986 resultados para Live performance


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During the course of study in semester 1, the first year BFA Dance (Performance) students were exposed to various dance genres (in terms of technical training) and associated practices. They were required to gain physical fitness and increase technical accomplishment, strength, flexibility and stylistic versatility through their training. The students also experienced dancing as soloists, with partners and in larger group scenarios. Exposition presents these elements experienced, through a pure dance work. Movement vocabulary was formed employing several methods: specifically choreographed for the individual student; through task-based instruction, which the students constructed; and from learning pre-existing material. Thom Willems dramatic and layered musical score informed the construction of new movement vocabulary; the development of pre-existing material; and the structure of the work.


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Social Interiors (Julian Knowles, Rik Rue, Shane Fahey) are currently developing a major sound art project entitled Flux Density, in collaboration with a team of artists, focused on investigating the changing relationships between emerging digital technologies and traditional ‘obsolete’ analogue media. The project has two main components. – a curated compilation and a live performance. It is a large scale curatorial and performance project led by Social Interiors with assistant curators Joel Stern, Alessio Cavallaro and Shannon O’Neill. Presentation - International Symposium of Electronic Art. Social Interiors are one of Australia’s best known experimental sound ensembles. Project will consist of an online compilation of historic music emerging from the 80s cassette culture era, remix based works by Social Interiors, and work from new cassette labels established in a post internet era. Performance project will take place in Sydney and consist of Social Interiors in performance/collaboration with a range of well known artists. Partners include ABC Radio, ISEA, and Extreme Records.


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An original work by New York-based choreographer Jodi Melnick performed in the Irish Museum of Modern Art. A dance for four. Four individual solos, often seen intersecting, interrupting, invading one another. Coming and going. How to be coming and going at the same time. Starting with a working process with an openness to the performers and their beautiful, sometimes jarring, one step at a time, bird by bird. It has to be like that. A devised choreography that incorporates the creative input of the cast of dancers to produce an original work.


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Solo3 is and evening of solo works collaboratively created by Jenny Roche and choreographers John Jasperse (US), Jodi Melnick (US) and Liz Roche (Ireland). It was commissioned by the Dublin Dance Festival 2008 for the culmination of Jenny Roche's residency as an artist with the festival. The three works address the role of the dancer as co-creator within choreographic practice and further examine how the dancer can inhabit multiple embodiments across various choreographies leading to a plurality of selfhood in line with post-modern and poststructuralist notions of subjectivity (Deleuze and Guattari 1987). Furthermore, the oscillation of real and imagined subjectivities in performance (Emilyn Claid 2006) and the interplay of intercorporeal and intersubjective relations between choreographer and dancer (Sally Gardner 2007) are highlighted in these works.


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In 2008, Jenny Roche commissioned Jodi Melnick to make the solo Business of the Bloom on her. Four years later, Roche re-enters this piece and draws on their many years of working together to inhabits its ideas and impulses from a new perspective. In this new 'altered copy', Roche refers to this previous work; embellishing, redirecting and abstracting moments. By reinterpreting both her earlier self and footage of Melnick dancing a reworked version of the solo in performance, Roche connects with the polyvalent nature of both interpretation and memory. This reworked version outlines the relationship that dancers have to movement traces that circulate after a dancing event. Suzanne Ravn (2009) found that dancers experienced the reapperance of movement traces from previous works when moving. Martin Nachbar (2012) writing from his first-person perspective as a dancer, describes the dancer who discerns between the past of movement that is remembered and the current moment of its performance. He outlines how past and present movement experiences cohabitate in the embodied present. Timmy de Laet (2012) identifies the emerging trait of re-enactment in contemporary dance, in which contemporary artists such as Nachbar dialogue with past choreographies to comment on the various mnemonic dimensions of dance. De Laet (2012) explains that the function of these works are not to preserve the past choreographies as might be achieved through reconstruction but to contemplate creatively issues of ephemerality and preservation of dance. Altered copy addresses this dialogue between the past and present body.


