980 resultados para Local wind flow
The sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll-a concentration (CHL-a) were analysed in the Gulf of Tadjourah from two set of 8-day composite satellite data, respectively from 2008 to 2012 and from 2005 to 2011. A singular spectrum analysis (SSA) shows that the annual cycle of SST is strong (74.3% of variance) and consists of warming (April-October) and cooling (November-March) of about 2.5C than the long-term average. The semi-annual cycle captures only 14.6% of temperature variance and emphasises the drop of SST during July-August. Similarly, the annual cycle of CHL-a (29.7% of variance) depicts high CHL-a from June to October and low concentration from November to May. In addition, the first spatial empirical orthogonal function (EOF) of SST (93% of variance) shows that the seasonal warming/cooling is in phase across the whole study area but the southeastern part always remaining warmer or cooler. In contrast to the SST, the first EOF of CHL-a (54.1% of variance) indicates the continental shelf in phase opposition with the offshore area in winter during which the CHL-a remains sequestrated in the coastal area particularly in the south-east and in the Ghoubet Al-Kharab Bay. Inversely during summer, higher CHL-a quantities appear in the offshore waters. In order to investigate processes generating these patterns, a multichannel spectrum analysis was applied to a set of oceanic (SST, CHL-a) and atmospheric parameters (wind speed, air temperature and air specific humidity). This analysis shows that the SST is well correlated to the atmospheric parameters at an annual scale. The windowed cross correlation indicates that this correlation is significant only from October to May. During this period, the warming was related to the solar heating of the surface water when the wind is low (April-May and October) while the cooling (November-March) was linked to the strong and cold North-East winds and to convective mixing. The summer drop in SST followed by a peak of CHL-a, seems strongly correlated to the upwelling. The second EOF modes of SST and CHL-a explain respectively 1.3% and 5% of the variance and show an east-west gradient during winter that is reversed during summer. This work showed that the seasonal signals have a wide spatial influence and dominate the variability of the SST and CHL-a while the east-west gradient are specific for the Gulf of Tadjourah and seem induced by the local wind modulated by the topography.
Neste trabalho é analisado o potencial eólico da região de Évora, tendo sido considerados quatro locais: Mitra, Portel, Reguengos e Colégio Verney. Com os dados de potência obtidos, foram escolhidas duas turbinas existentes no mercado, de potências nominais diferentes, para uma análise mais objectiva do real potencial da região. Apurou-se que, com a instalação de três turbinas menores, se obtém praticamente a mesma potência, por um preço consideravelmente inferior. Foi ainda possível verificar-se que a quantidade evitada de C02 para a atmosfera, ao considerar uma turbina de 5000 W (B) ou três 1000 W (A), é semelhante, concluindo-se que, considerando a eficiência, potencial, preço e emissões de co2 evitadas, a instalação de diversas turbinas A é a melhor opção. Este trabalho reveste-se de particular interesse considerando o facto de ser do conhecimento geral que, nas regiões costeiras e montanhosas, o potencial eólico está bastante estudado, ao passo que nas regiões interiores tal não acontece. ABSTRACT: ln this work, we assess the potential wind power in Évora, and four locations have been considered: Mitra, Portel, Reguengos and Évora. Based on the local wind power potential, two kinds of turbines were selected, for a more objective analysis of the region's useful wind power. It was found that the option for three small turbines allows the extraction of the same wind power that is extracted by the bigger turbine and at a considerably lower installation cost. lt was also found that the reduction in co2 emissions to the atmosphere, when considering the cases of one 5000 W (B) turbine and three 1000 W (A) turbines, is similar, therefore was concluded that, given the efficiency, potential, price and reduction of C02 emissions, the installation of several A turbines is the best option. This work is of particular interest because in coastal and mountain areas the wind potential is quite known, while this is not the case of inland areas.
