924 resultados para Low temperature research.
The transport and magnetotransport properties of the metallic and ferromagnetic SrRuO3 (SRO) and the metallic and paramagnetic LaNiO3 (LNO) epitaxial thin films have been investigated in fields up to 55 T at temperatures down to 1.8 K . At low temperatures both samples display a well-defined resistivity minimum. We argue that this behavior is due to the increasing relevance of quantum corrections to the conductivity (QCC) as temperature is lowered; this effect being particularly relevant in these oxides due to their short mean free path. However, it is not straightforward to discriminate between contributions of weak localization and renormalization of electron-electron interactions to the QCC through temperature dependence alone. We have taken advantage of the distinct effect of a magnetic field on both mechanisms to demonstrate that in ferromagnetic SRO the weak-localization contribution is suppressed by the large internal field leaving only renormalized electron-electron interactions, whereas in the nonmagnetic LNO thin films the weak-localization term is relevant.
The heat exchanged at the low-temperature first-order magnetostructural transition is directly measured in Gd5Ge4 . Results show that the origin and the temperature dependence of the heat exchanged varies with the reversible/irreversible character of the first-order transition. In the reversible regime, the heat exchanged by the sample is mostly due to the latent heat at the transition and decreases with decreasing temperature, while in the irreversible regime, the heat is irreversibly dissipated and increases strongly with decreasing temperature, reaching a value of 237 J/kg at 4 K.
The primary objective of this work is to develop an efficient accelerator system for low temperature vulcanization of rubbers. Although xanthates are known to act as accelerators for low temperature vulcanization, a systematic study on the mechanism of vulcanization, the mechanical properties of the vulcanizates at varying temperatures of vulcanization, cure characteristics etc are not reported. Further. xanthate based curing systems are not commonly used because of their chance for premature vulcanization during processing. The proposed study is to develop a novel accelerator system for the low temperature vulcanization of rubbers having enough processing safely. lt is also proposed to develop a method for the prevulcanisation of natural rubber latex at room temperature. As already mentioned the manufacture of rubber products at low temperature will improve its quality and appearance. Also, energy consumption can be reduced by low temperature vulcanization. in addition, low temperature vulcanization will be extremely useful in the area of repair of defective products, since subjecting finished products to high temperatures during the process of repair will adversely affect the quality of the product. Further. room temperature curing accelerator systems will find extensive applications in surface coating industries.
Nanocomposites with magnetic components possessing nanometric dimensions, lying in the range 1–10 nm, are found to be exhibiting superior physical properties with respect to their coarser sized counterparts. Magnetic nanocomposites based on gamma iron oxide embedded in a polymer matrix have been prepared and characterized. The behaviour of these samples at low temperatures have been studied using Mössbauer spectroscopy. Mössbauer studies indicate that the composites consist of very fine particles of g-Fe2O3 of which some amount exists in the superparamagnetic phase. The cycling of the preparative conditions were found to increase the amount of g-Fe2O3 in the matrix
Die Trocknung ist eines der am häufigsten verwendeten Verfahren, um die Haltbarkeit von landwirtschaftlichen Gütern zu verlängern. Von den vielen gebräuchlichen Trocknungsarten ist die Konvektionstrocknung, die Luft als Energie- und Feuchteträger verwendet, weiterhin die wichtigste. Trotz ihrer Nachteile und ihres hohen spezifischen Energieverbrauchs sind Satztrockner für die Getreide-, Kräuter- und Heutrocknung noch weit verbreitet. Ferner werden Konvektionstrockner gemeinhin zur künstlichen Trocknung eingesetzt. Diese Arbeit ist Teil eines Forschungsprojekts, welches eine sorptionsgestützte solare Trocknung von landwirtschaftlichen Gütern untersucht. Bei dieser wird kühle feuchte Luft in Kontakt mit einer konzentrierten hygroskopischen Salzlösung gebracht. Während dieses Prozesses wird die Luft entfeuchtet und mit Hilfe der freigesetzten Verdampfungsenthalpie erwärmt. Die Anwendung dieses Verfahrens zur Trocknung landwirtschaftlicher Güter ist besonders interessant für Produkte, die bei niedrigen Temperaturen verarbeitet werden, um ihre Qualität nicht negativ zu beeinflussen. Bei allen energieintensiven Prozessen und vor allem bei der Verwendung von Solarenergie ist ein effizienter