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Essai doctoral présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de Docteur en psychologie (D.Psy.), option clinique


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Essai doctoral présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de Docteur en psychologie (D.Psy.), option clinique


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Le principal objectif de cette thèse est de documenter les liens entre l’adoption coutumière inuit et le comportement de l’enfant adopté à l’âge scolaire. Au Nunavik, un tiers des enfants sont adoptés conformément aux pratiques d’adoption coutumière. Le premier article décrit le contexte culturel et les principales caractéristiques de cette pratique. Couramment qualifiée de « don d’enfants », elle repose sur la cession libre et volontaire d’un enfant à un proche parent (tante, oncle, grands-parents) ou à un autre membre de la communauté. Contrairement à l’adoption plénière, en vigueur ailleurs au Canada et aux États-Unis, l’adoption coutumière n’est pas confidentielle et le lien de filiation biologique est préservé. Actuellement, les informations disponibles sur le développement de l’enfant inuit adopté proviennent d’un petit nombre d’études menées auprès d’enfants inuit suivis par les services de protection de la jeunesse. Basée sur les données d’une étude longitudinale prospective menée au Nunavik, cette thèse porte sur un échantillon de 46 enfants adoptés et de 231 enfants non-adoptés suivis de la naissance à l’âge scolaire. Des informations sur l’environnement prénatal et familial ont été collectées et le comportement de l’enfant à l’âge scolaire a été mesuré à l’aide du Child Behavioral Checklist complété par le professeur. Le deuxième article compare les enfants adoptés et non-adoptés sur un ensemble de variables prénatales et familiales et détermine la contribution du statut d’adoption au développement de problèmes de comportements à l’âge scolaire. Les résultats indiquent que le statut d’adoption n’est pas associé aux problèmes de comportements, mais que les enfants adoptés et non-adoptés sont élevés dans des environnements familiaux distincts. Compte tenu de ces différences, le dernier article s’intéresse aux facteurs de risques associés aux problèmes d’attention et aux problèmes externalisés chez les enfants inuit adoptés (n=46). Les caractéristiques de l’environnement familial expliquent une part plus importante des problèmes d’attention et des problèmes externalisés que les caractéristiques prénatales. Ces résultats contrastent avec les études sur l’adoption domestique et internationale menées auprès de populations allochtones. Les points de convergences et de divergences sont discutés et certaines pistes d’explications sont proposées.


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Dans son milieu familial, le jeune enfant développe ses habiletés langagières en plus de s’initier à la lecture et à l’écriture. Ce chapitre se divise en deux sections. Dans la première, nous décrivons un ensemble d’études qui convergent vers un modèle théorique de la littératie familiale et de son lien avec le développement du langage et de la lecture. Ce modèle, proposé par Sénéchal et ses collègues, suggère une association robuste entre lecture partagée et langage oral, d’une part, et entre enseignement parental et habiletés de littératie, d’autre part. Dans la deuxième section du chapitre, nous montrons, en résumant des études corrélationnelles et quasi-expérimentales, comment l’entrée de l’enfant dans le monde de la lecture peut être facilitée par ses premières tentatives, même non conventionnelles, d’écriture de mots. Dans chacune des deux sections, nous nous intéressons aux trajectoires d’apprentissage allant d’habiletés émergentes à la compétence en lecture.


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Ce mémoire de recherche investigue la continuité des traits psychopathiques chez les enfants de même que la contribution de la qualité des relations avec les parents, l’enseignant et les pairs à la variabilité de ces traits. La présente étude porte sur 281 enfants (48 % de filles) âgés de 6 à 9 ans avec un trouble des conduites. Trois dimensions de traits psychopathiques ont été évaluées chez les enfants (narcissisme, impulsivité, insensibilité), en plus d’un construit global. Ces traits ont été mesurés avec l’APSD par un parent et un enseignant à l’entrée dans l’étude (temps 0 ou T0) puis à une année d’intervalle sur une période de 4 ans (T1 à T4). Ces évaluateurs ont également évalué la qualité de leur relation avec l’enfant ainsi que celle avec les pairs (T0). Les résultats montrent que la stabilité différentielle des traits sur l’intervalle de quatre années va de faible à modérée pour chaque dimension. Cependant, l’analyse de la stabilité des niveaux moyens indique que c’est entre le T0 et le T2 que la variabilité des traits est la plus significative, la stabilité étant plus importante entre le T2 et le T4. Enfin, l’étude démontre qu’aucune des variables relationnelles ne contribue significativement à la variabilité des traits quatre ans plus tard et ce, pour chacune des dimensions ainsi que pour le construit global. stabilité, traits psychopathiques, traits antisociaux, trouble des conduites, enfants, relation avec le parent, relation avec l’enseignant, relation avec les pairs