Due to their permanent and close proximity to neurons, glial cells perform essential tasks for the normal physiology of the retina. Astrocytes andM¨uller cells (retinal macroglia) provide physical support to neurons and supplement them with several metabolites and growth factors.Macroglia are involved in maintaining the homeostasis of extracellular ions and neurotransmitters, are essential for information processing in neural circuits, participate in retinal glucose metabolism and in removing metabolic waste products, regulate local blood flow, induce the blood-retinal barrier (BRB), play fundamental roles in local immune response, and protect neurons from oxidative damage. In response to polyetiological insults, glia cells react with a process called reactive gliosis, seeking to maintain retinal homeostasis. When malfunctioning, macroglial cells can become primary pathogenic elements. A reactive gliosis has been described in different retinal pathologies, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetes, glaucoma, retinal detachment, or retinitis pigmentosa. A better understanding of the dual, neuroprotective, or cytotoxic effect of macroglial involvement in retinal pathologies would help in treating the physiopathology of these diseases.The extensive participation of the macroglia in retinal diseases points to these cells as innovative targets for new drug therapies.
Unicellular bottom-heavy swimming microorganisms are usually denser than the fluid in which they swim. In shallow suspensions, the bottom heaviness results in a gravitational torque that orients the cells to swim vertically upwards in the absence of fluid flow. Swimming cells thus accumulate at the upper surface to form a concentrated layer of cells. When the cell concentration is high enough, the layer overturns to form bioconvection patterns. Thin concentrated plumes of cells descend rapidly and cells return to the upper surface in wide, slowly moving upwelling plumes. When there is fluid flow, a second viscous torque is exerted on the swimming cells. The balance between the local shear flow viscous and the gravitational torques determines the cells' swimming direction, (gyrotaxis). In this thesis, the wavelengths of bioconvection patterns are studied experimentally as well as theoretically as follow; First, in aquasystem it is rare to find one species lives individually and when they swim they can form complex patterns. Thus, a protocol for controlled experiments to mix two species of swimming algal cells of \emph{C. rienhardtii} and \emph{C. augustae} is systematically described and images of bioconvection patterns are captured. A method for analysing images using wavelets and extracting the local dominant wavelength in spatially varying patterns is developed. The variation of the patterns as a function of the total concentration and the relative concentration between two species is analysed. Second, the linear stability theory of bioconvection for a suspension of two mixed species is studied. The dispersion relationship is computed using Fourier modes in order to calculate the neutral curves as a function of wavenumbers $k$ and $m$. The neutral curves are plotted to compare the instability onset of the suspension of the two mixed species with the instability onset of each species individually. This study could help us to understand which species contributes the most in the process of pattern formation. Finally, predicting the most unstable wavelength was studied previously around a steady state equilibrium situation. Since assuming steady state equilibrium contradicts with reality, the pattern formation in a layer of finite depth of an evolving basic state is studied using the nonnormal modes approach. The nonnormal modes procedure identifies the optimal initial perturbation that can be obtained for a given time $t$ as well as a given set of parameters and wavenumber $k$. Then, we measure the size of the optimal perturbation as it grows with time considering a range of wavenumbers for the same set of parameters to be able to extract the most unstable wavelength.
[EN] On 8-10 April 2007, several episodes of intense sea-breeze fronts were registered at the islands of Fuerteventura and Lanzarote (Canary Islands). The sea-breeze circulation was primary driven by daytime heating contrasts between land and the Atlantic Ocean during a period of weak trade winds. Numerical simulations of these events were carried out using the 3.1.1 version of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF-ARW) Model. Three different domains with 6.6-km, 2.2-km and 0.7-km horizontal grid spacing and two sets with 51 and 70 vertical sigma levels were defined. The simulation was performed using two-way interactive nesting between the first and the second domain, using different land surface model parameterizations (Thermal diffusion, Noah LSM and RUC) for comparison. Initial conditions were provided by the NCAR Dataset analysis from April 2007, which were improved using surface and upper-air observations. The poster is focused on the 10 April episode.
