892 resultados para Ldl-cholesterol


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En lien avec l’augmentation constante de l’obésité, de plus en plus de personnes sont atteintes de résistance à l’insuline ou de diabète de type 2. Ce projet doctoral s’est surtout intéressé à l’une des conséquences majeures des pathologies cardiométaboliques, soit la dyslipidémie diabétique. À cet égard, les gens présentant une résistance à l’insuline ou un diabète de type 2 sont plus à risque de développer des perturbations lipidiques caractérisées essentiellement par des taux élevés de triglycérides et de LDL-cholestérol ainsi que de concentrations restreintes en HDL-cholestérol dans la circulation. Les risques de maladies cardiovasculaires sont ainsi plus élevés chez ces patients. Classiquement, trois organes sont connus pour développer l’insulino-résistance : le muscle, le tissu adipeux et le foie. Néanmoins, certaines évidences scientifiques commencent également à pointer du doigt l’intestin, un organe critique dans la régulation du métabolisme des lipides postprandiaux, et qui pourrait, conséquemment, avoir un impact important dans l’apparition de la dyslipidémie diabétique. De façon très intéressante, des peptides produits par l’intestin, notamment le GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1), ont déjà démontré leur potentiel thérapeutique quant à l’amélioration du statut diabétique et leur rôle dans le métabolisme intestinal lipoprotéinique. Une autre évidence est apportée par la chirurgie bariatrique qui a un effet positif, durable et radical sur la perte pondérale, le contrôle métabolique et la réduction des comorbidités du diabète de type 2, suite à la dérivation bilio-intestinale. Les objectifs centraux du présent programme scientifique consistent donc à déterminer le rôle de l’intestin dans (i) l’homéostasie lipidique/lipoprotéinique en réponse à des concentrations élevées de glucose (à l’instar du diabète) et à des peptides gastro-intestinaux tels que le PYY (peptide YY); (ii) la coordination du métabolisme en disposant de l’AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase) comme senseur incontournable permettant l’ajustement précis des besoins et disponibilités énergétiques cellulaires; et (iii) l’ajustement de sa capacité d’absorption des graisses alimentaires en fonction du gain ou de la perte de sa sensibilité à l’insuline démontrée dans les spécimens intestinaux humains prélevés durant la chirurgie bariatrique. Dans le but de confirmer le rôle de l’intestin dans la dyslipidémie diabétique, nous avons tout d’abord utilisé le modèle cellulaire intestinal Caco-2/15. Ces cellules ont permis de démontrer qu’en présence de hautes concentrations de glucose en basolatéral, telle qu’en condition diabétique, l’intestin absorbe davantage de cholestérol provenant de la lumière intestinale par l’intermédiaire du transporteur NPC1L1 (Niemann Pick C1-like 1). L’utilisation de l’ezetimibe, un inhibiteur du NPC1L1, a permis de contrecarrer cette augmentation de l’expression de NPC1L1 tout comme l’élévation de l’absorption du cholestérol, prouvant ainsi que le NPC1L1 est bel et bien responsable de cet effet. D’autre part, des travaux antérieurs avaient identifié certains indices quant à un rôle potentiel du peptide intestinal PYY au niveau du métabolisme des lipides intestinaux. Toutefois, aucune étude n’avait encore traité cet aspect systématiquement. Pour établir définitivement l’aptitude du PYY à moduler le transport et le métabolisme lipidique dans l’intestin, nous avons utilisé les cellules Caco-2/15. Notre étude a permis de constater que le PYY incubé du côté apical est capable de réduire significativement l’absorption du cholestérol et le transporteur NPC1L1. Puisque le rôle de l'AMPK dans l'intestin demeure inexploré, il est important non seulement de définir sa structure moléculaire, sa régulation et sa fonction dans le métabolisme des lipides, mais aussi d'examiner l'impact de l’insulino-résistance et du diabète de type 2 (DT2) sur son statut et son mode d’action gastro-intestinal. En employant les cellules Caco-2/15, nous avons été capables de montrer (i) la présence de toutes les sous-unités AMPK (α1/α2/β1/β2/γ1/γ2/γ3) avec une différence marquée dans leur abondance et une prédominance de l’AMPKα1 et la prévalence de l’hétérotrimère α1/β2/γ1; (ii) l’activation de l’AMPK par la metformine et l’AICAR, résultant ainsi en une phosphorylation accrue de l’enzyme acétylCoA carboxylase (ACC) et sans influence sur l'HMG-CoA réductase; (iii) la modulation négative de l’AMPK par le composé C et des concentrations de glucose élevées avec des répercussions sur la phosphorylation de l’ACC. D’autre part, l’administration de metformine au Psammomys obesus, un modèle animal de diabète et de syndrome métabolique, a conduit à (i) une régulation positive de l’AMPK intestinale (phosphorylation de l’AMPKα-Thr172); (ii) la réduction de l'activité ACC; (iii) l’augmentation de l’expression génique et protéique de CPT1, supportant une stimulation de la β-oxydation; (iv) une tendance à la hausse de la sensibilité à l'insuline représentée par l’induction de la phosphorylation d'Akt et l’inactivation de la phosphorylation de p38; et (v) l’abaissement de la formation des chylomicrons ce qui conduit à la diminution de la dyslipidémie diabétique. Ces données suggèrent que l'AMPK remplit des fonctions clés dans les processus métaboliques de l'intestin grêle. La preuve flagrante de l’implication de l’intestin dans les événements cardiométaboliques a été obtenue par l’examen des spécimens intestinaux obtenus de sujets obèses, suite à une chirurgie bariatrique. L’exploration intestinale nous a permis de constater chez ceux avec un indice HOMA élevé (marqueur d’insulinorésistance) (i) des défauts de signalisation de l'insuline comme en témoigne la phosphorylation réduite d'Akt et la phosphorylation élevée de p38 MAPK; (ii) la présence du stress oxydatif et de marqueurs de l'inflammation; (iii) la stimulation de la lipogenèse et de la production des lipoprotéines riches en triglycérides avec l’implication des protéines clés FABP, MTP et apo B-48. En conclusion, l'intestin grêle peut être classé comme un tissu insulino-sensible et répondant à plusieurs stimuli nutritionnels et hormonaux. Son dérèglement peut être déclenché par le stress oxydatif et l'inflammation, ce qui conduit à l'amplification de la lipogenèse et la synthèse des lipoprotéines, contribuant ainsi à la dyslipidémie athérogène chez les patients atteints du syndrome métabolique et de diabète de type 2.


