944 resultados para Live Cell Imaging


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Minimally-invasive microsurgery has resulted in improved outcomes for patients. However, operating through a microscope limits depth perception and fixes the visual perspective, which result in a steep learning curve to achieve microsurgical proficiency. We introduce a surgical imaging system employing four-dimensional (live volumetric imaging through time) microscope-integrated optical coherence tomography (4D MIOCT) capable of imaging at up to 10 volumes per second to visualize human microsurgery. A custom stereoscopic heads-up display provides real-time interactive volumetric feedback to the surgeon. We report that 4D MIOCT enhanced suturing accuracy and control of instrument positioning in mock surgical trials involving 17 ophthalmic surgeons. Additionally, 4D MIOCT imaging was performed in 48 human eye surgeries and was demonstrated to successfully visualize the pathology of interest in concordance with preoperative diagnosis in 93% of retinal surgeries and the surgical site of interest in 100% of anterior segment surgeries. In vivo 4D MIOCT imaging revealed sub-surface pathologic structures and instrument-induced lesions that were invisible through the operating microscope during standard surgical maneuvers. In select cases, 4D MIOCT guidance was necessary to resolve such lesions and prevent post-operative complications. Our novel surgical visualization platform achieves surgeon-interactive 4D visualization of live surgery which could expand the surgeon's capabilities.


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New devices were designed to generate a localized mechanical vibration of flexible gels where human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were cultured. The stimulation setups were able to apply relatively large strains (30%~50%) at high temporal frequencies (140~207 Hz) in a localized subcellular region. One of the advantages of this technique was to be less invasive to the innate cellular functions because there was no direct contact between the stimulating probe and the cell body. A mechanical vibration induced by the device in the substrate gel where cells were seeded could mainly cause global calcium responses of the cells. This global response was initiated by the influx of calcium across the stretch-activated channels in the plasma membrane. The subsequent production of inositol triphosphate (IP3) via phospholipase C (PLC) activation triggered the calcium release from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to cause a global intracellular calcium fluctuation over the whole cell body. This global calcium response was also shown to depend on actomyosin contractility and F-actin integrity, probably controlling the membrane stretch-activated channels. The localized nature of the stimulation is one of the most important features of these new designs as it allowed the observation of the calcium signaling propagation by ER calcium release. The next step was to focus on the calcium influx, more specifically the TRPM7 channels. As TRPM7 expression may modulate cell adhesion, an adhesion assay was developed and tested on HUVECs seeded on gel substrates with different treatments: normal treatment on gels showed highest attachment rate, followed by the partially treated gels (only 5% of usual fibronectin amount) and untreated gels, with the lowest attachment rate. The trend of the attachment rates correlated to the magnitude of the calcium signaling observed after mechanical stimulation. TRPM7 expression inhibition by siRNA caused an increased attachment rate when compared to both control and non-targeting siRNA-treated cells, but resulted in an actual weaker response in terms of calcium signaling. It suggests that TRPM7 channels are indeed important for the calcium signaling in response to mechanical stimulation. A complementary study was also conducted consisting in the mechanical stimulation of a dissected Drosophila embryo. Although ionomycin treatment showed calcium influx in the tissue, the mechanical stimulation delivered as a vertical vibration did not elicited calcium signaling in response. One possible reason is the dissection procedure causing desensitization of the tissue due to the scrapings and manipulations to open the embryo.


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AIM: To unravel the multimodal nanotheranostic ability of Fe3O4-saturated bovine lactoferrin nanocapsules (FebLf NCs) in claudin-low, triple-negative breast cancer model. MATERIALS & METHODS: Xenograft study was performed to examine biocompatibility, antitumor efficacy and multimodal nanotheranostic action in combination with near-infrared live mice imaging. RESULTS: FebLf NCs exhibited a size range of 80 nm ± 5 nm with observed superparamagnetism. FebLf NCs successfully internalized into breast cancer cells through receptor-mediated endocytosis and induced apoptosis through the downregulation of inhibitor of apoptosis survivin and livin proteins. Investigations revealed a remarkable biocompatibility, anticancer efficacy of the FebLf NCs. Near-infrared imaging observations confirmed selective localization of multimodal FebLf NCs at the tumor site and lead to time-dependent reduction of tumor growth. CONCLUSION: FebLf NCs can be safe, biocompatible nanotheranostic approach for real-time imaging and monitoring the effect of drugs in real time and have potentials in future clinical trials.


