869 resultados para Longoni, Ana


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A tese Ana Jansen: Empreendedorismo feminino no século XIX teve como objetivo investigar como Ana Jansen manifestou sua capacidade empreendedora e adminis-trativa no contexto tradicionalmente patriarcal, predominante no Maranhão no início do século XIX. Para tanto, tornou-se necessário Identificar os aspectos sócio-econômicos brasileiro e maranhense, caracterizar os aspectos relacionados ao em-preendedorismo no Brasil, contextualizar o papel da mulher no século XIX e analisar a atuação de Ana Jansen na administração, política, economia e na sociedade maranhense. Para concretização do estudo utilizou-se a pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e de campo. Os métodos utilizados foram à historiografia e a análise de conteúdo. Os dados levantados foram analisados através do modelo de análise adaptado dos ensinamentos de Quivy e Campenhoudt (2008), onde foram identificados os conceitos, as dimensões operacionais e indicadores indispensáveis para apresentação dos resultados. Após a análise, constatou-se que o empreendedorismo de Donana passou a ser manifestado a partir das reações do seu contexto sendo que Ana Jansen soube perceber essas mudanças criando sua própria forma de ganhar e multiplicar o seu capital.


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A avaliação de risco sísmico, fundamental para as decisões sobre as estruturas de obras de engenharia e mitigação de perdas, envolve fundamentalmente a análise de ameaça sísmica. Calcular a ameaça sísmica é o mesmo que calcular a probabilidade de que certo nível de determinada medida de intensidade em certo local durante um certo tempo seja excedido. Dependendo da complexidade da atividade geológica essas estimativas podem ser bas- tante sofisticadas. Em locais com baixa sismicidade, como é o caso do Brasil, o pouco tempo (geológico) de observação e a pouca quantidade de informação são fontes de muitas incer- tezas e dificuldade de análise pelos métodos mais clássicos e conhecidos que geralmente consideram, através de opiniões de especialistas, determinadas zonas sísmicas. Serão discutidas algumas técnicas de suavização e seus fundamentos como métodos al- ternativos ao zoneamento, em seguida se exemplifica suas aplicações no caso brasileiro.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Prata Ana is the most planted banana cultivar in northern Minas Gerais, Brazil. It is however susceptible to several pathogens. This study was carried out to evaluate the disease severity of banana leaf spot in the Prata Ana cv. in the first and second cycle under six different planting systems. The randomized block experimental design was used with six treatments and four replications. lit an evaluation of the severity of banana leaf spot, no disease symptoms were found on Thap Maeo and Caipira. The evolution curve of the disease indicated seasonal effects in the first and second cycles. The severity, of banana leaf spot was highest soon after the regional rainy period from November to March. A comparison of the means of the evaluations indicated a reduction in disease severity from the first to the second cycle.


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In the North of Minas Gerais it is cultivated basically 'Prata-Ana' banana, a cultivar that requires mainly Zn. The possibility of zinc supply, without this nutrient getting in contact with the soil, it is important for the region, since several factors take to the low availability of the element supplied by the soil, as: elevated organic matter content on the surface (from cultural residues); maintenance of high pH of the soil - above 6,00 - as strategy contrary to the proliferation of the causal agent of the Fusarium Wilt; frequent fertilizations with potassium and magnesium that, besides converting the medium into base, they reduce the participation of Zn in the balance cation/anion of the soil, hindering the absortion of this micronutrient by the plant. For determining the distribution of biomass and minerals in the Prata-Ana" banana, cultivated under irrigation in the North of Minas Gerais, when the zinc was supplied through thinned sprout, an experiment was carried out in the Irrigated Perimeter of Jaiba. The plants were fertilized with 0,00; 1,66 and 3,33 g.family-(1) of Zn, through thinned sprout. One month after the fertilizations from October 2007 and February 2008, the production of fresh mass (FM) and dry mass (DM) were evaluated, the contents and meanings of minerals in all the bananas "family" bodies composed by mother-plant with bunch + tall daughter-plant + granddaughter-plant. The doses of Zn did not influence on the production of FM and DM of the plants in the first evaluation, while in the second evaluation positive effect of the treatment was observed just for MF accumulated in the inferior leaves, in the portions of the medium third and inferior of the pseudostem, and in the mother-plant's rhizome. As much the content as the accumulation of nutrients in the mother-plants presented the following decreasing order: K > N > Ca > Mg > P > S > Fe > Zn > B > Cu. The Zn contents were affected by the dose of that micronutrient in the most of the studied situations. The zinc supplied through thinned sprout increased in the mother-plant, and then it was redistributed in the banana's "family".


