112 resultados para Lavandula hybrida


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We investigated the molecular and physiological processes of sugar uptake and metabolism during pollen tube growth and plant fertilization. In vitro germination assays showed that petunia (Petunia hybrida) pollen can germinate and grow not only in medium containing sucrose (Suc) as a carbon source, but also in medium containing the monosaccharides glucose (Glc) or fructose (Fru). Furthermore, high-performance liquid chromatography analysis demonstrated a rapid and complete conversion of Suc into equimolar amounts of Glc and Fru when pollen was cultured in a medium containing 2% Suc. This indicates the presence of wall-bound invertase activity and uptake of sugars in the form of monosaccharides by the growing pollen tube. A cDNA designated pmt1 (petunia monosaccharide transporter 1), which is highly homologous to plant monosaccharide transporters, was isolated from petunia. Pmt1 belongs to a small gene family and is expressed specifically in the male gametophyte, but not in any other vegetative or floral tissues. Pmt1 is activated after the first pollen mitosis, and high levels of mRNA accumulate in mature and germinating pollen. A model describing the transport of sugars to the style, the conversion of Suc into Glc and Fru, and the active uptake by a monosaccharide transporter into the pollen tube is presented.


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Plant-specific polyketide synthase genes constitute a gene superfamily, including universal chalcone synthase [CHS; malonyl-CoA:4-coumaroyl-CoA malonyltransferase (cyclizing) (EC] genes, sporadically distributed stilbene synthase (SS) genes, and atypical, as-yet-uncharacterized CHS-like genes. We have recently isolated from Gerbera hybrida (Asteraceae) an unusual CHS-like gene, GCHS2, which codes for an enzyme with structural and enzymatic properties as well as ontogenetic distribution distinct from both CHS and SS. Here, we show that the GCHS2-like function is encoded in the Gerbera genome by a family of at least three transcriptionally active genes. Conservation within the GCHS2 family was exploited with selective PCR to study the occurrence of GCHS2-like genes in other Asteraceae. Parsimony analysis of the amplified sequences together with CHS-like genes isolated from other taxa of angiosperm subclass Asteridae suggests that GCHS2 has evolved from CHS via a gene duplication event that occurred before the diversification of the Asteraceae. Enzyme activity analysis of proteins produced in vitro indicates that the GCHS2 reaction is a non-SS variant of the CHS reaction, with both different substrate specificity (to benzoyl-CoA) and a truncated catalytic profile. Together with the recent results of Durbin et al. [Durbin, M. L., Learn, G. H., Jr., Huttley, G. A. & Clegg, M. T. (1995) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 3338-3342], our study confirms a gene duplication-based model that explains how various related functions have arisen from CHS during plant evolution.


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The fah1 mutant of Arabidopsis is defective in the accumulation of sinapic acid-derived metabolites, including the guaiacyl-syringyl lignin typical of angiosperms. Earlier results indicated that the FAH1 locus encodes ferulate-5-hydroxylase (F5H), a cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenase (P450) of the general phenylpropanoid pathway. We have cloned the gene encoding this P450 by T-DNA tagging and have confirmed the identity of the cloned gene by complementation of the mutant phenotype. F5H shows 34% amino acid sequence identity with the avocado ripening-induced P450 CYP71A1 and 32% identity with the flavonoid-3',5'-hydroxylases of Petunia hybrida. In contrast, it shares much less homology with cinnamate-4-hydroxylase, a P450 that catalyzes the hydroxylation of cinnamic acid three steps earlier in the general phenylpropanoid pathway. Since the highest degree of identity between F5H and previously sequenced P450s is only 34%, F5H identifies a new P450 subfamily that has been designated CYP84.


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Botrytis cinerea is the major pathogen infecting cut freesia flowers. Flecking symptoms on petals caused by this fungus result in postharvest rejections and substantial economic loss to both growers and sellers. In a limited survey for industry, numbers of freesia stems sent from a specialist grower in The Netherlands and rejected at a cut flower wholesaler in the United Kingdom were documented. Relationships between preharvest environment conditions in Holland that may predispose flowers to infection and postharvest freesia rejection levels in the United Kingdom due to B. cinerea flecking symptom expression are reported. Freesia rejections peaked during spring and, to a lesser degree, autumn periods. However, no clear correlations between preharvest growing environment conditions (e.g. 3-day means for temperature preceding harvest) and postharvest rejection frequency (%) could be discerned. Thus, sporadic freesia rejections in the United Kingdom were probably attributable either to other unresolved variables during the pre- (e.g. infection pressure) and/or postharvest (e.g. condensation events) phases or to interactions among predisposing variables.


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Abscisic acid (ABA) supplied in the vase solution can induce stomatal closure in the leaves of cut flowers, including roses (Rosa hybrida L.). This effect may be beneficial in reducing water deficit stress. Extracellular pH can affect active ABA concentrations in the apoplast of guard cells, with sap alkalisation enhancing the physiological activity of ABA. Accordingly, it was hypothesized that vase solution pH may affect ABA-mediated stomatal closure of cut roses. Two experiments were conducted to study the interaction of vase solution pH and ABA. In the first, cut 'Baccara' roses were held in vase solutions with +/- 10(-5) M ABA at pH 6, pH 7 and pH 8. In the second experiment, roses were held with +/- 10(-5) M ABA at pH 6 and pH 8 in the presence and absence of 1 mg l(-1) AgNO3 as a bactericide. Supply of ABA increased vase life and reduced vase solution usage of flowers held in low pH 6 solutions, indicating induction of stomatal closure. Conversely, ABA supplied at pH 8 was associated with reduced vase life. This negative result was associated with enhanced development of vase solution microbes at high pH, which overrode any potential pH-mediated ABA efficacy effects.


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To characterise the physiology of development and senescence for Grevillea 'Sylvia'. oral organs, respiration, ethylene production and ACC concentrations in harvested flowers and flower parts were measured. The respiration rate of harvested inflorescences decreased over time during senescence. In contrast, both ethylene production and ACC concentration increased. Individual flowers, either detached from cut inflorescences held in vases at 20degreesC or detached from in planta inflorescences at various stages of development, had similar patterns of change in ACC concentration and rates of respiration and ethylene production as whole inflorescences. The correlation between ACC concentration and ethylene production by individual flowers detached from cut inflorescences held in vases was poor (r(2)=0.03). The isolated complete gynoecium (inclusive of the pedicel) produced increasing amounts of ethylene during development. Further sub-division of flower parts and measurement of their ethylene production at various stages of development revealed that the distal part of the gynoecium (inclusive of the stigma) had the highest rate of ethylene production. In turn, anthers had higher rates of ethylene production and also higher ACC concentrations than the proximal part of the gynoecium (inclusive of the ovary). Rates of ethylene production and ACC concentrations for tepal abscission zone tissue and adjacent central tepal zone tissue were similar. ACC concentration in pollen was similar to that in senescing perianth tissue. Overall, respiration, ethylene and ACC content measurements suggest that senescence of G. 'Sylvia' is non-climacteric in character. Nonetheless, the phytohormone ethylene is produced and evidently mediates normal flower development and non-climacteric senescence processes.