976 resultados para MAC IMU
This is a guide to the advanced features of EndNote X6 when operating on the MAC platform. It includes download strategies for a wide range of databases and a guide to synchronising the desktop library with EndNote web
Quick video for iSolutions to sanity check workaround as all staff will be asked to change network passwords which could have a major affecting on staff authenticating to network printers from a Mac. If good can be used by Serviceline. Do not Contact Adam Procter about this
This manual shows you how to use a range of useful smaller features Word 2011 - cross-referencing, track changes, word count, endnotes and footnotes, spell checker, autocorrect, screen split, comments and find and replace.
The University's thesis regulations give very specific guidance about margin's and page layout. This manual explains how to use set up margins to work with double sided printing; how to ensure chapters start on the right-hand page; and how to create running headers and footers in a thesis written in MS Word 2011.
Adding illustrations can make it much easier to make a point in a thesis. Download this manual on how in insert pictures, insert SmartArt (a selection of pre-defined diagram types) and draw your own diagram with shapes in MS Word 2011. The guide also shows you how to create a Table of Figures in the thesis.
Cross-references allow you to tell the reader where they can find more detailed content on a subject within in your document. This video shows you how to set up, navigate with and refresh cross-references in Word 2011. Download the video for the best viewing experience.
An introduction to the basic features of EndNote X7, including links to EndNote Online for Mac users
These five manuals show you how to use a range of Word 2011 features and the University's non-compulsory thesis template to produce your thesis. It shows how to save time and create a clearly structured & consistent looking document.
Front matter template for Word 97/2000/2003 PC) or Word 2004 (Mac) for the University of Southampton
Con: Matem??ticas del planeta Tierra : [cuaderno de actividades] / Fernando Alcaide, Miguel Nieto
A method to map all the variants of the IEEE 802.11 MAC frames into the Multiband OFDM based ECMA-368 Physical standard is proposed, without contravening the standard. The transportation of IEEE 802.11 MAC frames over ECMA-368 allows for the migration current of Wireless LAN applications towards a Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) solution. This system benefits the Consumer Electronics Market as the high data-rate WPAN is capable of transporting broadcast-quality video while the same system can also transport existing applications available today, maintaining existing effort, products and backward-compatibility(1).
To enhance the throughput of ad hoc networks, dual-hop relay-enabled transmission schemes have recently been proposed. Since in ad hoc networks throughput is normally related to their energy consumption, it is important to examine the impact of using relay-enabled transmissions on energy consumption. In this paper, we present an analytical energy consumption model for dual-hop relay-enabled medium access control (MAC) protocols. Based on the recently reported relay-enabled distributed coordination function (rDCF), we have shown the efficacy of the proposed analytical model. This is a generalized model and can be used to predict energy consumption in saturated relay-enabled ad hoc networks via energy decomposition. This is helpful in designing MAC protocols for cooperative communications and it is shown that using a relay results not only in a better throughput but also better energy efficiency.
Given that the next and current generation networks will coexist for a considerable period of time, it is important to improve the performance of existing networks. One such improvement recently proposed is to enhance the throughput of ad hoc networks by using dual-hop relay-based transmission schemes. Since in ad hoc networks throughput is normally related to their energy consumption, it is important to examine the impact of using relay-based transmissions on energy consumption. In this paper, we present an analytical energy consumption model for dual-hop relay-based medium access control (MAC) protocols. Based on the recently reported relay-enabled Distributed Coordination Function (rDCF), we have shown the efficacy of the proposed analytical model. This is a generalized model and can be used to predict energy consumption in saturated relay-based ad hoc networks. This model can predict energy consumption in ideal environment and with transmission errors. It is shown that using a relay results in not only better throughput but also better energy efficiency. Copyright (C) 2009 Rizwan Ahmad et al.