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High-resolution, high-contrast, three-dimensional images of live cell and tissue architecture can be obtained using second harmonic generation (SHG), which comprises non-absorptive frequency changes in an excitation laser line. SHG does not require any exogenous antibody or fluorophore labeling, and can generate images from unstained sections of several key endogenous biomolecules, in a wide variety of species and from different types of processed tissue. Here, we examined normal control human skin sections and human burn scar tissues using SHG on a multi-photon microscope (MPM). Examination and comparison of normal human skin and burn scar tissue demonstrated a clear arrangement of fibers in the dermis, similar to dermal collagen fiber signals. Fluorescence-staining confirmed the MPM-SHG collagen colocalization with antibody staining for dermal collagen type-I but not fibronectin or elastin. Furthermore, we were able to detect collagen MPM-SHG signal in human frozen sections as well as in unstained paraffin embedded tissue sections that were then compared with hematoxylin and eosin staining in the identical sections. This same approach was also successful in localizing collagen in porcine and ovine skin samples, and may be particularly important when species-specific antibodies may not be available. Collectively, our results demonstrate that MPM SHG-detection is a useful tool for high resolution examination of collagen architecture in both normal and wounded human, porcine and ovine dermal tissue.


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Boron nitride nanomaterials have attracted significant interest due to their superior chemical and physical properties. Despite these novel properties, investigation on the interaction between boron nitride nanoparticle (BN NP) and living systems has been limited. In this study, BN NP (100–250 nm) is assessed as a promising biomaterial for medical applications. The toxicity of BN NP is evaluated by assessing the cells behaviours both biologically (MTT assay, ROS detection etc.) and physically (atomic force microscopy). The uptake mechanism of BN NP is studied by analysing the alternations in cellular morphology based on cell imaging techniques. The results demonstrate in vitro cytocompatibility of BN NP with immense potential for use as an effective nanoparticle for various bio-medical applications.


