1000 resultados para Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) whitmani s.l.
Lutzomyia intermedia (Lutz & Neiva, 1912) and L. whitmani (Antunes & Coutinho, 1939) (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae), two important vectors of American cutaneous leishmaniasis in Brazil, occur in sympatry in the locality of Posse county, Petrópolis municipality, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We investigated the influence of the lunar cycle on the frequency of specimens of the two species caught while attempting to bite the collectors and in CDC light traps. Analysis of the numbers of sand flies captured in different lunar phases for two consecutive years in the peridomestic site and forest shows that there is a significant positive correlation between moonlight intensity and the numbers of L. intermedia and L. whitmani females collected while blood-feeding, whereas the opposite was observed for the CDC traps.
Se evidencia la presencia de promastigotos metacíclicos de Leishmania pifanoi en el conducto hipofaríngeo de Lutzomyia youngi infectados experimentalmente por ingurgitación sobre lesiones tarsales de hámsteres. La aparición de metacíclicos en la hipofaringe, cuya morfología se ilustra, ocurre entre los 5 y 9 días de desarrollo postprandial y es más frecuente en insectos alimentados con sacarosa comercial no refinada. Se investiga el papel de derivados aminados de glucosa y galactosa y también de aminoácidos, en la promoción y migración de los metacíclicos.
Apresenta-se uma lista de flebotomíneos com 32 espécies, sendo 1 Brumptomyia e 31 Lutzomyia, distribuídas nos subgêneros Psychodopygus (6), Nyssomyia (5), Pressatia (3), Evandromyia (2), Psathyromyia (2), Sciopemyia (2), Lutzomyia (1), Micropygomyia (1), Viannamyia (1), e nos grupos Oswaldoi (5) e Migonei (3). Os flebotomíneos foram capturados na mata, peridomicílio (chiqueiro, galinheiro e estábulo) e intradomicílio (dormitório), das 18 às 6 horas, uma vez por mês, durante 4 anos na Ilha de São Luis, Maranhão. Todas as espécies ocorreram na mata, sendo que 16 também foram encontradas no peri e 11 dentro dos domicílios. Foram capturados 22.581 espécimens, sendo que 65,1% ocorreram no peridomicílio, 17,5% na mata e 17,4% no intradomicílio. A espécie mais comum foi Lutzomyia longipalpis com 66,4% dos exemplares capturados, seguida por L. whitmani (24%) e L. evandroi (5,9%). As 29 espécies restantes representaram apenas 3,7% da amostra total.
Previous evaluation of the genetic variability of four biogeographical populations of Lutzomyia whitmani from known foci of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Brazil demonstrated two main spatial clusters: Corte de Pedra-BA, Ilhéus-BA and Serra de Baturité-CE in the first cluster, and Martinho Campos-MG in the second. Further analysis showed a high degree of homogeneity in Corte de Pedra population but not in the others, which presented a significant percentage of specimens displaced from their phenon of origin (discrepant individuals). In the present work we analyzed the frequencies of association coefficients in the matrixes of similarity per population of Lutzomyia whitmani from both sexes and the general phenograms obtained, in a more detailed study of those discrepant specimens. Populational stability was observed for Corte de Pedra population, whereas the three remaining populations showed varying degrees of heterogeneity and different displacements according to sex. Our results strongly suggested the existence of a genetic flow between the lineages North-South/North-East and Ilhéus/Serra do Baturité of Lutzomyia whitmani.
Em um inquérito entomológico realizado em 2000, na zona periurbana do município de Dom Pedro-MA, pretendia-se estimar a abundância de Lutzomyia longipalpis, por conta da ocorrência de um óbito suspeito de calazar. Entretanto, constatou-se que do total de 2.961 flebótomos capturados no peridomicílio, 82,4% (2.440 espécimes) eram de Lutzomyia whitmani. Esta associação vem determinando um novo padrão de transmissão da leishmaniose cutânea (o urbano), como vem acontecendo com o calazar nordestino.
O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar as fontes de alimento sanguíneo de fêmeas de Lutzomyia whitmani, espécie de flebotomíneo incriminada no Maranhão como principal vetor da leishmaniose cutânea americana. Para isso, 70 fêmeas desta espécie coletadas no município de Axixá, área com um dos maiores números de casos de leishmaniose cutânea americana em humanos no Maranhão, foram analisadas utilizando a técnica da precipitina. Dos indivíduos analisados, 90% apresentaram reação a algum tipo de antissoro e dentre estes, 73% apresentaram reações do tipo simples com predominância para sangue de galinha (22,2%), roedor (14,3) e humano (12,7%). Nas reações duplas predominaram as combinações galinha/humano (6,3%), galinha/gambá (4,8%), boi/humano e gambá/humano (3,2%). Assim, concluímos que seres humanos, animais domésticos e sinantrópicos constituem fonte alimentar sanguínea para Lutzomyia whitmani podendo desempenhar um papel importante no ciclo de transmissão da leishmaniose cutânea americana explicando os casos da doença em Axixá.
Les auteurs décrivent le mâle et la femelle d'une nouvelle espèce de phlébotome Lutzomyia brisolai n.sp., anthropophile, rencontrée dans plusieurs stations du piémont andin. Cette espèce, difficile à classer, présente des caractères l'apparentant à L. oliveirai et L. minasensis mais aussi aux espèces du sous-genre Nyssomyia.
