931 resultados para MLearning, Technology Adoption
The study aims to identify the factors that influence the behavior intention to adopt an academic Information System (SIE), in an environment of mandatory use, applied in the procurement process at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). For this, it was used a model of innovation adoption and technology acceptance (TAM), focused in attitudes and intentions regarding the behavior intention. The research was conducted a quantitative survey, through survey in a sample of 96 administrative staff of the researched institution. For data analysis, it was used structural equation modeling (SEM), using the partial least squares method (Partial Least Square PLS-PM). As to results, the constructs attitude and subjective norms were confirmed as strong predictors of behavioral intention in a pre-adoption stage. Despite the use of SIE is required, the perceived voluntariness also predicts the behavior intention. Regarding attitude, classical variables of TAM, like as ease of use and perceived usefulness, appear as the main influence of attitude towards the system. It is hoped that the results of this study may provide subsidies for more efficient management of the process of implementing systems and information technologies, particularly in public universities
The Information Technology (IT) is increasing his applicability to business, both private and public companies. It is necessary the adequate use of the new technologies and get cooperation and technology acceptance of the system. People tend to resist to the changes, contributing so that the technology is rejected or even it is not recognized as promoting of the changes. This study is relevant and aim to evaluate the impacts of new technologies, considering their users as fundamental factors in the change process. The survey analyzed the advantages and the barriers of the system use in three federal special judicial of Rio Grande do Norte, with data collected in May of 2007, through the application of questionnaires to thirty eight users of the virtual system CRETA. The users' perception was evaluated, under the optics of five variables: efficiency, image, agility, ease of use and quality. Starting from the obtained results, it was evidenced that the implementation of the system felt accordingly the expected and it reached the objectives intended that were: the velocity and efficiency in the path of the lawsuits, larger productivity, resulting in a better quality of the final work introduced to the citizen and proportionate an improvement in the organizational image of the judiciary power
This dissertation studies technological change in the context of energy and environmental economics. Technology plays a key role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector. Chapter 1 estimates a structural model of the car industry that allows for endogenous product characteristics to investigate how gasoline taxes, R&D subsidies and competition affect fuel efficiency and vehicle prices in the medium-run, both through car-makers' decisions to adopt technologies and through their investments in knowledge capital. I use technology adoption and automotive patents data for 1986-2006 to estimate this model. I show that 92% of fuel efficiency improvements between 1986 and 2006 were driven by technology adoption, while the role of knowledge capital is largely to reduce the marginal production costs of fuel-efficient cars. A counterfactual predicts that an additional $1/gallon gasoline tax in 2006 would have increased the technology adoption rate, and raised average fuel efficiency by 0.47 miles/gallon, twice the annual fuel efficiency improvement in 2003-2006. An R&D subsidy that would reduce the marginal cost of knowledge capital by 25% in 2006 would have raised investment in knowledge capital. This subsidy would have raised fuel efficiency only by 0.06 miles/gallon in 2006, but would have increased variable profits by $2.3 billion over all firms that year. Passenger vehicle fuel economy standards in the United States will require substantial improvements in new vehicle fuel economy over the next decade. Economic theory suggests that vehicle manufacturers adopt greater fuel-saving technologies for vehicles with larger market size. Chapter 2 documents a strong connection between market size, measured by sales, and technology adoption. Using variation consumer demographics and purchasing pattern to account for the endogeneity of market size, we find that a 10 percent increase in market size raises vehicle fuel efficiency by 0.3 percent, as compared to a mean improvement of 1.4 percent per year over 1997-2013. Historically, fuel price and demographic-driven market size changes have had large effects on technology adoption. Furthermore, fuel taxes would induce firms to adopt fuel-saving technologies on their most efficient cars, thereby polarizing the fuel efficiency distribution of the new vehicle fleet.