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Il a déjà été démontré que les statines (ou inhibiteurs de la HMG-CoA réductase) sont efficaces pour réduire le LDL-cholestérol et elles se sont depuis établies comme étant le pilier dans le traitement de la dyslipidémie. Toutefois, environ 10 pourcent des utilisateurs de statines souffrent d'effets indésirables, généralement sous forme de myopathie qui est souvent accompagnée d’un taux élevé de la créatine kinase (CK) plasmatique. Il est fréquent que les patients doivent arrêter les statines à cause d’un taux de CK dépassant un seuil de référence. Nous avons examiné le taux de CK de près de 6000 participants de la biobanque de l’ICM, qui ont récemment été génotypés à l'aide de la micropuce d'ADN ExomChip d'Illumina. Des études antérieures ont démontré une association significative entre le taux de CK plasmatique et des polymorphismes génétiques et nous avons cherché à répliquer ces résultats par association génétique et à l'aide du test SKAT pour les polymorphismes rares. Nous avons répliqué les résultats dans le gène CKM (rs11559024, p=1.59x10-23) et le gène LILRB5 (rs12975366, p=1.44x10-26) dans le chromosome 19. Nous espérons que ces résultats seront éventuellement utilisés en clinique pour la prédiction des taux de référence de CK personnalisés selon le profil génétique des patients utilisateurs de statines.