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Kontrolloidut radikaalipolymerointimenetelmät, kuten RAFT-polymerointi, ovat moderni tapa valmistaa polymeerejä säädellysti. RAFT-polymeroinnilla polymeerien ketjunpituutta, moolimassajakaumaa, mikrorakennetta (taktisuus, järjestys), koostumusta ja funktionaalisuutta kyetään hallitsemaan. Siten menetelmällä voidaan valmistaa uudenlaisia polymeeriarkkitektuureja, kuten blokki- ja tähtipolymeerejä, sekä hybridimateriaaleja ja biokonjugaatteja. Polymeeristen rakennuspalikoiden itsejärjestyminen, missä huolellisesti syntetisoidut polymeerit järjestyvät halutulla tavalla nanoskaalassa, on suosittu tutkimuskohde materiaalitieteessä. On huomattava, että blokkipolymeerien itsejärjestyminen on vielä suhteellisen nuori tutkimusaihe. Tämän hetkiset polymeeriset nanomateriaalit ovat suhteellisen yksinkertaisia luonnon luomuksiin verrattuina, tarjoten jatkuvasti uusia mahdollisuuksia seuraavan sukupolven polymeereille. Tässä työssä RAFT-polymeroinnilla syntetisoitiin amfifiilisiä di- ja triblokkikopolymeerejä sekä tutkittiin niiden järjestymistä nanorakenteiksi. Kaikissa blokkikopolymeereissä käytettiin lämpöherkkää poly(N-isopropyyliakryyliamidia). Siten polymeerit ja tutkitut materiaalit reagoivat lämpötilanmuutokseen ympäristössä eli ovat ns. ympäristöherkkiä. Työssä tutkittiin taktisuuden kontrollointia N-isopropyyliakryyliamidin RAFT-polymeroinnissa. Polymeerin taktisuutta sekä ketjunpituutta ja blokkijärjestystä säätämällä voitiin hallita polymeerin itsejärjestymistä vesiliuoksessa. Amfifiiliset polymeerit järjestyivät laimeissa vesiliuoksissa erilaisiksi misellirakenteiksi, muodostaen ns. mikrosäiliöitä. Tällaisilla polymeereillä odotetaan olevan sovelluksia esim. lääkeainevapautuksessa. Amfifiilejä käytetään myös esimerkiksi apuaineina pinnoitteissa ja kosmetiikassa. Kiinteässä tilassa tutkitut triblokkikopolymeerit muodostivat teoreettisesti ennustettuja morfologioita. Lämpöherkän materiaalin hydrogeelit toimivat suodatinmembraanina nanokokoluokassa. RAFT-polymeroinnilla syntetisoituja polymeereja voidaan sellaisenaan käyttää kultananopartikkeleiden päällystämiseen. Kultananopartikkelit ovat erittäin kiinostavia mm. niiden stabiilisuuden ja ainutlaatuisten pintaominaisuuksien vuoksi. Kun amfifiilisiä polymeerejä kiinnitettiin kultapartikkelin pinnalle, sen liuos- ja optisia ominaisuuksia voitiin säädellä pH:n ja lämpötilan avulla. Tällaisilla kultananopartikkeleilla on sovelluksia mm. diagnostiikassa, sensoreina ja solukuvauksessa.


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Cholesterol is an essential component in the membranes of most eukaryotic cells, in which it mediates many functions including membrane fluidity, permeability and the formation of ordered membrane domains. In this work a fluorescent and a non-fluorescent cholesterol analog were characterized as tools to study cholesterol. Next, these analogs were used to study two specific cell biological processes that involve cholesterol, i.e. the structure and function of ordered membrane domains/rafts and intracellular cholesterol transport. The most common method for studying ordered membrane domains is by disrupting them by cholesterol depletion. Because cholesterol depletion affects many cellular functions besides those mediated by membrane domains, this procedure is highly unspecific. The cellular exchange of cholesterol by desmosterol as a tool to study ordered membrane domains was characterized. It turned out that the ability of desmosterol to form and stabilize membrane domains in vitro was weaker compared to cholesterol. This result was reinforced by atomistic scale simulations that indicated that desmosterol has a lower ordering effect on phospholipid acyl chains. Three procedures were established for exchanging cellular cholesterol by desmosterol. In cells in which desmosterol was the main sterol, insulin signaling was attenuated. The results suggest that this was caused by desmosterol destabilizing membrane rafts. Contrary to its effect on ordered membrane domains it was found that replacing cholesterol by desmosterol does not change cell growth/viability, subcellular sterol distribution, Golgi integrity, secretory pathway, phospholipid composition and membrane fluidity. Together these results suggest that exchanging cellular cholesterol by desmosterol provides a selective tool for perturbing rafts. Next, the importance of cholesterol for the structure and function of caveolae was analyzed by exchanging the cellular cholesterol by desmosterol. The sterol exchange reduced the stability of caveolae as determined by detergent resistance of caveolin-1 and heat resistance of caveolin-1 oligomers. Also the sterol exchange led to aberrations in the caveolar structure; the morphology of caveolae was altered and there was a larger variation in the amount of caveolin-1 molecules per caveola. These results demonstrate that cholesterol is important for caveolar stability and structural homogeneity. In the second part of this work a fluorescent cholesterol analog was characterized as a tool to study cholesterol transport. Tight control of the intracellular cholesterol distribution is essential for many cellular processes. An important mechanism by which cells regulate their membrane cholesterol content is by cholesterol traffic, mostly from the plasma membrane to lipid droplets. The fluorescent sterol probe BODIPY-cholesterol was characterized as a tool to analyze cholesterol transport between the plasma membrane, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and lipid droplets. The behavior of BODIPY-cholesterol was compared to that of natural sterols, using both biochemical and live-cell microcopy assays. The results show that the transport kinetics of BODIPY-cholesterol between the plasma membrane, the ER and lipid droplets is similar to that of unesterified cholesterol. Next, BODIPY-cholesterol was utilized to analyze the importance of oxysterol binding protein related proteins (ORPs) for cholesterol transport between the plasma membrane, the ER, and lipid droplets in mammalian cells. By overexpressing all human ORPs it turned out that especially ORP1S and ORP2 enhanced sterol transport from the plasma membrane to lipid droplets. Our results suggest that the increased sterol transport takes place between the plasma membrane and ER and not between the ER and lipid droplets. Simultaneous knockdown of ORP1S and ORP2 resulted in a moderate but significant inhibition of sterol traffic from the plasma membrane to ER and lipid droplets, suggesting a physiological role for these ORPs in this process. The two phenylalanines in an acidic tract (FFAT) motif in ORPs, which mediates interaction with vesicle associated membrane protein associated proteins (VAPs) in the ER, was not necessary for mediating sterol transport. However, VAP silencing slowed down sterol transport, most likely by destabilizing ORPs containing a FFAT motif.