Fifty-two species of Lutzomyia sand flies were identified in contemporaneous samples totalling only 1875 individuals, collected at the same site in tall primary terra-firme rainforest, near the south bank of the Solimões River. The most abundant species belonged to the subgenera Trichophoromyia and Nyssomyia. The subgenera Psathyromyia, Nyssomyia and Psychodopygus represented the greatest number of species. A new, aberrant species of the subgenus Psathyromyia (L. cultellata) and the female of Lu. souzacastroi are described. The Phlebotominae are proposed as a suitable indicator group for biogeographic and diversity studies.
A total of 4,840 phlebotomine sand flies from 54 localities in Putumayo department (=state), in the Colombian Amazon region, were collected in Shannon traps, CDC light traps, resting places and from human baits. At least 42 Lutzomyia species were registered for the first time to the department. Psychodopygus and Nyssomyia were the subgenera with the greatest number of taxa, the most common species being L. (N.) yuilli and L. (N.) pajoti. They were sympatric in a wide zone of Putumayo, indicating that they should be treated as full species (new status). Among the anthropophilic sand flies, L. gomezi and L. yuilli were found in intradomiciliar, peridomestic, urban or forest habitats. L. richardwardi, L. claustrei, L. nocticola and L. micropyga are reported for the first time in the Colombian Amazon basin. L. pajoti, L. sipani and L. yucumensis are new records for Colombia.
Precipitin tests were performed on blood meals of 199 sand flies (161 Lutzomyia umbratilis, 34 L. spathotrichia, two Lutzomyia of group shannoni, one L. anduzei) in a non-flooded upland forest on the Campus of the Universidade Federal do Amazonas. This is the second largest forest fragment in an urban setting in Brazil. Results on L. umbratilis, which is considered to be the principal leishmaniasis vector in this region, indicated rodents as its predominant blood source in contrast to previous reports in which blood meal analysis indicated that this species fed principally on Xenarthra (particularly sloths)
The present work describes the in vitro infection of a cell line Lulo, derived from Lutzomyia longipalpis embryonic tissue, by Leishmania chagasi promastigotes. This infection process is compared with a parallel one developed using the J774 cell line. The L. chagasi MH/CO/84/CI-044B strain was used for experimental infection in two cell lines. The cells were seeded on glass coverslips in 24-well plates to reach a final number of 2 x 10(5) cells/well. Parasites were added to the adhered Lulo and J774 cells in a 10:1 ratio and were incubated at 28 and 37ºC respectively. After 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 days post-infection, the cells were extensively washed with PBS, fixed with methanol, and stained with Giemsa. The number of internalized parasites was determined by counting at least 400 cultured cells on each coverslip. The results showed continuous interaction between L. chagasi promastigotes with the cell lines. Some ultrastructural characteristics of the amastigote forms were observed using transmission electron microscopy. The highest percentage of infection in Lulo cells was registered on day 6 post-infection (29.6%) and on day 4 in the J774 cells (51%). This work shows similarities and differences in the L. chagasi experimental infection process in the two cell lines. However, Lulo cells emerge as a new model to study the life-cycle of this parasite.
The outspread and urbanization of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in Campo Grande, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, lead us to undertake the present study over diversity and abundance of sand flies in the urban area to compare with previous search carried out during 1999/2000, before the identification of the disease in the human population.The captures were carried out with automatic light traps, weekly, from February 2004 to February 2005 on three sites including a forested area (Zé Pereira), two peridomicilies (shelters of domestic animals and cultivation areas), and intradomicilie. In the present study 110 collections were obtained during 13 months for 1320 h of collections, resulting in 5004 specimens, 3649 males and 1355 females belonging to the 20 following species: Brumptomyia avellari, Brumptomyia sp., Bichromomyia flaviscutellata, Evandromyia lenti, E. termitophila, E. cortelezzii, E. borrouli, Lutzomyia sp., L. longipalpis, Micropygomyia quinquefer, N. antunesi, N. whitmani, Pintomyia christenseni, Pi. damascenoi, Psathyromyia aragaoi, Ps. campograndensis, Ps. hermanlenti, Ps. shannoni, Pychodopygus claustrei, and Sciopemyia sordellii. L. longipalpis was the most abundant species in the anthropic environment with 92.22% of the captures. This shows an increase of sixty times in the density of L. longipalpis compared to the last sand fly evaluation in 1999/2000. The high density of L. longipalpis in Campo Grande is the main factor of risk in transmission of the disease to human in the urban area. The capture of N. antunesi, typical specie from Amazonian region, in Mato Grosso do Sul is reported for the first time.
Lutzomyia longipalpis s.l., the main vector of Leishmania chagasi in Latin America, is a species complex although the exact number of siblings is yet unknown. In Brazil, the siblings differ in male copulatory courtship songs and pheromones that most certainly act as pre-zygotic reproductive barriers. Here we analysed the reproductive isolation between three allopatric and two sympatric populations of Lu. longipalpis s.l. from Brazil. The results indicate a strong copulatory and pre-mating isolation between the three allopatric populations. In addition, the results also indicate a stronger pre-mating isolation between the two sympatric siblings than between the three allopatric ones, suggesting a role for reinforcement in the speciation of the Lu. longipalpis s.l. complex.
Lutzomyia longipalpis s.l. is the main vector of American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL) and occurs as a species complex. DNA samples from two Brazilian sympatric species that differ in pheromone and courtship song production were used to analyse molecular polymorphisms in an odorant-binding protein ( obp29 ) gene. OBPs are proteins related to olfaction and are involved in activities fundamental to survival, such as foraging, mating and choice of oviposition site. In this study, the marker obp29 was found to be highly polymorphic in Lu. longipalpis s.l. , with no fixed differences observed between the two species. A pairwise fixation index test indicated a moderate level of genetic differentiation between the samples analysed.