The importance of soil moisture anomalies on airmass convection over semiarid regions has been recognized in several studies. The underlying mechanisms remain partly unclear. An open question is why wetter soils can result in either an increase or a decrease of precipitation (positive or negative soil moisture–precipitation feedback, respectively). Here an idealized cloud-resolving modeling framework is used to explore the local soil moisture–precipitation feedback. The approach is able to replicate both positive and negative feedback loops, depending on the environmental parameters. The mechanism relies on horizontal soil moisture variations, which may develop and intensify spontaneously. The positive expression of the feedback is associated with the initiation of convection over dry soil patches, but the convective cells then propagate over wet patches where they strengthen and preferentially precipitate. The negative feedback may occur when the wind profile is too weak to support the propagation of convective features from dry to wet areas. Precipitation is then generally weaker and falls preferentially over dry patches. The results highlight the role of the midtropospheric flow in determining the sign of the feedback. A key element of the positive feedback is the exploitation of both low convective inhibition (CIN) over dry patches (for the initiation of convection) and high CAPE over wet patches (for the generation of precipitation).
The targeting of topically applied drug molecules into tissues below a site of application requires an understanding of the complex interrelationships between the drug, its formulation, the barrier properties of the skin, and the physiological processes occurring below the skin that are responsible for drug clearance from the site, tissue, and/or systemic distribution and eventual elimination. There is still a certain amount of controversy over the ability of topically applied drugs to penetrate into deeper tissues by diffusion or whether this occurs by redistribution in the systemic circulation. The major focus of our work in this area has been in determining how changes in drug structure and physicochemical properties, such as protein binding and lipophilicity, affect drug clearance into the local dermal microcirculation and lymphatics, as well as subsequent distribution into deeper tissues below an application site. The present study outlines our recent thinking on the drug molecule optimal physical attributes, in terms of plasma and tissue partitioning behaviour, that offer the greatest potential for deep tissue targeting. Drug Dev. Res. 46:309-315, 1999. (C) 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
High-resolution numerical model simulations have been used to study the local and mesoscale thermal circulations in an Alpine lake basin. The lake (87 km(2)) is situated in the Southern Alps, New Zealand and is located in a glacially excavated rock basin surrounded by mountain ranges that reach 3000 m in height. The mesoscale model used (RAMS) is a three-dimensional non-hydrostatic model with a level 2.5 turbulence closure scheme. The model demonstrates that thermal forcing at local (within the basin) and regional (coast-to-basin inflow) scales drive the observed boundary-layer airflow in the lake basin during clear anticyclonic summertime conditions. The results show that the lake can modify (perturb) both the local and regional wind systems. Following sunrise, local thermal circulations dominate, including a lake breeze component that becomes embedded within the background valley wind system. This results in a more divergent flow in the basin extending across the lake shoreline. However, a closed lake breeze circulation is neither observed nor modelled. Modelling results indicate that in the latter part of the day when the mesoscale (coast-to-basin) inflow occurs, the relatively cold pool of lake air in the basin can cause the intrusion to decouple from the surface. Measured data provide qualitative and quantitative support for the model results.
Coastal low-level jets (CLLJ) are a low-tropospheric wind feature driven by the pressure gradient produced by a sharp contrast between high temperatures over land and lower temperatures over the sea. This contrast between the cold ocean and the warm land in the summer is intensified by the impact of the coastal parallel winds on the ocean generating upwelling currents, sharpening the temperature gradient close to the coast and giving rise to strong baroclinic structures at the coast. During summertime, the Iberian Peninsula is often under the effect of the Azores High and of a thermal low pressure system inland, leading to a seasonal wind, in the west coast, called the Nortada (northerly wind). This study presents a regional climatology of the CLLJ off the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula, based on a 9km resolution downscaling dataset, produced using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) mesoscale model, forced by 19 years of ERA-Interim reanalysis (1989-2007). The simulation results show that the jet hourly frequency of occurrence in the summer is above 30% and decreases to about 10% during spring and autumn. The monthly frequencies of occurrence can reach higher values, around 40% in summer months, and reveal large inter-annual variability in all three seasons. In the summer, at a daily base, the CLLJ is present in almost 70% of the days. The CLLJ wind direction is mostly from north-northeasterly and occurs more persistently in three areas where the interaction of the jet flow with local capes and headlands is more pronounced. The coastal jets in this area occur at heights between 300 and 400 m, and its speed has a mean around 15 m/s, reaching maximum speeds of 25 m/s.
