917 resultados para Lipoproteins, LDL
Lipoproteins are a heterogeneous population of blood plasma particles composed of apolipoproteins and lipids. Lipoproteins transport exogenous and endogenous triglycerides and cholesterol from sites of absorption and formation to sites of storage and usage. Three major classes of lipoproteins are distinguished according to their density: high-density (HDL), low-density (LDL) and very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL). While HDLs contain mainly apolipoproteins of lower molecular weight, the two other classes contain apolipoprotein B and apolipoprotein (a) together with triglycerides and cholesterol. HDL concentrations were found to be inversely related to coronary heart disease and LDL/VLDL concentrations directly related. Although many studies have been published in this area, few have concentrated on the exact protein composition of lipoprotein particles. Lipoproteins were separated by density gradient ultracentrifugation into different subclasses. Native gel electrophoresis revealed different gel migration behaviour of the particles, with less dense particles having higher apparent hydrodynamic radii than denser particles. Apolipoprotein composition profiles were measured by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry on a macromizer instrument, equipped with the recently introduced cryodetector technology, and revealed differences in apolipoprotein composition between HDL subclasses. By combining these profiles with protein identifications from native and denaturing polyacrylamide gels by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, we characterized comprehensively the exact protein composition of different lipoprotein particles. We concluded that the differential display of protein weight information acquired by macromizer mass spectrometry is an excellent tool for revealing structural variations of different lipoprotein particles, and hence the foundation is laid for the screening of cardiovascular disease risk factors associated with lipoproteins.
Coronary heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the United States and increased blood cholesterol level has been found to be a major risk factor with roots in childhood. Tracking of cholesterol, i.e., the tendency to maintain a particular cholesterol level relative to the rest of the population, and variability in blood lipid levels with increase in age have implications for cholesterol screening and assessment of lipid levels in children for possible prevention of further rise to prevent adulthood heart disease. In this study the pattern of change in plasma lipids, over time, and their tracking were investigated. Also, within-person variance and retest reliability defined as the square root of within-person variance for plasma total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides and their relation to age, sex and body mass index among participants from age 8 to 18 years were investigated. ^ In Project HeartBeat!, 678 healthy children aged 8, 11 and 14 years at baseline were enrolled and examined at 4-monthly intervals for up to 4 years. We examined the relationship between repeated observations by Pearson's correlations. Age- and sex-specific quintiles were calculated and the probability of participants to remain in the uppermost quintile of their respective distribution was evaluated with life table methods. Plasma total cholesterol, HDL-C and LDL-C at baseline were strongly and significantly correlated with measurements at subsequent visits across the sex and age groups. Plasma triglyceride at baseline was also significantly correlated with subsequent measurements but less strongly than was the case for other plasma lipids. The probability to remain in the upper quintile was also high (60 to 70%) for plasma total cholesterol, HDL-C and LDL-C. ^ We used a mixed longitudinal, or synthetic cohort design with continuous observations from age 8 to 18 years to estimate within person variance of plasma total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C and triglycerides. A total of 5809 measurements were available for both cholesterol and triglycerides. A multilevel linear model was used. Within-person variance among repeated measures over up to four years of follow-up was estimated for total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C and triglycerides separately. The relationship of within-person and inter-individual variance with age, sex, and body mass index was evaluated. Likelihood ratio tests were conducted by calculating the deviation of −2log (likelihood) within the basic model and alternative models. The square root of within-person variance provided the retest reliability (within person standard deviation) for plasma total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C and triglycerides. We found 13.6 percent retest reliability for plasma cholesterol, 6.1 percent for HDL-cholesterol, 11.9 percent for LDL-cholesterol and 32.4 percent for triglycerides. Retest reliability of plasma lipids was significantly related with age and body mass index. It increased with increase in body mass index and age. These findings have implications for screening guidelines, as participants in the uppermost quintile tended to maintain their status in each of the age groups during a four-year follow-up. The magnitude of within-person variability of plasma lipids influences the ability to classify children into risk categories recommended by the National Cholesterol Education Program. ^
The very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) receptor is a recently cloned member of the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor family that mediates the binding and uptake of VLDL when overexpressed in animal cells. Its sequence is 94% identical in humans and rabbits and 84% identical in humans and chickens, implying a conserved function. Its high level expression in muscle and adipose tissue suggests a role in VLDL triacylglycerol delivery. Mutations in the chicken homologue cause female sterility, owing to impaired VLDL and vitellogenin uptake during egg yolk formation. We used homologous recombination in mouse embryonic stem cells to produce homozygous knockout mice that lack immunodetectable VLDL receptors. Homozygous mice of both sexes were viable and normally fertile. Plasma levels of cholesterol, triacylglycerol, and lipoproteins were normal when the mice were fed normal, high-carbohydrate, or high-fat diets. The sole abnormality detected was a modest decrease in body weight, body mass index, and adipose tissue mass as determined by the weights of epididymal fat pads. We conclude that the VLDL receptor is not required for VLDL clearance from plasma or for ovulation in mice.
