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Autoimmune diseases affect 5 % of the population and come in many forms, such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and MS. However, how and why autoimmune diseases arise are not yet fully resolved. In this thesis, the onset of autoimmunity was investigated using both patient samples and a mouse model of autoimmunity. Autoimmune diseases are usually complex, due to a number of different causative genes and environmental factors. However, a few monogenic autoimmune diseases have been described, which are caused by mutations in only one gene per disease. One of such disease is called APECED (autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy) and is enriched in the Finnish population. The causative gene behind APECED is named AIRE from AutoImmune REgulator. How malfunction of just one gene product can cause the multitude of disease components found in APECED is not yet resolved. This thesis sought out to find out more about the functions of AIRE, in order to reveal why APECED and other autoimmune diseases arise and what goes wrong? Usually, immune cells are taught to distinguish between self and non-self during their development. That way, immune cells can fight off bacteria and microbes while leaving the tissues and organs of the host organism itself unharmed. In APECED, the development of immune cells called αβ T cells is incomplete. The cells are not able to fully distinguish between self and non-self. This leads to autodestruction of self tissues and autoimmune disease. One of the achievements of this thesis was the finding that the development of another set of T cells called γδ T cells is not affected by AIRE in mice or in men. Instead, we found that another type of immune cell important in tolerance, called the dendritic cell is defective in APECED patients and is not able to respond to microbial stimulus in a normal fashion. Finally, we studied Aire-deficient mice and found that autoantibodies expressed in the mice were not targeted against the same molecules as those found in APECED patients. This indicates differences in the autoimmune pathology in mice and men. More work is still required before we understand the mechanisms of tolerance and autoimmunity well enough to be able to cure APECED, let alone the more complex autoimmune diseases. Yet altogether, the findings of this thesis work bring us one step closer to finding out why and how APECED and common autoimmune diseases arise.


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The low solubility of iron (Fe) depresses plant growth in calcareous soils. In order to improve Fe availability, calcareous soils are treated with synthetic ligands, such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and ethylenediimi-nobis(2-hydroxyphenyl)acetic acid (EDDHA). However, high expenses may hinder their use (EDDHA), and the recalcitrance of EDTA against biodegra-dation may increase the potential of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) leaching. This study evaluated the ability of biodegradable ligands, i.e. different stereo-isomers of ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid (EDDS), to provide Fe for lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and ryegrass (Lolium perenne cv. Prego), their effects on uptake of other elements and solubility in soils and their subsequent effects on the activity of oxygen-scavenging enzymes in lettuce. Both EDTA and EDDHA were used as reference ligands. In unlimed and limed quartz sand both FeEDDS(S,S) and a mixture of stereo-isomers of FeEDDS (25% [S,S]-EDDS, 25% [R,R]-EDDS and 50% [S,R]/[R,S]-EDDS), FeEDDS(mix), were as efficient as FeEDTA and FeEDDHA in providing lettuce with Fe. However, in calcareous soils only FeEDDS(mix) was comparable to FeEDDHA when Fe was applied twice a week to mimic drip irrigation. The Fe deficiency increased the manganese (Mn) concentration in lettuce in both acidic and alkaline growth media, whereas Fe chelates depressed it. The same was observed with zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) in acidic growth media. EDDHA probably affected the hormonal status of lettuce as well and thus depressed the uptake of Zn and Mn even more. The nutrient concentrations of ryegrass were only slightly affected by the Fe availability. After Fe chelate splitting in calcareous soils, EDDS and EDTA increased the solubility of Zn and Cu most, but only the Zn concentration was increased in lettuce. The availability of Fe increased the activity of oxygen-scavenging enzymes (ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase, catalase). The activity of Cu/ZnSOD (Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase) and MnSOD in lettuce leaves followed the concentrations of Zn and Mn. In acidic quartz sand low avail-ability of Fe increased the cobalt (Co) and nickel (Ni) concentrations in let-tuce, but Fe chelates decreased them. EDTA increased the solubility of Cd and Pb in calcareous soils, but not their uptake. The biodegradation of EDDS was not affected by the complexed element, and [S,S]-EDDS was biodegraded within 28 days in calcareous soils. EDDS(mix) was more recalcitrant, and after 56 days of incubation water-soluble elements (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Co, Ni, Cd and Pb) corresponded to 10% of the added EDDS(mix) concentration.


