991 resultados para MIDDLE CEREBRAL-ARTERY
Carotid artery stenosis due to arteriosclerosis increases the risk of cerebral ischemia via embolic phenomena or reduced blood flow. The changes in cerebral perfusion that may occur after treatment are not clearly understood. This study evaluated the changes in cerebral microcirculation following carotid angioplasty with stenting (CAS) under cerebral protection with filters using ultrafast gradient echo (GRE) perfusion weighted imaging (PWI) with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Prospectively, 21 cervical carotid stenosis patients, mean age 69.95 years, underwent MRI 12 h before and 72 h after CAS. PWI parameters were collected for statistical analysis: cerebral blood volume (CB V), mean transit time (MTT) and time to peak (TTP). Statistical analysis was applied to absolute parameters and to values normalized against those from the contralateral parenchyma. The main finding of this study was improved hemodynamics for the normalized data after CAS, shown by reduced MTT (p<0.001) and TTP (p=0.019) in the territory fed by the middle cerebral artery ipsilateral to the CAS. Absolute data showed increased blood volume in the cerebral hemispheres after CAS, which was more accentuated on the stent side (p=0.016) than the contralateral side (p=0.029). Early improvements in cerebral perfusion, mainly seen in the normalized data, were clearly demonstrated in the timing parameters - TTP & MTT - after CAS.
We evaluated 16 pregnant women with gestational age between 20 and 32 weeks in acute severe hypertension which were randomly allocated to receive either hydralazine or labetalol. Blood pressure and Doppler ultrasound parameters from maternal uterine and fetal middle cerebral and umbilical arteries were assessed during acute severe hypertension and after treatment. A significant reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure was observed in both groups. A significant change in Doppler parameters was observed only in pregnant women who received hydralazine: an increase in uterine arteries resistance index. We concluded that both drugs were highly effective in reducing blood pressure in these women. Despite the observed increase in resistance index of uterine arteries associated with hydralazine, the use of hydralazine and labetalol were not related to any significant changes in fetal Doppler, which is reassuring about the safety of these drugs when treating acute severe hypertension in pregnancy. (E-mail: wpmartins@gmail.com) (C) 2011 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.
Cerebral vascular disease is the primary cause of permanent disability in Portugal. Impaired stability is considered an important feature after stroke as it is related with higher risk of falls and functional dependence. Physiotherapy intervention usually starts early after stroke in order to direct motor recovery and help patients to improve their ability to perform activities of daily living (ADL). Purpose: to investigate the relationship of balance to functionality in acute stroke patients. Methods: 16 subjects (8 women and 8 men), mean age 63,62 ± 2,16y, with unilateral ischemic stroke in the middle cerebral artery territory, who were admitted to physiotherapy department of Fernando Fonseca Hospital in Portugal, within the first month after stroke were recruited to participate in this study. All subjects have no cognitive impairment according to Mini Mental State, no history of lower extremity orthopedic problems and no other disease that could interfere with treatments. All patients gave their inform consent to participate in this study. Subjects were assessed with the Modified Barthel Index (MBI) and the Berg Balance Scale (BBS).
Objectivo Pretende-se verificar a influência de um programa de intervenção em fisioterapia, dirigido para o aumento do nível de actividade do tronco, bem como a sua relação em termos funcionais com o movimento de alcançar, em indivíduos pós Acidente Vascular Encefálico. Metodologia Amostra constituída por 2 elementos pós AVE. Após avaliação inicial identificou-se como principal problema a diminuição do nível de actividade do tronco. Foi implementado um programa de intervenção baseado num processo e raciocínio clínico durante 2 meses, tendo sido aplicado antes e depois, os instrumentos Functional Reach, Escala de Ashworth e Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde. Resultados Melhoria na avaliação dos componentes de movimento durante os gestos funcionais, assim como se verificou um aumento da estabilidade anterior e uma diminuição do tónus muscular. Após a intervenção observa-se o envolvimento do membro superior em actividades funcionais. Conclusão Um programa de intervenção direccionado para o aumento do nível de actividade do tronco pode-se obter um movimento de alcance mais funcional durante as AVD´s e uma diminuição do tónus muscular do MS.
As conexões entre os níveis corticais e sub-corticais na activação da marcha Humana carecem de discussão. As alterações da marcha por lesão no território da Artéria Cerebral Média (ACM) podem ser explicadas pela disfunção de circuitos neuronais dos Núcleos da Base ao córtex e Núcleos Pedúnculo-Pontino. Este trabalho tem como objectivo identificar os percursos anatómicos das principais conexões entre as estruturas encefálicas referidas no território da ACM. Com base na topografia das conexões neuronais, é aceitável que as alterações da marcha sejam explicadas por alterações na função dos Núcleos da Base, através das suas conexões, enquanto moduladores da actividade motora.
