828 resultados para Lynch


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We present a new analysis of J/psi production yields in deuteron-gold collisions at root s(NN) =200 GeV using data taken from the PHENIX experiment in 2003 and previously published in S. S. Adler [Phys. Rev. Lett 96, 012304 (2006)]. The high statistics proton-proton J/psi data taken in 2005 are used to improve the baseline measurement and thus construct updated cold nuclear matter modification factors (R(dAu)). A suppression of J/psi in cold nuclear matter is observed as one goes forward in rapidity (in the deuteron-going direction), corresponding to a region more sensitive to initial-state low-x gluons in the gold nucleus. The measured nuclear modification factors are compared to theoretical calculations of nuclear shadowing to which a J/psi (or precursor) breakup cross section is added. Breakup cross sections of sigma(breakup)=2.8(-1.4)(+1.7) (2.2(-1.5)(+1.6)) mb are obtained by fitting these calculations to the data using two different models of nuclear shadowing. These breakup cross-section values are consistent within large uncertainties with the 4.2 +/- 0.5 mb determined at lower collision energies. Projecting this range of cold nuclear matter effects to copper-copper and gold-gold collisions reveals that the current constraints are not sufficient to firmly quantify the additional hot nuclear matter effect.


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Azimuthal angle (Delta phi) correlations are presented for charged hadrons from dijets for 0.4 < p(T)< 10 GeV/c in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV. With increasing p(T), the away-side distribution evolves from a broad and relatively flat shape to a concave shape, then to a convex shape. Comparisons to p+p data suggest that the away-side can be divided into a partially suppressed ""head"" region centered at Delta phi similar to pi and an enhanced ""shoulder"" region centered at Delta phi similar to pi +/- 1.1. The p(T) spectrum for the head region softens toward central collisions, consistent with the onset of jet quenching. The spectral slope for the shoulder region is independent of centrality and trigger p(T), which offers constraints on energy transport mechanisms and suggests that it contains the medium response to energetic jets.


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Transverse momentum distributions and yields for pi(+/-), K(+/-), p, and (p) over bar in p + p collisions at root s = 200 and 62.4 GeV at midrapidity are measured by the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). These data provide important baseline spectra for comparisons with identified particle spectra in heavy ion collisions at RHIC. We present the inverse slope parameter T(inv), mean transverse momentum < p(T)>, and yield per unit rapidity dN/dy at each energy, and compare them to other measurements at different root s in p + p and p + (p) over bar collisions. We also present the scaling properties such as m(T) scaling and x(T) scaling on the p(T) spectra between different energies. To discuss the mechanism of the particle production in p + p collisions, the measured spectra are compared to next-to-leading-order or next-to-leading-logarithmic perturbative quantum chromodynamics calculations.


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When wandering around a city such as Sao Paulo, we are surrounded by letters, numbers and symbols. These elements form part of an environment full of signs in many shapes and sizes that compete for our attention. Our perception of these elements contributes towards our spatial guidance and sense of place. The idea of `reading` the city, or urban environment, was introduced by Kevin Lynch, for whom reading the urban structure follows on from recognizing or identifying its numerous visual elements, not necessarily verbal ones. Beginning with a brief bibliographic review of perception theories, this article combines concepts from environmental psychology with concerns brought up by the fields of information design and epigraphy studies, setting out the basis of a methodological proposal for the study of typography and lettering in the urban environment.


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We investigated the properties of calcium-activated chloride channels in inside-out membrane patches from the dendritic knobs of acutely dissociated rat olfactory receptor neurons. Patches typically contained large calcium-activated currents, with total conductances in the range 30-75 nS. The dose response curve for calcium exhibited an EC50 of about 26 mu M. In symmetrical NaCl solutions, the current-voltage relationship reversed at 0 mV and was linear between -80 and +70 mV. When the intracellular NaCl concentration was progressively reduced from 150 to 25 mM, the reversal potential changed in a manner consistent with a chloride-selective conductance. Indeed, modeling these data with the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation revealed a P-Na/P-Cl of 0.034. The halide permeability sequence was P-Cl > P-F > P-I > P-Br indicating that permeation through the channel was dominated by ion binding sites with a high field strength. The channels were also permeable to the large organic anions, SCN-, acetate(-), and gluconate(-), with the permeability sequence P-Cl > P-SCN > gluconaie. Significant permeation to gluconate ions suggested that the channel pore had a minimum diameter of at least 5.8 Angstrom.


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Four adducts of triphenylphosphine oxide with aromatic carboxylic acids have been synthesized and tested for second-order non-linear optical properties. These were with N-methylpyrrole-2-carboxylic acid (I), indole-2-carboxylic acid (2), 3-dimethylaminobenzoic acid (3), and thiophen-2-carboxylic acid (4). Compound (1) produced clear, colourless crystals (space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) With a 9.892(1), b 14.033(1), c 15.305(1) Angstrom, Z 4) which allowed the structure to be determined by X-ray diffraction.