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Drug induced liver injury is one of the frequent reasons for the drug removal from the market. During the recent years there has been a pressure to develop more cost efficient, faster and easier ways to investigate drug-induced toxicity in order to recognize hepatotoxic drugs in the earlier phases of drug development. High Content Screening (HCS) instrument is an automated microscope equipped with image analysis software. It makes the image analysis faster and decreases the risk for an error caused by a person by analyzing the images always in the same way. Because the amount of drug and time needed in the analysis are smaller and multiple parameters can be analyzed from the same cells, the method should be more sensitive, effective and cheaper than the conventional assays in cytotoxicity testing. Liver cells are rich in mitochondria and many drugs target their toxicity to hepatocyte mitochondria. Mitochondria produce the majority of the ATP in the cell through oxidative phosphorylation. They maintain biochemical homeostasis in the cell and participate in cell death. Mitochondria is divided into two compartments by inner and outer mitochondrial membranes. The oxidative phosphorylation happens in the inner mitochondrial membrane. A part of the respiratory chain, a protein called cytochrome c, activates caspase cascades when released. This leads to apoptosis. The aim of this study was to implement, optimize and compare mitochondrial toxicity HCS assays in live cells and fixed cells in two cellular models: human HepG2 hepatoma cell line and rat primary hepatocytes. Three different hepato- and mitochondriatoxic drugs (staurosporine, rotenone and tolcapone) were used. Cells were treated with the drugs, incubated with the fluorescent probes and then the images were analyzed using Cellomics ArrayScan VTI reader. Finally the results obtained after optimizing methods were compared to each other and to the results of the conventional cytotoxicity assays, ATP and LDH measurements. After optimization the live cell method and rat primary hepatocytes were selected to be used in the experiments. Staurosporine was the most toxic of the three drugs and caused most damage to the cells most quickly. Rotenone was not that toxic, but the results were more reproducible and thus it would serve as a good positive control in the screening. Tolcapone was the least toxic. So far the conventional analysis of cytotoxicity worked better than the HCS methods. More optimization needs to be done to get the HCS method more sensitive. This was not possible in this study due to time limit.


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Plasmon rulers, consisting of pairs of gold nanoparticles, allow single-molecule analysis without photobleaching or blinking; however, current plasmon rulers are irreversible, restricting detection to only single events. Here, we present a reversible plasmon ruler, comprised of coupled gold nanoparticles linked by a single aptamer, capable of binding individual secreted molecules with high specificity. We show that the binding of target secreted molecules to the reversible plasmon ruler is characterized by single-molecule sensitivity, high specificity, and reversibility. Such reversible plasmon rulers should enable dynamic and adaptive live-cell measurement of secreted single molecules in their local microenvironment.


