983 resultados para Laboratory animals


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It has been demonstrated that, on abrupt withdrawal, patients with chronic exposure can experience a number of symptoms indicative of a dependent state. In clinical patients, the earliest to arise and most persistent signal of withdrawal from chronic benzodiazepine (Bzp) treatment is anxiety. In laboratory animals, anxiety-like effects following abrupt interruption of chronic Bzp treatment can also be reproduced. In fact, signs that oscillate from irritability to extreme fear behaviours and seizures have been described already. As anxiety remains one of the most important symptoms of Bzp withdrawal, in this study we evaluated the anxiety levels of rats withdrawn from diazepam. Also studied were the effects on the motor performance and preattentive sensory gating process of rats under diazepam chronic treatment and upon 48-h withdrawal on three animal models of anxiety, the elevated plus-maze (EPM), ultrasonic vocalizations (USV) and startle + prepulse inhibition tests. Data obtained showed an anxiolytic- and anxiogenic-like profile of the chronic intake of and withdrawal from diazepam regimen in the EPM test, 22-KHz USV and startle reflex. Diazepam chronic effects or its withdrawal were ineffective in promoting any alteration in the prepulse inhibition (PPI). However, an increase of PPI was achieved in both sucrose and diazepam pretreated rats on 48-h withdrawal, suggesting a procedural rather than a specific effect of withdrawal on sensory gating processes. It is also possible that the prepulse can function as a conditioned stimulus to informing the delivery of an aversive event, as the auditory startling-eliciting stimulus. All these findings are indicative of a sensitization of the neural substrates of aversion in diazepam withdrawn animals without concomitant changes on the processing of sensory information


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Nos últimos anos vem aumentando o reconhecimento mundial sobre a relevância da nutrição como pilar básico para o desenvolvimento econômico e social. Milhares de crianças têm seu crescimento retardado pela má nutrição, no entanto poucos trabalhos relacionam a desnutrição proteica materna e o desenvolvimento do sistema reprodutor masculino. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo investigar os possíveis efeitos da restrição proteica gestacional e durante a lactação sobre a morfogênese do complexo prostático, tendo em vista que a etiologia das doenças prostáticas relaciona-se com fatores epigenéticos, e dentre eles, fatores toxicológicos e nutricionais. Após o acasalamento e diagnóstico da prenhês, dois grupos de mães foram constituídos: Normoproteico (NP, 17% proteína, n=7) e Hipoproteico (LP, 6% proteína, n=7). No segundo dia pós-nascimento (DPN2), as ninhadas foram inspecionadas e reduzidas para no máximo oito animais (preferencialmente machos), a distância anogenital foi mensurada e, 2 machos por ninhada foram mortos por decapitação para coleta do broto prostático no dia do nascimento. Após o nascimento dos filhotes, um grupo de mães do grupo hipoproteico continuou recebendo a ração hipoproteica (n=3), enquanto as demais passaram a receber a ração normoproteica (n=3). No dia 22, dia do desmame, 2 machos de cada ninhada foram pesados, mortos por decapitação e o complexo prostático foi coletado para as análises morfológicas e imunoistoquímicas. Foram investigados a morfologia geral e o padrão de distribuição dos elementos celulares e da matriz extracelular por métodos citoquímicos e morfométricos, e a imunorreatividade para os seguintes marcadores: receptor de andrógeno (AR), Ki67, α-actina, EGF-R e P63. Os índices de proliferação e morte celular (TUNEL) foram calculados. A prole LP apresentou uma redução significativa do peso corporal e da distância anogenital no DPN2. ...


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Nulliparous female Syrian hamsters were used to investigate the effect of two different breeding systems on the fertility of the female Syrian hamster. We hypothesized that females submitted to a harem system (HS) would deliver smaller and more female-biased litters than in a monogamic system. Ten female and 10 adult male hamsters housed individually (G1) were kept in a monogamic temporary breeding system, while 10 females and five males (G2) were submitted to HS with two females and a male permanently housed together since female weaning. Females from G1 and G2 delivered, respectively, 47 and 50 litters, and produced 364 (G1) and 383 (G2) weaned pups without any difference in litter size, mean weight of weaned pups and body condition of dams. Interparturition intervals were shorter and the percentage of male pups per litter was higher in the HS possibly as a result of different endocrine conditions provided by different breeding systems. Besides providing evidence that housing conditions can influence the sex of hamster offspring, our findings suggest a mechanism for the non-random distribution of male and female pups in hamster litters.