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Let D be a bounded domain in C 2 with a non-compact group of holomorphic automorphisms. Model domains for D are obtained under the hypotheses that at least one orbit accumulates at a boundary point near which the boundary is smooth, real analytic and of finite type.


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Let X be an arbitrary complex surface and D a domain in X that has a non-compact group of holomorphic automorphisms. A characterization of those domains D that admit a smooth, weakly pseudoconvex, finite type boundary orbit accumulation point is obtained.


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Generating a cultural lighting icon on the Manhattan skyline is a big responsibility and there is no second chance to make it right. In addition, we had to balance a classic timeless lighting design for the building while responding to the lighting criteria of the Times Square district – in a time of energy awareness...


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Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is a form of chemically targeted radiotherapy that utilises the high neutron capture cross-section of boron-10 isotope to achieve a preferential dose increase in the tumour. The BNCT dosimetry poses a special challenge as the radiation dose absorbed by the irradiated tissues consists of several dose different components. Dosimetry is important as the effect of the radiation on the tissue is correlated with the radiation dose. Consistent and reliable radiation dose delivery and dosimetry are thus basic requirements for radiotherapy. The international recommendations for are not directly applicable to BNCT dosimetry. The existing dosimetry guidance for BNCT provides recommendations but also calls for investigating for complementary methods for comparison and improved accuracy. In this thesis the quality assurance and stability measurements of the neutron beam monitors used in dose delivery are presented. The beam monitors were found not to be affected by the presence of a phantom in the beam and that the effect of the reactor core power distribution was less than 1%. The weekly stability test with activation detectors has been generally reproducible within the recommended tolerance value of 2%. An established toolkit for epithermal neutron beams for determination of the dose components is presented and applied in an international dosimetric intercomparison. The measured quantities (neutron flux, fast neutron and photon dose) by the groups in the intercomparison were generally in agreement within the stated uncertainties. However, the uncertainties were large, ranging from 3-30% (1 standard deviation), emphasising the importance of dosimetric intercomparisons if clinical data is to be compared between different centers. Measurements with the Exradin type 2M ionisation chamber have been repeated in the epithermal neutron beam in the same measurement configuration over the course of 10 years. The presented results exclude severe sensitivity changes to thermal neutrons that have been reported for this type of chamber. Microdosimetry and polymer gel dosimetry as complementary methods for epithermal neutron beam dosimetry are studied. For microdosimetry the comparison of results with ionisation chambers and computer simulation showed that the photon dose measured with microdosimetry was lower than with the two other methods. The disagreement was within the uncertainties. For neutron dose the simulation and microdosimetry results agreed within 10% while the ionisation chamber technique gave 10-30% lower neutron dose rates than the two other methods. The response of the BANG-3 gel was found to be linear for both photon and epithermal neutron beam irradiation. The dose distribution normalised to dose maximum measured by MAGIC polymer gel was found to agree well with the simulated result near the dose maximum while the spatial difference between measured and simulated 30% isodose line was more than 1 cm. In both the BANG-3 and MAGIC gel studies, the interpretation of the results was complicated by the presence of high-LET radiation.


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Let Ohm be a bounded domain in IRN, N greater than or equal to 2, lambda > 0, q is an element of (0, N - 1) and alpha is an element of (1, N/N-1 In this article we show the existence of at least two positive solutions for the following quasilinear elliptic problem with an exponential type nonlinearity:


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We study the energy current in a model of heat conduction, first considered in detail by Casher and Lebowitz. The model consists of a one-dimensional disordered harmonic chain of n i.i.d. random masses, connected to their nearest neighbors via identical springs, and coupled at the boundaries to Langevin heat baths, with respective temperatures T_1 and T_n. Let EJ_n be the steady-state energy current across the chain, averaged over the masses. We prove that EJ_n \sim (T_1 - T_n)n^{-3/2} in the limit n \to \infty, as has been conjectured by various authors over the time. The proof relies on a new explicit representation for the elements of the product of associated transfer matrices.


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Let M, M' be smooth, real analytic hypersurfaces of finite type in C-n and f a holomorphic correspondence (not necessarily proper) that is defined on one side of M, extends continuously up to M and maps M to M-t. It is shown that f must extend across M as a locally proper holonnorphic correspondence. This is a version for correspondences of the Diederich-Pinchuk extension result for CR maps.


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Let G - (V, E) be a weighted undirected graph having nonnegative edge weights. An estimate (delta) over cap (u, v) of the actual distance d( u, v) between u, v is an element of V is said to be of stretch t if and only if delta(u, v) <= (delta) over cap (u, v) <= t . delta(u, v). Computing all-pairs small stretch distances efficiently ( both in terms of time and space) is a well-studied problem in graph algorithms. We present a simple, novel, and generic scheme for all-pairs approximate shortest paths. Using this scheme and some new ideas and tools, we design faster algorithms for all-pairs t-stretch distances for a whole range of stretch t, and we also answer an open question posed by Thorup and Zwick in their seminal paper [J. ACM, 52 (2005), pp. 1-24].


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Let n points be placed independently in d-dimensional space according to the density f(x) = A(d)e(-lambda parallel to x parallel to alpha), lambda, alpha > 0, x is an element of R-d, d >= 2. Let d(n) be the longest edge length of the nearest-neighbor graph on these points. We show that (lambda(-1) log n)(1-1/alpha) d(n) - b(n) converges weakly to the Gumbel distribution, where b(n) similar to ((d - 1)/lambda alpha) log log n. We also prove the following strong law for the normalized nearest-neighbor distance (d) over tilde (n) = (lambda(-1) log n)(1-1/alpha) d(n)/log log n: (d - 1)/alpha lambda <= lim inf(n ->infinity) (d) over tilde (n) <= lim sup(n ->infinity) (d) over tilde (n) <= d/alpha lambda almost surely. Thus, the exponential rate of decay alpha = 1 is critical, in the sense that, for alpha > 1, d(n) -> 0, whereas, for alpha <= 1, d(n) -> infinity almost surely as n -> infinity.


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Let G be an undirected graph with a positive real weight on each edge. It is shown that the number of minimum-weight cycles of G is bounded above by a polynomial in the number of edges of G. A similar bound holds if we wish to count the number of cycles with weight at most a constant multiple of the minimum weight of a cycle of G.


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Let K be any quadratic field with O-K its ring of integers. We study the solutions of cubic equations, which represent elliptic curves defined over Q, in quadratic fields and prove some interesting results regarding the solutions by using elementary tools. As an application we consider the Diophantine equation r + s + t = rst = 1 in O-K. This Diophantine equation gives an elliptic curve defined over Q with finite Mordell-Weil group. Using our study of the solutions of cubic equations in quadratic fields we present a simple proof of the fact that except for the ring of integers of Q(i) and Q(root 2), this Diophantine equation is not solvable in the ring of integers of any other quadratic fields, which is already proved in [4].


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We consider the problem of compression of a non-Abelian source.This is motivated by the problem of distributed function computation,where it is known that if one is only interested in computing a function of several sources, then one can often improve upon the compression rate required by the Slepian-Wolf bound. Let G be a non-Abelian group having center Z(G). We show here that it is impossible to compress a source with symbols drawn from G when Z(G) is trivial if one employs a homomorphic encoder and a typical-set decoder.We provide achievable upper bounds on the minimum rate required to compress a non-Abelian group with non-trivial center. Also, in a two source setting, we provide achievable upper bounds for compression of any non-Abelian group, using a non-homomorphic encoder.


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Abstract. Let G = (V,E) be a weighted undirected graph, with non-negative edge weights. We consider the problem of efficiently computing approximate distances between all pairs of vertices in G. While many efficient algorithms are known for this problem in unweighted graphs, not many results are known for this problem in weighted graphs. Zwick [14] showed that for any fixed ε> 0, stretch 1 1 + ε distances between all pairs of vertices in a weighted directed graph on n vertices can be computed in Õ(n ω) time, where ω < 2.376 is the exponent of matrix multiplication and n is the number of vertices. It is known that finding distances of stretch less than 2 between all pairs of vertices in G is at least as hard as Boolean matrix multiplication of two n×n matrices. It is also known that all-pairs stretch 3 distances can be computed in Õ(n 2) time and all-pairs stretch 7/3 distances can be computed in Õ(n 7/3) time. Here we consider efficient algorithms for the problem of computing all-pairs stretch (2+ε) distances in G, for any 0 < ε < 1. We show that all pairs stretch (2 + ε) distances for any fixed ε> 0 in G can be computed in expected time O(n 9/4 logn). This algorithm uses a fast rectangular matrix multiplication subroutine. We also present a combinatorial algorithm (that is, it does not use fast matrix multiplication) with expected running time O(n 9/4) for computing all-pairs stretch 5/2 distances in G. 1