979 resultados para Lightweight Vehicle Design
This thesis investigates the challenges of establishing the electric vehicle (EV) in Ireland and how the Irish government and industry are trying to meet them. It further seeks to provide information on Irish consumers’ attitudes towards the electric vehicle and their willingness to purchase it. The review of the literature showed that the Irish government is investing significant funds in trying to establish the market for the electric vehicle and position itself as a world leader in adopting the electric vehicle. The EV will also have an important role to play in how Ireland meets its targets for CO2 reductions towards 2020. Climate change and use of fossil fuels are driving the need for increased use of renewable energy and increased energy independence while reducing the greenhouse gas emissions that are the leading cause of climate change. The transport sector is almost completely dependent on the use of fossil fuel and resultantly is one of the largest sources of these GHG emissions. These issues are leading to the design and production of more energy efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles. The ultimate goal is to achieve a zero emissions vehicle. The electric vehicle is presently the only vehicle being mass produced that has the potential to be zero emissions. There are however issues that customers may not be willing to overlook such as the lower range of the vehicle and the length of time it takes to recharge. Vehicle cost is also an important issue that customers may not overlook. Knowing what the consumer’s attitudes are towards the EV and their willingness to purchase them is important as these new vehicles begin to appear in the showrooms. The consumers will be vital to how successful this market becomes. Using an online questionnaire methodology, in a sample of 118 consumers, the major conclusion to be drawn from the research is that the vehicle price, the convenience to recharge and vehicle range were the three most essential issues for the consumers if they were purchasing an EV. The success of the electric vehicle market may depend on what measures are taken to overcome them.
El projecte pretén estudiar i quantificar les restriccions creades al fluid en circular pelsconductes d’admissió i escapament de la culata del motor del vehicle Àliga. L’estudi consta de quatre etapes: estudi de les restriccions actuals dels sistemes d’admissió i escapament; anàlisi dels resultats de la culata de sèrie i proposta de millores aplicables al model real; càlcul de les restriccions creades pels models millorats, i finalment, estudi comparatiu dels resultats obtinguts, interpretant els resultats dels principals paràmetres a analitzar
El projecte és l’inici de la creació d’un nou prototip per a poder competir la temporada 2008 a la cursa de vehicles de baix consum Shell Eco-Marathon. El principal objectiu és aconseguir un xassís que redueixi, en la mesura del possible, el pes del prototip a la vegada que asseguri una millor rigidesa i millori l’ergonomia de tot el conjunt. Es dissenyarà tota la part estructural de la carrosseria, que serà sotmesa a càlcul mitjançant la tècnica dels elements finits i posteriorment es realitzarà una guia de producció per tal de guiar els membres de l’equip que en realitzin la producció
El projecte es desenvolupa amb la intenció de millorar ell cotxe queparticipa, en nom de la Universitat de Girona, a la shell eco-marathon en lacategoria de prototips i amb gasolina com a combustible.El motiu principal que ha donat peu a aquest projecte és la realització d’unestudi aerodinàmic que ha desembocat en un disseny totalment nou de lageometria de la carrosseria. Aquest estudi i el disseny aerodinàmic de lacarrosseria obtingut es pot consultar al projecte titulat “Disseny i estudi del’aerodinàmica del vehicle àliga” de l’autor Albert Marron
A quarterly report from the Iowa Department of Transportation regarding the Motor Vehicle Division building project status.
The Iowa State Highway Commission has adopted a number of rigid safety requirements that the Bureau of Public Roads has set forth as standards for road construction. One of these safety requirements is the elimination of two piers on Interstate grade separations, thus leaving two long spans. These longer spans lower the ability of prestressed concrete beams to compete economically with steel beams. In an effort to be more competitive, the prestressing companies have been studying the use of lightweight aggregate in structural concrete.
"Metric Training For The Highway Industry", HR-376 was designed to produce training materials for the various divisions of the Iowa DOT, local government and the highway construction industry. The project materials were to be used to introduce the highway industry in Iowa to metric measurements in their daily activities. Five modules were developed and used in training over 1,000 DOT, county, city, consultant and contractor staff in the use of metric measurements. The training modules developed deal with the planning through operation areas of highway transportation. The materials and selection of modules were developed with the aid of an advisory personnel from the highway industry. Each module is design as a four hour block of instruction and a stand along module for specific types of personnel. Each module is subdivided into four chapters with chapter one and four covering general topics common to all subjects. Chapters two and three are aimed at hands on experience for a specific group and subject. This module includes: Module 5 - Motor Vehicle Enforcement. Examples from Iowa and Federal Motor Vehicle Codes are used as examples for hands on training for the vehicle enforcement type personnel using this module.