Increases in plasma cholesterol are associated with progressive increases in the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. In humans plasma cholesterol is contained primarily in apolipoprotein B-based low density lipoprotein (LDL). Cells stop making the high-affinity receptor responsible for LDL removal as they become cholesterol replete; this slows removal of LDL from plasma and elevates plasma LDL. As a result of this delayed uptake, hypercholesterolemic individuals not only have more LDL but have significantly older LDL. Oxidative modification of LDL enhances their atherogenicity. This study sought to determine whether increased time spent in circulation, or aging, by lipoprotein particles altered their susceptibility to oxidative modification. Controlled synchronous production of distinctive apolipoprotein B lipoproteins (yolk-specific very low density lipoproteins; VLDLy) with a single estrogen injection into young turkeys was used to model LDL aging in vivo. VLDLy remained in circulation for at least 10 days. Susceptibility to oxidation in vitro was highly dependent on lipoprotein age in vivo. Oxidation, measured as hexanal release from n-6 fatty acids in VLDLy, increased from 13.3 +/- 5.5 nmol of 2-day-old VLDLy per ml, to 108 +/- 17 nmol of 7-day-old VLDLy per ml. Oxidative instability was not due to tocopherol depletion or conversion to a more unsaturated fatty acid composition. These findings establish mathematically describable linkages between the variables of LDL concentration and LDL oxidation. The proposed mathematical models suggest a unified investigative approach to determine the mechanisms for acceleration of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk as plasma cholesterol rises.
Nas últimas décadas, diversos estudos têm demonstrado os efeitos nocivos dos ácidos graxos trans à saúde. Consequentemente, diversas agências reguladoras de saúde e sociedades responsáveis pela elaboração de diretrizes nutricionais recomendaram a redução do consumo desses ácidos graxos. Deste modo, a indústria de alimentos vem adequando seus produtos a fim de substituir os ácidos graxos trans por gorduras interesterificadas, porém seus efeitos sobre o desenvolvimento da aterosclerose não foram ainda totalmente elucidados. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de gorduras interesterificadas contendo principalmente ácido graxo palmítico ou esteárico sobre o desenvolvimento da aterosclerose. Desta forma, camundongos knockout para o receptor de LDL (LDLr-KO) recém-desmamados foram alimentados por 16 semanas com dietas hiperlipídicas (40% do valor calórico total sob forma de gordura) contendo principalmente ácidos graxos poli-insaturados (POLI), trans (TRANS), palmítico (PALM), palmítico interesterificado (PALM INTER), esteárico (ESTEAR) ou esteárico interesterificado (ESTEAR INTER) para determinação de concentrações plasmáticas de colesterol total e triglicérides; perfil de lipoproteínas; conteúdo de lípides (Oil Red O) e colágeno (Picrosirius Red) e infiltrado de macrófagos (imuno-histoquímica) na área de lesão aterosclerótica; expressão e conteúdo proteico de citocinas na aorta; dosagem das citocinas secretadas por macrófagos de peritônio estimulados ou não com lipopolissacarídeo (LPS); efluxo celular de colesterol mediado pela apo-AI e HDL2. Os resultados mostraram que os animais que consumiram a gordura interesterificada contendo ácido palmítico (PALM INTER) desenvolveram importante lesão aterosclerótica em comparação aos grupos PALM, ESTEAR, ESTEAR INTER e POLI, resultados confirmados pelo conteúdo de colágeno na lesão. Apesar do processo de interesterificação não ter alterado as concentrações plasmáticas de lípides, conforme verificado entre os grupos PALM vs PALM INTER e ESTEAR vs ESTEAR INTER, o acúmulo de colesterol na partícula de LDL foi similar entre os grupos PALM INTER e TRANS. Além desse efeito sobre o perfil de lipoproteínas, macrófagos do peritônio de camundongos que consumiram PALM INTER secretaram significativamente mais IL-1beta, IL-6 e MCP-1 em comparação aos demais grupos. Esse efeito pró-inflamatório foi confirmado na aorta, onde se observou maior expressão de TNF-alfa e IL-1beta para o grupo PALM INTER em comparação a PALM. Tal insulto inflamatório foi similar ao provocado por TRANS. Esses efeitos deletérios do PALM INTER podem ser parcialmente atribuídos ao acúmulo de colesterol nos macrófagos, promovido pelo prejuízo no efluxo de colesterol mediado pela apo-AI e HDL2, bem como aumento da expressão de receptores envolvidos na captação de LDL modificada (Olr-1) e diminuição daqueles envolvidos na remoção intracelular de colesterol (Abca1 e Nr1h3) na parede arterial. Como conclusão, as gorduras interesterificadas contendo ácido palmítico favorecem o acúmulo de colesterol nas partículas de LDL e em macrófagos, ativando o processo inflamatório, o que conjuntamente contribuiu para maior desenvolvimento de lesão aterosclerótica
