970 resultados para LPS-stimulated cells
We have previously reported (Dobreva, I., Waeber, G., Mooser, V., James, R. W., and Widmann, C. (2003) J. Lipid Res. 44, 2382-2390) that low density lipoproteins (LDLs) induce activation of the p38 MAPK pathway, resulting in fibroblast spreading and lamellipodia formation. Here, we show that LDL-stimulated fibroblast spreading and wound sealing are due to secretion of a soluble factor. Using an antibody-based human protein array, interleukin-8 (IL-8) was identified as the main cytokine whose concentration was increased in supernatants from LDL-stimulated cells. Incubation of supernatants from LDL-treated cells with an anti-IL-8 blocking antibody completely abolished their ability to induce cell spreading and mediate wound closure. In addition, fibroblasts treated with recombinant IL-8 spread to the same extent as cells incubated with LDL or supernatants from LDL-treated cells. The ability of LDL and IL-8 to induce fibroblast spreading was mediated by the IL-8 receptor type II (CXCR-2). Furthermore, LDL-induced IL-8 production and subsequent wound closure required the activation of the p38 MAPK pathway, because both processes were abrogated by a specific p38 inhibitor. Therefore, the capacity of LDLs to induce fibroblast spreading and accelerate wound closure relies on their ability to stimulate IL-8 secretion in a p38 MAPK-dependent manner. Regulation of fibroblast shape and migration by lipoproteins may be relevant to atherosclerosis that is characterized by increased LDL cholesterol levels, IL-8 production, and extensive remodeling of the vessel wall.
Background: Growth Arrest-Specific Gene 6 product (Gas6) is, like anticoagulant protein C, a vitamin K-dependent protein. Our aim was to determine whether Gas6 plays a role in sepsis. Materials and methods: We submitted mice lacking Gas6 (Gas6)/)) or one of its receptors (Axl)/), Tyro3)/) or Mertk)/)) to LPS-induced endotoxemia and peritonitis (cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) and inoculation of E. coli). In addition, we measured Gas6 or its soluble receptors in plasma of eight volunteers that received LPS, 13 healthy subjects, 28 patients with severe sepsis, and 18 patients with non-infectious inflammatory diseases. Results: Gas6 and its soluble receptor sAxl raised in mice models and TNF-a was more elevated in Gas6)/) mice than in wild-type (WT). Protein array showed that before and after LPS injection, titers of 62 cytokines were more elevated in plasma of Gas6)/) than WT mice. Endotoxemia-induced mortality was higher in Gas6)/), Axl)/), Tyro3)/) and Mertk)/) compared to WT mice and mortality subsequent to CLP was amplified in Gas6)/) mice. LPS-stimulated Gas6)/) macrophages produced more cytokines than WT macrophages. This production was dampened by recombinant Gas6. Phosphorylation of Akt in Gas6)/) macrophages was reduced, but p38 phosphorylation and NF-jB translocation were increased. In human, Gas6 raised in plasma after LPS (2 ng/kg). Gas6 and sAxl were higher in patients with severe sepsis than in healthy subjects or control patients, and there was a non-significant trend for higher Gas6 in the survival group. Conclusions: Our data point to Gas6 as a major modulator of innate immunity and provide thereby novel insights into the mechanism of sepsis. Thus Gas6 and its receptors might constitute potential therapeutic targets for the development of new immunomodulating drugs.
Interleukins (IL)-1 and IL-2 control IL-2 receptor alpha and beta expression in immature thymocytes.
Functional high-affinity interleukin-2 receptors (IL-2R) contain three transmembrane proteins, IL-2R alpha, beta and gamma. We have investigated the expression of IL-2R alpha and beta genes in immature mouse thymocytes. Previous work has shown that during differentiation these cells transiently express IL-2R alpha on their surface. Stimulation of IL-2R alpha+ and IL-2R alpha- immature thymocytes with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate and calcium ionophore induces synthesis of IL-2R alpha and IL-2R beta mRNA. Most of this response depends on autocrine stimulation by IL-2. IL-1 synergizes with IL-2 to induce a 120-fold increase in IL-2R alpha mRNA and a 14-fold increase in IL-2R beta mRNA levels. A large proportion of the stimulated cells contains both transcripts. These interleukins do not induce any differentiation to more mature phenotypes. Collectively, these results show that IL-2 plays a major role in the regulation of IL-2R expression in normal immature thymocyte. We suggest that this response to interleukins may be part of a homeostatic mechanism to increase the production of immature thymocytes during stress.
