104 resultados para MONOPOLIES


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Source: Gift of Paul Avrich, Aug. 26, 1986.


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This paper evaluates the impact that investigation and regulation of the UK petrol industry has had on the profitability of the companies. Using a gross margin for petrol, we estimate a series of variable parameter autoregressive processes. The results demonstrate that the 1979 Monopolies and Mergers Commission investigation into the industry, caused a long term decline in profit margins in the industry, despite the fact that no recommendations or undertakings were made. This cannot however be said for subsequent investigations.


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The petrol industry has been investigated twice by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission in the last 20 years. On both occasions the MMC found that the conduct of the companies was not against the public interest. These findings were based on the perceived stable relationship between oil and petrol prices. This paper develops a model of petrol price using a co-integration approach, concluding that one must question the findings of the MMC.


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This paper draws on data from 73 UK Monopolies and Mergers Commission reports on monopoly between 1973 and 1995. It shows that there is a roughly two in three chance that the Commission will come to an adverse conclusion against the investigated firms in a given case. 75–80% of decisions can be explained purely in terms of the market share of the leading firm and knowledge of the broad nature of the alleged anti-competitive practice. An adverse finding is most likely in cases involving exclusive dealing, and least likely where other vertical restraints are involved.


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The European telecommunications sector is undergoing major structural change in the face of new technology, privatisation and European Commission directives requiring market liberalisation. This study considers the comparative performance of the major European telecommunications operators between 1978 and 1998. This period encompasses an era of state monopolies, market liberalisation initiatives and a number of privatisations. The objectives are to assess: the extent so far to which market liberalisation and privatisation have impacted on the efficiency with which telecommunications services are provided in Europe; and changes in the performance of the different telecommunications operators over time with a view to providing an insight into the comparative efficiency performance of the different telecommunications operators in Europe. Performance is measured in terms of profit margins and labour and total factor productivity.


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The “food deserts” debate can be enriched by setting the particular circumstances of food deserts – areas of very limited consumer choice – within a wider context of changing retail provision in other areas. This paper’s combined focus on retail competition and consumer choice shifts the emphasis from changing patterns of retail provision towards a more qualitative understanding of how “choice” is actually experienced by consumers at the local level “on the ground”. This argument has critical implications for current policy debates where the emphasis on monopolies and mergers at the national level needs to be brought together with the planning and regulation of retail provision at the local, neighbourhood level.


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A cikk a szabadalmak gazdaságban betöltött szerepével, az innovációra és a társadalmi hasznosságra gyakorolt hatásával kapcsolatos fontosabb elméleteket és empirikus kutatásokat foglalja össze. Számos újabb keletű vagy újra aktuálissá vált elmélet vitatja jelenlegi formájában a szabadalmak létjogosultságát. A meglévő empirikus kutatások eredményei is jellemzően azt mutatják, hogy a szabadalmak ugyan betöltik hagyományos szerepüket az innovációk védelmében, de néhány iparág kivételével csak az innovációk kis része esetében nélkülözhetetlenek. Az innovációk nagy része tehát szabadalmak nélkül is megvalósulna, nem feltétlenül lenne szükség minden esetben időleges monopóliumok létrehozására. Az innováció védelmén túlmutató stratégiai szabadalmi motivációk pedig számos olyan negatív hatással járnak, amelyek egyenesen gátolják az innovációs tevékenységet. Konklúzióként a kutatók jellemzően a jelenlegi rendszer reformját, a szabadalmaztatható technológiák körének szűkítését, néhányan pedig a szabadalmi rendszer megszüntetésének megfontolását javasolják. _____ This article summarizes the major theories and findings of empirical researches, regarding the role of patents in the economy and their effects on innovation and social utility. Numerous recent theories along with some reinvigorated older ones question the justification of the patent system. Most empirical studies show that although patents serve their traditional role in protecting innovation, they are not essential for the majority of the innovations in most industries. Most innovations would be generated even without patents and there would be no need for creating temporary monopolies in every case. Next to the protection from imitation, there are strategic motivations for patenting, and some unambiguously have a negative effect on innovative activity. As a conclusion, researchers suggest the reform of the patent system, the restriction of patentable technologies, and some suggest considering the abolishment of the patent system.