Energieverbrauch äußerst wichtig für den technischen und ökonomischen Erfolg. Eine ungleichmäßige Trocknung ist oftmals bei Satztrocknern zu beobachten, was die Energieeffizienz negativ beeinflusst. Aus diesem Grund lag im agrartechnischen Teil des Projekts der Schwerpunkt auf der Trocknung bei niedrigen Temperaturen und geringer Luftfeuchte, die der Sorptionsprozess liefert, sowie auf der Verbesserung der Luftverteilung und der Gleichmäßigkeit der Trocknung in lockeren und verdichteten Schüttungen. Es wurden Dünnschicht-Trocknungsexperminente für Blattsellerie bei unterschiedlichen Lufttemperaturen und unterschiedlicher relativer Luftfeuchte durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eindeutig, dass nicht nur die Lufttemperatur einen großen Einfluss auf die Trocknungsgeschwindigkeit hat, sondern auch die relative Luftfeuchte. Dies ist vor allem bei niedrigen Temperaturen, wie sie vom Sorptionssystem geliefert werden, der Fall. Um die Luftverteilung und Gleichmäßigkeit der Trocknung lockerer Schüttungen zu untersuchen, wurde ein Kistentrockner experimentell und in Strömungssimulationen getestet. Die Leistung des ursprünglichen Trockners wurde signifikant durch einfache Veränderungen des Designs verbessert. Diese stellten einen gleichmäßigeren Luftstrom durch das Produkt sicher. Die Trocknung von Heu-Rundballen stellt eine Herausforderung dar, da diese sehr stark verdichtet sind und die Dichte innerhalb eines Ballens stark schwankt. Strömungs- und Trocknungssimulationen so wie experimentelle Messungen zeigten, dass das Trocknerdesign einen großen Einfluss auf die Gleichmäßigkeit der Trocknung hat. Bei den einfachsten Trocknervarianten war die Verteilung auch bei optimal gepressten Ballen unzureichend, während komplexere Trockner eine gleichmäßigere Trocknung erzielten. Jedoch werden auch hier die Ergebnisse stark von der Verteilung der Dichte im Ballen beeinflusst, welche in der Praxis weiterhin nicht ideal ist. Abschließend wurde, um den Trocknungsfortschritt zu überwachen, eine Methodik getestet, bei der zur Messung des durchschnittlichen aktuellen Feuchtegehalts des Produktes psychrometrische Messungen und Messungen des Luftstroms in kurzen Abständen durchgeführt wurden. Die Menge des tatsächlich entfernten Wassers stimmte in den meisten Fällen gut mit der geschätzten Menge überein. Jedoch hängt der Erfolg dieser Methode stark von der Genauigkeit der Messfühler ab.
Three dimensional (3-D) integrated circuits can be fabricated by bonding previously processed device layers using metal-metal bonds that also serve as layer-to-layer interconnects. Bonded copper interconnects test structures were created by thermocompression bonding and the bond toughness was measured using the four-point test. The effects of bonding temperature, physical bonding and failure mechanisms were investigated. The surface effects on copper surface due to pre-bond clean (with glacial acetic acid) were also looked into. A maximum average bond toughness of approximately 35 J/m² was obtained bonding temperature 300 C.
Poster for IRMMW-THz conference in Mainz, Germany 2013
A set of free-drift experiments was undertaken to synthesize carbonates of mixed cation content (Fe, Ca, Mg) from solution at 25 and 70 degrees C to better understand the relationship between the mineralogy and composition of these phases and the solutions from which they precipitate. Metastable solid solutions formed at 25 degrees C which are not predicted from the extrapolation of higher temperature equilibrium assemblages; instead, solids formed that were intermediary in chemical composition to known magnesite-siderite and dolomite solid solutions. A calcite-siderite solid solution precipitated at 25 degrees C, with the percentage of CaCO3 in the solid being proportional to the aqueous Ca/Fe ratio of the solution, while Mg was excluded from the crystal structure except at relatively high aqueous Mg/Ca and Mg/Fe ratios and a low Ca content. Alternatively, at 70 degrees C Mg was the predominant cation of the solid solutions. These results are compatible with the hypothesis that the relative dehydration energies of Fe, Ca and Mg play an important role in the formation of mixed cation carbonates in nature. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The title solvate, C7H8N4O2 center dot C2H6OS, was obtained unintentionally from a cocrystal screen involving theophylline and isophthalic acid. One molecule each of theophylline and dimethyl sulfoxide is present in the asymmetric unit. The packing consists of molecular sheets lying parallel to the ( 040) series of lattice planes, in which each theophylline molecule is hydrogen bonded to one dimethyl sulfoxide molecule through an N-H center dot center dot center dot O [2.7658 (15) angstrom] hydrogen bond. This particular hydrogen-bond donor was found to be used in this type of interaction in a variety of other crystal structures of theophylline.