Wind resource evaluation in two sites located in Portugal was performed using the mesoscale modelling system Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) and the wind resource analysis tool commonly used within the wind power industry, the Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program (WAsP) microscale model. Wind measurement campaigns were conducted in the selected sites, allowing for a comparison between in situ measurements and simulated wind, in terms of flow characteristics and energy yields estimates. Three different methodologies were tested, aiming to provide an overview of the benefits and limitations of these methodologies for wind resource estimation. In the first methodology the mesoscale model acts like “virtual” wind measuring stations, where wind data was computed by WRF for both sites and inserted directly as input in WAsP. In the second approach, the same procedure was followed but here the terrain influences induced by the mesoscale model low resolution terrain data were removed from the simulated wind data. In the third methodology, the simulated wind data is extracted at the top of the planetary boundary layer height for both sites, aiming to assess if the use of geostrophic winds (which, by definition, are not influenced by the local terrain) can bring any improvement in the models performance. The obtained results for the abovementioned methodologies were compared with those resulting from in situ measurements, in terms of mean wind speed, Weibull probability density function parameters and production estimates, considering the installation of one wind turbine in each site. Results showed that the second tested approach is the one that produces values closest to the measured ones, and fairly acceptable deviations were found using this coupling technique in terms of estimated annual production. However, mesoscale output should not be used directly in wind farm sitting projects, mainly due to the mesoscale model terrain data poor resolution. Instead, the use of mesoscale output in microscale models should be seen as a valid alternative to in situ data mainly for preliminary wind resource assessments, although the application of mesoscale and microscale coupling in areas with complex topography should be done with extreme caution.
The local fractional Burgers’ equation (LFBE) is investigated from the point of view of local fractional conservation laws envisaging a nonlinear local fractional transport equation with a linear non-differentiable diffusion term. The local fractional derivative transformations and the LFBE conversion to a linear local fractional diffusion equation are analyzed.
Wind turbines and solar panels are becoming second nature in Portugal, as its occurrence in the country becomes ubiquitous. Somehow, one could argue that renewable energy in Portugal is in the process of ‘naturalisation’ as part of a new – mechanised, but environmentally benign – landscape. Portuguese Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Biodiversity (ICNB) has shown an ambiguous stance on this issue, defending global concerns towards renewable energy, while at the same time attempting to engage locals in the preservation of extensive ‘classified areas’. In the course of this research, we tried to focus on these incongruities and to analyse how they are impacting local communities during the process of wind power installation.
La peau est sujette à un vieillissement intrinsèque (processus naturel et chronologique) et extrinsèque (processus induit par l'environnement et notamment les rayons UV). Plusieurs études ont montré que le vieillissement cutané s'accompagne d'une réduction de la densité capillaire au sein du derme et d'une dégradation de plusieurs protéines de la matrice extracellulaire. Cette atteinte morphologique est associée à une diminution de la capacité vasodilatatrice maximale de la microcirculation dermique et en particulier, de la réponse maximale du flux sanguin cutané à un échauffement local de la surface cutanée à des températures avoisinant les 43-44°C. Cette réponse, appelée hyperémie locale induite par la chaleur (local thermal hyperemia), est facilement mesurable par des investigations non invasives, telles que le laser Doppler. Nous avons entrepris cette étude afin d'investiguer les effets de l'âge sur la réactivité de la microcirculation dermique dans des zones cutanées exposées différemment aux rayons UV. Pour ce faire, nous avons étudié, chez des patients jeunes (18 à 30 ans, n=13) et des patients âgés (> 60 ans, n=13), la vasodilatation cutanée induite par réchauffement local de la peau, au niveau de 3 sites anatomiques différents (la cuisse, l'avant- bras et le front). Les mesures ont été effectuées au moyen d'un laser Doppler. Pour chaque sujet et chaque site, la température cutanée fut tout d'abord amenée à 34°C par 2 corps de chauffe (A et B), disposés de manière adjacente sur la peau. La température fut ensuite augmentée