The study aims to identify the factors that influence the behavior intention to adopt an academic Information System (SIE), in an environment of mandatory use, applied in the procurement process at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). For this, it was used a model of innovation adoption and technology acceptance (TAM), focused in attitudes and intentions regarding the behavior intention. The research was conducted a quantitative survey, through survey in a sample of 96 administrative staff of the researched institution. For data analysis, it was used structural equation modeling (SEM), using the partial least squares method (Partial Least Square PLS-PM). As to results, the constructs attitude and subjective norms were confirmed as strong predictors of behavioral intention in a pre-adoption stage. Despite the use of SIE is required, the perceived voluntariness also predicts the behavior intention. Regarding attitude, classical variables of TAM, like as ease of use and perceived usefulness, appear as the main influence of attitude towards the system. It is hoped that the results of this study may provide subsidies for more efficient management of the process of implementing systems and information technologies, particularly in public universities
This research was devoted to gaining information on teachers? use of technology, specifically SMARTBOARD technology, for teaching and promoting learning in the classroom. Research has suggested that use of technology can enhance learning and classroom practices. This has resulted in administrators encouraging the use of SMARTBOARDS, installing them in classrooms and providing training and support for teachers to use this technology. Adoption of new technology, however, is not simple. It is even more challenging because making the best use of new technologies requires more than training; it requires a paradigm shift in teachers? pedagogical approach. Thus, while it may be reasonable to believe that all we need to do is show teachers the benefits of using the SMARTBOARD; research tells us that changing paradigms is difficult for a variety of reasons. This research had two main objectives. First, to discover what factors might positively or negatively affect teachers? decisions to take up this technology. Second, to investigate how the SMARTBOARD is used by teachers who have embraced it and how this impacts participation in classrooms. The project was divided into two parts; the first was a survey research (Part 1), and the second was an ethnographic study (Part 2). A thirty-nine item questionnaire was designed to obtain information on teachers? use of technology and the SMARTBOARD. The questionnaire was distributed to fifty teachers at two EMSB schools: James Lyng Adult Centre (JLAC) and the High School of Montreal (HSM). Part 2 was an ethnographic qualitative study of two classes (Class A, Class B) at JLAC. Class A was taught by a male teacher, an early-adopter of technology and a high-level user of the SMARTBOARD; Class B was taught by a female teacher who was more traditional and a low-level user. These teachers were selected because they had similar years of experience and general competence in their subject matter but differed in their use of the technology. The enrollment in Class A and Class B were twenty-three and twenty-four adult students, respectively. Each class was observed for 90 minutes on three consecutive days in April 2010. Data collection consisted of videotapes of the entire period, and observational field notes with a graphical recording of participatory actions. Information from the graphical recording was converted to sociograms, a graphic representation of social links among individuals involved in joint action. The sociogram data was tabulated as quantified data. The survey results suggest that although most teachers are interested in and use some form of technology in their teaching, there is a tendency for factors of gender and years of experience to influence the use of and opinions on using technology. A Chi Square analysis of the data revealed (a) a significant difference (2 = 6.031, p < .049) for gender in that male teachers are more likely to be interested in the latest pedagogic innovation compared to female teachers; and, (b) a significant difference for years of experience (2 = 10.945, p < .004), showing that teachers with ?6 years experience were more likely to use the SMARTBOARD, compared to those with more experience (>6 years). All other items from the survey data produced no statistical difference. General trends show that (a) male teachers are more willing to say yes to using the SMARTBOARD compared to female teachers, and (b) teachers with less teaching experience were more likely to have positive opinions about using the SMARTBOARD compared to teachers with more experience. The ethnographic study results showed differences in students? response patterns in the two classrooms. Even though both teachers are experienced and competent, Teacher A elicited more participation from his students than Teacher B. This was so partly because he used the SMARTBOARD to present visual materials that the students could easily respond to. By comparison, Teacher B used traditional media or methods to present most of her course material. While these methods also used visual materials, students were not able to easily relate to these smaller, static images and did not readily engage with the material. This research demonstrates a generally positive attitude by teachers towards use of the SMARTBOARD and a generally positive role of this technology in enhancing students? learning and engagement in the classroom. However, there are many issues related to the SMARTBOARD use that still need to be examined. A particular point is whether teachers feel adequately trained to integrate SMARTBOARD technology into their curricula. And, whether the gender difference revealed is related to other factors like a need for more support, other responsibilities, or a general sense of anxiety when it comes to technology. Greater opportunity for training and ongoing support may be one way to increase teacher use of the SMARTBOARD; particularly for teachers with more experience (>6 years) and possibly also for female teachers.