High-speed non-contact laser profilers have become the standard testing equipment for pavement management ride quality testing. The same technology used in the high-speed profilers is now being used in lightweight profilers for construction smoothness testing. The lightweight profilers have many advantages over the California 25-ft profilograph. Despite the many advantages of the lightweight profilers, there is resistance from the contracting industry toward eliminating the 25-ft profilograph for construction ride testing. One way to reduce or overcome the resistance is to evaluate and demonstrate the advantages/disadvantages of the lightweight profiler in actual field use in Iowa. The objective of the study was to purchase a lightweight profiler and to evaluate its suitability for construction smoothness quality verification and quality acceptance on Iowa projects. A lightweight profiler, an Ames Engineering, Inc. LISA single laser unit, was received in February 2003 for the study. Based on the work done during the 2003 construction season, the following conclusions can be made: (1) For hot mix asphalt surfaces, the LISA correlated well with the contractors' profilographs; (2) LISA results are significantly affected by longitudinal tining on portland cement concrete pavements, requiring a laser system upgrade to give accurate results; (3) A significant timesaving was realized by using the LISA; (4) Increasing visibility and reducing time in the construction zone improved safety; (5) One person with limited lifting capabilities could set up and operate the LISA; and (6) With the current Iowa Department of Transportation specification, the LISA cannot totally replace the profilograph, since bridges and short segments with no adjoining pavement would still require a profilograph.
Among the variety of road users and vehicle types that travel on U.S. public roadways, slow moving vehicles (SMVs) present unique safety and operations issues. SMVs include vehicles that do not maintain a constant speed of 25 mph, such as large farm equipment, construction vehicles, or horse-drawn buggies. Though the number of crashes involving SMVs is relatively small, SMV crashes tend to be severe. Additionally, SMVs can be encountered regularly on non-Interstate/non-expressway public roadways, but motorists may not be accustomed to these vehicles. This project was designed to improve transportation safety for SMVs on Iowa’s public roadway system. This report includes a literature review that shows various SMV statistics and laws across the United States, a crash study based on three years of Iowa SMV crash data, and recommendations from the SMV community.
This report documents Phase III of a four-phase project. The goals of the project are to study the feasibility of using advanced technology from other industries to improve he efficiency and safety of winter highway maintenance vehicle operations, and to provide travelers with the level of service defined by policy during the winter season at the least cost to the taxpayers. The results of the first phase of the research were documented in the Concept Highway Maintenance Vehicle Final Report: Phase One dated April 1997, which describes the desirable functions of a concept maintenance vehicle and evaluates its feasibility. Phase I concluded by establishing the technologies that would be assembled and tested on the prototype vehicles in Phase II. The primary goals of phase II were to install the selected technologies on the prototype winter maintenance vehicles and to conduct proof of concept in advance of field evaluations planned for Phase III. This Phase III final report documents the work completed since the end of Phase II. During this time period, the Phase III work plan was completed and the redesigned friction meter was field tested. A vendor meeting was held to discuss future private sector participation and the new design for the Iowa vehicle. In addition, weather and roadway condition data were collected from the roadway weather information systems at selected sites in Iowa and Minnesota, for comparison to the vehicles' onboard temperature sensors. Furthermore, the team received new technology, such as the mobile Frensor unit, for bench testing and later installation.
Tämä diplomityö tehtiin Convergens Oy:lle. Convergens on elektroniikan suunnittelutoimisto, joka on erikoistunut sulautettuihin järjestelmiin sekä tietoliikennetekniikkaan. Diplomityön tavoitteena oli suunnitella tietokonekortti tietoliikennesovelluksia varten asiakkaalle, jolta vaatimusmäärittelyt tulivat. Työ on rajattu koskemaan laitteen prototyypin suunnittelua. Työssä suunnitellaan pääasiassa WLAN-tukiaseman tietokone. Tukiasema onasennettavissa toimistoihin, varastoihin, kauppoihin sekä myös liikkuvaan ajoneuvoon. Suunnittelussa on otettu nämä asiat huomioon, ja laitteen akun pystyy lataamaan muun muassa auton akulla. Langattomat tekniikat ovat voimakkaasti yleistymässä, ja tämän työn tukiasema tarjoaakin varteenotettavan vaihtoehdon lukuisilla ominaisuuksillaan. Mukana on mm. GPS, Bluetooth sekä Ethernet-valmius. Langattomien tekniikoiden lisäksi myös sulautetut järjestelmät ovat voimakkaasti yleistymässä, ja nykyään mikroprosessoreita löytääkin lähesmistä vain. Tässä projektissa käytetty prosessori on nopeutensa puolesta kilpailukykyinen, ja siitä löytyy useita eri rajapintoja. Jatkossa tietokonekortille on myös tulossa WiMAX-tuki, joka lisää tukiaseman tulevaisuuden arvoa asiakkaalle. Projektiin valittu Freescalen MPC8321E-prosessori on PowerPC-arkkitehtuuriin perustuva ja juuri markkinoille ilmestynyt. Tämä toi mukanaan lisähaasteen, sillä kyseisestä prosessorista ei ollut vielä kaikkea tietoa saatavilla. Mekaniikka toi omat haasteensa mukanaan, sillä se rajoitti piirilevyn koonniin, että ylimääräistä piirilevytilaa ei juurikaan jäänyt. Tämän takia esimerkiksi DDR-muistit olivat haastavia reitittää, sillä muistivetojen on oltava melko samanpituisia keskenään. Käyttöjärjestelmänä projektissa käytetään Linuxia. Suunnittelu alkoi keväällä 2007 ja toimiva prototyyppi oli valmis alkusyksystä. Prototyypin testaus osoitti, että tietokonekortti kykenee täyttämään kaikki asiakkaan vaatimukset. Prototyypin testauksessa löytyneet viat ja optimoinnit on tarkoitus korjata tuotantomalliin, joten se antaa hyvän pohjan jatkosuunnittelua varten.