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Differences in whole-body lipid metabolism between men and women are indicated by lower-body fat accumulation in women but more marked accumulation of fat in the intra-abdominal visceral fat depots of men. Circulating blood lipid concentrations also show gender-related differences. These differences are most marked in premenopausal women, in whom total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triacylglycerol concentrations are lower and HDL-cholesterol concentration is higher than in men. Tendency to accumulate body fat in intra-abdominal fat stores is linked to increased risk of CVD, metabolic syndrome, diabetes and other insulin-resistant states. Differential regional regulation of adipose tissue lipolysis and lipogenesis must underlie gender-related differences in the tendency to accumulate fat in specific fat depots. However, empirical data to support current hypotheses remain limited at the present time because of the demanding and specialist nature of the methods used to study adipose tissue metabolism in human subjects. In vitro and in vivo data show greater lipolytic sensitivity of abdominal subcutaneous fat and lesser lipolytic sensitivity of femoral and gluteal subcutaneous fat in women than in men. These differences appear to be due to fewer inhibitory alpha adrenergic receptors in abdominal regions and greater a adrenergic receptors in gluteal and femoral regions in women than in men. There do not appear to be major gender-related differences in rates of fatty acid uptake (lipogenesis) in different subcutaneous adipose tissue regions. In visceral fat rates of both lipolysis and lipogenesis appear to be greater in men than in women; higher rates of lipolysis may be due to fewer alpha adrenergic receptors in this fat depot in men. Fatty acid uptake into this depot in the postprandial period is approximately 7-fold higher in men than in women. Triacylglycerol concentrations appear to be a stronger cardiovascular risk factor in women than in men, with particular implications for cardiovascular risk in diabetic women. The increased triacylglycerol concentrations observed in women taking hormone-replacement therapy (HRT) may explain the paradoxical findings of increased rates of CVD in women taking HRT that have been reported from recent primary and secondary prevention trials of HRT.


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Background: The lipid-modulatory effects of high intakes of the fish-oil fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are well established and likely to contribute to cardioprotective benefits. Objectives: We aimed to determine the effect of moderate EPA and DHA intakes (< 2 g EPA + DHA/d) on the plasma fatty acid profile, lipid and apolipoprotein concentrations, lipoprotein subclass distribution, and markers of oxidative status. We also aimed to examine the effect of age, sex, and apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype on the observed responses. Design: Three hundred twelve adults aged 20-70 y, who were prospectively recruited according to age, sex, and APOE genotype, completed a double-blind placebo-controlled crossover study. Participants consumed control oil, 0.7 g EPA + DHA/d (0.7FO), and 1.8 g EPA + DHA/d (1.8FO) capsules in random order, each for an 8-wk intervention period, separated by 12-wk washout periods. Results: In the group as a whole, 8% and 11% lower plasma triacylglycerol concentrations were evident after 0.7FO and 1.8FO, respectively (P < 0.001): significant sex x treatment (P = 0.038) and sex x genotype x treatment (P = 0.032) interactions were observed, and the greatest triacylglycerol-lowering responses (reductions of 15% and 23% after 0.7FO and 1.8FO, respectively) were evident in APOE4 men. Furthermore, lower VLDL-cholesterol (P = 0.026) and higher LDL-cholesterol (P = 0.010), HDL-cholesterol (P < 0.001), and HDL2 (P < 0.001) concentrations were evident after fish-oil intervention. Conclusions: Supplements providing EPA + DHA at doses as low as 0.7 g/d have a significant effect on the plasma lipid profile. The results of the current trial, which used a prospective recruitment approach to examine the responses in population subgroups, are indicative of a greater triacylglycerol-lowering action of long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in males than in females.