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This practice-led research is positioned within my ongoing enquiry into the dancer’s experience and role within the creative process. Gins and Arakawa (1997) and Keane (2007) speak to the unsatisfactory reliance on discipline boundaries, to describe the dynamic lived-experience of interaction. This theorising is of application to this project, which examines creative agency through the lens of Arakawa and Gins’ language prompt, boundary-swaying. In this project the boundaries of movement creator, performer and director overlap and blur through the use of improvisation and multiple cameras. All contributors are invested creatively and compositionally in the ensuing dynamic collaboration, wearing many hats, ‘conceiver, creative thinker, teacher and learner’ (McKechnie 2005, 93; Stevens & McKechnie 2005, 250). This project asked the question, how can the work of Arakawa and Gins to agitate, disrupt, and transform the modus operandi of creative practice between choreographer and practice, dancer and practice and choreographer and dancer? The use of Arakawa and Gins’ philosophy and language prompts within this project stimulated and positively influenced the established creative relationship of researcher and choreographer/artist in the following ways: • Foregrounded the dancers tacit knowledge, first-hand experience, know-how and embodied savviness; • Promoted artistic collaboration, illuminating new creative possibilities, choices and innovation; • Facilitated the distribution of creative authority and agency. This creative work was presented as part of the AG3 ONLINE: the Third International Arakawa and Gins - Architecture and Philosophy Conference. The work was vetted for inclusion by an international panel of examiners.


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This research is situated in the field of practice-led research investigating embodied perspectives on the performance of dance making. In the stock of choreographic literature, the celebrated ‘creativity’ label is associated predominantly with the choreographer and is discussed in terms of product rather than process (Lussier-Ley and Durand-Bush 2009; Hennessey 2003). A reliance on the mystery of inspiration or choreographic genius (Penty 1998) for the production of ‘great’ dance works does not acknowledge the complex and timely process common in the creation of dance (Mace and Ward 2002) nor provide a true representation of the creative contributors (Farrer 2014). The failure to attribute creative impulses and skills to dancers is reminiscent of a time when they were thought of only as instruments in the creative process not active participants and collaborators (Jowitt 2001a; H’Doubler 1957). This project asked the question, to what end do dancers contribute to choreography and how is this contribution valued and recognised? Dancers are integral to the creative process. The research found that the scope of a dancers’ creative involvement in the development of a new work is dependent on: the individual choreographers approach to creating movement; the relationship between dancer and choreographer, and dancer and fellow company members; and the dancers collaborative skills and interpretive skills, versatility, and initiative. Recognition and attribution of dancers’ creative input is dependent on a choreographer’s viewpoint, generosity, and prior creative experiences. The work was created as a part of the Ausdance Queensland 2010 Bell Tower III Choreographic Residency program. Applicants were peer reviewed and vetted by a panel of local and national dance producers. The creative work was presented at the Judith Wright Centre for Live Arts. The project was funded by Ausdance Queensland and Arts Queensland. https://es-es.facebook.com/events/106661226023025/?hc_location=stream


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The creative development and direction of THE ROAD WE'RE ON (Book by Stephen Carleton, Music by Scott Saunders), commissioned by the Queensland Music Festival and the Murweh Shire Council. The was a site-specific, community-driven music theatre production produced and performed in Charleville and involved over 100 local artists and the communities of western Queensland.


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Secondary Sources, a Dublin Dance Festival 2010 commission, by choreographer Liz Roche that brings together renowned collaborators and performers from the US, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Spain and Ireland. Liz Roche creates a tapestry of movements that reflect on the performers' embodied connections between primary and secondary sources of inspiration, exploring the influences that we carry in our bodies that come from other people, places and events. The work began nearly two years ago in New York as a quartet made during a residency at Movement Research NY and has been developing ever since through an on-going process between Liz Roche and an exceptional group of dancers/collaborators who are joined in performance by musician/composers Justin Carroll and Edward RosenBerg with lighting by Nick McCall and costumes by Jeni Roddy."


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A collection of short works which are the result of a year-long period of movement reflection and investigation by Liz Roche with a core group of Rex Levitates dancers. The works appear as a wash of colour, movement, rhythm and emotion; human embodiment as a dynamic event. The audience completes the picture. A picture lives by companionship, expanding and quickening in the eyes of the sensitive observer - Mark Rothko (Painter, 1903 - 1970)."