The networking and digitalization of audio equipment has created a need for control protocols. These protocols offer new services to customers and ensure that the equipment operates correctly. The control protocols used in the computer networks are not directly applicable since embedded systems have resource and cost limitations. In this master's thesis the design and implementation of new loudspeaker control network protocols are presented. The protocol stack was required to be reliable, have short response times, configure the network automatically and support the dynamic addition and removal of loudspeakers. The implemented protocol stack was also required to be as efficient and lightweight as possible because the network nodes are fairly simple and lack processing power. The protocol stack was thoroughly tested, validated and verified. The protocols were formally described using LOTOS (Language of Temporal Ordering Specifications) and verified using reachability analysis. A prototype of the loudspeaker network was built and used for testing the operation and the performance of the control protocols. The implemented control protocol stack met the design specifications and proved to be highly reliable and efficient.
The aim of this thesis is to describe hybrid drive design problems, the advantages and difficulties related to the drive. A review of possible hybrid constructions, benefits of parallel, series and series-parallel hybrids is done. In the thesis analytical and finite element calculations of permanent magnet synchronous machines with embedded magnets were done. The finite element calculations were done using Cedrat’s Flux 2D software. This machine is planned to be used as a motor-generator in a low power parallel hybrid vehicle. The boundary conditions for the design were found from Lucas-TVS Ltd., India. Design Requirements, briefly: • The system DC voltage level is 120 V, which implies Uphase = 49 V (RMS) in a three phase system. • The power output of 10 kW at base speed 1500 rpm (Torque of 65 Nm) is desired. • The maximum outer diameter should not be more than 250 mm, and the maximum core length should not exceed 40 mm. The main difficulties which the author met were the dimensional restrictions. After having designed and analyzed several possible constructions they were compared and the final design selected. Dimensioned and detailed design is performed. Effects of different parameters, such as the number of poles, number of turns and magnetic geometry are discussed. The best modification offers considerable reduction of volume.
This study is a survey of benefits and drawbacks of embedding a variable gearbox instead of a single reduction gear in electric vehicle powertrain from efficiency point of view. Losses due to a pair of spur gears meshing with involute teeth are modeled on the base of Coulomb’s law and fluid mechanics. The model for a variable gearbox is fulfilled and further employed in a complete vehicle simulation. Simulation model run for a single reduction gear then the results are taken as benchmark for other types of commonly used transmissions. Comparing power consumption, which is obtained from simulation model, shows that the extra load imposed by variable transmission components will shade the benefits of efficient operation of electric motor. The other accomplishment of this study is a combination of modified formulas that led to a new methodology for power loss prediction in gear meshing which is compatible with modern design and manufacturing technology.
This doctoral thesis presents a study on the design of tooth-coil permanent magnet synchronous machines. The electromagnetic properties of concentrated non-overlapping winding permanent magnet synchronous machines, or simply tooth-coil permanent magnet synchronous machines (TC-PMSMs), are studied in details. It is shown that current linkage harmonics play the deterministic role in the behavior of this type of machines. Important contributions are presented as regards of calculation of parameters of TC-PMSMs,particularly the estimation of inductances. The current linkage harmonics essentially define the air-gap harmonic leakage inductance, rotor losses and localized temporal inductance variation. It is proven by FEM analysis that inductance variation caused by the local temporal harmonic saturation results in considerable torque ripple, and can influence on sensorless control capabilities. Example case studies an integrated application of TC-IPMSMs in hybrid off-highway working vehicles. A methodology for increasing the efficiency of working vehicles is introduced. It comprises several approaches – hybridization, working operations optimization, component optimization and integration. As a result of component optimization and integration, a novel integrated electro-hydraulic energy converter (IEHEC) for off-highway working vehicles is designed. The IEHEC can considerably increase the operational efficiency of a hybrid working vehicle. The energy converter consists of an axial-piston hydraulic machine and an integrated TCIPMSM being built on the same shaft. The compact assembly of the electrical and hydraulic machines enhances the ability to find applications for such a device in the mobile environment of working vehicles.Usage of hydraulic fluid, typically used in working actuators, enables direct-immersion oil cooling of designed electrical machine, and further increases the torque- and power- densities of the whole device.