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The effects of nitric oxide (NO) and other cysteine modifying agents were examined on cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) cation channels from rat olfactory receptor neurons. The NO compounds, S-nitroso-cysteine (SNC) and 3-morpholino-sydnonomine (SIN-1), did not activate the channels when applied for up to 10 min. The cysteine alkylating agent, N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), and the oxidising agent, dithionitrobensoate (DTNB), were also without agonist efficacy. Neither SNC nor DTNB altered the cAMP sensitivity of the channels. However, 2-min applications of SIN-1, SNC and DTNB inhibited the cAMP-gated current to approximately 50% of the control current level. This inhibition showed no spontaneous reversal for 5 min but was completely reversed by a 2-min exposure to DTT. The presence of cAMP protected the channels against NO-induced inhibition. These results indicate that inhibition is caused by S-nitrosylation of neighboring sulfhydryl groups leading to sulfhydryl bond formation. This reaction is favored in the closed channel state. Since recombinantly expressed rat olfactory alpha and beta CNG channel homomers and alpha/beta heteromers are activated and not inhibited by cysteine modification, the results of this study imply the existence of a novel subunit or tightly bound factor which dominates the effect of cysteine modification in the native channels. As CNG channels provide a pathway for calcum influx, the results may also have important implications for the physiological role of NO in mammalian olfactory receptor neurons.


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Molecular mechanisms of zinc potentiation were investigated in recombinant human alpha 1 glycine receptors (GlyRs) by whole-cell patch-clamp recording and [H-3]strychnine binding assays. In the wild-type (WT) GlyR, 1 mu M zinc enhanced the apparent binding affinity of the agonists glycine and taurine and reduced their concentrations required for half-maximal activation. Thus, in the WT GlyR, zinc potentiation apparently occurs by enhancing agonist binding. However, analysis of GlyRs incorporating mutations in the membrane-spanning domain M1-M2 and M2-M3 loops, which are both components of the agonist gating mechanism, indicates that most mutations uncoupled zinc potentiation from glycine-gated currents but preserved zinc potentiation of taurine-gated currents. One such mutation in the M2-M3 loop, L274A, abolished the ability of zinc to potentiate taurine binding but did not inhibit zinc potentiation of taurine-gated currents. In this same mutant where taurine acts as a partial agonist, zinc potentiated taurine-gated currents but did not potentiate taurine antagonism of glycine-gated currents, suggesting that zinc interacts selectively with the agonist transduction pathway. The intracellular M246A mutation, which is unlikely to bind zinc, also disrupted zinc potentiation of glycine currents. Thus, zinc potentiation of the GlyR is mediated via allosteric mechanisms that are independent of its effects on agonist binding.


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Trichomonas vaginalis is a flagellated protozoan which causes trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted disease of the human genitourinary tract, The importance of the alternative complement pathway in host defence against T. vaginalis was investigated in vitro. Kinetic studies utilising immunofixation following electrophoresis showed that both a strongly and weakly virulent strain of T, vaginalis activated murine serum C3. In vivo studies with congenic-resistant, C5-deficient, B10.D2/OSn- and C5-sufficient, B10.D2/nSn mice showed that the presence of C5 is a significant factor in the innate host resistance to primary infection with a strongly virulent, but not a weakly virulent trichomonad strain.


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Polyamine-induced inward rectification of cyclic nucleotide-gated channels was studied in inside-out patches from rat olfactory neurons. The polyamines, spermine, spermidine and putrescine, induced an 'instantaneous' voltage-dependent inhibition with K-d values at 0 mV of 39, 121 mu M and 2.7 mM, respectively. Hill coefficients for inhibition were significantly < 1, suggesting an allosteric inhibitory mechanism. The Woodhull model for voltage-dependent block predicted that all 3 polyamines bound to a site 1/3 of the electrical distance through the membrane from the internal side. Instantaneous inhibition was relieved at positive potentials, implying significant polyamine permeation. Spermine also induced exponential current relaxations to a 'steady-state' impermeant level. This inhibition was also mediated by a binding site 1/3 of the electrical distance through the pore, but with a K-d of 2.6 mM. Spermine inhibition was explained by postulating two spermine binding sites at a similar depth. Occupation of the first site occurs rapidly and with high affinity, but once a spermine molecule has bound, it inhibits spermine occupation of the second binding site via electrostatic repulsion. This repulsion is overcome at higher membrane potentials, but results in a lower apparent binding affinity for the second spermine molecule. The on-rate constant for the second spermine binding saturated at a low rate (similar to 200 sec(-1) at +120 mV), providing further evidence for an allosteric mechanism. Polyamine-induced inward rectification was significant at physiological concentrations.