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Studies on the collagen system of the human myocardium are still limited compared to those on small laboratory animals. The aim of this work was to observe the collagen tissue of the myocardium of the human heart as a function of age. The types of collagen, as well as the density of collagen tissue and the diameter of collagen fibrils, were examined. Fragments of the left ventricular wall from 15 hearts, 5 from children, 5 from young adults, and 5 from elderly individuals, were analyzed by using the Picrosirius-polarization method and by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results showed the presence of collagen type III and collagen type I, both in the endomysium and perimysium of the 3 groups studied. Measurements of collagen content in myocardial tissue displayed that both endomysial and perimysial collagen increase in number and thickness in the adult and elderly. These histochemical results coincided with the observations obtained with the electron microscope in showing an increase in the number of collagen fibrils with a large diameter in the adult and elderly hearts. The present results on cardiac collagen may be important for assessing the pathogenesis of several cardiopathies in the hearts of children, young adults, and the elderly.


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Alcoholism is a chronic disorder characterized by the appearance of a withdrawal syndrome following the abrupt cessation of alcohol intake that includes symptoms of physical and emotional disturbances, anxiety being the most prevalent symptom. In humans, it was shown that anxiety may increase the probability of relapse. In laboratory animals, however, the use of anxiety to predict alcohol preference has remained difficult. Excitatory amino acids as glutamate have been implicated in alcohol hangover and may be responsible for the seizures and anxiety observed during withdrawal. The dorsal periaqueductal gray (DPAG) is a midbrain region critical for the modulation/expression of anxiety- and fear-related behaviors and the propagation of seizures induced by alcohol withdrawal, the glutamate neurotransmission being one of the most affected. The present study was designed to evaluate whether low- (LA) and high-anxiety rats (HA), tested during the alcohol hangover phase, in which anxiety is the most prevalent symptom, are more sensitive to the reinforcing effects of alcohol when tested in a voluntary alcohol drinking procedure. Additionally, we were interested in investigating the main effects of reducing the excitatory tonus of the dorsal midbrain, after the blockade of the ionotropic glutamate receptors into the DPAG, on the voluntary alcohol intake of HA and LA motivated rats that were made previously experienced with the free operant response of alcohol drinking. For this purpose, we used local infusions of the N-metil D-Aspartato (NMDA) and alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)-kainate receptors antagonist DL-2-Amino-7-phosphonoheptanoic acid - DL-AP7 (10 nmol/0.2 mu l) and L-glutamic acid diethyl ester - GDEE (160 nmol/0.2 mu l) respectively. Alcohol intoxication was produced by 10 daily bolus intraperitonial (IP) injections of alcohol (2.0 g/kg). Peak-blood alcohol levels were determined by gas-chromatography analysis in order to assess blood-alcohol content. Unconditioned and conditioned anxiety-like behavior was assessed by the use of the fear-potentiated startle procedure (FPS). Data collected showed that anxiety and alcohol drinking in HA animals are positively correlated in animals that were made previously familiarized with the anxiolytic effects of alcohol. In addition, anxiety-like behavior induced during alcohol hangover seems to be an effect of changes in glutamatergic neurotransmission into DPAG possibly involving AMPA/kainate and NMDA receptors, among others. (C) 2012 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background Evidences have showed that the incidence of arterial hypertension is greater in postmenopausal women as compared to premenopausal. Physical inactivity has been implicated as a major contributor to weight gain and abdominal obesity in postmenopausal women and the incidence of cardiovascular disease increases dramatically after menopause. Additionally, more women than men die each year of coronary heart disease and are twice as likely as men to die within the first year after a heart attack. A healthy lifestyle has been strongly associated with the regular physical activity and evidences have shown that physically active subjects have more longevity with reduction of morbidity and mortality. Nitric oxide (NO) produced by endothelial cells has been implicated in this beneficial effect with improvement of vascular relaxing and reduction in blood pressure in both laboratory animals and human. Although the effect of exercise training in the human cardiovascular system has been largely studied, the majority of these studies were predominantly conducted in men or young volunteers. Therefore, the aim of this work was to investigate the effects of 6 months of dynamic exercise training (ET) on blood pressure and plasma nitrate/nitrite concentration (NOx-) in hypertensive postmenopausal women. Methods Eleven volunteers were submitted to the ET consisting in 3 days a week, each session of 60 minutes during 6 months at moderate intensity (50% of heart rate reserve). Anthropometric parameters, blood pressure, NOx- concentration were measured at initial time and after ET. Results A significant reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure values was seen after ET which was accompanied by markedly increase of NOx- levels (basal: 10 ± 0.9; ET: 16 ± 2 μM). Total cholesterol was significantly reduced (basal: 220 ± 38 and ET: 178 ± 22 mg/dl), whereas triglycerides levels were not modified after ET (basal: 141 ± 89 and ET: 147 ± 8 mg/dl). Conclusion Our study shows that changing in lifestyle promotes reduction of arterial pressure which was accompanied by increase in nitrite/nitrate concentration. Therefore, 6-months of exercise training are an important approach in management arterial hypertension and play a protective effect in postmenopausal women.


