729 resultados para MOIETIES


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Uusien polymeeripohjaisten teknologioiden ja materiaalien myötä räätälöityjen polymeerien tarve on kasvanut. Viime vuosituhannen lopussa kehitetyt kontrolloidut polymerointimenetelmät ovat avanneet uusia mahdollisuuksia paitsi monimutkaisten polymeerien synteesiin, myös itsejärjestyvyyteen perustuvien funktionaalisten nanorakenteiden suunnitteluun ja valmistukseen. Nämä voivat jäljitellä luonnossa esiintyviä rakenteita, joita muodostavat esimerkiksi lipidit ja proteiinit. Itsejärjestyvät molekyylit ovat usein amfifiilisiä eli ne koostuvat hydrofiilisistä ja hydrofobisista osista ja polymeereissä nämä osat voivat olla omina lohkoinaan, jolloin puhutaan amfifiilisistä lohko- tai blokkikopolymeereistä. Riippuen järjestyneiden rakenteiden koostumuksesta ja muodosta, amfifiilisiä blokkikopolymeerejä on tutkittu tai jo käytetty nanoteknologiassa, elastomeereissä, voiteluaineissa, pinta-aktiivisina aineina, lääkkeenannostelussa, maaleissa, sekä elektroniikka-, kosmetiikka- ja elintarviketeollisuudessa. Tavallisimmin käytetyt amfifiiliset blokkikopolymeerit ovat olleet lineaarisia, mutta viime aikoina tutkimus on suuntautunut kohti monimutkaisempia rakenteita. Tällaisia ovat esimerkiksi tähtipolymeerit. Tähtimäisissä polymeereissä miselleille tyypillinen ydin-kuori-rakenne säilyy hyvin alhaisissakin polymeerikonsentraatioissa, koska polymeeriketjut ovat kiinni toisissaan yhdessä pisteessä. Siten ne ovat erityisen kiinnostavia tutkimuskohteita erilaisten hydrofobisten orgaanisten yhdisteiden sitomiseksi ja vapauttamiseksi. Tässä työssä on tarkasteltu amfifiilisten tähtipolymeerien itsejärjestymistä vesiliuoksissa sekä kokeellisesti ja tietokonesimulaatioin. Työ koostuu kahdesta osasta: tähtipolymeerien synteesistä makrosyklisillä initiaattoreilla ja amfifiilisten tähtimäisten blokkikopolymeerien ominaisuuksien tutkimisesta.


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Porphyrins appended with crown ether moieties function as efficient uncouplesrs of oxidative phorphorylation in rat liver mitochondria. Permeation of these highly organized porphyrins decrease the respiratory coefficient index (RCI) values. Lowering of the RCI values parallels the number of K+ chelating crown ether groups attached to the porphyrins. The inhibitory effect upon the oxidative phorphorylation reaction depends on the nature of divalent metal ions, VO, Co, Cu and Zn in the porphyrin cavity and related to their relative tendency to complex intracellular K+ ions.


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The effect of phenobarbital on the rates of the synthesis of the protein and heme moieties of cytochrome P-450 has been studied. For this purpose, cytochrome P-450 has been partially purified as its P-420 derivative and the labeled amino acid incorporation into the protein has been studied after subjecting a partially purified preparation to sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. The incorporation studies into the protein species after sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis reveal that the drug primarily accelerates the rate of apoprotein synthesis followed by an increase in the rate of heme synthesis. The messenger for apocytochrome P-450 appears to be fairly stable.


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In this study, a series of seeondary- and tertiary-amino-substituted diaryl diselenides were synthesized and studied for their glutathione peroxidase (GPx) like antioxidant activities with H2O2, cumene hydroperoxide, or tBuOOH as substrates and with PhSH or glutathione (GSH) as thiol cosubstrates. This study reveals that replacement of the tert-amino groups in benzylamine-based diselenides by sec-amino moieties drastically enhances the catalytic activities in both the aromatic thiol (PhSH) and GSH assay systems. Particularly, the N-propyl- and N-isopropylamino-substituted diselenides are 8-18 times more active than the corresponding N,N-dipropyl- and N,N-diisopropylamine-based compounds in all three peroxide systems when GSH is used as the thiol cosubstrate. Although the catalytic mechanism of sec-amino-substituted disclenides is similar to that of the tert-amine-based compounds, differences in the stability and reactivity of some of the key intermediates account for the differences in the GPx-like activities. it is observed that the sec-amino groups are better than the tert-amino moieties for generating the catalytically active selenols. This is due to the absence of any significant thiol-exchange reactions in the selenenyl sulfides derived from sec-amine-based diselenides. Furthermore, the seleninic acids (RSeO2H) derived from the sec-amine-based compounds are more stable toward further reactions with peroxides than their tert-amine-based analogues.