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We introduce an in vitro diagnostic magnetic biosensing platform for immunoassay and nucleic acid detection. The platform has key characteristics for a point-of-use (POU) diagnostic: portability, low-power consumption, low cost, and multiplexing capability. As a demonstration of capabilities, we use this platform for the room temperature, amplification-free detection of a 31 bp DNA oligomer and interferon-gamma (a protein relevant for tuberculosis diagnosis). Reliable assay measurements down to 100 pM for the DNA and 1 pM for the protein are demonstrated. We introduce a novel "magnetic freezing" technique for baseline measurement elimination and to enable spatial multiplexing. We have created a general protocol for adapting integrated circuit (IC) sensors to any of hundreds of commercially available immunoassay kits and custom designed DNA sequences.

We also introduce a method for immunotherapy treatment of malignant gliomas. We utilize leukocytes internalized with immunostimulatory nanoparticle-oligonucleotide conjugates to localize and retain immune cells near the tumor site. As a proof-of-principle, we develop a novel cell imaging and incubation chamber for in vitro magnetic motility experiments. We use the apparatus to demonstrate the controlled movement of magnetically loaded THP-1 leukocytes.

Finally, we introduce an IC transmitter and power ampli er (PA) that utilizes electronic digital infrastructure, sensors, and actuators to self-heal and adapt to process, dynamic, and environmental variation. Traditional IC design has achieved incredible degrees of reliability by ensuring that billions of transistors on a single IC die are all simultaneously functional. Reliability becomes increasingly difficult as the size of a transistor shrinks. Self-healing can mitigate these variations.


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Cellular response to radiation damage is made by a complex network of pathways and feedback loops whose spatiotemporal organization is still unclear despite its decisive role in determining the fate of the damaged cell. The single-cell approach and the high spatial resolution offered by microbeams provide the perfect tool to study and quantify the dynamic processes associated with the induction and repair of DNA damage. The soft X-ray microbeam has been used to follow the development of radiation induced foci in live cells by monitoring their size and intensity as a function of dose and time using yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) tagging techniques. Preliminary data indicate a delayed and linear rising of the intensity signal indicating a slow kinetic for the accumulation of DNA repair protein 53BP1. A slow and limited foci diffusion has also been observed. Further investigations are required to assess whatever such diffusion is consistent with a random walk pattern or if it is the result of a more structured lesion processing phenomenon. In conclusion, our data indicates that the use of microbeams coupled to live cell microscopy represent a sophisticated approach for visualizing and quantifying the dynamics changes of DNA proteins at the damaged sites.


