298 resultados para Lya luft


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Este trabalho objetivou avaliar diferentes substancias: cera de carnaúba, látex de seringueira, cloreto de cálcio e fécula de mandioca na conservação pós-colheita do maracujá-amarelo armazenado sob temperatura ambiente. Frutos colhidos, selecionados, lavados e sanitizados com água clorada a 150 mg L-1 foram submetidos aos seguintes tratamentos: 1 - controle, lavados e sanitizados; 2 - cera de carnaúba; 3 - látex de seringueira diluído 1:3 (v/v); 4 - cloreto de cálcio a 1%; 5 - fécula de mandioca a 2%. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado em parcelas subdivididas, sendo a parcela principal formada pelo tempo de armazenamento, e as subparcelas pelos tratamentos, com 3 repetições de 4 frutos cada. O revestimento do maracujá-amarelo com cera de carnaúba, látex de seringueira, cloreto de cálcio e fécula de mandioca não influenciou nos resultados de massa fresca do fruto e da polpa, AT, SS, SS/AT e ácido ascórbico. O látex de seringueira, semelhantemente ao produto comercializado cera de carnaúba foram as coberturas mais eficientes, reduzindo a perda de massa e o índice de murchamento, e aumentando em 4 e 3 dias, respectivamente, a vida de prateleira dos frutos.


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Meckel-Gruber Syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive lethal ciliopathy characterized by the triad of cystic renal dysplasia, occipital encephalocele and postaxial polydactyly. We present the largest population-based epidemiological study to date using data provided by the European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies (EUROCAT) network. The study population consisted of 191 cases of MKS identified between January 1990 and December 2011 in 34 European registries. The mean prevalence was 2.6 per 100 000 births in a subset of registries with good ascertainment. The prevalence was stable over time, but regional differences were observed. There were 145 (75.9%) terminations of pregnancy after prenatal diagnosis, 13 (6.8%) fetal deaths, 33 (17.3%) live births. In addition to cystic kidneys (97.7%), encephalocele (83.8%) and polydactyly (87.3%), frequent features include other central nervous system anomalies (51.4%), fibrotic/cystic changes of the liver (65.5% of cases with post mortem examination) and orofacial clefts (31.8%). Various other anomalies were present in 64 (37%) patients. As nowadays most patients are detected very early in pregnancy when liver or kidney changes may not yet be developed or may be difficult to assess, none of the anomalies should be considered obligatory for the diagnosis. Most cases (90.2%) are diagnosed prenatally at 14.3±2.6 (range 11-36) gestational weeks and pregnancies are mainly terminated, reducing the number of LB to one-fifth of the total prevalence rate. Early diagnosis is important for timely counseling of affected couples regarding the option of pregnancy termination and prenatal genetic testing in future pregnancies.


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Heute werden Nanopartikel zwar noch in relativ wenigen Produkten eingesetzt und meist kommen die Partikel im Produkt selbst als gebundene Partikel vor. Eine Exposition Endverbrauchers kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden, sie wird aber heute angesichts der geringen Verbreitung als eher unwahrscheinlich betrachtet. Was hingegen heute schon vermehrt vorkommen kann ist eine Exposition eines Arbeiters während des Herstellungs- oder Verarbeitungsprozesses eines Produkts. Auf diesen Bereich muss man daher ein grösseres Augenmerk legen. Um zu bestimmen, ob ein Arbeiter einer Nanopartikel-Exposition ausgesetzt ist, stehen heute verschiedene Messmethoden zur Verfügung. Die meisten Methoden fokussieren sich auf die Messung von Nanopartikel in der Luft, da die Aufnahme von Nanopartikel vor allem über die Atemwege stattfindet. Die heutige Technik erlaubt eine quantitative Ermittlung dieser Konzentration. Da die Technik mit dem Fokus auf Diesel- und Umweltpartikel entwickelt wurde, muss die Vertrauenswürdigkeit dieser Messgeräte für neue Industrie-Partikel mit spezifischen Eigenschaften erneut überprüft werden. Die Effizienz von drei CPC-Messgeräte (Condensation-Particle-Counters) Typen zum Nachweis der Luftkonzentration von Nanopartikel-Pulvern wurde miteinander verglichen. Als Resultat der Studie kann gefolgert werden, dass alle CPCs gleichermassen für die Abschätzung der Nanopartikel-Konzentration an Arbeitsplätzen in der Industrie verwendet werden können. Hierbei spielt es keine wesentliche Rolle, ob das Pulver eine hydrophile oder hydrophobe Oberfläche aufweist. Nur eines der drei hydrophilen Pulvern konnte mit dem Wasser CPC besser nachgewiesen werden als mit den anderen CPC desselben Herstellers.