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Crystal structures of lithium, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium salts of adenosine 2'-monophosphate (2'-AMP) have been obtained at atomic resolution by X-ray crystallographic methods. 2'-AMP.Li belongs to the monoclinic space group P21 with a = 7.472(3)Å, b = 26.853(6) Å, c = 9.184(1)Å, b = 113.36(1)Å and Z= 4. 2'-AMP.Na and 2'-AMP.K crystallize in the trigonal space groups P31 and P3121 with a = 8.762(1)Å, c = 34.630(5)Å, Z= 6 and a = 8.931(4), Åc = 34.852(9)Å and Z= 6 respectively while 2'-AMP.Ca and 2'-AMP.Mg belong to space groups P6522 and P21 with cell parameters a = 9.487(2), c = 74.622(13), Z = 12 and a = 4.973(1), b = 10.023(2), c = 16.506(2), beta = 91.1(0) and Z = 2 respectively. All the structures were solved by direct methods and refined by full matrix least-squares to final R factors of 0.033, 0.028, 0.075, 0.069 and 0.030 for 2'-AMP.Li, 2'-AMP.Na, 2'- AMP.K, 2'-AMP.Ca and 2'-AMP.Mg, respectively. The neutral adenine bases in all the structures are in syn conformation stabilized by the O5'-N3 intramolecular hydrogen bond as in free acid and ammonium complex reported earlier. In striking contrast, the adenine base is in the anti geometry (cCN = -156.4(2)°) in 2'-AMP.Mg. Ribose moieties adopt C2'-endo puckering in 2'-AMP.Li and 2'-AMP.Ca, C2'-endo-C3'-exo twist puckering in 2'-AMP.Na and 2'-AMP.K and a C3'-endo-C2'-exo twist puckering in 2'-AMP.Mg structure. The conformation about the exocyclic C4'-C5' bond is the commonly observed gauche-gauche (g+) in all the structures except the gauche- trans (g-) conformation observed in 2'-AMP.Mg structure. Lithium ions coordinate with water, ribose and phosphate oxygens at distances 1.88 to 1.99Å. Na+ ions and K+ ions interact with phosphate and ribose oxygens directly and with N7 indirectly through a water oxygen. A distinct feature of 2'-AMP.Na and 2'-AMP.K structures is the involvement of ribose O4' in metal coordination. The calcium ion situated on a two-fold axis coordinates directly with three oxygens OW1, OW2 and O2 and their symmetry mates at distances 2.18 to 2.42Å forming an octahedron. A classic example of an exception to the existence of the O5'-N3 intramolecular hydorgen bond is the 2'-AMP.Mg strucure. Magnesium ion forms an octahedral coordination with three water and three phosphate oxygens at distances ranging from 2.02 to 2.11Å. A noteworthy feature of its coordination is the indirect link with N3 through OW3 oxygen resulting in macrochelation between the base and the phosphate group. Greater affnity of metal clays towards 5' compared to 2' and 3' nucleotides (J. Lawless, E. Edelson, and L. Manring, Am. Chem. Soc. Northwest Region Meeting, Seattle. 1978) due to macrochelation infered from solution studies (S. S. Massoud, H. Sigel, Eur. J. Biochem. 179, 451-458 (1989)) and interligand hydrogen bonding induced by metals postulated from metal-nucleotide structures in solid state (V. Swaminathan and M. Sundaralingam, CRC. Crit. Rev. Biochem. 6, 245-336 (1979)) are borne out by our structures also. The stacking patterns of adenine bases of both 2'-AMP.Na and 2'-AMP.K structures resemble the 2'-AMP.NH4 structure reported in the previous article. 2'-AMP.Li, 2'-AMP.Ca and 2'-AMP.Mg structures display base-ribose O4' stacking. An overview of interaction of monovalent and divalent cations with 2' and 5'-nucleotides has been presented.


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A survey of the literature on lanthanide coordination compounds reveals that ligands involving ether oxygens as donor atoms have received very little attention [ 11. Only recently have the complexes of lanthanides with cyclic polyethers been characterized [l-3]. We report in this communication that interaction of rareearth perchlorates with two new ligands namely N,N,N’,N’-tetramethyl-u-carboxamido-Oanisamide (TMCA) and N,N’-di-t-butyl-crcarboxamido- 0-anisamide (DTBCA). The two ligands are potentially tridentate possessing two amide moieties and an ether linkage in between. The isolated complexes have been characterized by analysis, electrolytic conductance, infrared and electronic spectra. The ‘H and “C NMR spectra for the diamagnetic La3+ and Y3+ complexes are also discussed.