Ordered graphite nanofibre formation has been observed at exceptionally low temperatures on admission of ethyne to zeolite Y, which had been exchanged with Ni(II). The samples have been characterised by TEM, carbon analysis, and electronic spectroscopy. Formation of the nanofibres requires no hydrogen, and was not observed when cation exchange was carried out at acidic pH. The observed fibres resemble herring-bone nanofibrils, growing from nickel particles, and ca. 90% have diameters in the range 35-40 nm. Similar fibres have also been grown using nickel-exchanged zeolite beta.
Sigmatropic rearrangement of tetrahydropyridine-derived ammonium is a valuable method for the preparation of substituted prolines. These reaction normally require elevated temperatures to proceed, but bicyclic tetrahydropyridine-like ylid I undergoes rearrangement at -15 degrees C; the extra rigidity of the azabicyclo[3.3.0]octene system preorganizes the transition state and lowers the activation energy for rearrangement.
Several simple gold compounds and their physical mixtures with TiO2 Were tested for low temperature CO oxidation. No true catalytic activity was found for gold precursors on their own, although both Au2O3 and Au(OH)(3) react well with CO even at room temperature in a non-catalytic manner. Despite that catalytic activity was obtained by physically mixing Au(OH)(3) or Au2O3 with TiO2 and the results further emphasise the importance of a good contact between the gold and the support for good CO oxidation activity. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier.
A number of Au/TiO2 catalysts have been prepared by a variety of methods in order to assess the affect of catalysts preparation methods on performance, catalyst contamination and the interplay between them. Their activity was studied in a pulse flow microreactor and it was found that preparation methods designed to eliminate impurities lead to more active samples. The effect of chlorine is often cited to be detrimental in the literature, but we have quantified it using XPS. It was found that the activity decreased in a nearly linear fashion with an increasing amount of this element at the surface. It is generally considered that catalysts prepared by the incipient wetness (IW) technique are ineffective for CO oxidation, but we show here that, by appropriate preparation methods, high activity IW catalysts can be made.
BACKGROUND: Since the discovery in 2002 of acrylamide in a wide range of foods, there has been much work done to explore mechanisms of formation and to reduce acrylamide in commercial products. This study aimed to investigate simple measures which could be used to reduce acrylamide formation in home-cooked French fries, using potatoes from three cultivars stored under controlled conditions and sampled at three time points. RESULTS: The reducing sugar content for all three cultivars increased during storage, which led to increased acrylamide levels in the French fries. Washing and soaking (30 min or 2 h) raw French fries before cooking led to reductions in acrylamide of up to 23, 38 and 48% respectively. Pre-treated fries were lighter in colour after cooking than the corresponding controls. CONCLUSION: Pre-treatments such as soaking or washing raw French fries in water reduce acrylamide and colour formation in the final product when cooking is stopped at a texture-determined endpoint. (c) 2008 Society of Chemical Industry.
The low-temperature reactivity of water (D2O) adsorbed on clean and oxygen pre-covered Cu(1 1 0) was studied using high resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HRXPS) and low energy electron diffraction (LEED). On the clean surface partial dissociation to hydroxyl was observed already at 95 K. Upon annealing to 220 K hydrogen bonded water-hydroxyl chains are formed. Upon further annealing water desorbs leaving behind a layer of hydroxyl, most of which desorbs recombinatively eventually. With pre-adsorbed oxygen water reacts to hydroxyl lifting the added-row reconstruction even below 225 K. Upon annealing this adsorbate layer passes through essentially the same stages as without pre-adsorbed oxygen.