Recently very potent extracorporeal cholesterol-lowering treatment options have become available for patients with hypercholesterolemia. LDL immunoapheresis treatment selectively removes LDL and lipoprotein(a) from the circulation. Since LDL is the major carrier of lipophilic antioxidants in plasma, the purpose of the present study was to assess the effects of a single LDL apheresis treatment on plasma concentrations of tocopherols (alpha- and gamma-tocopherol) and carotenoids (alpha- and beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin, canthaxanthin, lycopene, and retinol). Plasma antioxidant concentrations were determined by HPLC in 7 patients with familial hypercholesterolemia before and after LDL immunoapheresis treatment. Plasma concentrations of both alpha- and gamma-tocopherol and the different carotenoids were significantly reduced by LDL apheresis. However, when standardized for cholesterol to adjust for cholesterol removal, alpha- and gamma-tocopherol, retinol, and the more polar carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin increased in response to apheresis treatment, while the more unpolar carotenoids such as beta-carotene and lycopene did not change. These data demonstrate that a single LDL immunoapheresis treatment affects tocopherols and individual carotenoids differently. This may be explained by differences in chemical structure and preferential association with different lipoproteins. These results further imply that tocopherols, lutein, zeaxanthin, and retinol, are associated in part with lipoproteins and other carriers such as retinol-binding protein that are not removed during apheresis treatment. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Therapeutic plasmapheresis allows the extracorporeal removal of plasmatic lipoproteins (Lipid-apheresis) (LA). It can be non selective (non specific), semi - selective or selective low density lipoprotein-lipoprotein(a) (specific [LDL- Lp(a)] apheresis) (Lipoprotein apheresis, LDLa). The LDL removal rate is a perfect parameter to assess the system efficiency. Plasma-Exchange (PEX) cannot be considered either specific nor, selective. In PEX the whole blood is separated into plasma and its corpuscular components usually through centrifugation or rather filtration. The corpuscular components mixed with albumin solution plus saline (NaCl 0.9%) solution at 20%-25%, are then reinfused to the patient, to substitute the plasma formerly removed. PEX eliminates atherogenic lipoproteins, but also other essential plasma proteins, such as albumin, immunoglobulins, and hemocoagulatory mediators. Cascade filtration (CF) is a method based on plasma separation and removal of plasma proteins through double filtration. During the CF two hollow–fiber filters with pores of different diameter are used to eliminate the plasma components of different weight and molecular diameter. A CF system uses a first polypropylene filter with 0.55 µm diameter pores and a second one of diacetate of cellulose with 0.02 µm pores. The first filter separates the whole blood, and the plasma is then perfused through a second filter which allows the recovery of molecules with a diameter lower than 0.02 µm, and the removal of molecules larger in diameter as apoB100–containing lipoproteins. Since both albumin and immunoglobulins are not removed, or to a negligible extent, plasma-expanders, substitution fluids, and in particular albumin, as occurs in PEX are not needed. CF however, is characterized by lower selectivity since removes also high density lipoprotein (HDL) particles which have an antiatherogenic activity. In the 80’s, a variation of Lipid-apheresis has been developed which allows the LDL-cholesterol (LDLC) (-61%) and Lp(a) (-60%) removal from plasma through processing 3 liters of filtered plasma by means of lipid-specific thermofiltration, LDL immunoadsorption, heparin-induced LDL precipitation, LDL adsorption through dextran sulphate. More recently (90’s) the DALI®, and the Liposorber D® hemoperfusion systems, effective for apoB100- containing lipoproteins removal have been developed. All the above mentioned systems are established LDL-apheresis techniques referable to the generic definition of LDLa. However, this last definition cannot describe in an appropriate manner the removal of another highly atherogenic lipoprotein particle: the Lp(a). Thus it would be better to refer the above mentioned techniques to the wider scientific and technical concept of lipoprotein apheresis. Lipid apheresis - Lipoprotein apheresis - LDL-apheresis - Severe Dyslipidemia.