As conexões entre os níveis corticais e os níveis sub-corticais na activação da marcha Humana carecem de discussão. As alterações da marcha por lesão no território da Artéria Cerebral Média podem ser explicadas pela disfunção de circuitos neuronais dos Núcleos da Base ao córtex e Núcleos Pedúnculo-Pontinos, sendo para isso necessário identificar os percursos anatómicos das principais conexões entre as estruturas encefálicas referidas. Com base na topografia das conexões neuronais, é aceitável que as alterações da marcha possam existir também devido a alterações na função dos Núcleos da Base, através das suas conexões, enquanto moduladores da actividade motora.
Introdução – O presente estudo avaliou o efeito da cafeína no valor da razão contraste ruído (CNR) em imagens SWI. Objetivos – Avaliar o efeito da cafeína qualitativamente e quantificado pelo cálculo do valor CNR em imagens de magnitude e MIP para as estruturas: veia cerebral interna, seio sagital superior, tórcula e artéria cerebral média. Metodologia – A população do estudo incluiu 24 voluntários saudáveis que estiveram pelo menos 24h privados da ingestão de cafeína. Adquiriram-se imagens SWI antes e após a ingestão de 100ml de café. Os voluntários foram subdivididos em quatro grupos de seis indivíduos/grupo e avaliados separadamente após decorrido um intervalo de tempo diferente para cada grupo (15, 25, 30 ou 45min pós-cafeína). Utilizou-se um scanner Siemens Avanto 1,5 T com bobine standard de crânio e os parâmetros: T2* GRE 3D de alta resolução no plano axial, TR=49; TE=40; FA=15; FOV=187x230; matriz=221x320. O processamento de imagem foi efetuado no software OsiriX® e a análise estatística no GraphPadPrism®. Resultados e Discussão – As alterações de sinal e diferenças de contraste predominaram nas estruturas venosas e não foram significantes na substância branca, LCR e artéria cerebral média. Os valores CNR pré-cafeína diferiram significativamente do pós-cafeína nas imagens de magnitude e MIP na veia cerebral interna e nas imagens de magnitude do seio sagital superior e da tórcula (p<0,0001). Não se verificaram diferenças significativas entre os grupos avaliados nos diferentes tempos pós-cafeína. Conclusões – Especulamos que a cafeína possa vir a ser usada como agente de contraste nas imagens SWI barato, eficaz e de fácil administração.
Background: Anticipatory postural adjustments during gait initiation have an important role in postural stability but also in gait performance. However, these first phase mechanisms of gait initiation have received little attention, particularly in subcortical post-stroke subjects, where bilateral postural control pathways can be impaired. This study aims to evaluate ankle anticipatory postural adjustments during gait initiation in chronic post-stroke subjects with lesion in the territory of middle cerebral artery. Methods: Eleven subjects with post-stroke hemiparesis with the ability to walk independently and twelve healthy controls participated in this study. Bilateral electromyographic activity of tibialis anterior, soleus and medial gastrocnemius was collected during gait initiation to assess the muscle onset timing, period of activation/deactivation and magnitude of muscle activity during postural phase of gait initiation. This phase was identified through centre of pressure signal. Findings: Post-stroke group presented only half of the tibialis anterior relative magnitude observed in healthy subjects in contralesional limb (t=2.38, p=0.027) and decreased soleus deactivation period (contralesional limb, t=2.25, p=0.04; ipsilesional limb, t=3.67, p=0.003) as well its onset timing (contralesional limb, t=3.2. p=0.005; ipsilesional limb, t=2.88, p=0.033) in both limbs. A decreased centre of pressure displacement backward (t=3.45, p=0.002) and toward the first swing limb (t=3.29, p=0.004) was observed in post-stroke subjects. Interpretation: These findings indicate that chronic post-stroke subjects with lesion at middle cerebral artery territory present dysfunction in ankle anticipatory postural adjustments in both limbs during gait initiation.