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Uno de los objetivos de este artículo es reconstruir la trayectoria intelectual de Juan Carlos Portantiero en torno a un conjunto limitado de sus intereses: el socialismo y la democracia, en su relación, no por separado, a la vez que ello se vincula con la articulación de una estrategia de explicación histórica y sociológica. La otra veta del artículo analiza las relaciones entre culturas políticas y ciencia social, en particular la cultura de izquierdas y el desarrollo de las ciencias sociales en América Latina. Ello se ha realizado sobre la base de una lectura de casi toda su producción intelectual, tratando de rastrear y mostrar algunas continuidades y cambios o desplazamientos en sus ideas y preocupaciones. Se muestra que Portantiero elabora una estrategia de explicación social sobre la base de Marx, Lenin, Gramsci, Mao hasta fines de los setenta, preocupado por la socialización del poder y, entonces, de la economía. Las dos últimas décadas se concentra en la construcción de las condiciones de consolidación de la democracia, pensada como un régimen que incluya reconocimiento de minorías y funcione para reducir los monopolios económicos y políticos.


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The speed with which data has moved from being scarce, expensive and valuable, thus justifying detailed and careful verification and analysis to a situation where the streams of detailed data are almost too large to handle has caused a series of shifts to occur. Legal systems already have severe problems keeping up with, or even in touch with, the rate at which unexpected outcomes flow from information technology. The capacity to harness massive quantities of existing data has driven Big Data applications until recently. Now the data flows in real time are rising swiftly, become more invasive and offer monitoring potential that is eagerly sought by commerce and government alike. The ambiguities as to who own this often quite remarkably intrusive personal data need to be resolved – and rapidly - but are likely to encounter rising resistance from industrial and commercial bodies who see this data flow as ‘theirs’. There have been many changes in ICT that has led to stresses in the resolution of the conflicts between IP exploiters and their customers, but this one is of a different scale due to the wide potential for individual customisation of pricing, identification and the rising commercial value of integrated streams of diverse personal data. A new reconciliation between the parties involved is needed. New business models, and a shift in the current confusions over who owns what data into alignments that are in better accord with the community expectations. After all they are the customers, and the emergence of information monopolies needs to be balanced by appropriate consumer/subject rights. This will be a difficult discussion, but one that is needed to realise the great benefits to all that are clearly available if these issues can be positively resolved. The customers need to make these data flow contestable in some form. These Big data flows are only going to grow and become ever more instructive. A better balance is necessary, For the first time these changes are directly affecting governance of democracies, as the very effective micro targeting tools deployed in recent elections have shown. Yet the data gathered is not available to the subjects. This is not a survivable social model. The Private Data Commons needs our help. Businesses and governments exploit big data without regard for issues of legality, data quality, disparate data meanings, and process quality. This often results in poor decisions, with individuals bearing the greatest risk. The threats harbored by big data extend far beyond the individual, however, and call for new legal structures, business processes, and concepts such as a Private Data Commons. This Web extra is the audio part of a video in which author Marcus Wigan expands on his article "Big Data's Big Unintended Consequences" and discusses how businesses and governments exploit big data without regard for issues of legality, data quality, disparate data meanings, and process quality. This often results in poor decisions, with individuals bearing the greatest risk. The threats harbored by big data extend far beyond the individual, however, and call for new legal structures, business processes, and concepts such as a Private Data Commons.