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Prehension in an act of coordinated reaching and grasping. The reaching component is concerned with bringing the hand to object to be grasped (transport phase); the grasping component refers to the shaping of the hand according to the object features (grasping phase) (Jeannerod, 1981). Reaching and grasping involve different muscles, proximal and distal muscles respectively, and are controlled by different parietofrontal circuit (Jeannerod et al., 1995): a medial circuit, involving area of superior parietal lobule and dorsal premotor area 6 (PMd) (dorsomedial visual stream), is mainly concerned with reaching; a lateral circuit, involving the inferior parietal lobule and ventral premotor area 6 (PMv) (dorsolateral visual stream), with grasping. Area V6A is located in the caudalmost part of the superior parietal lobule, so it belongs to the dorsomedial visual stream; it contains neurons sensitive to visual stimuli (Galletti et al. 1993, 1996, 1999) as well as cells sensitive to the direction of gaze (Galletti et al. 1995) and cells showing saccade-related activity (Nakamura et al. 1999; Kutz et al. 2003). Area V6A contains also arm-reaching neurons likely involved in the control of the direction of the arm during movements towards objects in the peripersonal space (Galletti et al. 1997; Fattori et al. 2001). The present results confirm this finding and demonstrate that during the reach-to-grasp the V6A neurons are also modulated by the orientation of the wrist. Experiments were approved by the Bioethical Committee of the University of Bologna and were performed in accordance with National laws on care and use of laboratory animals and with the European Communities Council Directive of 24th November 1986 (86/609/EEC), recently revised by the Council of Europe guidelines (Appendix A of Convention ETS 123). Experiments were performed in two awake Macaca fascicularis. Each monkey was trained to sit in a primate chair with the head restrained to perform reaching and grasping arm movements in complete darkness while gazing a small fixation point. The object to be grasped was a handle that could have different orientation. We recorded neural activity from 163 neurons of the anterior parietal sulcus; 116/163 (71%) neurons were modulated by the reach-to-grasp task during the execution of the forward movements toward the target (epoch MOV), 111/163 (68%) during the pulling of the handle (epoch HOLD) and 102/163 during the execution of backward movements (epoch M2) (t_test, p ≤ 0.05). About the 45% of the tested cells turned out to be sensitive to the orientation of the handle (one way ANOVA, p ≤ 0.05). To study how the distal components of the movement, such as the hand preshaping during the reaching of the handle, could influence the neuronal discharge, we compared the neuronal activity during the reaching movements towards the same spatial location in reach-to-point and reach-to-grasp tasks. Both tasks required proximal arm movements; only the reach-to-grasp task required distal movements to orient the wrist and to shape the hand to grasp the handle. The 56% of V6A cells showed significant differences in the neural discharge (one way ANOVA, p ≤ 0.05) between the reach-to-point and the reach-to-grasp tasks during MOV, 54% during HOLD and 52% during M2. These data show that reaching and grasping are processed by the same population of neurons, providing evidence that the coordination of reaching and grasping takes place much earlier than previously thought, i.e., in the parieto-occipital cortex. The data here reported are in agreement with results of lesions to the medial posterior parietal cortex in both monkeys and humans, and with recent imaging data in humans, all of them indicating a functional coupling in the control of reaching and grasping by the medial parietofrontal circuit.