Objective To study the incidence, clinical presentation, risk factors, imaging diagnosis, and clinical outcome of perinatal stroke. Methods Data was retrospectively collected from full-term newborns admitted to the neonatal unit of a level III maternity in Lisbon with cerebral stroke, from January 2007 to December 2011. Results There were 11 cases of stroke: nine were arterial ischemic stroke and two were cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. We estimated an incidence of arterial ischemic stroke of 1.6/5,000 births and of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis of 7.2/100,000 births. There were two cases of recurrent stroke. Eight patients presented with symptoms while the remaining three were asymptomatic and incidentally diagnosed. The most frequently registered symptoms (8/11) were seizures; in that, generalized clonic (3/8) and focal clonic (5/8). Strokes were more commonly left-sided (9/11), and the most affected artery was the left middle cerebral artery (8/11). Transfontanelle ultrasound was positive in most of the patients (10/11), and stroke was confirmed by cerebral magnetic resonance in all patients. Electroencephalographic recordings were carried out in five patients and were abnormal in three (focal abnormalities n=2, burst-suppression pattern n=1). Eight patients had previously identified risk factors for neonatal stroke which included obstetric and neonatal causes. Ten patients were followed up at outpatients setting; four patients developed motor deficits and one presented with epilepsy. Conclusions Although a modest and heterogeneous sample, this study emphasizes the need for a high level of suspicion when it comes to neonatal stroke, primarily in the presence of risk factors. The prevalence of neurological sequelae in our series supports the need of long-term follow-up and early intervention strategies.
After ischemic stroke, the ischemic damage to brain tissue evolves over time and with an uneven spatial distribution. Early irreversible changes occur in the ischemic core, whereas, in the penumbra, which receives more collateral blood flow, the damage is more mild and delayed. A better characterization of the penumbra, irreversibly damaged and healthy tissues is needed to understand the mechanisms involved in tissue death. MRSI is a powerful tool for this task if the scan time can be decreased whilst maintaining high sensitivity. Therefore, we made improvements to a (1) H MRSI protocol to study middle cerebral artery occlusion in mice. The spatial distribution of changes in the neurochemical profile was investigated, with an effective spatial resolution of 1.4 μL, applying the protocol on a 14.1-T magnet. The acquired maps included the difficult-to-separate glutamate and glutamine resonances and, to our knowledge, the first mapping of metabolites γ-aminobutyric acid and glutathione in vivo, within a metabolite measurement time of 45 min. The maps were in excellent agreement with findings from single-voxel spectroscopy and offer spatial information at a scan time acceptable for most animal models. The metabolites measured differed with respect to the temporal evolution of their concentrations and the localization of these changes. Specifically, lactate and N-acetylaspartate concentration changes largely overlapped with the T(2) -hyperintense region visualized with MRI, whereas changes in cholines and glutathione affected the entire middle cerebral artery territory. Glutamine maps showed elevated levels in the ischemic striatum until 8 h after reperfusion, and until 24 h in cortical tissue, indicating differences in excitotoxic effects and secondary energy failure in these tissue types. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
We describe a case of experimentally induced pre-syncope in a healthy young man when exposed to increased inspired CO2 in a background of hypoxia. Acute severe hypoxia (FIO2=0.10) was tolerated, but adding CO2 to the inspirate caused pre-syncope symptoms accompanied by hypotension and large reductions in both mean and diastolic middle cerebral artery velocity, while systolic flow velocity was maintained. The mismatch of cerebral perfusion pressure and vascular tone caused unique retrograde cerebral blood flow at the end of systole and a reduction in cerebral tissue oxygenation. We speculate that this occurrence of pre-syncope was due to hypoxia-induced inhibition of brain regions responsible for compensatory sympathetic activity to relative hypercapnia.
Background: To study the characteristics of vascular aphasia in a cohort of patients with a first-ever stroke. Methods: All patients admitted to the Lausanne neurology department for a first-ever stroke between 1979 and 2004 were included. Neurological examination including language was performed on admission. Stroke risk factors, stroke origin and location, associated symptoms and Rankin scale scores were recorded for each patient. The influence of these factors on aphasia frequency and subtypes was analyzed using logistic regression models. Results: 1,541 (26%) of patients included in this study had aphasia. The more frequent clinical presentations were expressive-receptive aphasia (38%) and mainly expressive aphasia (37%), whereas mainly receptive aphasia was less frequently observed (25%). In ischemic stroke, the frequency of aphasia increased with age (55% of nonaphasic vs. 61% of aphasic patients were more than 65 years old), female sex (40% of women in the nonaphasia group vs. 44% in the aphasia group) and risk factors for cardioembolic origin (coronary heart disease 20 vs. 26% and atrial fibrillation 15 vs. 24%). Stroke aphasia was more likely associated with superficial middle cerebral artery (MCA) stroke and leads to relevant disability. Clinical subtypes depended on stroke location and associated symptoms. Exceptions to the classic clinical-topographic correlations were not rare (26%). Finally, significant differences were found for patients with crossed aphasia in terms of stroke origin and aphasia subtypes. Conclusions: Risk factors for stroke aphasia are age, cardioembolic origin and superficial MCA stroke. Exceptions to classic clinical-topographic correlations are not rare. Stroke aphasia is associated with relevant disability. Stroke location and associated symptoms strongly influence aphasia subtypes.
