1000 resultados para Lane Son


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Source of the Nile Fish farm (SON) is located at Bugungu area in Napoleon Gulf, northern Lake Victoria. The proprietors of the farm requested for technical assistance of NaFIRRI to undertake regular environment monitoring of the cage site as is mandatory under the NEMA conditions. As the SON is a key collaborator/client of the institute, NAFIRRI agreed to undertake the assignment subject to facilitation by the client. The institute agreed to conduct quarterly surveys of key environmental parameters at the site including selected physical-chemical and biological factors, nutrient status, column depth, water transparency and sedimentation. Samples and field measurements were to be taken at 3 sites: within and/or close to the fish cages (WIC), upstream (USC) and downstream (DSC) of the cages. The first environmental monitoring survey was undertaken in February 2011; the second in May 2011 and the third in September 2011. The surveys cover physical-chemical parameters, nutrient status, invertebrate and fish communities. The present report presents field observations made for the fourth quarter survey undertaken in November 2011 and provides a scientific interpretation and discussion of the results with reference to possible impacts of the cage facilities to the water environment and the different aquatic biota at and around the cage site including natural fish communities.


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Source of the Nile (SON) Cage Fish farm is located at Bugungu in Napoleon Gulf, northern Lake Victoria, near the headwaters of the River Nile. NaFIRRI has, through a Public-Private collaborative partnership with SON management, undertaken quarterly monitoring of the cage fish farm since 2011. The objective of the environment monitoring is to track possible environment and biological changes as a result of fish cage operations in the area. The agreed study areas cover selected physical-chemical parameters i.e. water depth, transparency, column temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and conductivity; nutrient status; and biological parameters i.e. algae, zooplankton, macro-benthos and fish communities. The fourth quarter survey, which is the subject of this report was undertaken during December 2015. Results/observations made are presented in this technical report along with a scientific interpretation and discussion of the results with reference to possible impacts of the cage facilities to the water environment and aquatic biota. The present report presents field observations made for the fourth quarter survey undertaken in December 2015 and provides a scientific interpretation and discussion of the results with reference to possible impacts of the cage facilities to the water environment and the different aquatic biota in and around the fish cage site.


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Source of the Nile Fish farm (SON) is located at Bugungu area in Napoleon Gulf, northern Lake Victoria. The proprietors of the farm have a collaborative arrangement with NaFIRRI to undertake quarterly environment monitoring of the cage site as is mandatory under the NEMA conditions. The monitoring surveys cover selected physical-chemical factors i.e. water column depth, water transparency, water column temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and conductivity; nutrient status, algal and invertebrate communities (micro-invertebrates/zooplankton and macroinvertebrates/ macro-benthos) as well as fish community. The second quarter survey for the calendar year 2015, which is the subject of this report, was undertaken in June 2015. Results/observations made are presented in this technical report along with a scientific interpretation and discussion of the results with reference to possible impacts of the cage facilities to the water environment and aquatic biota.


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This paper presents a novel architecture of vision chip for fast traffic lane detection (FTLD). The architecture consists of a 32*32 SIMD processing element (PE) array processor and a dual-core RISC processor. The PE array processor performs low-level pixel-parallel image processing at high speed and outputs image features for high-level image processing without I/O bottleneck. The dual-core processor carries out high-level image processing. A parallel fast lane detection algorithm for this architecture is developed. The FPGA system with a CMOS image sensor is used to implement the architecture. Experiment results show that the system can perform the fast traffic lane detection at 50fps rate. It is much faster than previous works and has good robustness that can operate in various intensity of light. The novel architecture of vision chip is able to meet the demand of real-time lane departure warning system.


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This article describes Yasmina Khadras autobiographical work composed of two books: "Lcrivain" and "Limposture des mots" and its reception in France. The main purpose of this study was to establish the literary genre of these books, which implies determining whether Khandras work represents an autobiography or an autofiction with reference to P. Lejeunes and V. Colonnas theoretical studies. The dividing line between two genres in Khandras works refl ects his inner split between being either a solder or a writer. The presentation will also help to understand the controversy resulting from Khandras participation in Algerian civil war. Moreover the analysis is related to modern Algerian history.


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Premire edition revue, corrige, et prcde d'une Prface la Mosaque, dans le plus nouveau got.


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tude de la formule pistolaire :c'est votre serviteur qui ose crire son Seigneur. Cette tournure, utilise aux VIIe et VIIIe sicle, est caractristique de Moyenne-gypte. Corrections plusieurs papyrus prsentant cette formule. Publication d'un papyrus indit de Bruxelles prsentant cette tournure pistolaire.


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La justificacin de la presencia de la matemtica en la educacin secundaria puede darse a partir de perspectivas internas o externas a ella. El artculo pone de manifiesto que en las clases de matemticas se da un cierto desequilibrio hacia los argumentos internos, lo que dificulta el acercamiento a las matemticas de buena parte del alumnado y puede obstaculizar la adquisicin de la competencia bsica en la materia. En el artculo se apuesta por equilibrar la balanza acentuando una visin social y prctica de las matemticas a partir de la introduccin en el aula de contextos y situaciones donde sean necesarias.


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Este trabajo pretende poner de manifiesto que cuando se realizan sorteos para seleccionar un grupo de personas en funcin de sus apellidos y se utiliza un mtodo basado en el sorteo aleatorio de letras, se produce un resultado en el que no todos tienen la misma probabilidad de ser seleccionados y en algunos casos con unas probabilidades muy dispares.


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MOOCs are changing the educational landscape and gaining a lot of attention in scientific literature. However, the pedagogical design of these proposals has been called into question. It is precisely MOOCs social aspect, i.e. the interaction between course participants and the support for learning processes that has become one of the main topics of interest. This article presents the results of a research project carried out at the University of the Basque Country, which focused in cooperative learning and the intensive use of social networks in a MOOC. Significant data was compiled through Likert-type surveys, revealing that the use of both external and internal social networks in a massive open online course is a factor that is evaluated positively by students. We argue that the use of social networks as a learning strategy in a MOOC has an influence on academic performance and on the students' success rate. Furthermore, the participants age also has a bearing on the social networks they use, and we have found that the younger members tend to work with external networks such as Twitter or personal blogs, whereas the older students are more inclined to use forums from the Chamilo or Ning platforms.


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Este artculo resulta de investigaciones en torno al enverdecimiento de las ciudades y las oportunidades de la agricultura urbana para la alimentacin de una poblacin en constante aumento que no trabaja la tierra. Tambin es fruto de actividades de mejora de ambientes urbanos realizadas con la Escuela de Ingenieros Agrnomos de la Universidad Politcnica de Madrid. A travs de casos de agricultura urbana, entendiendo por ella el conjunto de prcticas para la produccin de alimentos y plantas ornamentales dentro de las ciudades y en sus entornos, se analizan alternativas para la recuperacin de espacios construidos e incremento de la calidad de vida de la poblacin. Todo ello se traduce, adems, en creacin de riqueza y mejora del paisaje urbano, siempre desde criterios de sostenibilidad que favorecen el desarrollo local desde la Cumbre de la Tierra de Ro de 1992 y la Conferencia sobre Desarrollo Sostenible Ro+20 de 2013.


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En su condicin de hija de exiliados espaoles, Angelina Muiz Huberman emprender un largo y doloroso periplo desde su nacimiento hasta la edad adulta para consumar el proceso de construccin de s misma. Una lectura cruzada de Castillos en la tierra. Seudomemorias (1995) y Molinos sin viento (2001) nos muestra que, a travs de la memoria, propia o colectiva, Muiz intenta unir los pedazos para forjarse una identidad hecha de fragmentos.