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Background: Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is reported to have weight-reducing and antiatherogenic properties when fed to laboratory animals. However, the effects of CLA on human health and, in particular, the effects of individual CLA isomers are unclear. Objective: This study investigated the effects of 3 doses of highly enriched cis-9,trans-11 (0.59, 1.19, and 2.38 g/d) or trans-10,cis-12 (0.63, 1.26, and 2.52 g/d) CLA preparations on body composition, blood lipid profile, and markers of insulin resistance in healthy men. Design: Healthy men consumed 1, 2, and 4 capsules sequentially, containing either 80% cis-9,trans-11 CLA or 80% trans-10,cis-12 CLA for consecutive 8-wk periods. This phase was followed by a 6-wk washout and a crossover to the other isomer. Results: Body composition was not significantly affected by either isomer of CLA. Mean plasma triacylglycerol concentration was higher during supplementation with trans-10,cis-12 CLA than during that with cis-9,trans-11 CLA, although there was no influence of dose. There were significant effects of both isomer and dose on plasma total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol concentrations but not on HDL-cholesterol concentration. The ratios of LDL to HDL cholesterol and of total to HDL cholesterol were higher during supplementation with trans-10,cis-12 CLA than during that with cis-9,trans-11 CLA. CLA supplementation had no significant effect on plasma insulin concentration, homeostasis model for insulin resistance, or revised quantitative insulin sensitivity check index. Conclusion: Divergent effects of cis-9,trans-11 CLA and trans10,cis-12 CLA appear on the blood lipid profile in healthy humans: trans-10,cis-12 CLA increases LDL:HDL cholesterol and total:HDL cholesterol, whereas cis-9,trans-11 CLA decreases them.


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The aim of the present study was to compare the response of a range of atherogenic and thrombogenic risk markers to two dietary levels of saturated fatty acid (SFA) substitution with monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) in students living in a university hall of residence. Although the benefits of such diets have been reported for plasma lipoproteins in high-risk groups, more needs to be known about effects of more modest SFA-MUFA substitutions over the long term and in young healthy adults. In a parallel design over 16 weeks, fifty-one healthy young subjects were randomised to one of two diets: (1) a moderate-MUFA diet in which 16 g dietary SFA/100 g total fatty acids were substituted with MUFA (n 25); (2) a high-MUFA diet in which 33 g dietary SFA/100 g total fatty acids were substituted with MUFA (n 26). All subjects followed an 8-week run-in diet (reference diet), with a fatty acid composition close to the UK average values. There were no differences in plasma lipid responses between the two diets over 16 weeks of the study with similar reductions in total cholesterol (P<0.001) and LDL-cholesterol (P<0.01) in both groups; a small but significant reduction in HDL-cholesterol was also observed in both groups (P<0.01). Platelet responses to ADP (P<0.01) and arachidonic acid (P<0.05) differed with time on the two diets; at 16 weeks, platelet aggregatory response to ADP was significantly lower on the high-MUFA than the moderate-MUFA (P<0.01) diet; ADP responses were also significantly lower within this group at 8 (P< 0.05) and 16 (P< 0.01) weeks compared with baseline. There were no differences in fasting factor VII activity (factors VIII and VIIag), fibrinogen concentration or tissue-type plasminogen activator activity between the diets. There were no differences in postprandial factor VIII responses to a standard meal (area under the curve) between the diets after 16 weeks, but postprandial factor VIII response was lower than on the high-MUFA diet compared with baseline (P<0.01). In conclusion, a high-MUFA diet sustains potentially beneficial effects on platelet aggregation and postprandial activation of factor VII. Moderate or high substitution of MUFA for SFA achieves similar reductions in fasting blood lipids in young healthy subjects.


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The objective of this article is to review existing studies concerning the effects of probiotics and prebiotics on serum cholesterol concentrations, with particular attention on the possible mechanisms of their action. Although not without exception, results from animal and human studies suggest a moderate cholesterol-lowering action of dairy products fermented with appropriate strain(s) of lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria. Mechanistically, probiotic bacteria ferment food-derived indigestible carbohydrates to produce short-chain fatty acids in the gut, which can then cause a decrease in the systemic levels of blood lipids by inhibiting hepatic cholesterol synthesis and/or redistributing cholesterol from plasma to the liver. Furthermore, some bacteria may interfere with cholesterol absorption from the gut by deconjugating bile salts and therefore affecting the metabolism of cholesterol, or by directly assimilating cholesterol. For prebiotic substances, the majority of studies have been done with the fructooligosaccharides inulin and oligofructose, and although convincing lipid-lowering effects have been observed in animals, high dose levels had to be used. Reports in humans are few in number. In studies conducted in normal-lipidemic subjects, two reported no effect of inulin or oligofructose on serum lipids, whereas two others reported a significant reduction in serum triglycerides (19 and 27%, respectively) with more modest changes in serum total and LDL cholesterol. At present, data suggest that in hyperlipidemic subjects, any effects that do occur result primarily in reductions in cholesterol, whereas in normal lipidemic subjects, effects on serum triglycerides are the dominant feature.


