In the current configuration of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform, family plays a key role in mental health care: shared responsibility and active participation in the process of rehabilitation of people with severe mental disorders. Its considered that the family member who cares can help users in their daily tasks and articulating trajectories, networks and ways to potentiate social connections. This research was motivaded by interest in the subject and by the lack of research and studies about this reality in rural areas. This study aimed to identify ways of mental health care by relatives of severe mental disorder patients living in rural zone located at serto of Paraiba. Methodologically was made a work with qualitative research structured in two moments. In the first one, was held a Documentary Research in CAPS II in order to identify: a) users living in rural that had a history of at least one psychiatric hospitalization, b) users who no longer use the reference service (CAPS II) for at least one year. The second stage consisted by home visits and semi-structured interviews with eleven families in rural areas. Results pointed out a profile composed by 56 users: 56 women and 26 men aged between 50 and 64 years, unmarried, without study, farmers and housewives, living six miles from CAPS II and carriers with severe mental disorders. Strategies and resources used by the families for mental health care were: religion, work, medication and help from relatives, neighbors and community. Factors related to non-use of substitute services were lack of internment in CAPS II and lack of money and transportation. The hospital, the house arrest, the police aid and religion were strategies used by family members as support to psychiatric crises. The data pointed to non-solving of care offered by psychosocial support network and the importance of redirecting practices aligned to the asylum model in favor of psychosocial strategies that aimed at rehabilitation and community participation in mental health care
Childhood and adolescence care has frequently caused theoretical and methodological discussions. At national level, the way of dealing with this public has always been on the agenda, either by maintaining a paternalistic treatment, or by coercive and repressive expression with which this public is treated. Given the above, this research presents a thorough study of social policies focused on children and adolescents in Brazil, with the overall purpose of investigating how this process of implementation of public policies for poor children and adolescents in the state of Rio Grande do Norte was. In previous studies, it was identified that there are no official records regarding the policy implementation process for this population in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. A retrospective study about the care towards children and adolescents in Brazil was held. It ranged from the XXVIII century, through the period of assistance, until the historical period in which the child started to be considered from the perspective of a policy. Thus, a certain period was framed, so that, through the historical research method, this study could focus on gathering data about the attention focused on childhood and adolescence in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, between the years 1964 and 1988. Data was listed from newspaper files that circulated in the state during period mentioned above. This time framing corresponds to the regency of the National Policy of Child Welfare. In the state of Rio Grande do Norte, the implementation of institutions such as FUNBERN and then FEBEM did not differ from the national standard, since many projects and care programs for poor children and teenagers were executed in this period. The implementation of these institutions revealed the concern of the state in solving the problem of minors regarding to situations of abandonment or "delinquency" which they were involved with. However, the kind of protection provided by the state toward this population was based on the current ideology that supported the political system at the time: the military dictatorship. Thus, the main way to provide care to this population was through its institutionalization, through taking children to daycare centres and adolescents to reeducational institutes for minors.
Considering the fact that, the use of wireless communication systems has grown too fast, investigations concerning absorbers of electromagnetic waves has called closer attention of researchers. It is applicable from indoor systems to military applications. Paralleling with this growth, some extremely relevant investigations through Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS) allows its filter property to be applicable in several systems, for example: reflector antennas, band-pass radomes, and absorbers, which are the main objective of this work. Therefore, the main goal of this work concerns to design micro-waves absorbers through FSS. Thus, the methodology consists basically in two steps: the first step concerns a theoretical and numerical analysis of the structures involved in the process of absorption, the second step, the analysis of the cascaded structures. In order to carry out the analysis, the Equivalent Circuit Method will be used. This method provides characteristics of transmission from the structure, for a plane wave incidence and it requires an extremely limited computing resource in relation if compared to full wave analyses method. Hence, it is useful to allow fast predictions of the development of the structures. Furthermore, a spreading matrix will be used in order to cascade the conductive FSS and the resistive FSS achieving absorption characteristics in the designed band. The experimental results used for the analysis are found in the literature due to the difficulty of building soon, given that it is not a simple construction technique. To conclude, a mathematical development through the Equivalent Circuit Method of a FSS modeling with cross-dipole geometry and a resistive FSS will be presented, as well as the cascading involving the two structures. The same setting is used with a square loop geometry. Besides it, the next steps will be discussed in the conclusion.