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Four discontinuous extracellular sequence domains have been proposed to form the ligand binding sites of the ligand-gated ion channel receptor superfamily. In this study, we investigated the role of 12 contiguous residues of the inhibitory glycine receptor that define the proposed loop A ligand binding domain; Using the techniques of site-directed mutagenesis and patch-clamp electrophysiology, four of the 12 residues were shown to have impaired ligand binding. Three mutants, I93A, A101H, and N102A, resulted in significant (17-44-fold) increases in the agonist EC50 values as compared with the wild-type glycine receptor, whereas Hill coefficients, I-max values, and antagonist affinity remained largely unaffected. Consideration of receptor efficacy values indicates that these residues are involved in ligand binding rather than channel activation. A fourth mutant, W94A, failed to give rise to any glycine-activated currents, although cell-surface expression was observed, suggesting that this residue may also be involved in agonist binding. These data provide the most extensive characterization of the loop A ligand binding domain available to date and define two new residue locations, Ile(93) and Asn(102), as contributing to the four-loop model of ligand binding.


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A detailed pollen record from the Ocean Drilling Program Site 820 core, located on the upper part of the continental slope off the coast of northeast Queensland, was constructed to compare with the existing pollen record from Lynch's Crater on the adjacent Atherton Tableland and allow the production of a regional picture of vegetation and environmental change through the last glacial cycle. Some broad similarities in patterns of vegetation change are revealed, despite the differences between sites and their pollen catchments, which can be related largely to global climate and sea-level changes. The original estimated time scale of the Lynch's Crater record is largely confirmed from comparison with the more thoroughly dated ODP record. Conversely, the Lynch's Crater pollen record has assisted in dating problematic parts of the ODP record. In contrast to Lynch's Crater, which reveals a sharp and sustained reduction in drier araucarian forest around 38,000 yrs BP, considered to have been the result of burning by Aboriginal people, the ODP record indicates, most likely, a stepwise reduction, dating from 140,000 yrs BP or beyond. The earliest reduction shows lack of a clear connection between Araucaria decline and increased burning and suggests that people may not have been involved at this stage. However, a further decline in araucarian forest, possibly around 45,000 yrs BP, which has a more substantial environmental impact and is not related to a time of major climate change, is likely, at least partially, the result of human burning. The suggestion, from the ODP core oxygen isotope record, of a regional sea-surface temperature increase of around 4 degrees C between about 400,000 and 250,000 yrs BP, may have had some influence on the overall decline in Araucaria and its replacement by sclerophyll vegetation. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Realistic time frames in which management decisions are made often preclude the completion of the detailed analyses necessary for conservation planning. Under these circumstances, efficient alternatives may assist in approximating the results of more thorough studies that require extensive resources and time. We outline a set of concepts and formulas that may be used in lieu of detailed population viability analyses and habitat modeling exercises to estimate the protected areas required to provide desirable conservation outcomes for a suite of threatened plant species. We used expert judgment of parameters and assessment of a population size that results in a specified quasiextinction risk based on simple dynamic models The area required to support a population of this size is adjusted to take into account deterministic and stochastic human influences, including small-scale disturbance deterministic trends such as habitat loss, and changes in population density through processes such as predation and competition. We set targets for different disturbance regimes and geographic regions. We applied our methods to Banksia cuneata, Boronia keysii, and Parsonsia dorrigoensis, resulting in target areas for conservation of 1102, 733, and 1084 ha, respectively. These results provide guidance on target areas and priorities for conservation strategies.


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The substituted cysteine accessibility method was used to probe the surface exposure of a pore-lining threonine residue (T6') common to both the glycine receptor (GlyR) and gamma-aminobutyric acid, type A receptor (GABAAR) chloride channels. This residue lies close to the channel activation gate, the ionic selectivity filter, and the main pore blocker binding site. Despite their high amino acid sequence homologies and common role in conducting chloride ions, recent studies have suggested that the GlyRs and GABA(A)Rs have divergent open state pore structures at the 6' position. When both the human alpha1(T6'C) homomeric GlyR and the rat alpha1(T6'C)beta1(T6'C) heteromeric GABA(A)R were expressed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells, their 6' residue surface accessibilities differed significantly in the closed state. However, when a soluble cysteine-modifying compound was applied in the presence of saturating agonist concentrations, both receptors were locked into the open state. This action was not induced by oxidizing agents in either receptor. These results provide evidence for a conserved pore opening mechanism in anion-selective members of the ligand-gated ion channel family. The results also indicate that the GABA(A)R pore structure at the 6' level may vary between different expression systems.