998 resultados para M seamount


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From the south-eastern Tyrrhenian deep-sea floor, four sediment cores of "Meteor" cruise 22 (1971) are described. These cores were taken in the basin between the Aeolian Islands and the Marsili Seamount, an elevation of more tha 3000 m above the sea floor. The sedimentation of the deep-sea basin is distinguished by a sequence of turbidites with a high sedimentation rate. The composition of the clastic material and the position of the cores in the mouth area of the morphologically very pronounced Stromboli Canyon suggest an interpretation of the turbidite sequence as fan of this canyon onto the deep-sea floor. A white rhyolitic pumice-tephra at the base of the 4 m thick sequence of turbidites in core M22-102 has been correlated with the Pelato eruption of the island of Liparo in the 6th century A.D. At the foot of the Marsili Seamount - apparently in morphologically elevated positions - the influence of the turbidite sedimentation increases, the rate of sedimentation is lower and stratigraphic omissions are probable. Here, rather compacted globigerina marls have been found in only 15 -25 cm depth. In addition, volcanic material in the form of lapilli layers, palagonitized ashes and detrital volcanic sands of the Marsili Seamount have been encountered in this area. An up to 3 cm thick layer of completely palagonitized basaltic ash intercalates with the marls at the base of two cores. Layers of very fresh olivine basaltic lapilli in core 103 and palagonitized lapilli of latitic composition in core 104 testify to an explosive submarine volcanism of the Marsili Seamount. According to the stratigraphy of core 103, the latest manifestations of this basaltic volcanism belong to the late Pleistocene (Emiliana huxleyi-zone of Nannoplankton stratigraphy) The basaltic lapilli are glassy to perhyaline with phenocrysts or microphenocrysts predominantely of olivine. The petrological character of the basaltic volcanites with high MgO, Ni, Cr and high MgO/FeO- and Ni/Co-ratios exhibits primitive basaltic features. These basalts clearly differ from basalts of the ocean floors, mid-ocean ridges and marginal basins. Prominent features are a missing iron-enrichment trend and low TiO2. Al2O3 tends to be high, as well as K2O and related trace elements (Ba, Sr). In spite of silica undrsaturation and high color index, the Marsili basalt exhibit some analogies with the calcalkaline basalts of the Aeolian arc, as well as the undersaturated basalts of some other circumoceanic areas.


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The Ampère Seamount, 600 km west of Gibraltar, is one of nine inactive volcanoes along a bent chain, the so called Horseshoe Seamounts. All of them ascend from an abyssal plain of 4000 to 4800 m depth up to a few hundred meters below the sea surface, except two, which nearly reach the surface: the Ampère massif on the southern flank of the group and the summit of the Gorringe bank in the north. The horseshoe, serrated like a crown, opens towards Gibraltar and stands in the way of its outflow. These seamounts are part of the Azores-Gibraltar structure, which marks the boundary between two major tectonic plates: the Eurasian and the African plate. The submarine volcanism which formed the Horseshoe Seamounts belongs to the sea floor spread area of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The maximum activity was between 17 and 10 Million years ago and terminated thereafter. The volcanoes consist of basalts and tuffs. Most of their flanks and the abyssal plain around are covered by sediments of micro-organic origin. These sediments, in particular their partial absence on the upper flanks are a circumstantial proof and a kind of diary of the initial rise and subsequent subsidence of about 6oo m of these seamounts. The horizons of erosion where the basalt substrate is laid bare indicate the rise above sea level in the past. Since the Ampère summit is 60 m deep today, this volcano must have been an island 500 m high. The stratification of the sediments covering the surrounding abyssal plain reveals discrete events of downslope suspension flows, called turbidites, separated by tens of thousands of years and perhaps induced by changes in climate conditions. The Ampère sea mount of 4800 m height and a base diameter of 50 km exceeds the size of the Mont Blanc massif. Its southern and eastern flanks are steep with basalts cropping out, in parts with nearly vertical walls of some hundred meters. The west and north sides consist of terraces and plateaus covered with sediments at 140 m, 400 m, 2000 m, and 3500 m. The Horseshoe Seamount area is also remarkable as a kind of disturbed crossing of three major oceanic flow systems at different depths and directions with forced upwelling and partial mixing of the water masses. Most prominent is the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) with its higher temperature and salinity between 900 to 1500 m depth. It enters the horseshoe unimpaired from the open eastern side but penetrates the seamount chain through its valleys on the west, thereafter diverging and crossing the entire Atlantic Ocean. Below the MOW is the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) between 2000 m to 3000 m depth flowing southward and finally there is the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) flowing northward below the two other systems.


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High-resolution bathymetric surveys, bottom photography and sample analyses show that Loihi Seamount at the southernmost extent of the Hawaiian ëhotspotí is an active, young submarine volcano that is probably the site of an emerging Hawaiian island. Hydrothermal deposits sampled from the active summit rift system were probably formed by precipitation from cooling vent fluids or during cooling and oxidation of high-temperature polymetallic sulphide assemblages. No exotic benthic fauna were found to be associated with the presently active hydrothermal vents mapped.


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Paleomagnetic data were measured from basaltic flows cored by the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) at Site 883 on the summit of Detroit Seamount, located in the northernmost Emperor seamounts. These data are important because they reflect the paleolatitude of Hawaiian volcanism for the Late Cretaceous and bear upon geodynamic models of hotspot drift. A total of 143 samples were measured, from cores acquired at two ~20-30 m apart. Most samples gave apparently reliable magnetic directions that were analyzed in a tiered fashion to compute a composite inclination vs. depth curve. One hole gave 13 distinct inclination groups, the other 10, and the two were combined into nine groups thought to represent independent measurements of paleofield direction. These data indicate normal magnetic polarity and give a mean inclination of 61.5+10.6°/-6.4° and paleolatitude of 42.8+13.2°/-7.6° (95% confidence limits). This paleolatitude is 6.2° higher than results from another ODP site (884) drilled on the lower flank of the same seamount. The difference is thought to result partly from an age difference (1-3 Myr) and partly from incomplete averaging of paleosecular variation at both drill sites. Together, the data from the two sites reinforce the conclusion that the northern Emperor seamounts were formed far north of the present-day hotspot latitude (~19.5°N) and suggest prior estimates of the amount and rate of southward drift may have been low. This analysis also illustrates uncertainties in determining paleolatitude from a small number of lava flow units from a single drill site.