeding program for generating new cultivars as food. To diversify and expand the use of this collection, accessions with ornamental potential have been selected to obtain new hybrids. This work was aimed at characterizing the progeny of ornamental Musa L. spp. by grouping the hybrids according to the following uses: landscape plants, potted plants, cut flower, or minifruits. Forty-two hybrids were evaluated with 14 quantitative and 12 qualitative descriptors in three production cycles. In addition, assays for resistance to black and yellow Sigatoka and to Fusarium wilt were performed. Variability was observed for all the characteristics evaluated within progenies, especially with regard to leaf color, fruit, peduncle, rachis, and heart. All evaluated hybrids were resistant to yellow Sigatoka and to Fusarium wilt and were resistant or showed reduced symptoms of susceptibility to black Sigatoka. Most hybrids (82%) presented reduced plant height. After clustering by use category, the hybrids RM 09, RM 38, RM 37, and RM 33 were selected and recommended to be used as cut flowers, minifruits, or landscaping plants.


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Some cyanopolyynes, HCnN (n = 1, 3, ... , 17), are investigated by means of calculations at the MP2/cc-pVTZ and CCSD/cc-pVDZ levels. Although the MP2/cc-pVTZ results for geometries and molecular dipole moments are encouraging, the CCSD/cc-pVDZ level was superior for the study of infrared fundamental intensities. The main bands are also analyzed with a charge-charge flux-dipole flux (CCFDF) partition model based on quantities given by the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM). The intensity of vibrations corresponding to the stretching of CH bonds (3471-3473 cm(-1)) increases in line with the number of carbon atoms (from 61 to 146 km mol(-1) between HCN and HC13N). This increase is due to the charge flux contribution while the other contributions remain roughly unaltered except for HCN. Moreover, the hydrogen atom loses an almost constant amount of electronic charge during the CH bond enlargement and a small fraction of this charge spreads to atoms farther and farther away from hydrogen as the molecule size increases. The band associated with the doubly degenerate CH bending vibrations (643-732 cm(-1)) presents approximately the same intensity in all the studied cyanopolyynes (from 67 to 76 km mol(-1)). The CCFDF/QTAIM contributions are also nearly the same for these bending modes in HC5N and larger systems. The intensity of the mode mostly identified as CN stretching (around 2378-2399 cm(-1) except for HCN) increases from HCN up to HC7N (from 0.3 to 83 km mol(-1)) and nearly stabilizes around 80-90 km mol(-1) for larger systems. The CCFDF/QTAIM contributions for this mode also change significantly up to HC7N and remain almost constant in larger systems. We also observed the appearing of a very relevant band between 2283 and 2342 cm(-1). This mode is mainly associated with the symmetric stretching of CC triple bonds near the molecule center and exhibits large charge fluxes while the other contributions are almost negligible in the largest cyanopolyynes. The two vibrational bands associated with the smallest frequencies are also studied and extrapolation equations are suggested to predict their positions in larger cyanopolyynes. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this retrospective radiographic study was to analyze the thickness of the facial bone wall at teeth in the anterior maxilla based on cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images, since this anatomical structure is important for the selection of an appropriate treatment approach in patients undergoing postextraction implant placement. A total of 125 CBCT scans met the inclusion criteria, resulting in a sample size of 498 teeth. The thickness of the facial bone wall in the respective sagittal scans was measured perpendicular to the long axis of the tooth at two locations: at the crest level (4 mm apical to the cementoenamel junction; MP1) and at the middle of the root (MP2). No existing bone wall was found in 25.7% of all teeth at MP1 and in 10.0% at MP2. The majority of the examined teeth exhibited a thin facial bone wall (< 1 mm; 62.9% at MP1, 80.1% at MP2). A thick bone wall (? 1 mm) was found in only 11.4% of all examined teeth at MP1 and 9.8% at MP2. There was a statistically significant decrease in facial bone wall thickness from the first premolars to the central incisors. The facial bone wall in the crestal area of teeth in the anterior maxilla was either missing or thin in roughly 90.0% of patients. Both a missing and thin facial wall require simultaneous contour augmentation at implant placement because of the well-documented bone resorption that occurs at a thin facial bone wall following tooth extraction. Consequently, radiographic analysis of the facial bone wall using CBCT prior to extraction is recommended for selection of the appropriate treatment approach.


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The nature of vibrational anharmonicity has been examined for the case of small water clusters using second-order vibrational perturbation theory (VPT2) applied on second-order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) potential energy surfaces. Using a training set of 16 water clusters (H2O)n=2–6,8,9 with a total of 723 vibrational modes, we determined scaling factors that map the harmonic frequencies onto anharmonic ones. The intermolecular modes were found to be substantially more anharmonic than intramolecular bending and stretching modes. Due to the varying levels of anharmonicity of the intermolecular and intramolecular modes, different frequency scaling factors for each region were necessary to achieve the highest accuracy. Furthermore, new scaling factors for zero-point vibrational energies (ZPVE) and vibrational corrections to the enthalpy (ΔHvib) and the entropy (Svib) have been determined. All the scaling factors reported in this study are different from previous works in that they are intended for hydrogen-bonded systems, while others were built using experimental frequencies of covalently bonded systems. An application of our scaling factors to the vibrational frequencies of water dimer and thermodynamic functions of 11 larger water clusters highlights the importance of anharmonic effects in hydrogen-bonded systems.


