883 resultados para Lombardi, Nilson
No âmbito do Programa de Cooperação Científica Tripartite entre a Agence Inter-établissements de Recherche pourle Développement (AIRD), Agence Panafricaine de la Grande Muraille Verte (APGMV) e o Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), o projeto ORIXAS "Observatórios Regionais Integrados de Regiões Árida, Semiáridas e Sub-úmidas secas" concebido em uma visão transversal, foca principalmente em metodologias e ferramentas para apoiar dispositivos de monitoramento ambiental para ser aplicado nos países inseridos na iniciativa africana Grande Muralha Verde - GMV (Burkina-Faso, Djibouti, Érythrée, Éthiopie, Mali, Mauritanie, Niger, Nigeria, Sénégal, Soudan, Tchad) e tem como objetivo desenvolver abordagens metodológicas e produtos compartilhados para melhorar a avaliação e monitoramento da desertificação e os impactos diretos ou indiretos de iniciativas para lutar contra o desmatamento e desertificação no âmbito da GMV. Esta publicação contempla aspectos metodológicos utilizados pelo projeto "ORIXAS" durante a primeira oficina de trabalho coletivo África-Brasil-França - Atelier (MAISON DE LA TÉLÉDÉTECTION), realizada de 10 a 19 de junho de 2014, em Montpellier França, objetivando informar a forma de execução dos estudos que vêm sendo realizados no escopo do projeto, visando principalmente a luta contra a desertificação, promoção da segurança alimentar e redução da pobreza nos países inseridos na iniciativa africana Grande Muralha Verde - GMV.
A Embrapa Solos, em parceria com a Secretaria de Estado de Desenvolvimento Agrário, da Produção, da Indústria, do Comércio e do Turismo - SEPROTUR, realizou o Zoneamento Agroecológico do Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul - Fase II - com objetivo de contribuir na indicação de áreas passíveis de exploração agrícola sustentável. No desenvolvimento desse trabalho foram considerados aspectos legais, restrições ambientais, potencial das culturas, aspectos do clima, de geomorfologia e dos solos, todos integrados em ambiente de sistema de informação geográfica com apoio de algebra de mapas, no intuito de avaliar a adequabilidade de uso das terras e apresentar uma proposição de planejamento de uso e ocupação das terras. Os resultados foram consolidados por município e dão origem a esse boletim de pesquisa. No município de Anastácio, as terras indicadas para o uso com lavouras somam 1.425 km², o que equivale a aproximadamente 50% da área total do município, enquanto que as recomendadas para pastagem equivalem a 26,5% e as áreas recomendadas para pastagem especial ou cultivo de arroz correspondem a cerca de 20% da área do município que corresponde a algo como 578 km². Nestas unidades é fundamental avaliar criteriosamente a utilização de pastagens nestas terras quando essas ainda se encontram sob cobertura vegetal, visto que, praticamente 20% destas terras ainda permanecem com vegetação natural em seus diversos graus de conservação. As terras recomendadas para conservação dos recursos naturais equivalem a menos de 80 km², as quais constituem áreas de alta fragilidade ambiental e/ ou apresentam restrições legais de uso como áreas de preservação permanente. As áreas identificadas como zonas recomendadas para recuperação ambiental equivalem a 80 km² e constituem áreas de moderada a alta fragilidade ambiental e/ou que apresentam restrições legais de uso e que já foram desmatadas para o uso com pastagens/agricultura. A área do município de Anastácio apresenta alto grau de ação antrópica das terras, onde mais de 75% das terras sendo utilizadas com pastagens e/ou com agricultura, enquanto que apenas 25% ainda apresentam certo grau de preservação.
