879 resultados para Luxury brand hotels
Este documento explica la metodología de trabajo utilizada durante el desarrollo de este proyecto. El resultado obtenido ha sido un producto que forma parte del portal web Luxury Porperties. Luxury Properties es una marca comercial, creada por la compañía Luxury Dreams, para identificar un portal web especializado en las propiedades de lujo. Para desarrollar este concepto, la empresa compró el dominio luxuryproperties.es con el objetivo de crear un sistema que implemente toda la lógica de negocio necesaria para la publicidad y mercadeo de sus productos. Al final del documento se encuentran las recomendaciones y las futuras valoraciones a tener en cuenta por el cliente en futuras ampliaciones del portal.
Aquest treball pretén analitzar la situació actual del món publicitari on les noves vies de comunicació, especialment el Brand Entertainment, són cada vegada més nombroses i diverses per fer front al declivi de l'era convencional en un nou entorn i amb un consumidor evolucionat. La segona part consta d'un apartat pràctic en el qual es realitza una enquesta per veure en quin grau afecta i és efectiva la publicitat tradicional així com les noves formes de publicitat. A més de l'opinió de gent del carrer, s'han realitzat diverses entrevistes a professionals de l'entorn publicitari que han aprofundit en aquest tema.
This manuscript reports on a project to examine the feasibility of extensive radio frequency identification (RFID) tagging to determine product provenance in the meat production industry. The investigators examined existing technologies and meat production processes as well as emerging technologies in RFID tagging to assess the potential of RFID technologies for provenance assurance. While RFID technologies hold tremendous promise for traceability, the current state of the technology and production process creates challenges for effectively creating full traceability. However, RFID holds tremendous potential for improving processing throughput, which will help make RFIDbased traceability more attractive for adoption by meat processors.
The core objective of this research process was to design an operational tool for place brand analysis. By modelling the emotional significance and the deeper-lying symbols associated to a specific place identity I expected to create a semiotic tool that could be applied, mutatis mutandis, on other similar place brands. As a field case study to develop the instrument, my choice of the research arena was Barcelona city, the capital of Catalonia Autonomous Community, Spain. Barcelona brand identity was approached in the line of the Chicago Urban Anthropology School. The research methods were designed according to the prescriptions of the urban anthropology, namely qualitative methods: in-depth interviews and discourse analysis. The final research outcome was a model summarizing a range of specific emotional values that support a place brand to position in the collective mindset and to assume a positively valued status and identity in the world order.
Hotusa nace en 1977 fruto de la iniciativa de un grupo de hoteleros de Barcelona (España) que, ante la pujanza de las nuevas cadenas hoteleras, deciden unir sus fuerzas creando una organización que les preste servicios de comercialización de forma conjunta. Hoy en día Hotusa cuenta con más de 2.500 hoteles en 48 países de cuatro continentes y se configura como uno de los principales consorcios hoteleros a nivel mundial y el primero a nivel europeo. La organización está formada, entre otras, por las cadenas de hoteles independientes Hotusa Hotels y Elysées West Hotels; el representante hotelero Keytel; el tour operador Restel; la website de gestión y reserva on-line Hotelius.com, la compañía tecnológica IGM Web; la cadena Eurostars Hotels. El objetivo de Hotusa es el de dotar a hoteles independientes y pequeños grupos, de todas aquellas herramientas que puedan ayudarles a competir en igualdad de condiciones con las grandes cadenas hoteleras a nivel internacional. Comercialización, distribución, representación, tecnología, sistemas de calidad y aprovisionamientos son los puntos fuertes de la compañía, sobre los que gira la actividad tradicional. La segmentación en diferentes marcas y, en consecuencia, la adaptación a ellas de los servicios, constituye el gran reto de futuro de la organización. La sede central se encuentra en Barcelona (España), si bien cuentan con oficinas en Roma, Paris, Londres, Viena, Lisboa y Buenos Aires. En 2008 recibió el Premio Príncipe Felipe a la Excelencia Turística, otorgado por el Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio de España como reconocimiento a su contribución al incremento de la competitividad de la industria turística española así como a la consolidación de su posición en el mercado turístico internacional.
In this paper we study the interaction between ownership structure and customer satisfaction, and their impact on a firm's brand equity. We find that customer satisfaction has a positive direct effect on brand equity but an indirect negative one, through reductions in ownership concentration. This latter effect emerges when managers are focused mainly on satisfying customers. It gives out a warning signal that highlights the perverse effect of implementing policies focused excessively on satisfying customers at the expense of shareholders, on a firm's brand equity. We demonstrate our theoretical contention, empirically, making use of an incomplete panel data comprising 69 firms from 11 different nations for the period 2002-2005.