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The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of trisomies 18 and 13 in Europe and the prevalence of associated anomalies. Twenty-five population-based registries in 16 European countries provided data from 2000-2011. Cases included live births, fetal deaths (20+ weeks' gestation), and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly (TOPFAs). The prevalence of associated anomalies was reported in live births. The prevalence of trisomy 18 and trisomy 13 were 4.8 (95%CI: 4.7-5.0) and 1.9 (95%CI: 1.8-2.0) per 10,000 total births. Seventy three percent of cases with trisomy 18 or trisomy 13 resulted in a TOPFA. Amongst 468 live born babies with trisomy 18, 80% (76-83%) had a cardiac anomaly, 21% (17-25%) had a nervous system anomaly, 8% (6-11%) had esophageal atresia and 10% (8-13%) had an orofacial cleft. Amongst 240 Live born babies with trisomy 13, 57% (51-64%) had a cardiac anomaly, 39% (33-46%) had a nervous system anomaly, 30% (24-36%) had an eye anomaly, 44% (37-50%) had polydactyly and 45% (39-52%) had an orofacial cleft. For babies with trisomy 18 boys were less likely to have a cardiac anomaly compared with girls (OR = 0.48 (0.30-0.77) and with trisomy 13 were less likely to have a nervous system anomaly [OR = 0.46 (0.27-0.77)]. Babies with trisomy 18 or trisomy 13 do have a high proportion of associated anomalies with the distribution of anomalies being different in boys and girls. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Previous studies have shown that over 40% of babies with Down syndrome have a major cardiac anomaly and are more likely to have other major congenital anomalies. Since 2000, many countries in Europe have introduced national antenatal screening programs for Down syndrome. This study aimed to determine if the introduction of these screening programs and the subsequent termination of prenatally detected pregnancies were associated with any decline in the prevalence of additional anomalies in babies born with Down syndrome. The study sample consisted of 7,044 live births and fetal deaths with Down syndrome registered in 28 European population-based congenital anomaly registries covering seven million births during 2000-2010. Overall, 43.6% (95% CI: 42.4-44.7%) of births with Down syndrome had a cardiac anomaly and 15.0% (14.2-15.8%) had a non-cardiac anomaly. Female babies with Down syndrome were significantly more likely to have a cardiac anomaly compared to male babies (47.6% compared with 40.4%, P < 0.001) and significantly less likely to have a non-cardiac anomaly (12.9% compared with 16.7%, P < 0.001). The prevalence of cardiac and non-cardiac congenital anomalies in babies with Down syndrome has remained constant, suggesting that population screening for Down syndrome and subsequent terminations has not influenced the prevalence of specific congenital anomalies in these babies.


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BACKGROUND: In the context of the European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies (EUROCAT) surveillance response to the 2009 influenza pandemic, we sought to establish whether there was a detectable increase of congenital anomaly prevalence among pregnancies exposed to influenza seasons in general, and whether any increase was greater during the 2009 pandemic than during other seasons. METHODS: We performed an ecologic time series analysis based on 26,967 pregnancies with nonchromosomal congenital anomaly conceived from January 2007 to March 2011, reported by 15 EUROCAT registries. Analysis was performed for EUROCAT-defined anomaly subgroups, divided by whether there was a prior hypothesis of association with influenza. Influenza season exposure was based on World Health Organization data. Prevalence rate ratios were calculated comparing pregnancies exposed to influenza season during the congenital anomaly-specific critical period for embryo-fetal development to nonexposed pregnancies. RESULTS: There was no evidence for an increased overall prevalence of congenital anomalies among pregnancies exposed to influenza season. We detected an increased prevalence of ventricular septal defect and tricuspid atresia and stenosis during pandemic influenza season 2009, but not during 2007-2011 influenza seasons. For congenital anomalies, where there was no prior hypothesis, the prevalence of tetralogy of Fallot was strongly reduced during influenza seasons. CONCLUSIONS: Our data do not suggest an overall association of pandemic or seasonal influenza with congenital anomaly prevalence. One interpretation is that apparent influenza effects found in previous individual-based studies were confounded by or interacting with other risk factors. The associations of heart anomalies with pandemic influenza could be strain specific.