Twelve patients with a catastrophic reaction (CR) (an outburst of frustration, depression, and anger when confronted with a task) were identified in a prospective cohort population (n = 326) with first-ever stroke admitted within 48 hours from onset. The authors' findings suggest that CR is a rare though not exceptional phenomenon in acute stroke and is associated with nonfluent aphasias and left opercular lesions. CR, poststroke depression, and emotionalism are distinct but related disorders.
INTRODUCTION: Patients with unknown stroke onset are generally excluded from acute recanalisation treatments. We designed a pilot study to assess feasibility of a trial of perfusion computed tomography (PCT)-guided thrombolysis in patients with ischemic tissue at risk of infarction and unknown stroke onset. METHODS: Patients with a supratentorial stroke of unknown onset in the middle cerebral artery territory and significant volume of at-risk tissue on PCT were randomized to intravenous thrombolysis with alteplase (0.9 mg/kg) or placebo. Feasibility endpoints were randomization and blinded treatment of patients within 2 h after hospital arrival, and the correct application (estimation) of the perfusion imaging criteria. RESULTS: At baseline, there was a trend towards older age [69.5 (57-78) vs. 49 (44-78) years] in the thrombolysis group (n = 6) compared to placebo (n = 6). Regarding feasibility, hospital arrival to treatment delay was above the allowed 2 h in three patients (25%). There were two protocol violations (17%) regarding PCT, both underestimating the predicted infarct in patients randomized in the placebo group. No symptomatic hemorrhage or death occurred during the first 7 days. Three of the four (75%) and one of the five (20%) patients were recanalized in the thrombolysis and placebo group respectively. The volume of non-infarcted at-risk tissue was 84 (44-206) cm(3) in the treatment arm and 29 (8-105) cm(3) in the placebo arm. CONCLUSIONS: This pilot study shows that a randomized PCT-guided thrombolysis trial in patients with stroke of unknown onset may be feasible if issues such as treatment delays and reliable identification of tissue at risk of infarction tissue are resolved. Safety and efficiency of such an approach need to be established.
Objectives: Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and spectroscopy (MRS) allow the establishment of the anatomical evolution and neurochemical profiles of ischemic lesions. The aim of the present study was to identify markers of reversible and irreversible damage by comparing the effects of 10-mins middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO), mimicking a transient ischemic attack, with the effects of 30-mins MCAO, inducing a striatal lesion. Methods: ICR-CD1 mice were subjected to 10-mins (n = 11) or 30-mins (n = 9) endoluminal MCAO by filament technique at 0 h. The regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) was monitored in all animals by laser- Doppler flowmetry with a flexible probe fixed on the skull with < 20% of baseline CBF during ischemia and > 70% during reperfusion. All MR studies were carried out in a horizontal 14.1T magnet. Fast spin echo images with T2-weighted parameters were acquired to localize the volume of interest and evaluate the lesion size. Immediately after adjustment of field inhomogeneities, localized 1H MRS was applied to obtain the neurochemical profile from the striatum (6 to 8 microliters). Six animals (sham group) underwent nearly identical procedures without MCAO. Results: The 10-mins MCAO induced no MR- or histologically detectable lesion in most of the mice and a small lesion in some of them. We thus had two groups with the same duration of ischemia but a different outcome, which could be compared to sham-operated mice and more severe ischemic mice (30-mins MCAO). Lactate increase, a hallmark of ischemic insult, was only detected significantly after 30-mins MCAO, whereas at 3 h post ischemia, glutamine was increased in all ischemic mice independently of duration and outcome. In contrast, glutamate, and even more so, N-acetyl-aspartate, decreased only in those mice exhibiting visible lesions on T2-weighted images at 24 h. Conclusions: These results suggest that an increased glutamine/glutamate ratio is a sensitive marker indicating the presence of an excitotoxic insult. Glutamate and NAA, on the other hand, appear to predict permanent neuronal damage. In conclusion, as early as 3 h post ischemia, it is possible to identify early metabolic markers manifesting the presence of a mild ischemic insult as well as the lesion outcome at 24 h.