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Previous research has demonstrated the importance of the qualities of the teacher-child relationship on children’s development. Close teacher-child relationships are especially important for children at risk. Positive relationships have been shown to have beneficial effects on children’s social and academic development (Birch & Ladd, 1997; Pianta & Stuhlman, 2004). Children with language difficulties are likely to face increased risks with regard to long term social and academic outcomes. The purpose of the current research was to gain greater understanding of the qualities of teacher-child relationships for young children with parent reported language concerns. The research analyses completed for this thesis involved the use of data from the public-access database of Growing Up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC). LSAC is a longitudinal study involving a nationally representative sample of 10,000 Australian children. Data are being collected biennially from 2004 (Wave 1 data collection) until 2010 (Wave 4 data collection). LSAC has a cross-sequential research design involving two cohorts, an infant cohort (0-1 year at age of recruitment) and a kindergarten cohort (4-5 years at age of recruitment). Two studies are reported in this thesis using data for the LSAC Kindergarten Cohort which had 4983 child participants at recruitment. Study 1 used Wave 1 data to identify the differences between teacher-child relationship qualities for children with parent reported language concerns and their peers. Children identified by parents for whom concerns were held about their receptive and expressive language, as measured by items from the Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) (Glascoe, 2000) were the target (at risk) group in the study (n = 210). A matched case control group of peers (n = 210), matched on the child characteristics of sex, age, cultural and linguistic differences (CALD), and socio-economic positioning (SEP), were the comparison group for this analysis. Teacher-child relationship quality was measured by teacher reports on the Closeness and Conflict scales from the short version of the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS) (Pianta, 2001). There were statistically significant differences in the levels of closeness and conflict between the two groups. The target group had relationships with their teachers that had lower levels of closeness and higher levels of conflict than the control group. Study 2 reports analyses that examined the stability of the qualities of the teacher-child relationships at Wave 1 (4-5 years) and the qualities of the teacher-child relationships at Wave 2 (6-7 years). This time frame crosses the period of the children’s transition to school. The study examined whether early patterns in the qualities of the teacher-child relationship for children with parent reported language concerns at Wave 1 predicted the qualities of the teacher-child relationship outcomes in the early years of formal school. The sample for this study consisted of the group of children identified with PEDS language concerns at Wave 1 who also had teacher report data at Wave 2 (n = 145). Teacher-child relationship quality at Wave 1 and Wave 2 was again measured by the STRS scales of Closeness and Conflict. Results from multiple regression models indicated that teacher-child relationship quality at Wave 1 significantly contributed to the prediction of the quality of the teacher-child relationship at Wave 2, beyond other predictor variables included in the regression models. Specifically, Wave 1 STRS Closeness scores were the most significant predictor for STRS Closeness scores at Wave 2, while Wave 1 STRS Conflict scores were the only significant predictor for Wave 2 STRS Conflict outcomes. These results indicate that the qualities of the teacher-child relationship experienced prior to school by children with parent reported language concerns remained stable across transitions into formal schooling at which time the child had a different teacher. The results of these studies provide valuable insight into the nature of teacher-child relationship quality for young children with parent reported language concerns. These children experienced teacher-child relationships of a lower quality when compared with peers and, additionally, the qualities of these relationships prior to formal schooling were predictive of the qualities of the relationships in the early years of formal schooling. This raises concerns, given the increased risks of poorer social and academic outcomes already faced by children with language difficulties, that these early teacher-child relationships have an impact on future teacher-child relationships. Results of these studies are discussed with these considerations in mind and also discussed in terms of the implications for educational theory, policy and practice.