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This presentation incorporated the live performance throughout, by the author, of movement from “The All Weather Project” by Liz Roche. Movement sections are indicated by italics. “I am going to start by dancing for you… Movement: Live performance of solo approximately 10 minutes in duration This is the introduction... Through my PhD research, I am examining the choreographic process from the perspective of the independent contemporary dancer, through embodying this role as a researcher/participant. My methodological frameworks, which utilise video documentation and journal writing, could be characterised as ethnographic, multi-modal embodied theorising, leading to “multi-dimensional theorising” (I adopt this term from Susan Melrose). In this way, I am unwinding the embodied practice of dancing, through the co-existent layers of experience, towards forming a theoretical understanding of the issues that arise for the dancer. The issues that I have identified as relevant to my research are those relating to the dancer’s ‘moving identity’ or way of moving, as a mutable and adaptable form that must alter and re-adjust to each different choreographic engram or movement vocabulary, that she/he encounters. I am examining this interplay between stability and change. I also reflect on the impact of destabilisation and flux on the dancer’s identity in a wider sense, as she/he relates outwardly to signifying factors within the social strata. Today I am going to bring you through a reflection on the working process of a dance piece as experienced from the inside. By doing so, I hope to capture and elucidate the multi-dimensional layers which existed for me within this process. Through displaying these fragments together, I endeavour to invoke the ‘totality’ of the experience...


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I created Experience Has No Shadow (2010) following a successful Ausdance Qld choreographic grant in 2010, which comprised of two solos and a video-dance at the Performance Space at the Judith Wright Centre. The aim of the Bell Tower III residency was to research and construct a Stage One Development that explored choreographic approaches to oral histories. Like many first generation Australians, oral histories are the way memories and experiences of distant homelands often offer the only connection to cultural origins. Consequently, I drew on auto-ethnographic references in the form of family stories – specifically those of my mother’s family - told and retold by my mother and her family as East German refugees during World War II. While working on the video, I explored a way to make a direct connection to the past stories by using a recording of my mother’s voice. She is re-telling a favourite story about Salamo the circus horse that was sold to my great grandfather as a work horse. Rather than representing the text literally, I attempted to capture the intensity of the storytelling which accompanied abstract footage of Avril Huddy filmed through perspex glass producing animal-like shapes that continually blur and morph in and out of focus. Strangely, by tying the story in with the filmed images a whole new story seems to emerge. Two distinct solos were created in collaboration with the performers, Expressions Dance Company’s Elise May and QUT’s Avril Huddy. These were performed at the Judith Wright Centre for Contemporary Arts, Performance Space, 1st April, 2010. The simplicity of its design became a key concept behind the work in terms of sets, spacing requirements, and costumes – almost minimalist. The choreographic process was conceived as highly collaborative, with commissioned music (and eventually lighting features) to act as equal partners in the performance.


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Clipped was a solo developed from a showing of Stage One Creative Development: Experience Has No Shadow at the Judith Wright Centre for Contemporary Arts in 2010. The solo was choreographed for EDC dancer Elise May as part of EDC Solo Festival 2011. The solo showcased the twisting movement of the dancer, feminine and awkward, sensual and fragile, carving abstract images through the space. In the Courier Mail dance critic Olivia Stewart commented, “Artistic director Natalie Weir and Vanessa Mafe retrospectively gave EDC’s Riannon McLean and Elise May movement that harnessed their power and prowess” (2011, 54) In the The Australian dance critic Shaaron Boughen comments, “May's own performance in Vanessa Mafe's Clipped was mature and sophisticated, showing the breadth of skills that this young artist has developed” (2011, 19)


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Paired Back (2013) investigated the interpretation of text as a dance score. Specific words were used to trigger movement sequences. The performers, Avril Huddy and Jenny Roche, responded to spoken words with individual movement responses which were captured on video, reviewed and assembled as a duet. The musician Nicholas Ng, playing traditional Chinese instruments was also woven into the dancers’ choreography. This was achieved through choreographing a floor pattern that enabled him to weave through the space and ‘seemingly’ interact with the dancers’ actions. Projections using motion capture were also explored and sequenced with the actions of the dance. Retrospectively, I recognised my ‘intuitive’ use of text which I have mapped from its beginnings during the first rehearsal through to the performance at the Judith Wright Centre and demonstrated in DVD documentation. Consequently traces of this original ‘score’ used during the creative process are visible in final performance outcome. This has enabled me to reflect on the impact of language and instructions within my creative process.


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This work was choreographed for Expressions Dance Company as part of their inaugurals season The Dance Makers Season to launch the work of the company’s new artistic director, Natalie Weir. It was also toured throughout North Queensland.