1000 resultados para Método da árvore de impacto ambiental
In Brazil, there are three main codes that surround the issue of right or possession of various lands according to concepts of ownership or purchase. When it comes to indigenous issues in Brazil is difficult to say which legal code applies more fairly the native population of the country. In the case of the Indians who have their reserves near urban areas there is such a conflict of laws becomes more evident and takes even greater than in other regions of Brazil. As is the case in the indigenous villages of the District of Jaragua in Greater São Paulo, the Tekoá YTU and Tekoá Pyau. The two villages are located in northeastern São Paulo and currently are surrounded by continuous growth and disorderly city of Sao Paulo while their inhabitants fight to preserve the customs and traditions of the Guarani people. They prevail on the City Statute (2001), the Indian Statute (EDI) Environmental Laws and the National Council of Environment (CONAMA) and the Forestry Code, the latter solely because they are near the State Park Jaragua - area environmental preservation
Pós-graduação em Ciências Ambientais - Sorocaba
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A reciclagem é uma importante ferramenta para a gestão dos Resíduos Sólidos Domiciliares, como cita a Política Nacional dos Resíduos Sólidos. Assim esta pesquisa visa quantificar o impacto ambiental que um programa de reciclagem, com o objetivo de reciclar 20% dos resíduos passíveis de reciclagem, causaria na cidade de Cachoeira Paulista/SP. Para isso, foi utilizado o Waste Reduction Model para simular os dados e calcular a Emissão dos Gases de Efeito Estufa (MTCO2E e MTCE) e quantidade de Energia (Kwh). Um programa de reciclagem de 20% tem oportunidade de reduzir, em um ano e em relação a situação sem reciclagem, aproximadamente em 49% a quantidade de CO2 e C equivalentes, além de economizar em Kwh o equivalente ao gasto por um mês de energia elétrica de 9400 residências.
The objective of this work for evaluating the potential of biogas and methane productions and still and reductions in levels of total solids (TS), volatile solids (VS) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) of the co-digestion anaerobic digestion in digesters fed with swine manure plus disposal of oil and lyophilized microorganisms. For assay development substrates were prepared containing 4% TS, consisting of swine manure, disposal oil (the proportions 8, 10 and 12% oil content in relation to the substrate TS), lyophilized microorganisms (Biol-2000 ® - concentrations of 10 g/m3 and 15 g/m3 ), water for dilution of this waste and inoculum for batch digesters supply. There was no significant difference with respect to reductions in TS, VS and NDF constituents, providing very significant reductions in average 54.14; 62.79 and 49.16% respectively. Regarding the potential of biogas production, the highest yields occurred in digesters supplied with 10% oil and 15 g/m3 of Biol®, being 0.43 and 0.54 L of biogas per kg of TS and VS added, respectively, similar results were found when assessed the potential for methane production, with higher values (0.22 and 0.27 L of methane per kg of TS added and VS, respectively) obitidos the same treatment. The inclusion of 15 g/m3 in Biol® substrate composition containing swine manure and 10% of oil improves the yields of biogas and methane.
En general las metodologías utilizadas para la evaluación de impacto ambiental han empleado ponderaciones subjetivas, o mediciones de ciertos componentes en forma parcializada, en donde no se tiene en cuenta el territorio sobre el cual se desarrollan las acciones y los efectos. Esto hace que las EIA no sean ajustadas, tornándose más dificultoso aún en las evaluaciones relacionadas con temas de Ordenamiento Territorial, donde la complejidad está dada no solo por la cantidad de variables a incluir sino por el nivel de interacciones a considerar. A pesar de que no siempre es tenida en cuenta, la componente espacial es fundamental en toda EIA, no solo para describir el entorno en el que las acciones se realizan sino para el análisis y correlación de fenómenos que impactan en el territorio y el medio ambiente. En este trabajo se persigue: • Identificar indicadores geográficos posibles de incorporar en las EIA. • Medir en forma cuali y cuantitativa los indicadores seleccionados . • Utilizar geotecnologías como son los SIG y la Teledetección en dicha medición. La incorporación de indicadores geográficos en la EIA de temas tan complejos y comprometidos como los relacionados con el Ordenamiento Territorial se torna necesario debido a la propia naturaleza de ciertos fenómenos que requieren de un enfoque integral georeferenciado, con indicadores medidos en forma cualitativa o cuantitativa.