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A subset of novice drivers exhibit executive function impairments which may adversely impact on the learn-to-drive period and subsequent driving experience, potentially explaining their overrepresentation in traffic offences and crashes. This paper presents the results of a qualitative analysis of a small series of in-depth semi-structured interviews undertaken individually with affected young drivers (n = 7) and each of their parent supervisors (n = 6). Young drivers were selected on the basis of their ADHD diagnosis, as a sample particularly affected by executive function impairments. Standardised rating scale measures confirmed the currency of the young drivers’ ADHD symptoms and executive function impairment. Results are discussed in terms of common experiences of the young affected drivers and those of their parents as supervising drivers of the learn-to-drive process and subsequent driving behaviour. Key themes included difficulties that were related to core executive function impairments symptomatic of ADHD. Themes also included common emotions that the young drivers associated with driving, with particular types of impact on their driving behaviour. Common strategies that were used by both the young driver and their parent during this learning process and their perceived effectiveness are also discussed. Those that were perceived to be most effective tended to focus on reducing the cognitive load for the young driver when introducing new information and skills.


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A diagnosis of cancer represents a significant crisis for the child and their family. As the treatment for childhood cancer has improved dramatically over the past three decades, most children diagnosed with cancer today survive this illness. However, it is still an illness which severely disrupts the lifestyle and typical functioning of the family unit. Most treatments for cancer involve lengthy hospital stays, the endurance of painful procedures and harsh side effects. Research has confirmed that to manage and adapt to such a crisis, families must undertake measures which assist their adjustment. Variables such as level of family support, quality of parents’ marital relationship, coping of other family members, lack of other concurrent stresses and open communication within the family have been identified as influences on how well families adjust to a diagnosis of childhood cancer. Theoretical frameworks such as the Resiliency Model of Family Adjustment and Adaptation (McCubbin and McCubbin, 1993, 1996) and the Stress and Coping Model by Lazarus and Folkman (1984) have been used to explain how families and individuals adapt to crises or adverse circumstances. Developmental theories have also been posed to account for how children come to understand and learn about the concept of illness. However more descriptive information about how families and children in particular, experience and manage a diagnosis of cancer is still needed. There are still many unanswered questions surrounding how a child adapts to, understands and makes meaning from having a life-threatening illness. As a result, developing an understanding of the impact that such a serious illness has on the child and their family is crucial. A new approach to examining childhood illness such as cancer is currently underway which allows for a greater understanding of the experience of childhood cancer to be achieved. This new approach invites a phenomenological method to investigate the perspectives of those affected by childhood cancer. In the current study 9 families in which there was a diagnosis of childhood cancer were interviewed twice over a 12 month period. Using the qualitative methodology of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) a semi-structured interview was used to explicate the experience of childhood cancer from both the parent and child’s perspectives. A number of quantitative measures were also administered to gather specific information on the demographics of the sample population. The results of this study revealed a number of pertinent areas which need to be considered when treating such families. More importantly experiences were explicated which revealed vital phenomena that needs to be added to extend current theoretical frameworks. Parents identified the time of the diagnosis as the hardest part of their entire experience. Parents experienced an internal struggle when they were forced to come to the realization that they were not able to help their child get well. Families demonstrated an enormous ability to develop a new lifestyle which accommodated the needs of the sick child, as the sick child became the focus of their lives. Regarding the children, many of them accepted their diagnosis without complaint or question, and they were able to recognise and appreciate the support they received. Physical pain was definitely a component of the children’s experience however the emotional strain of loss of peer contact seemed just as severe. Changes over time were also noted as both parental and child experiences were often pertinent to the stage of treatment the child had reached. The approach used in this study allowed for rich and intimate detail about a sensitive issue to be revealed. Such an approach also allowed for the experience of childhood cancer on parents and the children to be more fully realised. Only now can a comprehensive and sensitive medical and psychosocial approach to the child and family be developed. For example, families may benefit from extra support at the time of diagnosis as this was identified as one of the most difficult periods. Parents may also require counselling support in coming to terms with their lack of ability to help their child heal. Given the ease at which children accepted their diagnosis, we need to question whether children are more receptive to adversity. Yet the emotional struggle children battled as a result of their illness also needs to be addressed.