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The main activation route for the stress response is the hypothalamo-pituitaryadrenal axis (HPA) and the sympatho-adrenomedullary system. The HPA axis is a neuroendocrine feedback loop mediated by an array of tissue specific hormones, receptors and neurotransmitters that regulate glucocorticoid (GC) release. GCs are steroidal hormones produced by the adrenal glands and are key players in a negativefeedback loop controlling HPA activity. They influence the HPA axis through glucocorticoid receptors in the hypothalamus and pituitary and through both glucocorticoid (GR) and mineralcorticoid receptors (MR) that are co-localized in the hippocampus. Repeated or chronic stress exerts a negative influence on these HPA axis regulatory sites and contributes to potentially pathological conditions, especially during early development. For example, chronic stress promotes increased maternal adrenal gland secretion of glucocortiocoid, leading to abnormally high concentrations of GC inthe fetal environment. The timing and maturation of the HPA axis relative to birth is highly species specific and is closely linked to landmarks in fetal development. In rats this development of the HPA axis takes place in utero and continues even shortly after birth. It is likely that the maternal endocrine environment will affect fetal development during this critical time point and may alter the overall set point for the expression ofgenes and their protein products that mediate fetal HPA axis function. Dexamethasone (DEX) is a synthetic glucocorticoid (sGC) and is a consensus treatment in preterm pregnancies used to expedite fetal lung development. However it has been shown that DEX causes long term physiological and behavioral disorders in prenatally-exposed laboratory animals. Previous studies have also shown that it alters the MR: GR receptor ratio in the hippocampus. Taking into consideration corticosteroid regulation of serotonin receptors, especially 5HT1A receptors and their putative interaction with glucocorticoid receptors in the hippocampus, we hypothesized that prenatal DEX exposure would lead to changes in the expression and function of 5HT1A receptors in the hippocampus. We administered DEX to rat dams during the last trimester of gestation and investigated the changes in these receptors in the adult rat offspring. Radioligand receptor binding assays were used to study hippocampal 5HT1A receptor binding affinity and number. Our results demonstrate that hippocampal 5HT1A receptors are increased in the DEX animalscompared with controls by 36%, with no change in binding affinity. The efficiency of ligand-induced receptor signal transduction via G-protein activation was also studied using [35S]GTPγS incorporation assay. Using this technique, we showed that there was no significant difference in the maximum ligand mediated stimulation (Emax) of 5HT1Areceptors between control and dex exposed animals. However, the intracellular signalling efficiency of hippocampal 5HT1A receptors was diminished, since a significant increase in EC50 values was obtained with the dex exposed group showing a value 51% higherEC50 than controls. Taken together these data illustrate a considerable change in the 5HT1A component of the serotonergic system following prenatal DEX exposure.