A Embrapa Solos, em parceria com a Secretaria de Estado de Desenvolvimento Agrário, da Produção, da Indústria, do Comércio e do Turismo - SEPROTUR, realizou o Zoneamento Agroecológico do Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul - Fase II - com objetivo de contribuir na indicação de áreas passíveis de exploração agrícola sustentável. No desenvolvimento desse trabalho foram considerados aspectos legais, restrições ambientais, potencial das culturas, aspectos do clima, de geomorfologia e dos solos, todos integrados em ambiente de sistema de informação geográfica com apoio de algebra de mapas, no intuito de avaliar a adequabilidade de uso das terras e apresentar uma proposição de planejamento de uso e ocupação das terras. As terras indicadas para o uso com lavouras somam cerca de 1.040 km², o que equivale a aproximadamente 16% da área total zoneada. As áreas recomendadas para pastagem equivalem a 47% e as áreas recomendadas para pastagem especial a menos de 1,5% da área do município que corresponde a algo como 80 km². Nestas unidades é fundamental avaliar criteriosamente a utilização de pastagens nestas terras quando essas ainda se encontram sob cobertura vegetal, visto que, praticamente 82% destas terras ainda permanecem com vegetação natural em seus diversos graus de conservação. As terras recomendadas para conservação dos recursos naturais e/ou recuperação ambiental equivalem a 210 km², as quais constituem áreas de alta fragilidade ambiental e/ou apresentam restrições legais de uso como áreas de preservação permanente. As áreas identificadas como zonas recomendadas para recuperação ambiental equivalem a 123 km² e constituem áreas de moderada a alta fragilidade ambiental e/ou que apresentam restrições legais de uso e que já foram desmatadas para o uso com pastagens/agricultura. O do município de Coxim apresenta um alto grau de ação antrópica das terras, onde cerca de 60% das terras são utilizadas com pastagens e/ou com agricultura, enquanto que apenas 40% ainda apresentam certo grau de preservação. O município de Coxim apresenta um bom potencial para o desenvolvimento da agropecuária, porém, devidos às características edafoclimáticas e de topografia, a recomendação preferencial é a utilização com pastagens.
Offshore wind turbines supported on monopile foundations are dynamically sensitive because the overall natural frequencies of these structures are close to the different forcing frequencies imposed upon them. The structures are designed for an intended life of 25 to 30 years, but little is known about their long term behaviour. To study their long term behaviour, a series of laboratory tests were conducted in which a scaled model wind turbine supported on a monopile in kaolin clay was subjected to between 32,000 and 172,000 cycles of horizontal loading and the changes in natural frequency and damping of the model were monitored. The experimental results are presented using a non-dimensional framework based on an interpretation of the governing mechanics. The change in natural frequency was found to be strongly dependent on the shear strain level in the soil next to the pile. Practical guidance for choosing the diameter of monopile is suggested based on element test results using the concept of volumetric threshold shear strain.
The aim of the present study is twofold. Firstly, the paper investigates the undrained cyclic and post-cyclic behaviour of two silica sands by means of multi-stage cyclic triaxial tests. Secondly, based on the post-cyclic response observed in the element test, the authors formulate a simplified stress–strain relationship that can be conveniently used for the construction of p–y curves for liquefiable soils. The multi-stage loading condition consists of an initial cyclic loading applied to cause liquefaction, followed by undrained monotonic loading that aimed to investigate the post-cyclic response of the liquefied sample. It was found that due to the tendency of the liquefied soil to dilate upon undrained shearing, the post-liquefaction strain–stress response was characterised by a distinct strain–hardening behaviour. The latter is idealized by means of a bi-linear stress–strain model, which can be conveniently formulated in terms of three parameters, i.e.: (i) take-off shear strain, γto, i.e. shear strain required to mobilize 1 kPa of shear strength; (b) initial secant shear modulus, G1, defined as 1/γto; (c) post-liquefied shear modulus at large strain, G2 (γ⪢γto). Based on the experimental results, it is concluded that these parameters are strongly influenced by the initial relative density of the sample, whereby γto decreases with increasing relative density. Differently both shear moduli (G1 and G2) increases with increasing relative density. Lastly, the construction of new p–y curves for liquefiable soils based on the idealized bi-linear model is described.