à 39°C (corps de chauffe A) et à 41°C (corps de chauffe B) pour une durée de 30 minutes, dans l'optique d'induire une vasodilatation sous- maximale. Ensuite, la température fut augmentée à 43 °C (corps de chauffe A et B) pour 15 minutes supplémentaires. Enfin, la vasodilatation maximale a été induite par un échauffement local à 44°C pour 15 minutes supplémentaires (corps de chauffe A et B). L'enregistrement séquentiel du flux sanguin cutané, effectué chaque minute par laser Doppler imager, donne des images sur lesquelles peut être calculé le flux sanguin cutané (unités de perfusion, PU). Par la suite, nous avons calculé les conductances vasculaires cutanées (CVC), en divisant le flux sanguin (PU) par la tension artérielle moyenne (mmHg), afin de permettre une normalisation entre les différents sujets. Les CVC, évaluées au temps de départ (température 34°C) et après vasodilatation maximale (température 44°C), étaient plus hautes au niveau du front qu'au niveau des 2 autres sites anatomiques. Sur les 3 sites, la CVC maximale (température 44°C) diminuait avec l'âge mais de façon moins importante au niveau du front, en comparaison avec les 2 autres sites. La réponse aux températures sous-maximales (température 39 et 41°C), exprimée en pourcentage de la CVC maximale, ne variait pas avec l'âge ni en fonction du site anatomique étudié. En conclusion, cette étude est la première à étudier simultanément l'hyperémie locale induite par la chaleur sur 3 sites ayant une exposition différente aux rayons UV. Le processus utilisé (laser Doppler imager) est également unique dans la littérature concernant les altérations de la microcirculation cutanée en lien avec l'âge. Cette étude confirme ainsi que le vieillissement cutané intrinsèque et/ou extrinsèque réduit la capacité vasodilatatrice maximale de la microcirculation dermique. Par contre, la réactivité à réchauffement local à des températures moindres ne semble pas être affectée.
Genome-wide scans of genetic differentiation between hybridizing taxa can identify genome regions with unusual rates of introgression. Regions of high differentiation might represent barriers to gene flow, while regions of low differentiation might indicate adaptive introgression-the spread of selectively beneficial alleles between reproductively isolated genetic backgrounds. Here we conduct a scan for unusual patterns of differentiation in a mosaic hybrid zone between two mussel species, Mytilus edulis and M. galloprovincialis. One outlying locus, mac-1, showed a characteristic footprint of local introgression, with abnormally high frequency of edulis-derived alleles in a patch of M. galloprovincialis enclosed within the mosaic zone, but low frequencies outside of the zone. Further analysis of DNA sequences showed that almost all of the edulis allelic diversity had introgressed into the M. galloprovincialis background in this patch. We then used a variety of approaches to test the hypothesis that there had been adaptive introgression at mac-1. Simulations and model fitting with maximum-likelihood and approximate Bayesian computation approaches suggested that adaptive introgression could generate a "soft sweep," which was qualitatively consistent with our data. Although the migration rate required was high, it was compatible with the functioning of an effective barrier to gene flow as revealed by demographic inferences. As such, adaptive introgression could explain both the reduced intraspecific differentiation around mac-1 and the high diversity of introgressed alleles, although a localized change in barrier strength may also be invoked. Together, our results emphasize the need to account for the complex history of secondary contacts in interpreting outlier loci.
OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to investigate how aging affects dermal microvascular reactivity in skin areas differentially exposed to sunlight, and therefore to different degrees of photoaging. METHODS: We assessed, in young (18-30 years, n = 13) and aged males (≥60 years, n = 13), the thigh, forearm, and forehead's skin vasodilatory response to local heating (LTH) with a LDI. In each subject and at each location, local Tskin was brought from 34°C (baseline) to 39 or 41°C for 30 minutes, to effect submaximal vasodilation, with maximal vasodilation then elicited by further heating to 44°C. RESULTS: The CVCs evaluated at baseline and after maximal vasodilation (CVCmax ) were higher in the forehead than in the two other anatomical locations. On all locations, CVCmax decreased with age but less markedly in the forehead compared to the two other locations. When expressed in % of CVCmax , the plateau increase of CVCs in response to submaximal temperatures (39 and 41°C) did not vary with age, and minimally so with location. CONCLUSION: Skin aging, whether intrinsic or combined with photoaging, reduces the maximal vasodilatory capacity of the dermal microcirculation, but not its reactivity to local heating.