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BACKGROUND: Hypospadias is a common congenital malformation. The prevalence of hypospadias has a large geographical variation, and recent studies have reported both increasing and decreasing temporal trends. It is unclear whether hypospadias prevalence is associated with maternal age. AIM: To analyze the prevalence and trends of total hypospadias, isolated hypospadias, hypospadias with multiple congenital anomalies, hypospadias with a known cause, and hypospadias severity subtypes in Europe over a 10-year period and to investigate whether maternal age is associated with hypospadias. METHODS: We included all children with hypospadias born from 2001 to 2010 who were registered in 23 EUROCAT registries. Information on the total number of births and maternal age distribution for the registry population was also provided. We analyzed the total prevalence of hypospadias and relative risks by maternal age. RESULTS: From 2001 to 2010, 10,929 hypospadias cases were registered in 5,871,855 births, yielding a total prevalence of 18.61 per 10,000 births. Prevalence varied considerably between different registries, probably due to differences in ascertainment of hypospadias cases. No significant temporal trends were observed with the exceptions of an increasing trend for anterior and posterior hypospadias and a decreasing trend for unspecified hypospadias. After adjusting for registry effects, maternal age was not significantly associated with hypospadias. CONCLUSIONS: Total hypospadias prevalence was stable in 23 EUROCAT registries from 2001 to 2010 and was not significantly influenced by maternal age.


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STUDY QUESTION: What are the long term trends in the total (live births, fetal deaths, and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly) and live birth prevalence of neural tube defects (NTD) in Europe, where many countries have issued recommendations for folic acid supplementation but a policy for mandatory folic acid fortification of food does not exist? METHODS: This was a population based, observational study using data on 11 353 cases of NTD not associated with chromosomal anomalies, including 4162 cases of anencephaly and 5776 cases of spina bifida from 28 EUROCAT (European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies) registries covering approximately 12.5 million births in 19 countries between 1991 and 2011. The main outcome measures were total and live birth prevalence of NTD, as well as anencephaly and spina bifida, with time trends analysed using random effects Poisson regression models to account for heterogeneities across registries and splines to model non-linear time trends. SUMMARY ANSWER AND LIMITATIONS: Overall, the pooled total prevalence of NTD during the study period was 9.1 per 10 000 births. Prevalence of NTD fluctuated slightly but without an obvious downward trend, with the final estimate of the pooled total prevalence of NTD in 2011 similar to that in 1991. Estimates from Poisson models that took registry heterogeneities into account showed an annual increase of 4% (prevalence ratio 1.04, 95% confidence interval 1.01 to 1.07) in 1995-99 and a decrease of 3% per year in 1999-2003 (0.97, 0.95 to 0.99), with stable rates thereafter. The trend patterns for anencephaly and spina bifida were similar, but neither anomaly decreased substantially over time. The live birth prevalence of NTD generally decreased, especially for anencephaly. Registration problems or other data artefacts cannot be excluded as a partial explanation of the observed trends (or lack thereof) in the prevalence of NTD. WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: In the absence of mandatory fortification, the prevalence of NTD has not decreased in Europe despite longstanding recommendations aimed at promoting peri-conceptional folic acid supplementation and existence of voluntary folic acid fortification. FUNDING, COMPETING INTERESTS, DATA SHARING: The study was funded by the European Public Health Commission, EUROCAT Joint Action 2011-2013. HD and ML received support from the European Commission DG Sanco during the conduct of this study. No additional data available.


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Underground storage tanks (UST) are widely used in the Porto Velho area. A large number of these USTs are in bad condition due to corrosion processes causing groundwater contamination. A large number of these leaking underground fuel tanks (LUFT) are in urban areas but due to the lack of water quality monitoring, they are only detected when there is a high contamination level. This study identified petroleum hydrocarbons, derived from a LUFT, by a silica gel/petroleum ether partitioning gravimetric method and by gas chromatographic analysis of samples collected in wells dug in a gas station and in houses in the aforementioned neighborhood.


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Vätning av fasta ytor är ett viktigt fenomen i såväl naturen som i en lång rad av industriella tillämpningar. Det är allmänt känt att vätningen av en fast yta styrs av ytans kemi samt struktur. Målsättningen med avhandlingen var att studera hur kemisk heterogenitet och ytråhet på nanometernivå påverkar vätningsegenskaperna hos en fast yta. Ytorna som studerades var titandioxid-baserade kerama ytor som framställdes med hjälp av en sol-gel process. Vätningstudierna utfördes genom kontaktvinkelmätningar, vilket innebär att man mäter vinkeln som vätska/luft-gränsskiktet hos en vätskedroppe bildar mot en fast yta. Ytråheten hos materialen studerades främst genom atomkraftsmikroskopi (AFM). I AFM detekteras ytans struktur av en mycket skarp nål som skannar ytan. Resultaten i avhandlingen kunde framgångsrikt modelleras med existerande teorier för vätning av heterogena ytor.