In this paper we argue that socially responsible policies have a positive impact on a firm's brand equity in the short-term as well as in the long-term. Moreover, once we distinguish between different stakeholders, we posit that secondary stakeholders such as community are even more important than primary stakeholders (customers, shareholders, workers and suppliers) in generating brand equity. Policies aimed at satisfied community interests act as a mechanism to reinforce trust that gives further credibility to social responsible polices with other stakeholders. The result is a decrease in conflicts among stakeholders and greater stakeholder willingness to provide intangible resources that enhance brand equity. We provide support of our theoretical contentions making use of a panel data composed of 57 firms from 10 countries (the US, Japan, South Korea, France, the UK, Italy, Germany, Finland, Switzerland and the Netherlands) for the period 2002 to 2007. We use detailed information on brand equity obtained from Interbrand and on corporate social responsibility (CSR) provided by the SiRi Global Profile database, as compiled by the Sustainable Investment Research International Company (SiRi).
O presente trabalho tem como objectivo, o estudo de caso sobre investimento hoteleiro em Cabo Verde, no qual avaliaremos os investimentos com base no método Discount Cash Flow (DCF), bem como a metodologia de opções reais. O estudo centra-se nos investimentos realizados pelo grupo RIU Hotels and Resorts, grande grupo hoteleiro com presença internacional, que tem investido continuadamente com grande sucesso em Cabo Verde. Assim, sendo, para além de uma descrição e enquadramento do sector hoteleiro na Ilha de Sal, este estudo foca-se igualmente na análise dos vários projectos concretizados pelo grupo RIU. Este trabalho está estruturado em cinco capítulos para além de incluir a presente introdução e a conclusão. Os dois métodos de avaliação apresentados neste trabalho são ambos fundamentais para avaliação de investimentos, mas apesar de o método mais tradicional, o DCF ser bem aceite, a abordagem de opções reais é igualmente uma mais-valia na análise de projectos continuados, complexos e bem identificados num determinado sector – neste caso o sector hoteleiro. Na avaliação de sector hoteleiro, o método de DCF isoladamente pode não ser o mais apropriado ao estar algo limitado no tratamento da flexibilidade para modificar as decisões ao longo do tempo. Em investimentos estratégicos, cujo valor depende crucialmente da evolução de variáveis-chave, a metodologia de opções reais permite mais facilmente analisar em que medida a flexibilidade de um projecto pode trazer valor a um cenário-base. Palavras-
This paper investigates the link between brand performance and cultural primes in high-risk,innovation-based sectors. In theory section, we propose that the level of cultural uncertaintyavoidance embedded in a firm determine its marketing creativity by increasing the complexityand the broadness of a brand. It determines also the rate of firm product innovations.Marketing creativity and product innovation influence finally the firm marketingperformance. Empirically, we study trademarked promotion in the Software Security Industry(SSI). Our sample consists of 87 firms that are active in SSI from 11 countries in the period1993-2000. We use the data coming from SSI-related trademarks registered by these firms,ending up with 2,911 SSI-related trademarks and a panel of 18,213 observations. We estimatea two stage model in which first we predict the complexity and the broadness of a trademarkas a measure of marketing creativity and the rate of product innovations. Among severalcontrol variables, our variable of theoretical interest is the Hofstede s uncertainty avoidancecultural index. Then, we estimate the trademark duration with a hazard model using thepredicted complexity and broadness as well as the rate of product innovations, along with thesame control variables. Our evidence confirms that the cultural avoidance affects the durationof the trademarks through the firm marketing creativity and product innovation.
Correspondence analysis is introduced in the brand associationliterature as an alternative tool to measure dominance, for theparticular case of free choice data. The method is also used to analysedifferences, or asymmetries, between brand-attribute associations whereattributes are associated with evoked brands, and brand-attributeassociations where brands are associated with the attributes. Anapplication to a sample of deodorants is used to illustrate the proposedmethodology.
This paper studies the interaction between ownership structure, taken as a proxy for shareholders commitment, and customer satisfaction - the main driver of consumer loyalty - and their impact on a firm s brand equity. The results show that customer satisfaction has a positive direct effect on brand equity but an indirect negative one because of reductions in ownership concentration. This latter effect emerges when managers are mainly customer-oriented. Such result gives out a warning signal that highlights the perverse effect of implementing policies, focused excessively on satisfying customers at the expense of shareholders, on a firm s brand equity. The empirical analysis uses an incomplete panel data comprising 69 firms from 11 nations, for the period 2002-2005.
In this paper we argue that corporate social responsibility (CSR) to various stakeholders(customers, shareholders, employees, suppliers, and community) has a positive effect on globalbrand equity (BE). In addition, policies aimed at satisfying community interests help reinforcecredibility to social responsible polices with other stakeholders. We test these theoreticalcontentions using panel data comprised of 57 global brands originating from 10 countries (USA,Japan, South Korea, France, UK, Italy, Germany, Finland, Switzerland and the Netherlands) forthe period 2002 to 2008. Our findings show that CSR to each of the stakeholder groups has apositive impact on global BE. In addition, global brands that follow local social responsibilitypolicies over communities obtain strong positive benefits in terms of the generation of BE, as itenhances the positive effects of CSR to other stakeholders, particularly to customers. Therefore,for managers of global brands it is particularly productive for generating brand value to combineglobal strategies with the satisfaction of the interests of local communities.