One of the major challenges encountered in earthquake geotechnical physical modelling is to determine the effects induced by the artificial boundaries of the soil container on the dynamic response of the soil deposit. Over the past years, the use of absorbing material for minimising boundaries effects has become an increasing alternative solution, yet little systematic research has been carried out to quantify the dynamic performance of the absorbing material and the amount of energy dissipated by it. This paper aims to examine the effects induced by the absorbing material on the dynamic response of the soil, and estimate the amount of energy reduced by the absorbing boundaries. The absorbent material consisted of panels made of commercially available foams, which were placed on both inner sides of end-walls of the soil container. These walls are perpendicular to the shaking direction. Three types of foam with different mechanical properties were used in this study. The results were obtained from tests carried out using a shaking table and Redhill 110 sand for the soil deposit. It was found that a considerably amount of energy was dissipated, in particular within the frequency range close to the resonance of the soil deposit. This feature suggests that the presence of foams provides a significant influence to the dynamic response of the soil. The energy absorbed by the boundaries was also quantified from integrals of the Power Spectral Density of the accelerations. It was found that the absorbed energy ranged between a minimum of 41% to a maximum of 92% of the input levels, depending mainly on the foam used in the test. The effects provided by the acceleration levels and depth at which the energy was evaluated were practically negligible. Finally, practical guidelines for the selection of the absorbing material are provided.
This paper presents experimental results that aimed to investigate the effects of soil liquefaction on the modal parameters (i.e. frequency and damping ratio) of pile-supported structures. The tests were carried out using the shaking table facility of the Bristol Laboratory for Advanced Dynamics Engineering (BLADE) at the University of Bristol (UK) whereby four pile-supported structures (two single piles and two pile groups) with and without superstructure mass were tested. The experimental investigation aimed to monitor the variation in natural frequency and damping of the four physical models at different degrees of excess pore water pressure generation and in full-liquefaction condition. The experimental results showed that the natural frequency of pile-supported structures may decrease considerably owing to the loss of lateral support offered by the soil to the pile. On the other hand, the damping ratio of structure may increase to values in excess of 20%. These findings have important design consequences: (a) for low-period structures, substantial reduction of spectral acceleration is expected; (b) during and after liquefaction, the response of the system may be dictated by the interactions of multiple loadings, that is, horizontal, axial and overturning moment, which were negligible prior to liquefaction; and (c) with the onset of liquefaction due to increased flexibility of pile-supported structure, larger spectral displacement may be expected, which in turn may enhance Pdelta effects and consequently amplification of overturning moment. Practical implications for pile design are discussed.
In practice, piles are most often modelled as "Beams on Non-Linear Winkler Foundation" (also known as “p-y spring” approach) where the soil is idealised as p-y springs. These p-y springs are obtained through semi-empirical approach using element test results of the soil. For liquefied soil, a reduction factor (often termed as p-multiplier approach) is applied on a standard p-y curve for the non-liquefied condition to obtain the p-y curve liquefied soil condition. This paper presents a methodology to obtain p-y curves for liquefied soil based on element testing of liquefied soil considering physically plausible mechanisms. Validation of the proposed p-y curves is carried out through the back analysis of physical model tests.
