987 resultados para M1 polarization


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Nanoantennae show potential for photosynthesis research for two reasons; first by spatially confining light for experiments which require high spatial resolution, and second by enhancing the photon emission of single light-harvesting complexes. For effective use of nanoantennae a detailed understanding of the interaction between the nanoantenna and the light-harvesting complex is required. Here we report how the excitation and emission of multiple purple bacterial LH2s (light-harvesting complex 2) are controlled by single gold nanorod antennae. LH2 complexes were chemically attached to such antennae, and the antenna length was systematically varied to tune the resonance with respect to the LH2 absorption and emission. There are three main findings. (i) The polarization of the LH2 emission is fully controlled by the resonant nanoantenna. (ii) The largest fluorescence enhancement, of 23 times, is reached for excitation with light at λ = 850 nm, polarized along the long antenna-axis of the resonant antenna. The excitation enhancement is found to be 6 times, while the emission efficiency is increased 3.6 times. (iii) The fluorescence lifetime of LH2 depends strongly on the antenna length, with shortest lifetimes of [similar]40 ps for the resonant antenna. The lifetime shortening arises from an 11 times resonant enhancement of the radiative rate, together with a 2–3 times increase of the non-radiative rate, compared to the off-resonant antenna. The observed length dependence of radiative and non-radiative rate enhancement is in good agreement with simulations. Overall this work gives a complete picture of how the excitation and emission of multi-pigment light-harvesting complexes are influenced by a dipole nanoantenna.


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The knowledge on the optics of fogbows is scarce, and their polarization characteristics have never been measured to our knowledge. To fill this gap we measured the polarization features of 16 fogbows during the Beringia 2005 Arctic polar research expedition by imaging polarimetry in the red, green and blue spectral ranges. We present here the first polarization patterns of the fogbow. In the patterns of the degree of linear polarization p, fogbows and their supernumerary bows are best visible in the red spectral range due to the least dilution of fogbow light by light scattered in air. In the patterns of the angle of polarization α fogbows are practically not discernible because their α-pattern is the same as that of the sky: the direction of polarization is perpendicular to the plane of scattering and is parallel to the arc of the bow, independently of the wavelength. Fogbows and their supernumeraries were best seen in the patterns of the polarized radiance. In these patterns the angular distance δ between the peaks of the primary and the first supernumerary and the angular width σ of the primary bow were determined along different radii from the center of the bow. δ ranged between 6.08° and 13.41° , while σ changed from 5.25° to 19.47° . Certain fogbows were relatively homogeneous, meaning small variations of δ and σ along their bows. Other fogbows were heterogeneous, possessing quite variable δ- and σ-values along their bows. This variability could be a consequence of the characteristics of the high Arctic with open waters within the ice shield resulting in the spatiotemporal change of the droplet size within the fog


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Regulation of cell growth, death, and polarization by ERBB4 ErbB4 is a member of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR, ErbB) family. The other members are EGFR, ErbB2 and ErbB3. ErbB receptors are important regulators for example in cardiovascular, neural and breast development but control key cellular functions also in many adult tissues. Abnormal ErbB signaling has been shown to be involved in various illnesses such as cancers and heart diseases. Among the ErbBs, ErbB4 has been shown to have unique signaling characteristics. ErbB4 exists in four alternatively spliced isoforms that are expressed in a tissue-specific manner. Two of the isoforms can be cleaved by membrane proteases, resulting in release of soluble intracellular domains (ICD). Once released into the cytosol, the ICD is capable of translocating into the nucleus and participating in regulation of transcription. The functional differences and the tissue-specific expression patterns suggest isoformspecific roles for ErbB4 isoforms. However, the abilities of ErbB4 isoforms to differently regulate cellular functions were discovered only recently and are not well understood. This study aimed to determine the expression patterns of ErbB4 in normal and diseased tissue, and to define whether the cleavable and non-cleavable isoforms could regulate different target genes and therefore, cellular functions. In this study, a comprehensive ErbB4 expression pattern in several normal tissues, various cancers and non-neoplastic diseases was determined. In addition, the data demonstrated that the cleavable and non-cleavable ErbB4 isoforms could regulate different cellular functions and target genes. Finally, this study defined the cellular responses regulated by ErbB4 during kidney development.