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Objective: To examine whether age-related increase in concentrations of circulating inflammatory mediators is due to concurrent increases in cardiovascular risk factors or is independent of these. Methods and results: Cytokines (IL-6, IL-18), chemokines (6Ckine, MCP-1, IP-10), soluble adhesion molecules (sICAM-1, sVCAM-1, sE-selectin) and adipokines (adiponectin) were measured in the plasma of healthy male subjects aged 18-84 years (n = 162). These were related to known cardiovascular risk factors (age, BMI, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, plasma total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triacylglycerol concentrations) in order to identify significant associations. Plasma concentrations of sVCAM-1, sE-selectin, IL-6, IL-18, MCP-1, 6Ckine, IP-10 and adiponectin, but not sICAM-1, were significantly positively correlated with age, as well as with several other cardiovascular risk factors. The correlations with other risk factors disappeared when age was controlled for. In contrast, the correlations with age remained significant for sVCAM-1, IL-6, MCP-1, 6Ckine and IP-10 when other cardiovascular risk factors were controlled for. Conclusions: Plasma concentrations of some inflammatory markers (sVCAM-1, IL-6, MCP-L 6Ckine, IP-10) are positively correlated with age, independent of other cardiovascular risk factors. This suggests that age-related inflammation may not be driven by recognised risk factors. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: The hypocholesterolemic effects of soy foods are well established, and it has been suggested that isoflavones are responsible for this effect. However, beneficial effects of isolated isoflavones on lipid biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk have not yet been shown. Objective: The objective was to investigate the effects of isolated soy isoflavones on metabolic biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk, including plasma total, HDL, and LDL cholesterol; triacylglycerols; lipoprotein(a); the percentage of small dense LDL; glucose; nonesterified fatty acids; insulin; and the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance. Differences with respect to single nucleotide polymorphisms in selected genes [ie, estrogen receptor a (Xbal and PvuII), estrogen receptor beta (AluI), and estrogen receptor beta(cx) (Tsp5091), endothelial nitric oxide synthase (Glu298Asp), apolipoprotein E (Apo E2, E3, and E4), cholesteryl ester transfer protein (TaqIB), and leptin receptor (Gln223Arg)] and with respect to equol production were investigated. Design: Healthy postmenopausal women (n = 117) participated in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover dietary intervention trial. Isoflavone-enriched (genistein-to-daidzein ratio of 2: 1; 50 mg/d) or placebo cereal bars were consumed for 8 wk, with a wash-out period of 8 wk before the crossover. Results: Isoflavones did not have a significant beneficial effect on plasma concentrations of lipids, glucose, or insulin. A significant difference between the responses of HDL cholesterol to isoflavones and to placebo was found with estrogen receptor 0(cx) Tsp5091 genotype AA, but not GG or GA. Conclusions: Isoflavone supplementation, when provided in the form and dose used in this study, had no effect on lipid or other metabolic biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk in postmenopausal women but may increase HDL cholesterol in an estrogen receptor P gene-polymorphic subgroup.