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A recognized brand name that provides a competitive advantage is considered one of a firm’s most valuable assets. Many firms have benefitted from their well-established brand name by adopting the strategy of brand extension (Aaker and Keller, 1990). Many academic studies have examined the methods used to introduce successful brand extensions, and analysed how consumers evaluate the brand extensions (Aaker and Keller, 1990; Barone, 2005; Bath, 1997; Bottomley and Holden, 2001; Edelman, 2003; Fedorikhin, Park and Thomson, 2008; Kwun, 2004; Lockhart and Ford, 2005). Some researchers have suggested that brand extension strategies may carry the risk of diluting important consumer trust in the parent brand (Martinez and Pina, 2003; C. W. Park, Milberg and Lawson, 1991). Furthermore, some studies have focused on the role of the parent brand in brand extensions (Apostolopoulou, 2002; Bath, 1997; Bhat and Reddy, 2001; Yeung and Wyer Jr, 2005). Brand extensions may have a positive or a negative influence on the parent brand, so it is important to understand the specific impact on dimensions such as brand image, brand awareness, and customer-brand relationships. This study will carry investigate the effects of brand extensions on the relationships customers have with the parent brand.


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Strengthening cooperation between schools and parents is critical to improving learning outcomes for children. The chapter focuses on parental engagement in their children’s education in the early years of school. It considers issues of social and cultural capital as important to whether, or not, parents are involved in their children’s schooling. Analyses of data from a national representative sample of children and their families who participate in Growing up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children are presented. Results indicated that higher family socio-economic position was associated with higher levels of parental involvement and higher expectations about children’s future level of education.


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This article surveys literature bearing on the issue of parental liability and responsibility for the crimes of young offenders, with a particular focus on comparing different approaches to dealing with the issue in Australia and Canada. This comparative analysis of Australian and Canadian legislative and policy approaches is situated within a broader discussion of arguments about the “punitive turn” in youth justice, responsibilisation, and cross-jurisdictional criminal justice policy transfer and convergence. Our findings suggest that there are significant differences in the manner and extent to which Australia and Canada have invoked parental responsibility laws and policies as part of the solution to dealing with youth crime. We conclude by speculating on some of the reasons for these differences and establishing an agenda for additional needed cross-jurisdictional research. In particular, we argue that it would be fruitful to undertake a cross-jurisdictional study that examines the development and effects of parental responsibility laws across a larger number of different Western countries as well as across individual states and provinces within these national jurisdictions.


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In this article we survey relevant international literature on the issue of parental liability and responsibility for the crimes of young offenders. In addition, as a starting point for needed cross-jurisdictional research, we focus on different approaches that have been taken to making parents responsible for youth crime in Australia and Canada. This comparative analysis of Australian and Canadian legislative and policy approaches is situated within a broader discussion of arguments about parental responsibility, the ‘punitive turn’ in youth justice, and cross-jurisdictional criminal justice policy transfer and convergence. One unexpected finding of our literature survey is the relatively sparse attention given to the issue of parental responsibility for youth crime in legal and criminological literature compared to the attention it receives in the media and popular-public culture. In Part I we examine the different views that have been articulated in the social science literature for and against parental responsibility laws, along with arguments that have been made about why such laws have been enacted in an increasing number of Western countries in recent years. In Part II, we situate our comparative study of Australian and Canadian legislative and policy approaches within a broader discussion of arguments about the ‘punitive turn’ in youth justice, responsibilisation, and cross-jurisdictional criminal justice policy transfer and convergence. In Part III, we identify and examine the scope of different parental responsibility laws that have been enacted in Australia and Canada; noting significant differences in the manner and extent to which parental responsibility laws and policies have been invoked as part of the solution to dealing with youth crime. In our concluding discussion, in Part IV, we try to speculate on some of the reasons for these differences and set an agenda for needed future research on the topic.