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For (H2O)n where n = 1–10, we used a scheme combining molecular dynamics sampling with high level ab initio calculations to locate the global and many low lying local minima for each cluster. For each isomer, we extrapolated the RI-MP2 energies to their complete basis set limit, included a CCSD(T) correction using a smaller basis set and added finite temperature corrections within the rigid-rotor-harmonic-oscillator (RRHO) model using scaled and unscaled harmonic vibrational frequencies. The vibrational scaling factors were determined specifically for water clusters by comparing harmonic frequencies with VPT2 fundamental frequencies. We find the CCSD(T) correction to the RI-MP2 binding energy to be small (<1%) but still important in determining accurate conformational energies. Anharmonic corrections are found to be non-negligble; they do not alter the energetic ordering of isomers, but they do lower the free energies of formation of the water clusters by as much as 4 kcal/mol at 298.15 K.


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An efficient mixed molecular dynamics/quantum mechanics model has been applied to the water cluster system. The use of the MP2 method and correlation consistent basis sets, with appropriate correction for BSSE, allows for the accurate calculation of electronic and free energies for the formation of clusters of 2−10 water molecules. This approach reveals new low energy conformers for (H2O)n=7,9,10. The water heptamer conformers comprise five different structural motifs ranging from a three-dimensional prism to a quasi-planar book structure. A prism-like structure is favored energetically at low temperatures, but a chair-like structure is the global Gibbs free energy minimum past 200 K. The water nonamers exhibit less complexity with all the low energy structures shaped like a prism. The decamer has 30 conformers that are within 2 kcal/mol of the Gibbs free energy minimum structure at 298 K. These structures are categorized into four conformer classes, and a pentagonal prism is the most stable structure from 0 to 320 K. Results can be used as benchmark values for empirical water models and density functionals, and the method can be applied to larger water clusters.


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The Gaussian-2, Gaussian-3, complete basis set- (CBS-) QB3, and CBS-APNO methods have been used to calculate ΔH° and ΔG° values for neutral clusters of water, (H2O)n, where n = 2−6. The structures are similar to those determined from experiment and from previous high-level calculations. The thermodynamic calculations by the G2, G3, and CBS-APNO methods compare well against the estimated MP2(CBS) limit. The cyclic pentamer and hexamer structures release the most heat per hydrogen bond formed of any of the clusters. While the cage and prism forms of the hexamer are the lowest energy structures at very low temperatures, as temperature is increased the cyclic structure is favored. The free energies of cluster formation at different temperatures reveal interesting insights, the most striking being that the cyclic trimer, cyclic tetramer, and cyclic pentamer, like the dimer, should be detectable in the lower troposphere. We predict water dimer concentrations of 9 × 1014 molecules/cm3, water trimer concentrations of 2.6 × 1012 molecules/cm3, tetramer concentrations of approximately 5.8 × 1011 molecules/cm3, and pentamer concentrations of approximately 3.5 × 1010 molecules/cm3 in saturated air at 298 K. These results have important implications for understanding the gas-phase chemistry of the lower troposphere.


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Calculations were run on the methylated DNA base pairs adenine:thymine and adenine:difluorotoluene to further investigate the hydrogen-bonding properties of difluorotoluene (F). Geometries were optimized using hybrid density functional theory. Single-point calculations at the MP2(full) level were performed to obtain more rigorous energies. The functional counterpoise method was used to correct for the basis set superposition error (BSSE), and the interaction energies were also corrected for fragment relaxation. These corrections brought the B3LYP and MP2 interaction energies into excellent agreement. In the gas phase, the Gibbs free energies calculated at the B3LYP and MP2 levels of theory predict that A and T will spontaneously form an A:T pair while A:F spontaneously dissociates into A and F. Solvation effects on the pairing of the bases were explored using implicit solvent models for water and chloroform. In aqueous solution, both A:T and A:F are predicted to dissociate into their component monomers. Semiempirical calculations were performed on small sections of B-form DNA containing the two pairs, and the results provide support for the concept that base stacking is more important than hydrogen bonding for the stability of the A:F pair within a DNA helix.


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Over the past 7 years, the enediyne anticancer antibiotics have been widely studied due to their DNA cleaving ability. The focus of these antibiotics, represented by kedarcidin chromophore, neocarzinostatin chromophore, calicheamicin, esperamicin A, and dynemicin A, is on the enediyne moiety contained within each of these antibiotics. In its inactive form, the moiety is benign to its environment. Upon suitable activation, the system undergoes a Bergman cycloaromatization proceeding through a 1,4-dehydrobenzene diradical intermediate. It is this diradical intermediate that is thought to cleave double-stranded dna through hydrogen atom abstraction. Semiempirical, semiempiricalci, Hartree–Fock ab initio, and mp2 electron correlation methods have been used to investigate the inactive hex-3-ene-1,5-diyne reactant, the 1,4-dehydrobenzene diradical, and a transition state structure of the Bergman reaction. Geometries calculated with different basis sets and by semiempirical methods have been used for single-point calculations using electron correlation methods. These results are compared with the best experimental and theoretical results reported in the literature. Implications of these results for computational studies of the enediyne anticancer antibiotics are discussed.