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This thesis presents point-contact measurements between superconductors (Nb, Ta, Sn,Al, Zn) and ferromagnets (Co, Fe, Ni) as well as non-magnetic metals (Ag, Au, Cu, Pt).The point contacts were fabricated using the shear method. The differential resistanceof the contacts was measured either in liquid He at 4.2 K or in vacuum in a dilutionrefrigerator at varying temperature down to 0.1 K. The contact properties were investigatedas function of size and temperature. The measured Andreev-reflection spectrawere analysed in the framework of the BTK model – a three parameter model that describescurrent transport across a superconductor - normal conductor interface. Theoriginal BTK model was modified to include the effects of spin polarization or finitelifetime of the Cooper pairs. Our polarization values for the ferromagnets at 4.2 K agree with the literature data, but the analysis was ambiguous because the experimental spectra both with ferromagnets and non-magnets could be described equally well either with spin polarization or finite lifetime effects in the BTK model. With the polarization model the Z parametervaries from almost 0 to 0.8 while the lifetime model produces Z values close to 0.5. Measurements at lower temperatures partly lift this ambiguity because the magnitude of thermal broadening is small enough to separate lifetime broadening from the polarization. The reduced magnitude of the superconducting anomalies for Zn-Fe contacts required an additional modification of the BTK model which was implemented as a scaling factor. Adding this parameter led to reduced polarization values. However, reliable data is difficult to obtain because different parameter sets produce almost identical spectra.


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The mechanisms by which PM2.5 increases cardiovascular mortality are not fully identified. Autonomic alterations are the current main hypotheses. Our objective was to determine if PM2.5 induces acute cardiac polarization alterations in healthy Wistar rats. PM2.5 samples were collected on polycarbonate filters. Solutions containing 10, 20, and 50 µg PM2.5 were administered by tracheal instillation. P wave duration decreased significantly at 20 µg (0.99 ± 0.06, 0.95 ± 0.06, and 0.96 ± 0.07; P < 0.001), and 50 µg (0.98 ± 0.06, 0.98 ± 0.07, and 0.96 ± 0.08; 60, 90 and 120 min, respectively) compared to blank filter solution (P < 0.001). PR interval duration decreased significantly at 20 µg (0.99 ± 0.06, 0.98 ± 0.07, and 0.97 ± 0.08) and 50 µg (0.99 ± 0.05, 0.97 ± 0.0, and 0.95 ± 0.05; 60, 90, and 120 min, respectively) compared to blank filter and 10 µg (P < 0.001). QRS interval duration decreased at 20 and 50 µg in relation to blank filter solution and 10 µg (P < 0.001). QT interval duration decreased significantly (P < 0.001) with time in animals receiving 20 µg (0.94 ± 0.12, 0.88 ± 0.14, and 0.88 ± 0.11) and 50 µg (1.00 ± 0.13; 0.97 ± 0.11 and 0.98 ± 0.16; 60, 90 and 120 min, respectively) compared to blank filter solution and 10 µg (P < 0.001). PM2.5 induced reduced cardiac conduction time, within a short period, indicating that depolarization occurs more rapidly across ventricular tissue.


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Procedimentos para validação intralaboratorial de kits de ELISA foram adotados na verificação da eficiência de um kit para detecção e quantificação de aflatoxina M1 em leite. Foram realizados ensaios com soluções padrões fornecidas pelo kit, amostras artificialmente contaminadas e amostras naturalmente contaminadas. Os valores médios de recuperação obtidos para os padrões do kit apresentaram-se entre 85,6 e 114,8%, com valores de coeficiente de variação entre 11,6 e 23,1%. Nos ensaios com amostras artificialmente contaminadas, foi definida uma faixa ótima de trabalho para análises quantitativas entre 0,019 e 0,090µg/L. A presença de aflatoxina M1 em 110 amostras de leite do estado de Minas Gerais foi investigada. Cinco das 27 amostras positivas na triagem por ELISA foram confirmadas por cromatografia em camada delgada.


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Foi verificada a incidência de aflatoxina M1 (AFM1) em 61 amostras de leite coletadas em Belo Horizonte / Minas Gerais - Brasil, no período de Agosto/ 98 - Abril/ 99. A quantificação foi feita por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) usando coluna de imunoafinidade como técnica de purificação. O limite de quantificação observado foi 6ng/L. As recuperações médias e coeficientes de variação foram superiores a 88,9% e inferiores a 22,4%, respectivamente. AFM1 foi encontrada em 50 (82%) das amostras analisadas, mas em níveis inferiores a 500ng/L, que é o limite máximo permitido no Brasil.


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Milk products such as cheeses may be contaminated by aflatoxin M1 when dairy cattle have consumed feeds contaminated with aflatoxin B1. Samples of "Minas" cheeses (fresh, canastra and standard) were collected by the Inspection Service in the Mercado Central in Belo Horizonte city, Minas Gerais - Brazil. A purified extract was obtained by extraction with dichloromethane followed by a washing with n-hexane and immunoaffinity column purification. The quantification of aflatoxin M1 was done by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using a fluorescence detector. Recoveries were about 75%. In 56 of the 75 samples (74.7%), the presence of aflatoxin M1 was detected in concentrations ranging between 0.02 and 6.92ng/g of cheese. In the positive cases ( > or = 0.02ng/g) the mean contamination level of aflatoxin M1 was 0.08ng/g in fresh cheese, 0.36ng/g in canastra cheese and 0.62ng/g in standard cheese. No aflatoxin M1 maximum tolerance level in cheese has been established in Brazil.