After the 1980s it is diffi cult, following stylistic criteria, to draw a map of contemporary academic music. All styles are compossible, and all are practiced. In this context, the geographical entity “South of Italy” does not stand out for a musical identity with special technical-stylistic features. Rather, at a socio-cultural level, the South remains today – in music no less than in all areas where there is a gap between top development and stagnation – a land of emigrants: six out of the seven composers treated (Ivan Fedele, Giuseppe Colardo, Rosario Mirigliano, Giuseppe Soccio, Nicola Cisternino, Biagio Putignano, Paolo Aralla) live in the North of Italy. The positive aspect of this is the affi nity of the South with the transnational and superstructural community of contemporary music, which from European and Western has now become almost global. The composers under consideration belong to the generation of the ‘50s, rooted in the serial and post-serial movements (from which Franco Donatoni, Luciano Berio, Luigi Nono, Salvatore Sciarrino, Giacinto Scelsi, are the principals models, to mention only the Italians), dipped in the general phenomenon of timbrism (particularly spectralism), and acquainted with electronics. They draw from these sources various instruments of compositional technique and aspects of their poetics. In particular these composers, active from the ‘80s, develop new ways of construction of the temporal form of music. They share the goal to establish a new continuity, different from the tonal one but at the same time transcending the serial and post-serial disintegration and fragmentation. The primary means to this end is a new enhancement of the category of fi gure, as a clear and distinct, recognizable aggregate of pitches, intervals, register, durations, timbre, articulation, dynamics, and texture. Each composer elaborates the atonal fi gural material in different ways, emphasizing one aspect or another. For example, Fedele (1953) is a master in the management of form per se, Colardo (1953) in the activation of disturbed harmonic effects, Mirigliano (1950) in the creation of a slight tension from the smallest vibrations of sound, Soccio (1950) in the set up of movement by means of accumulations and discharges of energy, Cisternino (1957) in a Cagean-Scelsian emphasis on sound as such, Putignano (1960) in the suspension of time through the succession and transformation of images, Aralla (1960) in the foundation of form from below, from the concreteness of sound.
9 hojas : ilustraciones.
We designed the Eyebrow-Clicker, a camera-based human computer interface system that implements a new form of binary switch. When the user raises his or her eyebrows, the binary switch is activated and a selection command is issued. The Eyebrow-Clicker thus replaces the "click" functionality of a mouse. The system initializes itself by detecting the user's eyes and eyebrows, tracks these features at frame rate, and recovers in the event of errors. The initialization uses the natural blinking of the human eye to select suitable templates for tracking. Once execution has begun, a user therefore never has to restart the program or even touch the computer. In our experiments with human-computer interaction software, the system successfully determined 93% of the time when a user raised his eyebrows.
Discutimos neste trabalho resultados relativos a mudanças metodológicas realizadas pela prova escrita para alunos de uma escola brasileira. Partimos da experiência docente aliada ao estudo de pesquisas científicas que consideram a prova um momento de aprendizado. Porém acreditamos que isso pode ser potencializado por meio de prova escrita feita com duplas formadas por livre escolha dos alunos, mas duas provas distintas para propiciar a cada dupla o diálogo. Além disso, as duplas devem ser escolhidas com antecedência, sendo a nota obtida pela média aritmética das notas de cada um dos alunos.
This paper reports a study carried out to develop a self-compacting fibre reinforced concrete containing a high fibre content with slurry infiltrated fibre concrete (SIFCON). The SIFCON was developed with 10% of steel fibres which are infiltrated by self-compacting cement slurry without any vibration. Traditionally, the infiltration of the slurry into the layer of fibres is carried out under intensive vibration. A two-level fractional factorial design was used to optimise the properties of cement-based slurries with four independent variables, such as dosage of silica fume, dosage of superplasticiser, sand content, and water/cement ratio (W/C). Rheometer, mini-slump test, Lombardi plate cohesion meter, J-fibre penetration test, and induced bleeding were used to assess the behaviour of fresh cement slurries. The compressive strengths at 7 and 28 days were also measured. The statistical models are valid for slurries made with W/C of 0.40 to 0.50, 50 to 100% of sand by mass of cement, 5 to 10% of silica fume by mass of cement, and SP dosage of 0.6 to 1.2% by mass of cement. This model makes it possible to evaluate the effect of individual variables on measured parameters of fresh cement slurries. The proposed models offered useful information to understand trade-offs between mix variables and compare the responses obtained from various test methods in order to optimise self-compacting SIFCON.