970 resultados para Lusitano horses


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Dezesseis eqüinos adultos foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos (GI, GII, GIII e GIV) constituídos por quatro animais, recebendo cada grupo o seguinte inóculo por via intraperitoneal: GI (100 X 10(7) unidades formadoras de colônia (UFC) de Escherichia coli diluídos em 500 ml de solução salina 0,9% estéril); GII (100 X 10(7) UFC de Bacteroides fragilis diluídos em 500 ml de solução salina 0,9% estéril); GIII (100 X 10(7) UFC de Escherichia coli associados a 100 X 10(7) UFC de Bacteroides fragilis diluídos em 500 ml de solução salina 0,9% estéril); GIV (testemunho - 500 ml de solução salina 0,9% estéril). Leucopenia ocorreu em todos os animais inoculados com bactérias, nas primeiras seis horas após as inoculações. Posteriormente a este período, verificou-se em alguns eqüinos inoculados leucocitose. Os eqüinos inoculados com culturas puras de E. coli ou B. fragilis apresentaram peritonites brandas e autolimitantes, enquanto os inoculados com a associação destas bactérias, apresentaram alterações laboratoriais de maior intensidade e duração.


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A Erliquiose é uma doença zoonótica causada por bactérias gram-negativas e intracelulares obrigatórias. A Anaplasmose Granulocítica Equina - AGE (anteriormente denominada Erliquiose Granulocítica Equina, EGE) é uma enfermidade sazonal, normalmente auto-limitante em equinos. No Brasil, existem poucos relatos deste agente erliquial, bem como de seus vetores naturais. Atualmente, veterinários têm levantado a suspeita de casos de AGE em equinos com sinais clínicos sugestivos de erliquiose e não responsivos ao tratamento para a piroplasmose equina. O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar equinos expostos a A. phagocytophilum por meio de técnicas sorológicas e moleculares. Vinte amostras de sangue e soro de equinos da região Centro-oeste do Brasil foram avaliados por meio do exame microscópico de capa leucocitária, ensaio imunoenzimático indireto (ELISA), reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI) e reação em cadeia da polimerase (nested PCR). Adicionalmente, o diagnóstico sorológico de Theileria equi pela RIFI e ELISA foram realizados, assim como o diagnóstico molecular pelo nPCR. Treze (65%) amostras de soro foram positivas para A. phagocytophilum pelo teste de ELISA, entretanto nenhum equino foi positivo pelo exame microscópico da capa leucocitária ou nPCR. Anticorpos IgG anti-T. equi foram detectados em 18 (90%) e 17 (85%) equinos pela RIFI e ELISA, respectivamente e o agente foi detectado em 9 (45%) animais pelo nPCR. Estes dados sugerem importante informação para o entendimento da ocorrência da AGE e piroplasmose equina no Centro-oeste do Brasil.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este estudo objetivou caracterizar a resposta imune celular no sistema nervoso central (SNC) de eqüinos com infecção crônica experimental por Trypanosoma evansi. Para este propósito, foram utilizados os métodos histoquímicos (HE) e imunoistoquímicos do complexo avidina-biotina peroxidase (ABC). O fenótipo do infiltrado celular foi caracterizado com o auxílio de anticorpos anti - CD3, para linfócitos T e antiBLA36 para linfócitos B. Os macrófagos foram marcados com anticorpo antiantígenos da linhagem mielóide/histiócitos (Clone Mac387). A lesão no sistema nervoso central (SNC) dos eqüinos infectados com T. evansi foi caracterizada como meningoencefalite e meningomielite não supurativa. A gravidade das lesões variou em diferentes segmentos do SNC, refletindo distribuição irregular das alterações vasculares. A distribuição de células T e B e antígenos do complexo maior de histocompatibilidade classe II foram avaliados dentro do SNC de eqüinos cronicamente infectados com T. evansi. O infiltrado perivascular e meníngeo eram constituídos predominantemente por células T e B. Macrófagos foram raramente visualizados. T.evansi não foi identificado no parênquima do SNC dos eqüinos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A study of phosphorus (P) metabolism was carried out using 12 month old Brasileiro de Hipismo breed of horses to determine the P bioavailability available from feeds commonly fed to horses in Brazil. Five different diets were formulated to contain approximately equivalent levels of crude protein and digestible energy, as well as to supply at least 22 g P/horse/day (NRC, 1989). All 5 diets contained 40% Bermuda coastal hay plus 60% concentrate. The 5 different concentrates contained: C1 (corn+ cottonseed meal) C2 (corn grain+soybean meal) C3 (corn+sugarcane yeast), C4 (oat+cottonseed meal), and C5 (oat+soybean meal). The radioisotope (32)p was injected with 30 NIB. Blood, feces and urine were collected for 7 days to evaluate endogenous fecal P and true absorption. Analysis of variance of P intake showed differences due to dietary effects (P < 0.05). Concentrate C3 had the lowest intake (79.68 mg/ kg BW). All of the diets produced positive P retention. Absolute values for P concentrations in plasma, urine, feces and endogenous feces did not vary between diets. Values for endogenous fecal P were independent of the level of P intake, so the correlation between P intake and P endogenous was not significant. P bioavailability values were 50.75; 40.98; 43.50; 51.03 and 57.68% for diets C1 through C5, respectively. However, differences in P bioavailability were found (P < 0.05) between diets. Diets C2 and C3 had lower P bioavailability than the other diets. The P bioavailability of all dietary treatments in this study exceeded NRC (1989) postulations of 35% true P absorption in diets not supplemented with inorganic P. The results of this study indicate that inorganic P supplementation is not needed for growing yearlings fed common Brazilian feeds. Considering the high cost of P supplementation and the risk of environmental P contamination, inorganic phosphorus supplementation for growing yearlings may not be required. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In an effort to detect West Nile virus (WNV) in Brazil, we sampled serum from horses and chickens from the Pantanal region of the state of Mato Grosso and tested for flavivirus-reactive antibodies by blocking ELISA. The positive samples were further confirmed for serological evidence of WNV infection in three (8%) of the 38 horses and one (3.2%) of the 31 chickens using an 80% plaque-reduction neutralisation test (PRNT80). These results provide evidence of the circulation of WNV in chickens and horses in Pantanal.