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Colombia se está iniciando en bioenergía y necesita de políticas e infraestructura para la producción de biocombustibles. En los últimos años, losbiocombustibles vienen avanzando apoyados por la adopción de decretos de ley que permiten la introducción de biocombustibles, mezclados, en primera instancia, con combustibles fósiles como la gasolina y el diésel. Este artículo de “revisión de tema” presenta el comienzo y desarrollo de los biocombustibles en Colombia y la situación actual de la producción, las empresas y las entidades que lideran este proyecto, con el fin de adoptar una fuente de energía renovable y sostenible. En el análisis de este tema sobre biocombustibles en Colombia se apunta un claro comienzo a la independencia de combustibles fósiles, con la premisa de una matriz energética sostenible que asegure el crecimiento de la industria, el desarrollo social y la preservación del ambiente. Por otro lado, se observa la tendencia mundial a la adopción de biocombustibles principalmente en países dependientes del petróleo, siendo los suramericanos como Brasil, Colombia y Argentina los abanderados en estas propuestas. Colombia presenta, a su vez, recursos en este ámbito en disponibilidad de tierras, mano de obra, políticas internas de consumo y producción, que coexisten con dificultades en desigualdad social, conflictos internos, monopolios y trabas políticas que podrían impedir inversión privada y extranjera


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Introduction An overview of media markets shows that rapid growth and the integration of some of the most dynamic market segments are characteristics of this fast-moving industry. The main players are the established incumbents upstream and the delivery segments of media downstream. The presence of incumbents, inheritors of previous public monopolies, has led Member States to use regulation in a complementary role with competition. In these markets, strategies to deliver new products and services and to serve new geographic markets focus less on organic growth than on alliances and mergers in order to create multi-media offshoots, bid for control of content rights, increase the diffusion of products and services, and develop technologies for conditional access and transmission standards to capture advantages through proprietary technology. As a result, vertically integrated dominant positions either upstream or downstream have tended to emerge. There is nothing wrong with vertical integration except when there is market power at one stage of the vertical chain. Indeed, as far as the media industry is concerned, there are some specific challenges at the European level. The new EU regulatory framework grants some specific competition principles which can be integrated into ex ante regulation. EU merger control may also prevent potential distortion of competition resulting from the creation or the strengthening of a single or collective dominant position in the media sector at a horizontal level, or from foreclosure effects at a vertical level.


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Con el presente trabajo de investigación se determinaron las principales características que presenta el mercado informal de juegos de azar, localizados con Máquinas Electrónicas Tragamonedas (METs) en un barrio de la ciudad de Pereira (Samaria) -- Mercado que funciona en locales de tipología tradicional, la cual está constituida por los negocios como tiendas, misceláneas, cafeterías, graneros, licoreras, heladerías y otros, es decir, locales cuya actividad comercial principal no son los juegos de azar ni el entretenimiento, que optan por incluir en sus portafolios una o dos máquinas electrónicas de juego -- Dichos instrumentos de juego se instalan dentro del espacio de su local y no están inscritas ni cuentan con el permiso de operación de la entidad reguladora de esta actividad en Colombia, que es Coljuegos -- Por tal razón no hay un registro de su magnitud ni mucho menos de los recursos financieros que genera, así como tampoco de las condiciones contractuales en las que opera -- Al ser los juegos de azar localizados una actividad estrictamente regulada por el Estado, el caracterizar la operación informal adquiere relevancia tanto para el Estado como para las compañías formalmente constituidas en la actividad, los cuales ven en ello un competidor informal que captura una participación de mercado de juegos de azar localizados con máquinas de juego


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In restructured power systems, generation and commercialization activities became market activities, while transmission and distribution activities continue as regulated monopolies. As a result, the adequacy of transmission network should be evaluated independent of generation system. After introducing the constrained fuzzy power flow (CFPF) as a suitable tool to quantify the adequacy of transmission network to satisfy 'reasonable demands for the transmission of electricity' (as stated, for instance, at European Directive 2009/72/EC), the aim is now showing how this approach can be used in conjunction with probabilistic criteria in security analysis. In classical security analysis models of power systems are considered the composite system (generation plus transmission). The state of system components is usually modeled with probabilities and loads (and generation) are modeled by crisp numbers, probability distributions or fuzzy numbers. In the case of CFPF the component’s failure of the transmission network have been investigated. In this framework, probabilistic methods are used for failures modeling of the transmission system components and possibility models are used to deal with 'reasonable demands'. The enhanced version of the CFPF model is applied to an illustrative case.