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Besnoitia besnoiti, an obligate intracellular protozoan parasite belonging to the phylum apicomplexa, is the causative agent of bovine besnoitiosis. Besnoitiosis is responsible for significant losses in the cattle industry of Africa and Mediterranean countries due to the high morbidity rate, abortion and infertility in males. The acute stage of disease is associated with the proliferative forms (tachyzoites) and is characterized by fever, whimpery, general weakness and swelling of the superficial lymph nodes. During the following chronic stage, a huge number of cysts are formed mainly in the subcutaneous tissues. This process is non-reversible, and chronic besnoitiosis is characterized by hyper-sclerodermia, hyperkeratosis, alopecia and, in bulls, atrophy, sclerosis and focal necrosis that cause irreversible lesions in the testis. In this paper we report on the identification of large cysts in the skin of a cow and a bull in Portugal, which presented loss of hair and enlargement and pachydermis all over the body. The observation of a two-layered cyst wall within the host cell, the encapsulation of the host cell by a large outer cyst wall, and the subcutaneous localization of the cysts within the host, were characteristic for B. besnoiti. The parasites were isolated from the infected animals and successfully propagated in Vero cells without prior passages in laboratory animals. Morphological characterization of B. besnoiti tachyzoites and the amplification of the 149 bp segment from the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1), aided with specific primers, confirmed the identification of B. besnoiti.


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The role of colostrum and milk in the neonate has been chiefly recognized as a comprehensive nutrient foodstuff. In addition, the provision of colostrum-the first milk-for early immune capacity has been well documented for several species. Colostrum is additionally a rich and concentrated source of various factors that demonstrate biological activity in vitro. Three hypotheses have been proposed for the phenotypic function of these secreted bioactive components: (1) only mammary disposal, (2) mammary cell regulation, and (3) neonatal function [gastrointestinal tract (GIT) or systemic]. Traditionally, it was assumed that the development of the GIT is preprogrammed and not influenced by events occurring in the intestinal lumen. However, a large volume of research has demonstrated that colostrum (or milk-borne) bioactive components can basically contribute to the regulation of GIT growth and differentiation, while their role in postnatal development at physiological concentrations has remained elusive. Much of our current understanding is derived from cell culture and laboratory animals, but experimentation with agriculturally important species is taking place. This chapter provides an overview of work conducted primarily in neonatal calves and secondarily in other species on the effects on neonates of selected peptide endocrine factors (hormones, growth factors, in part cytokines) in colostrum. The primary focus will be on insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) and IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs) and other bioactive peptides, but new interest and concern about steroids (especially estrogens) in milk are considered as well.


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OBJECTIVE: Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist uses the electrical activity of the diaphragm (EAdi)-a pneumatically-independent signal-to control the timing and pressure of the ventilation delivered, and should not be affected by leaks. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether NAVA can deliver assist in synchrony and proportionally to EAdi after extubation, with a leaky non-invasive interface. DESIGN AND SETTING: Prospective, controlled experimental study in an animal laboratory. ANIMALS: Ten rabbits, anesthetized, mechanically ventilated. INTERVENTIONS: Following lung injury, the following was performed in sequential order: (1) NAVA delivered via oral endotracheal tube with PEEP; (2) same as (1) without PEEP; (3) non-invasive NAVA at unchanged NAVA level and no PEEP via a single nasal prong; (4) no assist; (5) non-invasive NAVA at progressively increasing NAVA levels. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: EAdi, esophageal pressure, blood gases and hemodynamics were measured during each condition. For the same NAVA level, the mean delivered pressure above PEEP increased from 3.9[Symbol: see text]+/-[Symbol: see text]1.4[Symbol: see text]cmH(2)O (intubated) to 7.5[Symbol: see text]+/-[Symbol: see text]3.8[Symbol: see text]cmH(2)O (non-invasive) (p[Symbol: see text]<[Symbol: see text]0.05) because of increased EAdi. No changes were observed in PaO(2) and PaCO(2). Increasing the NAVA level fourfold during non-invasive NAVA restored EAdi and esophageal pressure swings to pre-extubation levels. Triggering (106[Symbol: see text]+/-[Symbol: see text]20[Symbol: see text]ms) and cycling-off delays (40[Symbol: see text]+/-[Symbol: see text]21[Symbol: see text]ms) during intubation were minimal and not worsened by the leak (95[Symbol: see text]+/-[Symbol: see text]13[Symbol: see text]ms and 33[Symbol: see text]+/-[Symbol: see text]9[Symbol: see text]ms, respectively). CONCLUSION: NAVA can be effective in delivering non-invasive ventilation even when the interface with the patient is excessively leaky, and can unload the respiratory muscles while maintaining synchrony with the subject's demand.