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Objective-To evaluate the cardiorespiratory and intestinal effects of the muscarinic type-2 (M-2) antagonist, methoctramine, in anesthetized horses.Animals-6 horses.Procedure-Horses were allocated to 2 treatments in a randomized complete block design. Anesthesia was maintained with halothane (1% end-tidal concentration) combined with a constant-rate infusion of xylazine hydrochloride (1 mg/kg/h, IV) and mechanical ventilation. Hemodynamic variables were monitored after induction of anesthesia and for 120 minutes after administration of methoctramine or saline (0.9% NaCl) solution (control treatment). Methoctramine was given at 10-minute intervals (10 mug/kg, IV) until heart rate (HR) increased at least 30% above baseline values or until a maximum cumulative dose of 30 mug/kg had been administered. Recovery characteristics, intestinal auscultation scores, and intestinal transit determined by use of chromium oxide were assessed during the postanesthetic period.Results-Methoctramine was given at a total cumulative dose of 30 mug/kg to 4 horses, whereas 2 horses received 10 mug/kg. Administration of methoctramine resulted in increases in HR, cardiac output, arterial blood pressure, and tissue oxygen delivery. Intestinal auscultation scores and intestinal transit time (interval to first and last detection of chromium oxide in the feces) did not differ between treatment groups.Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Methoctramine improved hemodynamic function in horses anesthetized by use of halothane and xylazine without causing a clinically detectable delay in the return to normal intestinal motility during the postanesthetic period. Because of their selective positive chronotropic effects, M-2 antagonists may represent a safe alternative for treatment of horses with intraoperative bracycardia.


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Objective-To evaluate cardiopulmonary effects of glycopyrrolate in horses anesthetized with halothane and xylazine.Animals-6 horses.Procedure-Horses were allocated to 2 treatment groups in a randomized complete block design. Anesthesia was maintained in mechanically ventilated horses by administration of halothane (1% end-tidal concentration) combined with a constant-rate infusion of xylazine hydrochloride (1 mg/kg/h, IV). Hemodynamic variables were monitored after induction of anesthesia and for 120 minutes after administration of glycopyrrolate or saline (0.9% NaCl) solution. Glycopyrrolate (2.5 mug/kg, IV) was administered at 10-minute intervals until heart rate (HR) increased at least 30% above baseline or a maximum cumulative dose of 75 mug/kg had been injected. Recovery characteristics and intestinal auscultation scores were evaluated for 24 hours after the end of anesthesia.Results-Cumulative dose of glycopyrrolate administered to 5 horses was 5 mug/kg, whereas 1 horse received 75 mug/kg. The positive chronotropic effects of glycopyrrolate were accompanied by an increase in cardiac output, arterial blood pressure, and tissue oxygen delivery. Whereas HR increased by 53% above baseline values at 20 minutes after the last glycopyrrolate injection, cardiac output and mean arterial pressure increased by 38% and 31%, respectively. Glycopyrrolate administration was associated with impaction of the large colon in I horse and low intestinal auscultation scores lasting 24 hours in 3 horses.Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-The positive chronotropic effects of glycopyrrolate resulted in improvement of hemodynamic function in horses anesthetized with halothane and xylazine. However, prolonged intestinal stasis and colic may limit its use during anesthesia.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In the present study, snakebites caused by a single Bothrops pauloensis simultaneously affecting three male adult horses are described. Whereas the first two affected horses were six years old, the third was 16 years old; they weighed respectively 555, 550 and 500 kg. All horses presented swollen muzzles. The first animal received an initial antivenom dose of 19 vials and adjuvant medication, it was also subjected to tracheostomy due to the progression of acute respiratory failure. The second and third horses respectively received 15 vials of antivenom each, in addition to adjuvant medication. Due to continuous changes in blood coagulation observed during hospitalization, the first and the second horses received five more vials of antivenom, respectively, in the second and third days of treatment. The first animal was discharged on 15(th) day and the other on the 8(th) day of hospitalization. Several factors including the main actions of Bothrops venom (coagulation, proteolytic and vasculotoxic activities), the importance of early diagnosis based on clinical history and clinical examination suggesting the diagnosis of Bothrops snakebite, the adequate doses of antivenom, and finally the immediate tracheostomy are herein discussed. The tracheostomy, required to save the life of the first horse, should only occur after the administration of antivenom and control measures for changes in blood coagulation.