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Ilmanlaatua on seurattu Uudenmaan ja Itä-Uudenmaan alueen kunnissa käyttäen ilmentäjinä havupuita ja niiden rungoilla kasvavia jäkäliä 1980-luvulta lähtien. Seuranta on toteutettu uusitun, yhteisen seurantaohjelman mukaisesti vuodesta 2000 lähtien. Ensimmäisellä kierroksella 2000 – 2001 osa Itä-Uudenmaan kunnista jäi yhteisen hankkeen ulkopuolelle mutta seuraavilla seurantakierroksilla 2004 – 2005 sekä 2009 osanotto on ollut kattavaa. Vuonna 2009 arvioitiin ilmanlaatua männyn epifyyttijäkälien esiintymisen ja kunnon perusteella. Tutkimusalueen päästömäärät ovat laskeneet selvästi 1980- ja 1990-luvuilta, mutta 2000-luvulla päästökehitys on ollut aaltomaista. Myös ilmasta mitattujen epäpuhtauksien pitoisuudet sekä laskeumat ovat laskeneet 2000-luvulle tultaessa selvästi verrattuna 1980- ja 1990-lukuihin. 2000-luvun alkupuoliskolla lupavelvollisten laitosten päästöt ovat kasvaneet, mutta vähentyneet vuosien 2003 ja 2004 jälkeen. Rikkidioksidipäästöt olivat 2000-luvulla suurimmillaan vuonna 2003, jonka jälkeen vuosittaiset päästömäärät ovat vaihdelleet. Tutkimusalueen suurimmat päästölähteet sijaitsevat pääkaupunkiseudulla, Porvoossa ja Inkoossa. Selvin jäkälämuutosalue sijoittui Helsinkiin, jossa kuitenkin jäkälälajisto oli elpynyt ja pahimmat sormipaisukarpeen vauriot lieventyneet edellisiin tutkimusvuosiin verrattuna. Muita lajistoltaan ja jäkälien kunnolta selvästi muuttuneita alueita ovat olleet Porvoo (Kilpilahti-Porvoon keskusta), Lohjan-Inkoon alue sekä Hanko. Hangossa vauriot ovat selvästi lieventyneet, samoin Lohjan-Inkoon alueella. Pienempiä vaurioituneita alueita on havaittu myös muissa osissa tutkimusaluetta, mutta vaurioiden voimakkuudessa ja vyöhykkeiden sijoittumisessa on ollut jonkin verran vaihtelua vuosien välillä. Lajistoltaan luonnontilaisinta aluetta oli Itä-Uusimaa, ja sormipaisukarpeen vaurioiden osalta terveintä aluetta Länsi-Uudenmaan pohjoisosat. Tausta-alojen jäkälälajisto oli kaikkinensa monipuolisempaa ja vauriot vähäisempiä kuin taajama-aloilla. Sormipaisukarpeen vauriot olivat kasvaneet Itä-Uudellamaalla verrattuna aiempaan seurantavuoteen 2004, mutta lajistossa ei ollut juuri tapahtunut muutoksia. Tervehtynyttä sormipaisukarvetta oli erityisesti Länsi-Uudenmaan pohjoisosissa. Länsi-Uudellamaalla selvimmät muutokset liittyvät jäkälälajistoon, joka on köyhtynyt vuodesta 1998 vuoteen 2004, mutta oli vuonna 2009 hieman monipuolistunut edelliseen seurantaan nähden. Ilman epäpuhtauksista kärsivien jäkälälajien lajilukumäärä olikin kasvanut vuodesta 2004 vuoteen 2009 useilla tutkimusaloilla tutkimusalueen länsiosassa. Lajiston köyhtyminen erityisesti vuonna 2004 johtunee alueen päästökehityksestä, sillä sekä rikkidioksidin, typen oksidien ja hiukkasten päästöt kasvoivat 2000-luvun alusta vuosiin 2003 ja 2004 asti, vähentyen taas sen jälkeen. Jäkälät reagoivat ilman epäpuhtauksien kuormitustasoissa tapahtuviin muutoksiin hitaasti ja voivat ilmentää kohonnutta kuormitustasoa vielä vuosia kuormituksen päättymisen jälkeenkin. Tämän vuoksi jäkälämuuttujat ilmensivät päästöjen kohoamista selvästi vuonna 2004, eivätkä ne olleet vuonna 2009 kaikilta osin vielä palautuneet 2000-luvun alun tasolle.