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Milk and egg matrixes were assayed for aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) and B1 (AFB1) respectively, by AOAC official and modified methods with detection and quantification by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC). The modified methods: Blanc followed by Romer, showed to be most appropriate for AFM1 analysis in milk. Both methods reduced emulsion formation, produced cleaner extracts, no streaking spots, precision and accuracy improved, especially when quantification was performed by HPTLC. The use of ternary mixture in the Blanc Method was advantageous as the solvent could extract AFM1 directly from the first stage (extraction), leaving other compounds in the binary mixture layer, avoiding emulsion formation, thus reducing toxin loss. The relative standard deviation (RSD%) values were low, 16 and 7% when TLC and HPTLC were used, with a mean recovery of 94 and 97%, respectively. As far as egg matrix and final extract are concerned, both methods evaluated for AFB1 need further studies. Although that matrix leads to emulsion with consequent loss of toxin, the Romer modified presented a reasonable clean extract (mean recovery of 92 and 96% for TLC and HPTLC, respectively). Most of the methods studied did not performed as expected mainly due to the matrixes high content of triglicerides (rich on saturated fatty acids), cholesterol, carotene and proteins. Although nowadays most methodology for AFM1 is based on HPLC, TLC determination (Blanc and Romer modified) for AFM1 and AFB1 is particularly recommended to those, inexperienced in food and feed mycotoxins analysis and especially who cannot afford to purchase sophisticated (HPLC,HPTLC) instrumentation.


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Um método para determinação de aflatoxina M1 em leite empregando cromatografia em camada delgada foi otimizado e validado por procedimentos intralaboratoriais. Foram realizados testes para otimização das etapas de extração, purificação, detecção e quantificação por análise visual e densitométrica. Para validação do método foram realizados ensaios de recuperação com soluções padrões e amostras artificialmente contaminadas em níveis entre 0,027µg/L e 0,970µg/L. Foram avaliados linearidade, especificidade, exatidão, precisão, limites de detecção e quantificação. Os valores de porcentagem de recuperação na faixa de quantificação do método variaram de 84,2% a 99,0% na análise visual e de 85,2% a 105,2% na análise densitométrica, com coeficientes de variação de 2,3% a 9,8% e de 3,6% a 13,9%, respectivamente. O limite de detecção foi de 0,036µg/L e o de quantificação de 0,045µg/L, contemplando os níveis de tolerância estabelecidos na legislação nacional e internacional para aflatoxina M1 em leite.


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A ocorrência de aflatoxina B1 (AFB1) em rações e aflatoxina M1 (AFM1) no leite cru foi avaliada em propriedades leiteiras situadas na região nordeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, de outubro de 2005 a fevereiro de 2006. A análise de aflatoxinas foi efetuada utilizando-se colunas de imunoafinidade para purificação dos extratos, sendo a quantificação realizada através de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. A AFB1 foi detectada em 40% das rações em níveis de 1,0 a 19,5 μg.kg-1. A concentração de AFM1 em 36,7% de amostras de leite positivas variou de 0,010 a 0,645 μg.L-1. Somente uma amostra de leite estava acima do limite de tolerância adotado no Brasil (0,5 μg.L-1) para AFM1. Concluiu-se que as concentrações de aflatoxinas na ração e no leite foram relativamente baixas, embora a alta frequência das aflatoxinas nas amostras analisadas indique a necessidade de contínuo monitoramento a fim de prevenir a contaminação de ingredientes e rações destinadas ao gado leiteiro.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Química Analítica Biomédica) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Ingeniería Cerámica) UANL


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Parasympathetic system plays an important role in insulin secretion from the pancreas. Cholinergic effect on pancreatic beta cells exerts primarily through muscarinic receptors. In the present study we investigated the specific role of muscarinic M1 and M3 receptors in glucose induced insulin secretion from rat pancreatic islets in vitro. The involvement of muscarinic receptors was studied using the antagonist atropine. The role of muscarinic MI and M3 receptor subtypes was studied using subtype specific antagonists. Acetylcholine agonist, carbachol, stimulated glucose induced insulin secretion at low concentrations (10-8-10-5 M) with a maximum stimulation at 10-7 M concentration. Carbachol-stimulated insulin secretion was inhibited by atropine confirming the role of muscarinic receptors in cholinergic induced insulin secretion. Both M1 and M3 receptor antagonists blocked insulin secretion induced by carbachol. The results show that M3 receptors are functionally more prominent at 20 mM glucose concentration when compared to MI receptors. Our studies suggest that muscarinic M1 and M3 receptors function differentially regulate glucose induced insulin secretion, which has clinical significance in glucose homeostasis.