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La présente thèse est une approche critique de la production littéraire de l écrivain carioca Ana Cristina Cesar. Aussi bien dans la poésie que dans son oeuvre critique, Ana Cristina Cesar a mis en évidence la question de l écriture comme le principal dilème de son projet comme écrivain. En face d autant de registres, soit en forme de poèmes, texte critique ou lettres, la question de l écriture est, dans l ensemble de son oeuvre, formulée à partir d une interpénétration entre la littérature et la vie. Considérant le problème de l écriture comme partie d un projet de l être écrivain pour Ana Cristina Cesar, nous affirmons que l intérêt de notre recherche se dirige vers l analyse des manières selon lesquelles ce problème parcourt son écriture et dévient une question métalinguistique dans sa création. Nous partons de la réflexion sur l écriture dans son oeuvre pour relever la question principale de notre proposition de travail avec son texte: Qu est-ce que c est, après tout, écrire pour Ana Cristina Cesar et comment cela se formule-t-il dans la production des rôles qu elle exerce en tant que poète, critique et professeur? Parmi les principaux objectifs qui guident cette recherche sont: promouvoir un dialogue avec les textes de l auteur, où se présente le problème de l écrire, à travers une réflexion sur le parcours de son activité intellectuelle, pour elle imprégné de questions sur l écriture féminine et la production marginale; et enquêter les manières dont cette réflexion s articule dans les fonctions qu elle développe comme poète, critique et professeur et les rélations qu elle établi avec la littérature de son époque. En outre, nous discuterons l importance de son oeuvre dans la littérature marginale, ce qui possibilite aussi une évaluation de cette production dans la littérature brésilienne


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This paper discusses the process of training social workers in the environment of University Hospitals- UH s. These hospitals provide space for professional education aiming to achieve a critical and purposeful professional performance. As environments for training, producing knowledge and providing essential services to the public, these hospitals require all members of the healthcare team to have a continued education. Understanding that training has to be a priority and conceived as constant pursuit for update through the interaction of Teaching, Researching and EPO ( Education and Public Outreach). These dimensions provide approximations and domain of theoretical and methodological, giving special importance to understanding the social reality, a sine qua non condition to the work of the Social Service professional. The main goal of the research was to comprehend how the continuous professional education of the social worker occurs and it s relation with the articulations involving Teaching, Researching and EPO, as significant elements for the job of the social workers in the Hospital Universitário Ana Bezerra and Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes/UFRN. The research was conducted through a literature review, documentary and field inquiries with semistructured interviews including the group of 09 (nine) social workers from the aforementioned hospitals, taking as a reference the quantitative and qualitative approach to analyze mediations that stand between the subject and the social context. The results indicate that social workers in these university hospitals have their insertion beyond the care provided to patients in performance in the areas of education through preceptorship to undergraduate students and social work residents in and extension projects with low insertion in area of research. We note that there is a recognition of the importance of a continuous education, indicating that the qualification of social worker is essential in transforming their daily professional practice to better monitor, critically explain the peculiarities of public health in its everyday showing of how unequally access is provided to the users of the public health system


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De acordo com a necessidade de aumentar a produção de mudas de azaléia por meio da propagação vegetativa, em menor intervalo de tempo, foi proposto estudar os efeitos de diferentes substratos e concentrações de ANA (ácido naftalenoacético). O experimento foi conduzido em esquema fatorial 3X4 com três substratos (areia grossa lavada, casca de arroz carbonizada e húmus) e quatro concentrações de ANA na forma de pó (0; 2,5; 5,0 e 7,5%). Utilizaram-se estacas de 100 mm de comprimento retiradas da porção apical do ramo, sem gema apical e com corte em bisel na parte superior, deixando um par de folhas cortadas ao meio. Essas foram colocadas para enraizar em bandejas de isopor de 128 células, por um período de 90 dias, nas quais avaliaram-se: comprimento, superficie, volume e diâmetro radicular e a porcentagem de estacas enraizadas, sobreviventes, mortas e número de brotos. Pode-se concluir que a maior porcentagem de enraizamento foi obtida no substrato de casca de arroz carbonizada e com ANA na concentração de 5%.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Matemática Universitária - IGCE