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Dietary isoflavones are currently receiving much attention because of their potential role in preventing coronary artery disease and other chronic diseases. Accumulating evidence from cell culture and laboratory animal experiments indicates that isoflavones have the potential to prevent or delay atherogenesis. Suggested mechanisms of action include: a reduction in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and a potential reduction in the susceptibility of the LDL particle to oxidation; (2) an improvement in vascular reactivity; (3) an inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokines, cell adhesion proteins and nitric oxide (NO) production; and (4) an inhibition of platelet aggregation. These mechanisms are consistent with the epidemiological evidence that a high consumption of isoflavone-rich soy products is associated with a reduced incidence of coronary artery disease. Biological effects of isoflavones are dependent on many factors, including dose consumed, duration of use, protein-binding affinity, and an individual's metabolism or intrinsic oestrogenic state. Further clinical studies are necessary to determine the potential health effects of isoflavones in specific population groups as we currently know little about age-related differences in exposure to these compounds and there are few guidelines on optimal dose for cardiovascular health benefits.


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Background: The lipid-modulatory effects of high intakes of the fish-oil fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are well established and likely to contribute to cardioprotective benefits. Objectives: We aimed to determine the effect of moderate EPA and DHA intakes (< 2 g EPA + DHA/d) on the plasma fatty acid profile, lipid and apolipoprotein concentrations, lipoprotein subclass distribution, and markers of oxidative status. We also aimed to examine the effect of age, sex, and apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype on the observed responses. Design: Three hundred twelve adults aged 20-70 y, who were prospectively recruited according to age, sex, and APOE genotype, completed a double-blind placebo-controlled crossover study. Participants consumed control oil, 0.7 g EPA + DHA/d (0.7FO), and 1.8 g EPA + DHA/d (1.8FO) capsules in random order, each for an 8-wk intervention period, separated by 12-wk washout periods. Results: In the group as a whole, 8% and 11% lower plasma triacylglycerol concentrations were evident after 0.7FO and 1.8FO, respectively (P < 0.001): significant sex x treatment (P = 0.038) and sex x genotype x treatment (P = 0.032) interactions were observed, and the greatest triacylglycerol-lowering responses (reductions of 15% and 23% after 0.7FO and 1.8FO, respectively) were evident in APOE4 men. Furthermore, lower VLDL-cholesterol (P = 0.026) and higher LDL-cholesterol (P = 0.010), HDL-cholesterol (P < 0.001), and HDL2 (P < 0.001) concentrations were evident after fish-oil intervention. Conclusions: Supplements providing EPA + DHA at doses as low as 0.7 g/d have a significant effect on the plasma lipid profile. The results of the current trial, which used a prospective recruitment approach to examine the responses in population subgroups, are indicative of a greater triacylglycerol-lowering action of long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in males than in females.


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High doses of n-3 PUFA found in fish oils can reduce the circulating concentration of triacylglycerol (TG), which may contribute to the positive impact of these fatty acids on the risk of CVD. The present study aimed to establish the differential impact of EPA and docosahexaenoic (DHA) on plasma lipids and apo in adults. Forty-two normolipidaemic adult subjects completed a double-blind placebo controlled parallel study, receiving an EPA-rich oil (4.8 g EPA/d), DHA-rich oil (4.9 g DHA/d) or olive oil as control, for a period of 4 weeks. No effects of treatment on total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol or HDL-cholesterol were evident. There was a significant 22% reduction in TG level relative to the control value following the DHA treatment (P=0.032), with the 15% decrease in the EPA group failing to reach significance (P=0-258). There were no significant inter-group differences in response to treatment for plasma apoA1, -C3 or -E levels, although a significant 15% within-group increase in apoE was evident in the EPA (P=0.006) and DHA (P=0.003) groups. In addition, a within-group decrease in the apoAI:HDL-cholesterol ratio was observed in the DHA group, suggesting a positive impact of DHA on HDL particle size. The DHA intervention resulted in a significant increase in the proportion of EPA P=0.000 and DHA P=0.000 in plasma phospholipids, whilst significant increases in EPA P=0.000 and docosapentacnoic acid P=0.002, but not DHA P=0.193, were evident following EPA supplementation (P<0.05). Our present results indicate that DHA may be more efficacious than EPA in improving the plasma lipid profile.


