Committees of classifiers may be used to improve the accuracy of classification systems, in other words, different classifiers used to solve the same problem can be combined for creating a system of greater accuracy, called committees of classifiers. To that this to succeed is necessary that the classifiers make mistakes on different objects of the problem so that the errors of a classifier are ignored by the others correct classifiers when applying the method of combination of the committee. The characteristic of classifiers of err on different objects is called diversity. However, most measures of diversity could not describe this importance. Recently, were proposed two measures of the diversity (good and bad diversity) with the aim of helping to generate more accurate committees. This paper performs an experimental analysis of these measures applied directly on the building of the committees of classifiers. The method of construction adopted is modeled as a search problem by the set of characteristics of the databases of the problem and the best set of committee members in order to find the committee of classifiers to produce the most accurate classification. This problem is solved by metaheuristic optimization techniques, in their mono and multi-objective versions. Analyzes are performed to verify if use or add the measures of good diversity and bad diversity in the optimization objectives creates more accurate committees. Thus, the contribution of this study is to determine whether the measures of good diversity and bad diversity can be used in mono-objective and multi-objective optimization techniques as optimization objectives for building committees of classifiers more accurate than those built by the same process, but using only the accuracy classification as objective of optimization
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In this work it is analyzed a one-dimensional lattice which is composed by mass-spring systems with one additional Rosen-Morse potential on site. This kind of lattice is used to study thermodynamic properties of DNA, especially its thermal denaturation. on the context of this work, the Rosen-Morse potential simulates hydrogen bonds between double strands of the molecule. From the graphic of the average stretching of base pairs versus temperature it is possible to observe the thermal denaturation of the system. This result shows that it is possible to obtain phase transition with an asymmetric potential without an infinite barrier.
The mapping of the land use, vegetation and environmental impacts using remote sensing ana geoprocessmg allow detection, spatial representation and quantification of the alterations caused by the human action on the nature, contributing to the monitoring and planning of those activities that may cause damages to the environment. This study apply methodologies based on digital processing of orbital images for the mapping of the land use, vegetation and anthropic activities that cause impacts in the environment. It was considered a test area in the district of Assistência and surroundings, in Rio Claro (SP) region. The methodology proposed was checked through the crossing of maps in the software GIS - Idrisi. These maps either obtained with conventional interpretation of aerial photos of 1995, digitized in the software CAD Overlay and geo-referenced in the AutoCAD Map, or with the application of digital classification systems on SPOT-XS and PAN orbital images of 1995, followed by field observations. The crossing of conventional and digital maps of a same area with the CIS allows to verify the overall results obtained through the computational handling of orbital images. With the use of digital processing techniques, specially multiespectral classification, it is possible to detect automatically and visually the impacts related to the mineral extraction, as well as to survey the land use, vegetation and environmental impacts.
Despite being known to science for quite a long time, the phenomenon of seed dormancy still baffles the scientific community for the multiple complex underlying mechanisms. The current classification systems of seed dormancy attempt to condense all that is known about the phenomenon in an attempt to generate a conceptual database that would enable facilitated interpretation of upcoming information and allow for a better contextuation of research in this field. The present paper is a preliminary overview of the current panorama of concepts and classification systems of seed dormancy that intends to serve as a standpoint for future research in this field.
Pattern recognition in large amount of data has been paramount in the last decade, since that is not straightforward to design interactive and real time classification systems. Very recently, the Optimum-Path Forest classifier was proposed to overcome such limitations, together with its training set pruning algorithm, which requires a parameter that has been empirically set up to date. In this paper, we propose a Harmony Search-based algorithm that can find near optimal values for that. The experimental results have showed that our algorithm is able to find proper values for the OPF pruning algorithm parameter. © 2011 IEEE.