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Les maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV) sont la principale cause de mortalité dans les pays industrialisés. L'hypercholestérolémie constitue un facteur de risque majeur pour les MCV. Elle est caractérisée par des niveaux élevés de lipoprotéines de faible densité (LDL, aussi appelé “mauvais cholestérol”). La présence prolongée de haut niveaux de LDL dans la circulation augmente le risque de formation de plaques athérosclérotiques, ce qui peut conduire à l'obstruction des artères et l'infarctus du myocarde. Le LDL est normalement extrait du sang par sa liaison au récepteur du LDL (LDLR) qui est responsable de son endocytose dans les hépatocytes. Des études génétiques humaines ont identifié PCSK9 (proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9) comme le troisième locus responsable de l'hypercholestérolémie autosomique dominante après le LDLR et son ligand l’apolipoprotéine B-100. PCSK9 interagit avec le LDLR et induit sa dégradation, augmentant ainsi les niveaux plasmatiques de LDL. Les mutations gain de fonction (GF) de PCSK9 sont associées à des niveaux plasmatiques élevés de LDL et à l'apparition précoce des MCV, alors que les mutations perte de fonction (PF) de PCSK9 diminuent le risque de MCV jusqu’à ~ 88% grâce à une réduction du LDL circulant. De ce fait, PCSK9 constitue une cible pharmacologique importante pour réduire le risque de MCV. PCSK9 lie le LDLR à la surface cellulaire et/ou dans l'appareil de Golgi des hépatocytes et provoque sa dégradation dans les lysosomes par un mécanisme encore mal compris. Le but de cette étude est de déterminer pourquoi certaines mutations humaines de PCSK9 sont incapables de dégrader le LDLR tandis que d'autres augmentent sa dégradation dans les lysosomes. Plusieurs mutations GF et PF de PCSK9 ont été fusionnées à la protéine fluorecente mCherry dans le but d'étudier leur mobilité moléculaire dans les cellules hépatiques vivantes. Nos analyses quantitatives de recouvrement de fluorescence après photoblanchiment (FRAP) ont montré que les mutations GF (S127R et D129G) avaient une mobilité protéique plus élevée (> 35% par rapport au WT) dans le réseau trans- Golgien. En outre, nos analyses quantitatives de recouvrement de fluorescence inverse après photoblanchiment (iFRAP) ont montré que les mutations PF de PCSK9 (R46L) avaient une mobilité protéique plus lente (<22% par rapport au WT) et une fraction mobile beaucoup plus petite (<40% par rapport au WT). Par ailleurs, nos analyses de microscopie confocale et électronique démontrent pour la toute première fois que PCSK9 est localisée et concentrée dans le TGN des hépatocytes humains via son domaine Cterminal (CHRD) qui est essentiel à la dégradation du LDLR. De plus, nos analyses sur des cellules vivantes démontrent pour la première fois que le CHRD n'est pas nécessaire à l'internalisation de PCSK9. Ces résultats apportent de nouveaux éléments importants sur le mécanisme d'action de PCSK9 et pourront contribuer ultimement au développement d'inhibiteurs de la dégradation du LDLR induite par PCSK9.


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La microscopie par fluorescence de cellules vivantes produit de grandes quantités de données. Ces données sont composées d’une grande diversité au niveau de la forme des objets d’intérêts et possèdent un ratio signaux/bruit très bas. Pour concevoir un pipeline d’algorithmes efficaces en traitement d’image de microscopie par fluorescence, il est important d’avoir une segmentation robuste et fiable étant donné que celle-ci constitue l’étape initiale du traitement d’image. Dans ce mémoire, je présente MinSeg, un algorithme de segmentation d’image de microscopie par fluorescence qui fait peu d’assomptions sur l’image et utilise des propriétés statistiques pour distinguer le signal par rapport au bruit. MinSeg ne fait pas d’assomption sur la taille ou la forme des objets contenus dans l’image. Par ce fait, il est donc applicable sur une grande variété d’images. Je présente aussi une suite d’algorithmes pour la quantification de petits complexes dans des expériences de microscopie par fluorescence de molécules simples utilisant l’algorithme de segmentation MinSeg. Cette suite d’algorithmes a été utilisée pour la quantification d’une protéine nommée CENP-A qui est une variante de l’histone H3. Par cette technique, nous avons trouvé que CENP-A est principalement présente sous forme de dimère.


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The actin nodule is a novel F-actin structure present in platelets during early spreading. However, only limited detail is known regarding nodule organization and function. Here we use electron microscopy, SIM and dSTORM super-resolution, and live-cell TIRF microscopy to characterize the structural organization and signalling pathways associated with nodule formation. Nodules are composed of up to four actin-rich structures linked together by actin bundles. They are enriched in the adhesion-related proteins talin and vinculin, have a central core of tyrosine phosphorylated proteins and are depleted of integrins at the plasma membrane. Nodule formation is dependent on Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASp) and the ARP2/3 complex. WASp(-/-) mouse blood displays impaired platelet aggregate formation at arteriolar shear rates. We propose actin nodules are platelet podosome-related structures required for platelet-platelet interaction and their absence contributes to the bleeding diathesis of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome.