986 resultados para Legendre Formula


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Ce mémoire contient quelques résultats sur l'intégration numérique. Ils sont liés à la célèbre formule de quadrature de K. F. Gauss. Une généralisation très intéressante de la formule de Gauss a été obtenue par P. Turán. Elle est contenue dans son article publié en 1948, seulement quelques années après la seconde guerre mondiale. Étant données les circonstances défavorables dans lesquelles il se trouvait à l'époque, l'auteur (Turán) a laissé beaucoup de détails à remplir par le lecteur. Par ailleurs, l'article de Turán a inspiré une multitude de recherches; sa formule a été étendue de di érentes manières et plusieurs articles ont été publiés sur ce sujet. Toutefois, il n'existe aucun livre ni article qui contiennent un compte-rendu détaillé des résultats de base, relatifs à la formule de Turán. Je voudrais donc que mon mémoire comporte su samment de détails qui puissent éclairer le lecteur tout en présentant un exposé de ce qui a été fait sur ce sujet. Voici comment nous avons organisé le contenu de ce mémoire. 1-a. La formule de Gauss originale pour les polynômes - L'énoncé ainsi qu'une preuve. 1-b. Le point de vue de Turán - Compte-rendu détaillé des résultats de son article. 2-a. Une formule pour les polynômes trigonométriques analogue à celle de Gauss. 2-b. Une formule pour les polynômes trigonométriques analogue à celle de Turán. 3-a. Deux formules pour les fonctions entières de type exponentiel, analogues à celle de Gauss pour les polynômes. 3-b. Une formule pour les fonctions entières de type exponentiel, analogue à celle de Turán. 4-a. Annexe A - Notions de base sur les polynômes de Legendre. 4-b. Annexe B - Interpolation polynomiale. 4-c. Annexe C - Notions de base sur les fonctions entières de type exponentiel. 4-d. Annexe D - L'article de P. Turán.


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The wealth of information available freely on the web and medical image databases poses a major problem for the end users: how to find the information needed? Content –Based Image Retrieval is the obvious solution.A standard called MPEG-7 was evolved to address the interoperability issues of content-based search.The work presented in this thesis mainly concentrates on developing new shape descriptors and a framework for content – based retrieval of scoliosis images.New region-based and contour based shape descriptor is developed based on orthogonal Legendre polymomials.A novel system for indexing and retrieval of digital spine radiographs with scoliosis is presented.


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Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on,VOL 48,issue 4,pp 636


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This paper reports a novel region-based shape descriptor based on orthogonal Legendre moments. The preprocessing steps for invariance improvement of the proposed Improved Legendre Moment Descriptor (ILMD) are discussed. The performance of the ILMD is compared to the MPEG-7 approved region shape descriptor, angular radial transformation descriptor (ARTD), and the widely used Zernike moment descriptor (ZMD). Set B of the MPEG-7 CE-1 contour database and all the datasets of the MPEG-7 CE-2 region database were used for experimental validation. The average normalized modified retrieval rate (ANMRR) and precision- recall pair were employed for benchmarking the performance of the candidate descriptors. The ILMD has lower ANMRR values than ARTD for most of the datasets, and ARTD has a lower value compared to ZMD. This indicates that overall performance of the ILMD is better than that of ARTD and ZMD. This result is confirmed by the precision-recall test where ILMD was found to have better precision rates for most of the datasets tested. Besides retrieval accuracy, ILMD is more compact than ARTD and ZMD. The descriptor proposed is useful as a generic shape descriptor for content-based image retrieval (CBIR) applications


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In a previous paper we have determined a generic formula for the polynomial solution families of the well-known differential equation of hypergeometric type σ(x)y"n(x)+τ(x)y'n(x)-λnyn(x)=0. In this paper, we give another such formula which enables us to present a generic formula for the values of monic classical orthogonal polynomials at their boundary points of definition.


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Exam questions and solutions in PDF


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Exam questions and solutions in LaTex


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Exam and solutions in LaTex


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Exam and solutions in PDF


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Juego interactivo sobre MS-DOS para Química en Secundaria. El objetivo del juego es acertar la fórmula de un compuesto inorgánico a través de propuestas aleatorias del programa acompañadas de una serie de preguntas que el ordenador se presta a contestar, a modo de pistas, como máximo tres. Para adaptarse a diferentes niveles educativos en Secundaria tiene dos niveles, uno inicial con 55 propuestas, y otro superior con 94 ejercicios. Ofrece puntuaciones diferentes según el número de ayudas solicitadas y sigue las normas de formulación de la IUPAC.


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This note considers the variance estimation for population size estimators based on capture–recapture experiments. Whereas a diversity of estimators of the population size has been suggested, the question of estimating the associated variances is less frequently addressed. This note points out that the technique of conditioning can be applied here successfully which also allows us to identify sources of variation: the variance due to estimation of the model parameters and the binomial variance due to sampling n units from a population of size N. It is applied to estimators typically used in capture–recapture experiments in continuous time including the estimators of Zelterman and Chao and improves upon previously used variance estimators. In addition, knowledge of the variances associated with the estimators by Zelterman and Chao allows the suggestion of a new estimator as the weighted sum of the two. The decomposition of the variance into the two sources allows also a new understanding of how resampling techniques like the Bootstrap could be used appropriately. Finally, the sample size question for capture–recapture experiments is addressed. Since the variance of population size estimators increases with the sample size, it is suggested to use relative measures such as the observed-to-hidden ratio or the completeness of identification proportion for approaching the question of sample size choice.


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This note considers the variance estimation for population size estimators based on capture–recapture experiments. Whereas a diversity of estimators of the population size has been suggested, the question of estimating the associated variances is less frequently addressed. This note points out that the technique of conditioning can be applied here successfully which also allows us to identify sources of variation: the variance due to estimation of the model parameters and the binomial variance due to sampling n units from a population of size N. It is applied to estimators typically used in capture–recapture experiments in continuous time including the estimators of Zelterman and Chao and improves upon previously used variance estimators. In addition, knowledge of the variances associated with the estimators by Zelterman and Chao allows the suggestion of a new estimator as the weighted sum of the two. The decomposition of the variance into the two sources allows also a new understanding of how resampling techniques like the Bootstrap could be used appropriately. Finally, the sample size question for capture–recapture experiments is addressed. Since the variance of population size estimators increases with the sample size, it is suggested to use relative measures such as the observed-to-hidden ratio or the completeness of identification proportion for approaching the question of sample size choice.


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The Bahrain International Circuit (BIC) is considered its one of the best international racing car track in terms of technical aspects and architectural quality. Two Formula 1 races have been hosted in the Kingdom of Bahrain, in 2004 and 2005, at BIC. The BIC had recently won the award of the best international racing car circuit. This paper highlights on the elements that contributed to the success of such project starting from the architectural aspects, construction, challenges, tendering process, risk management, the workforce, speed of the construction method, and future prospects for harnessing solar and wind energy for sustainable electrification and production of water for the circuit, i.e. making BIC green and environment-friendly international circuit.