The concepts of childhood are part of a cultural construction and vary throughout history politically, economically and socially. Nouns such as "childhood" and "child" did not exist as sense of unity in periods prior to modernity, reinforcing their historical character as concepts that have been socially constructed as profess the Historical Social Psychology, theoretical perspective which will support this research. The sociology of childhood distinguishes the terms and changes the approach toward the adult researcher approach with respect to children, aiming to give voice to the child. When it comes to defining the role of children in research, the researcher must take into consideration several relevant criteria such as age, gender, time, listening to the adults close to the children, the level of language and education and which children that will be heard in a group. It is from this discussion, considering the importance of children's participation in the research that are established the purpose of this work, namely, to analyze the theoretical and methodological aspects and ethical guidelines considered in the research process with children, by researchers at the UFRN, presenting as specific objectives: analyze and discuss, from research reports, the adopted ethical procedures and methods used in research with children. Set the goal, it was made a search of the UFRN Research Groups in SIGAA in order to select those which investigate children for participating in our survey. Among the centers of UFRN, we selected the Health Sciences Centre - CCSA, the Humanities Center, Letters and Arts - CCHLA, the Biosciences Center - CB and the Health Sciences Center - CCS, a total of 64 finalized reports to be analyzed. And here it is the observation that the foolish reports were not analyzed for ethical reasons as the guiding of this dissertation is the coordinator of the research group mentioned. In this study, we chose the documentary analysis of the finalized reports from UFRN research projects teachers / researchers as procedure to set up the corpus of the research. Data analysis was performed from the qualitative analysis in the following categories were established: the concept of childhood, concept of child, age of the subjects, the research context, theoretical and methodological care adopted and ethical care. It is hoped that this study will contribute with reflections on the ethical and theoretical and methodological care on research with children. The research showed how some of the results: significant number of reports excluded by repetition, most reports did not bring any closing remarks, no different procedures for children, with rare exceptions, the ethical issue was not mentioned in 50% of reports.
This study aims to understand the significance of palliative care for the elder health care professionals working in primary health care. Descriptive study of qualitative approach. Conducted in three health units of the Family and a core of support for Health, the Felipe Camaro neighborhood, District of Natal Health West, RN. Of the 25 participants, 19 are professionals of the Family Health Strategy and six of the Center for Support to Health, the majority being women, with minimal professional work experience, a year in primary health care. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, under CAAE no. 43895815.4.0000.5537. There were individual interviews between July and September 2015, with the use of questionnaire containing open and closed questions on the topic of study. Our results were recorded in MP4 and transcribed into written language, and analyzed using the open coding process medium in which the categories were interpreted and identified, followed by axial coding, where categories were developed and systematically related. Three categories emerged: enhancement of elder health professionals in palliative care, behavioral health professionals across care in palliative care in primary care and disjointed Meaning between palliative care and health professionals. The categories were interpreted and analyzed by the theoretical framework of social phenomenology of Alfred Schtz. Regarding the valuation of subjective perception of professionals, it is clear the issue of the complexity of multiple relationships through various aspects of his central task: focus a philosophy of the world's reality, namely a phenomenology of natural attitude; Before the professional behavior were identified: the discovery and depth of assumptions through the structure, and meaning in a common sense, and at the meaning of the disconnection between the health professionals-including that reality imminent can be represented by individuality special interest of the experience. It follows that health professionals understand there is a difficulty facing the assistance in palliative care to the elderly in primary care, and this difficulty, characterized by the complexity of social interactions across the joint teamwork. Although, I believe that the articulation between the teams, work and family, is essential for the subsequent improvement of care in palliative care favoring the health context surrounding the Elder.