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The crystal structures of alkyl 2-deoxy-alpha-D-arabino-hexopyranosides, with the alkyl chain lengths from C-8 to C-18, are established by the single crystal X-ray structural determination. The even-alkyl chain length derivatives crystallized orthorhombic, with space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), whereas the odd-alkyl chain length derivatives crystallized monoclinic, with space group P2(1). The sugar moieties retained a C-4(1) chair conformation and the conformation of the alkyl chains was all-trans. The molecules formed a bilayer structure, in which alkyl chains were interdigitated.The hydrogen bonds, originating from the sugar moieties, were observed in adjacent layers and also within the same layer, resulting in the formation of infinite chains. The alkyl chains arranged parallel to each other and formed planar structures. The thermal properties of the alkyl 2-deoxy glucosides were analyzed further. It was observed that none of the derivatives exhibited mesomorphism. This study establishes that the absence of the hydroxyl group at C-2 of the sugar moiety results in a non-mesogenic nature of the alkyl 2-deoxy-alpha-D-glycosides, as opposed to the profound mesogenic nature of the normal alkyl glycosides.


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In the studies reported so far on dendrimer-mediated catalysis, the efficacies of the catalytic units were studied and compared primarily across the generations. In order to identify the efficacy of an individual catalytic unit with respect to the number of such units present within a given generation, a series of catalysts were prepared within a generation. Dendrimers incorporated with phosphinemetal complexes were chosen for the study and as many as 11 catalysts within three generations were synthesized. The C-C bond-forming reactions, namely, the Heck and the Suzuki coupling reactions, were then selected to study the catalytic efficiencies of the series of partially and fully phosphine-metal complex functionalized dendrimers. The efficacies of the formation of cinnamate and biphenyl. catalyzed by the dendritic catalysts, were compared. The comparative analyses show that an individual catalytic site is far more effective in its catalytic activity when presented in multiple numbers, i.e., in a multivalent dendritic system, than as a single unit within the same generation, i.e., in a monovalent dendritic system. The study identifies the beneficial effects of the multivalent presentation of the catalytic moieties, both within and across the dendrimer generations.


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Blue [{Cu(2,2'-bipy)(2)}(2){alpha-SiW12O40}] (bipy = bipyridyl) (1) and pale yellow [Mn(2,2'-bipy)(3)](2)[alpha-SiW12O40] (2) have been synthesized hydrothermally and characterized by IR spectroscopy and single crystal X-ray structure analysis. In 1, the [alpha-SiW12O40](4-) ion acts as a bridge between the two [{Cu(2,2'-bipy)(2)](2+) moieties via coordination through the terminal oxygen atoms, while in 2, the [Mn(2,2'-bipy)(3)](2+) ion balances the charge on the polyoxo anion without forming any covalent bond. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example of transition metal-mediated transformation of [alpha-SiW9O34](10-) to [alpha-SiW12O40](4-).


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The crucial role of oxide surface chemical composition on ion transport in "soggy sand" electrolytes is discussed in a systematic manner. A prototype soggy sand electrolytic system comprising aerosil silica functionalized with various hydrophilic and hydrophobic moieties dispersed in lithium perchlorate-ethylene glycol solution was used for the study. Detailed rheology studies show that the attractive particle network in the case of the composite with unmodified aerosil silica (with surface silanol groups) is most favorable for percolation in ionic conductivity, as well as rendering the composite with beneficial elastic mechanical properties: Though weaker in strength compared to the composite with unmodified aerosil particles, attractive particle networks are also observed in composites of aerosil particles with surfaces partially substituted with hydrophobic groups. The percolation in ionic conductivity is, however, dependent on the size of the hydrophobic moiety. No spanning attractive particle network was formed for aerosil particles with surfaces modified with stronger hydrophilic groups (than silanol), and as a result, no percolation in ionic conductivity was observed. The composite with hydrophilic particles was a sol, contrary to gels obtained in the case of unmodified aerosil, and partially substituted with hydrophobic groups.


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Here, we present the synthesis, photochemical, and DNA binding properties of three photoisomerizable azobenzene−distamycin conjugates in which two distamycin units were linked via electron-rich alkoxy or electron-withdrawing carboxamido moieties with the azobenzene core. Like parent distamycin A, these molecules also demonstrated AT-specific DNA binding. Duplex DNA binding abilities of these conjugates were found to depend upon the nature and length of the spacer, the location of protonatable residues, and the isomeric state of the conjugate. The changes in the duplex DNA binding efficiency of the individual conjugates in the dark and with their respective photoirradiated forms were examined by circular dichroism, thermal denaturation of DNA, and Hoechst displacement assay with poly[d(A-T).d(T-A)] DNA in 150 mM NaCl buffer. Computational structural analyses of the uncomplexed ligands using ab initio HF and MP2 theory and molecular docking studies involving the conjugates with duplex d[(GC(AT)10CG)]2 DNA were performed to rationalize the nature of binding of these conjugates.


