994 resultados para Livestock - Cytogenetics
The Other Imported Livestock report monthly by the Department of Agricultural.
The Other Imported Livestock report monthly by the Department of Agricultural.
The Other Imported Livestock report monthly by the Department of Agricultural.
The Other Imported Livestock report monthly by the Department of Agricultural.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of lignin, hemicellulose, and cellulose concentrations in the decomposition process of cover plant residues with potential use in no-tillage with corn, for crop-livestock integrated system, in the Cerrado region. The experiment was carried out at Embrapa Cerrados, in Planaltina, DF, Brazil in a split plot experimental design. The plots were represented by the plant species and the subplots by harvesting times, with three replicates. The cover plants Urochloa ruziziensis, Canavalia brasiliensis, Cajanus cajan, Pennisetum glaucum, Mucuna aterrima, Raphanus sativus, Sorghum bicolor were evaluated together with spontaneous plants in the fallow. Cover plants with lower lignin concentrations and, consequently, higher residue decomposition such as C. brasiliensis and U. ruziziensis promoted higher corn yield. High concentrations of lignin inhibit plant residue decomposition and this is favorable for the soil cover. Lower concentrations of lignin result in accelerated plant decomposition, more efficient nutrient cycling, and higher corn yield.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the pasture (Urochloa brizantha) component age on soil biological properties, in a crop-livestock integrated system. The experiment was carried out in a Brazilian savannah (Cerrado) area with 92 ha, divided into six pens of approximately 15 ha. Each pen represented a different stage of the pasture component: formation, P0; one year, P1; two years, P2; three years, P3; and final with 3.5 years, Pf. Samples were taken in the 0-10 cm soil depth. The soil biological parameters - microbial biomass carbon (MBC), microbial biomass respiration (C-CO2), metabolic quotient (qCO2), microbial quotient (q mic), and total organic carbon (TOC) - were evaluated and compared among different stages of the pasture, and between an adjacent area under native Cerrado and another area under degraded pasture (PCD). The MBC, q mic and TOC increased and qCO2 reduced under the different pasture stages. Compared to PCD, the pasture stages had higher MBC, q mic and TOC, and lower qCO2. The crop-livestock integrated system improved soil microbiological parameters and immobilized carbon in the soil in comparison to the degraded pasture.
The problem concerning livestock waste handling in the Leningrad region has been subjected to a number of research works. However, the requirements for use of manure and sewage sludge as well as for treatment processes are not certain. So, this problem remains relevant and, therefore, further investigation ought to be made. Currently a large amount of sewage sludge and manure is generated in the Leningrad region. These livestock wastes have to be obligatory treated. The most common methods for treatment in the region, such as anaerobic digestion, composting and aging as well as the most potential methods are described in the thesis. The most potential methods for the Leningrad region are anaerobic digestion, composting and combustion. Each method has strengths and weaknesses, which are also considered in the paper. Aging was not considered as potential treatment method because it does not meet the sanitary and epidemiological requirements. Furthermore, the work gives an overview and comparison of Finnish and Russian legislative and normative acts concerning livestock wastes handling. On the whole the requirements of the Russian Federation concerning sewage sludge and manure are not much different from the Finnish ones.
Cytogenetic and morphological studies were conducted with Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (Glomerella cingulata f. sp. phaseoli), the pathogen responsible for anthracnose of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). In this species, there is some evidence of genomic variation but it is unknown whether the process occurs in a manner similar to other fungal genetic models. Six isolates from bean plants were used and sexual reproduction was observed in vitro. Meiosis and ascospore formation were investigated by cytogenetical approaches and light microscopy. To study the nucleus and chromosome numbers, a mixture of carmine and orcein propionic dyes was used. Nucleus divisions as well as ascospore maturation were asynchronous. Meiosis was observed in three isolates. In the asexual form, chromosomal polymorphism in conidia was also observed microscopically and the mitosis process was described.
The fuzzy logic admits infinite intermediate logical values between false and true. With this principle, it developed in this study a system based on fuzzy rules, which indicates the body mass index of ruminant animals in order to obtain the best time to slaughter. The controller developed has as input the variables weight and height, and as output a new body mass index, called Fuzzy Body Mass Index (Fuzzy BMI), which may serve as a detection system at the time of livestock slaughtering, comparing one another by the linguistic variables "Very Low", "Low", "Average ", "High" and "Very High". For demonstrating the use application of this fuzzy system, an analysis was made with 147 Nellore beeves to determine Fuzzy BMI values for each animal and indicate the location of body mass of any herd. The performance validation of the system was based on a statistical analysis using the Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.923, representing a high positive correlation, indicating that the proposed method is appropriate. Thus, this method allows the evaluation of the herd comparing each animal within the group, thus providing a quantitative method of farmer decision. It was concluded that this study established a computational method based on fuzzy logic that mimics part of human reasoning and interprets the body mass index of any bovine species and in any region of the country.
The karyotypes of the following six species of Brazilian Psocoptera are reported: Caecillius sp. (Caecillidae), Triplocania ? caudata New (Ptiloneuridae), Brachinodiscus cf. lepidus (Banks) (Psocidae), Psococerastis interrupta New (Psocidae), Ptycta nr reticulata New (Psocidae) and Trichadenotecnum sinuatum New (Psocidae). All of them had males with 2n = 17 and an XO sex determining mechanism.
Interphase cytogenetics, utilizing fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques, has been successfully applied to diffuse and solid tissue specimens. Most studies have been performed on isolated cells, such as blood or bone marrow cells; a few have been performed on cells from body fluids, such as amniotic fluid, urine, sperm, and sputum. Mechanically or chemically disaggregated cells from solid tissues have also been used as single cell suspensions for FISH. Additionally, intact organized tissue samples represented by touch preparations or thin tissue sections have been used, especially in cancer studies. Advantages and pitfalls of application of FISH methodology to each type of specimen and some significant biological findings achieved are illustrated in this overview.
This article is from the International Journal for the Study of Animal Problems, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1980. The article focuses on the "behavior of different species of livestock as well as different breeds" to aid with the design of handling facilities.
The contents of the pamphlet include: Handling Stress, Understanding Animal Psychology, Handling Facility Design Tips, Bruise Losses By Species, Preventing Bruises, Loading Chute Recommendations.
The article focuses on stress factors, which include: Genetic Background, Individual Differences, Past Experiences. The conclusion of the article states "reducing handling stress of animals will improve their weight gain, reproductive performance, and ability to resist disease".
The article discusses problems with the handling of livestock and the conclusion of the article states "rough handling of livestock is not only inhumane, but can cause excessive losses due to sickness and slower growth...careful handling of livestock in all phases of production is prerequisite to a profitable business".