This study aims to understand the significance of palliative care for the elder health care professionals working in primary health care. Descriptive study of qualitative approach. Conducted in three health units of the Family and a core of support for Health, the Felipe Camaro neighborhood, District of Natal Health West, RN. Of the 25 participants, 19 are professionals of the Family Health Strategy and six of the Center for Support to Health, the majority being women, with minimal professional work experience, a year in primary health care. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, under CAAE no. 43895815.4.0000.5537. There were individual interviews between July and September 2015, with the use of questionnaire containing open and closed questions on the topic of study. Our results were recorded in MP4 and transcribed into written language, and analyzed using the open coding process medium in which the categories were interpreted and identified, followed by axial coding, where categories were developed and systematically related. Three categories emerged: enhancement of elder health professionals in palliative care, behavioral health professionals across care in palliative care in primary care and disjointed Meaning between palliative care and health professionals. The categories were interpreted and analyzed by the theoretical framework of social phenomenology of Alfred Schtz. Regarding the valuation of subjective perception of professionals, it is clear the issue of the complexity of multiple relationships through various aspects of his central task: focus a philosophy of the world's reality, namely a phenomenology of natural attitude; Before the professional behavior were identified: the discovery and depth of assumptions through the structure, and meaning in a common sense, and at the meaning of the disconnection between the health professionals-including that reality imminent can be represented by individuality special interest of the experience. It follows that health professionals understand there is a difficulty facing the assistance in palliative care to the elderly in primary care, and this difficulty, characterized by the complexity of social interactions across the joint teamwork. Although, I believe that the articulation between the teams, work and family, is essential for the subsequent improvement of care in palliative care favoring the health context surrounding the Elder.
Nos ltimos anos, a Qualidade em Instituies de sade tem sido um tema relevante. O conceito de qualidade tem vrias definies, sendo um conceito difcil de medir e definir. A Qualidade uma ferramenta cada vez mais almejada pelas instituies que prestam cuidados de sade e neste caso particular pela Farmcia Comunitria. Essa procura advm da necessidade de garantir um atendimento aos utentes cada vez mais eficaz e eficiente, capaz de satisfazer as suas reais necessidades e expectativas, por meio da otimizao de processos e economizao de recursos, tornando-se, por isso, uma prioridade nas reas onde os farmacuticos operam. O objetivo deste projeto clarificar e explicar as etapas para a implementao de um Sistema de Gesto da Qualidade, com base na Norma ISO 9001:2008, numa Farmcia Comunitria, encorajando toda a equipa e promovendo o empenho e envolvncia de todos nas prticas de gesto integrada da qualidade e nas estratgias de melhoria contnua. A Implementao de um Sistema de Gesto da Qualidade com base na norma ISO 9001:2008 poder ter um impacto muito positivo, contribuindo no apenas para a melhoria da qualidade interna da organizao, nas suas diversas vertentes, como tambm para a focalizao nos seus clientes, melhorando ainda mais a qualidade dos servios prestados, demonstrando ser relevante para a sade, para a forma como os recursos humanos se organizam em torno do trabalho e para racionalizao dos recursos. Desta forma se demonstra o valor desta ferramenta na gesto, eficcia e segurana no sistema de utilizao do medicamento em Farmcia Comunitria.
A partir do ano de 2012, lana-se uma proposta de reestruturao no Ensino M- dio no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Surge nessa proposta um elemento novo na grade curricular chamado de Seminrio Integrado. Esse tem por objetivo aliar a formao geral parte diversificada do currculo atravs de um planejamento interdisciplinar voltado pesquisa. Diante desse cenrio surge a motivao para elaborar esse trabalho, nele apresenta-se quatro atividades interdisciplinares relacionando a matemtica com outras disciplinas. Nossa proposta que essas atividades possam servir como uma possvel base para elaborao e/ou estruturao de atividades nos Seminrios Integrados. Junto com cada atividade apresentamos uma proposta de pesquisa relacionada prtica social, bem como em quais sentidos essas atividades podero preparar o jovem para ser inserido no mercado de trabalho. O material elaborado pelos professores envolvidos e a escolha dos mtodos de ensino utilizados so subsidiados por uma pesquisa bibliogrfica que fizemos a respeito do tema interdisciplinaridade. As atividades elaboradas foram aplicadas em duas turmas de terceiro ano do Ensino Mdio, em uma escola particular na cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. Apresentamos alguns dados que consideramos relevantes em termos de resultados relacionados ao ganho pedaggico.