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Iron(III) complexes [Fe(L)(2)]Cl (1-3), where L is monoanionic N-salicylidene-arginine (sal-argH for 1), hydroxynaphthylidene-arginine (nap-argH for 2) and N-salicylidene-lysine (sal-lysH for 3), were prepared and their DNA binding and photo-induced DNA cleavage activity studied. Complex 3 as its hexafluorophosphate salt [Fe(sal-lysH)(2)](PF6)center dot 6H(2)O (3a) was structurally characterized by single crystal Xray crystallography. The crystals belonged to the triclinic space group P-1. The complex has two tridentate ligands in FeN2O4 coordination geometry with two pendant cationic amine moieties. Complexes 1 and 2 with two pendant cationic guanidinium moieties are the structural models for the antitumor antibiotics netropsin. The complexes are stable and soluble in water. They showed quasi-reversible Fe(III)/Fe(II) redox couple near 0.6 V in H2O-0.1 M KCl. The high-spin 3d(5)-iron(III) complexes with mu(eff) value of similar to 5.9 mu(B) displayed ligand-to-metal charge transfer electronic band near 500 mm in Tris-HCl buffer. The complexes show binding to Calf Thymus (CT) DNA. Complex 2 showed better binding propensity to the synthetic oligomer poly(dA)center dot poly(dT) than to CT-DNA or poly(dG)center dot poly(dC). All the complexes displayed chemical nuclease activity in the presence of 3-mercaptopropionic acid as a reducing agent and cleaved supercoiled pUC19 DNA to its nicked circular form. They exhibited photo-induced DNA cleavage activity in UV-A light and visible light via a mechanistic pathway that involves the formation of reactive hydroxyl radical species. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, the effect of some commonly used antithyroid drugs and their analogues on peroxynitrite-mediated nitration of proteins is described. The nitration of tyrosine residues in bovine serum albumin (BSA) and cytochromec was studied by Western blot analysis. These studies reveal that the antithyroid drugs methimazole (MMI), 6-n-propyl-2-thiouracil (PTU), and 6-methyl-2-thiouracil (MTU), which contain thione moieties, significantly reduce the tyrosine nitration of both BSA and cytochrome c. While MMI exhibits good peroxynitrite (PN) scavenging activity, the thiouracil compounds PTU and MTU are slightly less effective than MMI. The S- and Se-methylated compounds show a weak inhibitory effect in the nitration of tyrosine, indicating that the presence of a thione or selone moiety is important for an efficient inhibition. Similarly, the replacement of N-H moiety in MMI by N-methyl or N-m-methoxybenzyl substituents dramatically reduces the antioxidant activity of the parent compound. Theoretical studies indicate that the substitution of N-H moiety by N-Me significantly increases the energy required for the oxidation of sulfur center by PN. However, such substitution in the selenium analogue of MMI increases the activity of parent compound. This is due to the facile oxidation of the selone moiety to the corresponding selenenic and seleninic acids. Unlike N,N'-disubstituted thiones, the corresponding selones efficiently scavenge PN, as they predominantly exist in their zwitterionic forms in which the selenium atom carries a large negative charge.


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A novel manganese phosphite-oxalate, [C2N2H10][Mn-2(II)(OH2)(2)(HPO3)(2)(C2O4)] has been hydothermally synthesized and its structure determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The structure consists of neutral manganese phosphite layers, [Mn(HPO3)](infinity), formed by MnO6 octahedra and HPO3 units, cross-linked by the oxalate moieties. The organic cations occupy the middle of the 8-membered one dimensional channels. Magnetic studies indicate weak antiferromagnetic interactions between the Mn2+ ions. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The importance of selenium as an essential trace element is now well recognized. In proteins, the redox-active selenium moiety is incorporated as selenocysteine (Sec), the 21st amino acid. In mammals, selenium exerts its redox activities through several selenocysteine-containing enzymes, which include glutathione peroxidase (GPx), iodothyronine deiodinase (ID), and thioredoxin reductase (TrxR). Although these enzymes have Sec in their active sites, they catalyze completely different reactions and their substrate specificity and cofactor or co-substrate systems are significantly different. The antioxidant enzyme GPx uses the tripeptide glutathione (GSH) for the catalytic reduction of hydrogen peroxide and organic peroxides, whereas the larger and more advanced mammalian TrxRs have cysteine moieties in different subunits and prefer to utilize these internal cysteines as thiol cofactors for their catalytic activity. On the other hand, the nature of in vivo cofactor for the deiodinating enzyme ID is not known, although the use of thiols as reducing agents has been well-documented. Recent studies suggest that molecular recognition and effective binding of the thiol cofactors at the active site of the selenoenzymes and their mimics play crucial roles in the catalytic activity. The aim of this perspective is to present an overview of the thiol cofactor systems used by different selenoenzymes and their mimics.