1000 resultados para Lacordaire, Henri-Dominique (1802-1861)


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The author divides the article in thee parts. In the first part he studies the literature on the genotype of Dipetalonema DIESING, 1861 - D. caudispina (MOLIN, 1858), and gives a new generic diagnosis of the Diesing's genus, based upon its type species. In the second one he studies the literature on the validity of Acanthocheilonema COBBOLD, 1870, and, comparing both generic defvinition and type-species description of Acanthocheilonema dracunculoides COBBOLD, 1870 and Dipetalonema caudispina (MOLIN, 1858), concludes that Cobbold's genus Acanthocheilonema must be, definitely, considered as a synonym of Dipetalonema DIESING, 1861. In the third part a comparative study, based on the literature, is made between generic definitions and type-species descriptions of Breinlia trichosuri (BREINL, 1913) and Dipetalonema caudipina (MOLIN, 1858), and the author concludes that Breinlia must be considered as a valid genus, distinguished from Dipetalonema, principally, by the morphology fo the longer spicule.


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Los textos de la Escuela Economista Española (segunda mitad del XIX) contienen una valoración del papel de las mujeres en la economía y la sociedad transgresor frente al discurso dominante, que defendía un único y exclusivo rol para todas las mujeres: el hogar y la maternidad. La mayoría de los miembros de esta corriente económica defienden el trabajo femenino en las fábricas, basándose en argumentos salariales; e incluso demandan una formación profesional para aquellas que en muchos casos ni tan siquiera eran alfabetizadas por ser mujeres. Los textos de estos economistas transmiten nuevas ideas sobre el papel económico y social de las mujeres en una España dominada por un discurso que negaba la necesidad del trabajo femenino para las familias trabajadoras.


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The texts by the Spanish Economist School (second half of the 19th century) contain an assessment of the role of women in the economy and society that is transgressor in front of the prevailing discourse that defended a unique and exclusive role for all women: being at home and a mother. Most members of that economic trend defended female work in the factories, basing themselves on wage arguments and even asked for a professional training for those who in many cases could not even write and read for the fact of being a woman. The texts of those economists give new ideas about the economic and social role of women in a Spain dominated by a discourse that denied the necessity of female work for the working families.