Relatrio de Estgio apresentado Escola Superior de Sade Dr. Lopes Dias do Instituto Politcnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessrios obteno do grau de Mestre em Cuidados Paliativos, realizada sob a orientao cientfica do Professor Doutor Manuel Lus Capelas e Mestre Eduardo Manuel Neves Oliveira Carqueja, Professores Convidados pela Escola Superior de Sade Dr. Lopes Dias do Instituto Politcnico de Castelo Branco.
Relatrio de Trabalho de Projeto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessrios obteno do grau de Mestre em Enfermagem Mdico-Cirrgica
No mbito do 4 Mestrado em Enfermagem com Especializao em Gesto de Unidades de Sade, da Escola Superior de Sade do Instituto Politcnico de Portalegre, o presente relatrio pretende apresentar um documento reflexivo sobre a aquisio e o desenvolvimento de competncias na rea da gesto de unidades de sade, em mbito de estgio. O estgio decorreu na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Dr. Emlio Moreira da Unidade Local do Norte Alentejano, no perodo de Outubro de 2015 a Fevereiro de 2016. Foi aplicada a metodologia de projeto, tendo desenvolvido no decorrer do estgio o Trabalho de Projeto Avaliao da Carga de Trabalho de Enfermagem na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Dr. Emlio Moreira em Portalegre Os enfermeiros desempenham funes muito importantes na rea da gesto dos recursos e dos cuidados, em unidades de cuidados intensivos. Uma dessas funes consiste em avaliar o ndice de gravidade dos doentes internados e a carga de trabalho de enfermagem atravs do Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System-28. Neste sentido tornou-se pertinente o estudo retrospetivo da carga de trabalho na UCIDEM, por forma a otimizar a utilizao do instrumento de gesto implementado e propor melhorias no mbito da dotao dos enfermeiros. Concluiu-se, principalmente, que: em relao ao ndice de Enfermeiros e Score TISS, verificaram-se variaes acentuadas, quer na necessidade de trabalho de enfermagem quer na gravidade dos doentes, durante 365 dias; comparando a mdia anual de TISS obtida com o diagnstico atual da situao na UCIDEM, existe uma dotao desfasada de acordo com o que foi medido pelo TISS; e que a carga de trabalho dos enfermeiros no distribuda equitativamente pelos turnos
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Este relatrio teve como objetivo a anlise reflexiva das competncias adquiridas e desenvolvidas durante a unidade curricular Relatrio/Estgio, inserida no curso de Mestrado em Enfermagem em Gesto de Unidades de Sade. O estgio foi realizado na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) Dr. Emlio Moreira do Hospital Doutor Jos Maria Grande, em Portalegre. Um contexto economicamente recessivo implica uma alterao da gesto de unidades de sade, que, no entanto, no diminua a qualidade dos cuidados prestados. As intervenes de enfermagem de reabilitao realizadas tiveram como objetivo responder s necessidades dos doentes, incrementando a autonomia dos utentes da UCI, apresentando-se um estudo de caso de uma doente com problemas respiratrios. Os ganhos em sade, avaliados atravs do grau de funcionalidade, da mobilidade, da qualidade de vida, aumentam significativamente aps as intervenes de enfermagem de reabilitao, conforme demonstrado pela anlise dos resultados do estudo de caso, que corroboram a importncia das intervenes de enfermagem de reabilitao na reduo do tempo de internamento dos utentes. A presena de um enfermeiro especialista em reabilitao uma mais-valia numa Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos, devido vasta rea a que consegue dar resposta, contribuindo significativamente para uma maior eficcia na gesto de Unidades de Sade
Relatrio de Estgio apresentado para a obteno do grau de Mestre em Enfermagem de Reabilitao