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The Pasvik monitoring programme was created in 2006 as a result of the trilateral cooperation and with the intention of following changes in the environment under variable pollution levels. Water quality is one of the basic elements of the programme when assessing the effects of the emissions from the Pechenganikel mining end metallurgical industry (Kola GMK). In this report temporal trends of the water chemistry during 2000–2013 are examined on the basis of the data gathered from lake Inari, River Pasvik and directly connected lakes, Lake Kuetsjarvi and 25 small lakes in three areas: Pechenganikel (Russia), Jarfjord (Norway) and Vätsäri (Finland). The lower parts of the Pasvik watercourse are impacted by both atmospheric pollution and direct wastewater discharge from the Pechenganikel smelter and the settlement of Nikel. The upper section of the watercourse and the small lakes and streams which are not directly linked to the Pasvik Watercourse only receive atmospheric pollution. Lake Inari is free of direct emissions from the Pechenganikel and the water quality is excellent. In River Pasvik and the directly connected lakes copper, nickel, and sulphates are the main pollutants. The most polluted water body is the Kolosjoki River as well as the stream connecting the Lakes Salmijarvi and Kuetsjarvi. The concentration of metals and sulphates in the water notably increases downstream the river lower Lake Kuetsjarvi. In Lake Kuetsjarvi copper and nickel concentrations are clearly elevated and have changed insignificantly in the last years of the research period. In the small border area lakes recovery from acidification in Vätsäri and Jarfjord is evident. Nickel and copper oncentrations have fluctuated but remained on clearly elevated level in Jarfjord and Pechenga. Copper concentrations have been slightly rising in the recent years. In Pechenga area nickel concentrations during the last four monitoring years are decreasing in some places but the regional trend through whole time series is still positive.


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A new area of machine learning research called deep learning, has moved machine learning closer to one of its original goals: artificial intelligence and general learning algorithm. The key idea is to pretrain models in completely unsupervised way and finally they can be fine-tuned for the task at hand using supervised learning. In this thesis, a general introduction to deep learning models and algorithms are given and these methods are applied to facial keypoints detection. The task is to predict the positions of 15 keypoints on grayscale face images. Each predicted keypoint is specified by an (x,y) real-valued pair in the space of pixel indices. In experiments, we pretrained deep belief networks (DBN) and finally performed a discriminative fine-tuning. We varied the depth and size of an architecture. We tested both deterministic and sampled hidden activations and the effect of additional unlabeled data on pretraining. The experimental results show that our model provides better results than publicly available benchmarks for the dataset.


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Det aktuella projektet ligger vid och i närheten av Södra Stadsfjärden i Vasa stad och Korsholms kommun. Målsättningen med Vasa hamnvägsprojektet är att finna en förbindelse till Vasa hamn som fungerar bättre en den nuvarande och i och med detta utveckla Vasa regionens logistiksystem. Avsikten är att skapa en vägförbindelse som effektivt förenar Vasklots hamn med logistikcentret och riksvägarna 3 och 8 som är en del av det riksomfattande huvudvägnätet. Vasa hamnvägsprojektet omfattar även en sammankoppling av logistikcentret och Lillkyrovägen (landsväg 717) som en del av förbindelsen Helsingby – Vassor av riksväg 8. Utvecklandet av Vasa hamnvägsförbindelsen har varit ett aktuellt och viktigt projekt redan länge. Bakgrunden till planerandet av vägen är de störningsfaktorer som förekommit i Vasa centrum av den genomgående lastbilstrafiken samt de problem som uppkommer för dessa stora transporter till följd av det trånga gatunätverket och broarnas begränsade bärförmåga. Vasa hamnvägs sträckningsalternativ har utretts omfattande i lokaliseringsutredning (2010) och till den fortsatta planeringen har tre vägkorridorsalternativ valts. Dessutom utreds anläggning av tunnel under Vasa centrum, och förbättring av befintlig förbindelse. (Alt 0+) Syftet med denna miljökonsekvensbedömning är att bedöma de miljökonsekvenser som byggandet av Vasa hamnväg orsakar. Bedömningen görs på ett sådant sätt och med en sådan noggrannhet som det förutsätts i MKB-lagen och -förordningen. De konsekvenser som kommer att bedömas: • människors hälsa, levnadsförhållanden och trivsel • jordmån, vatten, luft, klimat, växtlighet, organismer och naturens mångfald • Samhällsstrukturerna, byggnader, landskap, stadsbilden och kulturarvet • trafik och trafiksäkerhet • utnyttjande av naturresurser. Områdets invånare och andra intressenter har möjlighet att delta i planeringen och konsekvensbedömningen. Synpunkter om projektet och dess alternativ insamlas under hela planeringen. Invånare och andra intressenter informeras om projektet genom kungörelser, med hjälp av postningslista samt på internet.