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Oligofructose (OF), comprised of fructose oligomers with a terminal glucose unit, is a family Of oligosaccharides derived from the hydrolysis of inulin. Consumption of OF in animals and humans increases colonic bifidobacteria levels. The present study evaluates the safety of OF in both a 13 week rat feeding Study and Using in Vitro mutagenicity tests. Fecal bifidobacteria levels were also determined by in situ hybridization to assess a biological function of OF. Rats received either a control diet OF diets containing one of four doses of OF. Total, HDL, and LDL-cholesterol levels were significantly lower at several time points during the study in groups receiving OF compared to controls with the largest effects Occurring in the high dose male animals. Weight gain in the male high dose group was significantly lower at early time points compared to controls but]lot Significantly different at the end of study. As expected, cecal weights increased in a dose-related manner and fecal bifidobacteria levels also demonstrated a dose-related increase. There were no consistent differences in gross pathology or histopathology related to dietary OF. OF did not induce a positive response in the Ames test or chromosomal aberration test with CHO cells. These results demonstrate no adverse effects of OF. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fish and fish oil-rich sources of long-chain n-3 fatty acids have been shown to be cardio-protective, through a multitude of different pathways including effects on arrythymias, endothelial function, inflammation and thrombosis, as well as modulation of both the fasting and postprandial blood lipid profile. To date the majority of studies have examined the impact of EPA and DHA fed simultaneously as fish or fish oil supplements. However, a number of recent studies have compared the relative biopotency of EPA v. DHA in relation to their effect on blood lipid levels. Although many beneficial effects of fish oils have been demonstrated, concern exists about the potential deleterious impact of EPA and DHA on LDL-cholesterol, with a highly-heterogenous response of this lipid fraction reported in the literature. Recent evidence suggests that apoE genotype may be in part responsible. In the present review the impact of EPA and DHA on cardiovascular risk and the blood lipoprotein profile will be considered, with a focus on the apoE gene locus as a possible determinant of lipid responsiveness to fish oil intervention.


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Background: Insulin sensitivity (Si) is improved by weight loss and exercise, but the effects of the replacement of saturated fatty acids (SFAs) with monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) or carbohydrates of high glycemic index (HGI) or low glycemic index (LGI) are uncertain. Objective: We conducted a dietary intervention trial to study these effects in participants at risk of developing metabolic syndrome. Design: We conducted a 5-center, parallel design, randomized controlled trial [RISCK (Reading, Imperial, Surrey, Cambridge, and Kings)]. The primary and secondary outcomes were changes in Si (measured by using an intravenous glucose tolerance test) and cardiovascular risk factors. Measurements were made after 4 wk of a high-SFA and HGI (HS/HGI) diet and after a 24-wk intervention with HS/HGI (reference), high-MUFA and HGI (HM/HGI), HM and LGI (HM/LGI), low-fat and HGI (LF/HGI), and LF and LGI (LF/LGI) diets. Results: We analyzed data for 548 of 720 participants who were randomly assigned to treatment. The median Si was 2.7 × 10−4 mL · μU−1 · min−1 (interquartile range: 2.0, 4.2 × 10−4 mL · μU−1 · min−1), and unadjusted mean percentage changes (95% CIs) after 24 wk treatment (P = 0.13) were as follows: for the HS/HGI group, −4% (−12.7%, 5.3%); for the HM/HGI group, 2.1% (−5.8%, 10.7%); for the HM/LGI group, −3.5% (−10.6%, 4.3%); for the LF/HGI group, −8.6% (−15.4%, −1.1%); and for the LF/LGI group, 9.9% (2.4%, 18.0%). Total cholesterol (TC), LDL cholesterol, and apolipoprotein B concentrations decreased with SFA reduction. Decreases in TC and LDL-cholesterol concentrations were greater with LGI. Fat reduction lowered HDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein A1 and B concentrations. Conclusions: This study did not support the hypothesis that isoenergetic replacement of SFAs with MUFAs or carbohydrates has a favorable effect on Si. Lowering GI enhanced reductions in TC and LDL-cholesterol concentrations in subjects, with tentative evidence of improvements in Si in the LF-treatment group. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as ISRCTN29111298.