Objective: To evaluate the correlations between clinical-radiographical aspects and histomorphometric-molecular parameters of endosseous dental implant sites in humans. Material and methods: The study sample consisted of bone implant sites from the jawbones of 32 volunteers, which were classified according to two different systems: (1) based only on periapical and panoramic images (PP); (2) as proposed by Lekholm & Zarb (L&Z). Bone biopsies were removed using trephine during the first drilling for implant placement. Samples were stained with haematoxylin-eosin (HE), and histomorphometric analysis was performed to obtain the following parameters: trabecular thickness (Tb.Th), trabecular number, bone volume density (BV/TV), bone specific surface (BS/BV), bone surface density and trabecular separation (Tb.Sp). In addition, immunohistochemistry analysis was performed on bone tissue samples for the proteins, Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B (RANK), RANK ligand (RANKL), osteoprotegerin (OPG) and Osteocalcin (OC). Also, the determination of the relative levels of gene expression was performed using Reverse transcription-real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR). Results: PP and L&Z classification systems revealed a moderate correlation with BV/TV, BS/BV, Tb.Th and Tb.Sp. L&Z's system identified differences among bone types when BV/TV, BS/BV, Tb.Th and Tb.Sp were compared. A weak correlation between PP/L&Z classifications and the expression of bone metabolism regulators (RANK, RANKL, OPG e OC) was found. The analysis of mRNA expression showed no difference between the bone types evaluated. Conclusions: Our results suggest that PP and L&Z subjective bone-type classification systems are related to histomorphometric aspects. These data may contribute to the validation of these classifications. Bone remodelling regulatory molecules do not seem to influence morphological aspects of the jawbone © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este artigo busca propiciar um quadro histórico e teórico síntese sobre como a categoria cor se tornou o aspecto privilegiado da percepção da diferença entre os grupos sociais brasileiros, assim como o discurso científico e o senso comum para expressá-la no país. Nesse sentido, procura-se entender como esta categoria foi utilizada para fornecer alguns limites e possibilidades para as idéias de nação e de cidadania no Brasil, a partir dos sistemas de classificação oficial e extra-oficial, no período de 1870 até 1990.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The theory of classification must be committed to new approaches such as ontologies and collaborative classification. Therefore, it was conducted a research of exploratory and reflective aspects, in order to increase the understanding of the phenomenon and to get a greater familiarity with the problem, looking for its more precise delimitation. The reflection shows that it is still necessary to invest in the dialogical approach of knowledge organization tools and that it is necessary to rethink the studies on classification in the context of digital technologies, especially ontologies, which have aspects of derivation, though not always declared, from classification systems.
This study explores, in 3 steps, how the 3 main library classification systems, the Library of Congress Classification, the Dewey Decimal Classification, and the Universal Decimal Classification, cover human knowledge. First, we mapped the knowledge covered by the 3 systems. We used the “10 Pillars of Knowledge: Map of Human Knowledge”, which comprises 10 pillars, as an evaluative model. We mapped all the subject-based classes and subclasses that are part of the first 2 levels of the 3 hierarchical structures. Then, we zoomed into each of the 10 pillars and analyzed how the three systems cover the 10 knowledge domains. Finally, we focused on the 3 library systems. Based on the way each one of them covers the 10 knowledge domains, it is evident that they failed to adequately and systematically present contemporary human knowledge. They are unsystematic and biased, and, at the top 2 levels of the hierarchical structures, they are incomplete.
The process of knowledge representation as well as its procedures or tools and its products are not neutral in terms of values; instead they imply moral values. In this context, bias in representation related to prejudice and discrimination, to gender issues, to dicotomic categorization in classification systems or in thesauri and to lack of cultural warrant may arise. Concerning the problem of bias in indexing languages, starting from the initial theoretical reflexions of Brey (1999), Berman (1993), Olson (1998; 2002), Lopez-Huertas Perez & Torres Ramirez (2005), Guimaraes (2006), Hjorland (2008) and Milani et al. (2009), the proposal is to present a preliminary categorization aiming at facilitating the identification of bias concerning feminine issues in indexing languages, to offer a contribution to the theoretical universe of the specific questions of knowledge organization and to present a theme to be discussed by educators and professionals in the areas of cataloging, classification and indexing. If in a society which intends to be politically correct, social attitudes towards stigmatized citizens should be modified, then, the universe of indexing languages, taken as tools of knowledge representation, is a fertile field to sow this reflexion.