Background: Pregnancy is associated with increases in fasting triglycerides and total cholesterol.1 ApoE isoforms are known to influence the concentration of cholesterol, with apoE2 homozygosity lowering and apoE4 homozygosity raising the cholesterol concentration compared with E3 homozygosity.2 The lipid profiles ApoE status and prevalence of small dense LDL species were evaluated for subjects attending an antenatal clinic. Results: Samples from 690 women aged between 16 and 42 years of age were analyzed during and after pregnancy. The fasting plasma triglyceride concentration (in mmol/L) was significantly higher in pregnancy (median = 1.5, IQR 1.0-2.0 vs median = 0.6, IQR 0.5-0.8 respectively, p < 0.0001). Similarly, the total cholesterol (in mmol/L) was increased during pregnancy (median=4.1, IQR 3.6-4.7 vs median 3.5, IQR 3.1-3.5, respectively p=0.0167). The median LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol did not change. Higher proportions of small density LDL species were seen during pregnancy compared to after pregnancy. The distribution of the LDL species during pregnancy and 6 weeks post-partum were significantly different p<0.0001 with the smaller species being much higher during pregnancy. Conclusion: ApoE4 genotype was associated with increased total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol concentrations during pregnancy. Pregnancy results in a reversible remodeling of LDL to smaller species, the significance of which is unknown but may indicate a predisposition to atherosclerosis
BACKGROUND: The relationship between cigarette smoking and cardiovascular disease is well established, yet the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Although smokers have a more atherogenic lipid profile, this may be mediated by other lifestyle-related factors. Analysis of lipoprotein subclasses by the use of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) may improve characterisation of lipoprotein abnormalities. OBJECTIVE: We used NMR spectroscopy to investigate the relationships between smoking status, lifestyle-related risk factors, and lipoproteins in a contemporary cohort. METHODS: A total of 612 participants (360 women) aged 40–69 years at baseline (199021994) enrolled in the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study had plasma lipoproteins measured with NMR. Data were analysed separately by sex. RESULTS: After adjusting for lifestyle-related risk factors, including alcohol and dietary intake, physical activity, and weight, mean total low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particle concentration was greater for female smokers than nonsmokers. Both medium- and small-LDL particle concentrations contributed to this difference. Total high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and large-HDL particle concentrations were lower for female smokers than nonsmokers. The proportion with low HDL particle number was greater for female smokers than nonsmokers. For men, there were few smoking-related differences in lipoprotein measures. CONCLUSION: Female smokers have a more atherogenic lipoprotein profile than nonsmokers. This difference is independent of other lifestyle-related risk factors. Lipoprotein profiles did not differ greatly between male smokers and nonsmokers.
Background-Although dyslipoproteinemia is associated with arterial atherothrombosis, little is known about plasma lipoproteins in venous thrombosis patients. Methods and Results-We determined plasma lipoprotein subclass concentrations using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and antigenic levels of apolipoproteins AI and B in blood samples from 49 male venous thrombosis patients and matched controls aged <55 years. Venous thrombosis patients had significantly lower levels of HDL particles, large HDL particles, HDL cholesterol, and apolipoprotein AI and significantly higher levels of LDL particles and small LDL particles. The quartile-based odds ratios for decreased HDL particle and apolipoprotein AI levels in patients compared with controls were 6.5 and 6.0 (95% CI, 2.3 to 19 and 2.1 to 17), respectively. Odds ratios for apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein AI ratio and LDL cholesterol/HDL cholesterol ratio were 6.3 and 2.7 (95% CI, 1.9 to 21 and 1.1 to 6.5), respectively. When polymorphisms in genes for hepatic lipase, endothelial lipase, and cholesteryl ester transfer protein were analyzed, patients differed significantly from controls in the allelic frequency for the TaqI B1/B2 polymorphism in cholesteryl ester transfer protein, consistent with the observed pattern of lower HDL and higher LDL. Conclusions-Venous thrombosis in men aged <55 years old is associated with dyslipoproteinemia involving lower levels of HDL particles, elevated levels of small LDL particles, and an elevated ratio of apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein AI. This dyslipoproteinemia seems associated with a related cholesteryl ester transfer protein genotype difference. © 2005 American Heart Association, Inc.