This dissertation consists of three standalone articles that contribute to the economics literature concerning technology adoption, information diffusion, and network economics in one way or another, using a couple of primary data sources from Ethiopia. The first empirical paper identifies the main behavioral factors affecting the adoption of brand new (radical) and upgraded (incremental) bioenergy innovations in Ethiopia. The results highlight the importance of targeting different instruments to increase the adoption rate of the two types of innovations. The second and the third empirical papers of this thesis, use primary data collected from 3,693 high school students in Ethiopia, and shed light on how we should select informants to effectively and equitably disseminate new information, mainly concerning environmental issues. There are different well-recognized standard centrality measures that are used to select informants. These standard centrality measures, however, are based on the network topology---shaped only by the number of connections---and fail to incorporate the intrinsic motivations of the informants. This thesis introduces an augmented centrality measure (ACM) by modifying the eigenvector centrality measure through weighting the adjacency matrix with the altruism levels of connected nodes. The results from the two papers suggest that targeting informants based on network position and behavioral attributes ensures more effective and equitable (gender perspective) transmission of information in social networks than selecting informants on network centrality measures alone. Notably, when the information is concerned with environmental issues.
The use of Mobile and Wireless Information Technologies (MWIT) for provisioning public services by a government is a relatively recent phenomenon. This paper evaluates the results of MWIT adoption by IBGE (The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) through a case study. In 2007, IBGE applied 82,000 mobile devices (PDAs) for data gathering in a census operation in Brazil. A set of challenges for a large scale application of MWIT required intensive work involving innovative working practices and service goals. The case reveals a set of outputs of this process, such as time and cost reductions in service provision, improved information quality, staff training and increased organizational effectiveness and agility.
Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Gestão de Informação
The electronic learning has become crucial in higher education with increased usage of learning management systems as a key source of integration on distance learning. The objective of this study is to understand how university teachers are influenced to use and adopt web-based learning management systems. Blackboard, as one of the systems used internationally by various universities is applied as a case. Semi-structured interviews were made with professors and lecturers who are using Blackboard at Lappeenranta University of Technology. The data collected were categorized under constructs adapted from Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and interpretation and discussion were based on reviewed literature. The findings suggest that adoption of learning management systems by LUT teachers is highly influenced by perceived usefulness, facilitating conditions and gained experience. The findings also suggest that easiness of using the system and social influence appear as medium influence of adoption for teachers at LUT.
School of Management Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Includes bibliography
This thesis attempts to understand why people adopt or reject individual-use renewable energy technologies (IURET). I used factors from Everett Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation Theory to understand how people's perceptions towards the characteristics of a given IURET (such as price, compatibility, complexity, etc.), the characteristics of the individual adopter (such as innovativeness and environmental awareness), and the communication network (inter-personal communications and mass media) can influence adoption. An online questionnaire was sent to 101randomly selected Michigan households (using random digit dialing) to ask people whether or not they had adopted at least one IURET and to assess the above-mentioned factors from Rogers' theory. Data analysis was then conducted in SPSS using Chi-squared and binary logistic regression to determine the relationship between adoption behaviors (the dependent variable) and the factors from Rogers' theory (the independent variables) while controlling for education. The results show that Rogers' factors of price and observability and the control variable of education were all significant in explaining adoption but the other factors of Rogers' theory were not. For example, if individuals perceive the price of IURET to be reasonable or if they observe their neighbors using these technologies, then they are more likely to adopt. These results indicate that, if we want to promote greater adoption of IURET, we should focus our efforts on making the price of IURET more affordable through incentives and other mechanisms. Adopters should also be given some form of reward if they provide free demonstrations of their IURET in use to their neighbors to take advantage of the observability effects.