The purpose of this study was to determine the threshold of exercise energy expenditure necessary to change blood lipid and lipoprotein concentrations and lipoprotein lipase activity (LPLA) in healthy, trained men. On different days, 11 men (age, 26.7 +/- 6.1 yr; body fat, 11.0 +/- 1.5%) completed four separate, randomly assigned, submaximal treadmill sessions at 70% maximal O-2 consumption. During each session 800, 1,100, 1,300, or 1,500 kcal were expended. Compared with immediately before exercise, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) concentration was significantly elevated 24 h after exercise (P < 0.05) in the 1,100-, 1,300-, and 1,500-kcal sessions. HDL-C concentration was also elevated (P < 0.05) immediately after and 48 h after exercise in the 1,500-kcal session. Compared with values 24 h before exercise, LPLA. was significantly greater (P < 0.05) 24 h after exercise in the 1,100-, 1,300-, and 1,500-kcal sessions and remained elevated 48 h after exercise in the 1,500-kcal session. These data indicate that, in healthy, trained men, 1,100 kcal of energy expenditure are necessary to elicit increased HDL-C concentrations. These HDL-C changes coincided with increased LPLA.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of prolonged exercise oil plasma lipid and lipoprotein concentrations and to identify caloric time-points where changes occurred. Eleven active male Subjects ran oil a treadmill at 70%,, of maximal fitness (VO2max) and expended 6 278.7 kilojoules (Kj) energy (1500 kcal). Blood samples were obtained at the 4185.8 Kj (1000 kcal) time-point during exercise and at each additional 418.6 Kj (100 kcal) expenditure until 6278.7 Kj was expended. After correcting for plasma volume changes, decreases in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) were observed during exercise at time-points corresponding to 4604.4 and 5441.5 Kj (1100 and 1300 kcal) of energy expenditure, and immediately after exercise. Total cholesterol concentrations decreased significantly at exercise kilojoule expenditures of 4604.4, 5441.5 and 5860.1 (1100, 1300 and 1400 kcal). There were also exercise induced increases in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and HDL2-C concentrations immediately after exercise. Although acute lipid and lipoprotein changes are typically reported in the days following exercise, the Current data indicate that some lipoprotein concentrations change during acute exercise. Our data suggest that a threshold of exercise may be necessary to change lipoproteins during exercise. Future work Should identify potential mechanisms (lipoprotein lipase, cholesterol ester transport protein, LDL uptake) that alter lipoprotein concentrations during prolonged exercise.
Cholesterol is considered indispensible for the recruitment and functioning of integrins in focal adhesions for cell migration. However, the physiological cholesterol pools that control integrin trafficking and focal adhesion assembly remain unclear. Using Niemann Pick Type C1 (NPC) mutant cells, which accumulate Low Density lipoprotein (LDL)-derived cholesterol in late endosomes (LE), several recent studies indicate that LDL-cholesterol has multiple roles in regulating focal adhesion dynamics. Firstly, targeting of endocytosed LDL-cholesterol from LE to focal adhesions controls their formation at the leading edge of migrating cells. Other newly emerging literature suggests that this may be coupled to vesicular transport of integrins, Src kinase and metalloproteases from the LE compartment to focal adhesions. Secondly, our recent work identified LDL-cholesterol as a key factor that determines the distribution and ability of several Soluble NSF Attachment Protein (SNAP) Receptor (SNARE) proteins, key players in vesicle transport, to control integrin trafficking to the cell surface and extracellular matrix (ECM) secretion. Collectively, dietary, genetic and pathological changes in cholesterol metabolism may link with efficiency and speed of integrin and ECM cell surface delivery in metastatic cancer cells. This commentary will summarize how direct and indirect pathways enable LDL-cholesterol to modulate cell motility.