Leishmaniasis is widely spread disease found in bath tropical and temperate regions but limited to the habitat of its sand fly vector. lt affects over 12 million people with 2 million new cases each year. As cutaneous leishmaniasis patients show varying levels of immunity to the disease after recovery, the development of a vaccine has much promise as a prevention strategy. Unfortunately however, existing anti-leishmanial vaccines are plagued by safety issues and have only ever shown limited efficacy .So, despite much effort, no effective vaccine is currently available. Recent studies suggest a correlation between the presence of Leishmania RNA virus (LRV) and the development of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL), which is characterised by the presence of secondary lesions in nasal and buccal mucosa, causing destructive and disfiguring facial lesions. Moreover, recent research has associated the viral presence to treatment fa ilure in patients. ln the first part of this work, we propose that these viral particles may serve as promising vaccine candidates due to their powerful TLR-3 antigenicity, launching an early cell-mediated attack on stimulated cells and thus eliminating their virulent complications. The second part of this work discusses a preliminary study on the lymphocyte immune response against Leishmania guyanensis infection. The lymphocyte response (and in particular, the raie of CDS+ T cells) is controversial and varies greatly between Leishmania species. Here, we illustrate the importance of a small CDS+ T cell subpopulation, expressing the CDSaa+ receptor. These intraepithelial lymphocytes are mainly present in the skin, vagina and intestinal tissue and are best known for their raie in the early immune response against pathogens. Similarly to traditional CDS+ cells, they secrete the tissue-destructive enzymes, perforin and granzyme, which can result in a hyper-inflammatory cutaneous lesion, raising a possibility for their raie in Leishmania infection. lndeed, our initial results in a murine mode( of Leishmania guyanensis infection suggest a pathogenic raie for CDSaa+ T cells. Further research into species-specific immune responses against the various Leishmania parasites is critical to realising the clinical potential of immunotherapy in the treatment and prevention of this disfiguring disease . -- La Leishmaniose est une maladie infectieuse causée par le parasite Leishmania. Elle est localisée dans les régions où son vecteur se reproduit, c'est-à-dire dans des régions tropicales ou tempérées. Cette pathologie affecte 12 millions des personnes dans le monde et 2 millions de nouveaux cas sont recensés chaque année. D'autres facteurs, tels la déforestation, les conditions d'hygiène ou encore l'accès limité aux médicaments, aggravent la pathologie et renforcent sa propagation. Les patients affectés par la leishmaniose et qui arrivent à en guérir, présentent une protection contre une réinfection. Pour cette raison, le développement d'un vaccin reste la meilleure solution pour combattre ce fléau. Mais, à ce jour, et malgré beaucoup d'efforts, aucun vaccin efficace n'a encore été développé. Un autre facteur responsable de l'aggravation de la pathologie et de la résistance de ces parasites aux drogues est un virus qui peut infecter certaines souches de Leishmania. Ce virus, appelé Leishmania RNA virus, peut induire une réponse inflammatoire exagérée, ce qui a comme résultat l'aggravation de la pathologie, la survie et la dissémination de ce parasite au sein de l'hôte infecté. Vu l'absence d'un vaccin contre ce parasite, Leishmania, nous proposons de développer un vaccin non pas contre le parasite lui- même mais contre l'agent qui provoque l'exacerbation de la pathologie, c'est-à-dire le virus. Dans cette étude, nous décrivons le développement d'un vaccin contre LRV, qui empêche le parasite d'induire des inflammations exagérées dans les souris. En d'autres mots, nous essayons de prévenir toutes les complications générées par cet hyperpathogène qu'est le LRV, en utilisant sa capside comme cible pour le développement d'un vaccin. Dans la deuxième partie de ce manuscrit, nous avons aussi étudié plus en détail la réponse immunitaire, et en particulier la réponse des lymphocytes T COB suite à l'infection du parasite Leishmania guyanensis porteur du LRV.
Patients with American cutaneous leishmaniasis were studied before therapy (active lesion) and at the end of therapy (cured patients). Assays of lymphocyte proliferative responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells induced in vitro by Leishmania braziliensis promastigote antigens (Lb) were performed. Antigen-stimulated cells were harvested for CD4 and CD8 phenotype analysis and the levels of gamma interferon (IFN-g) and interleukin 4 (IL-4) produced were also determined in the culture supernatants. Two different patterns of Lb-induced T cell responses were observed: a) predominance of responding CD4+ cells and mixed type 1 and type 2 cytokine production (IFN-g and IL-4) during the active disease, and b) similar proportions of responding CD4+ and CD8+ cells, and type 1 cytokine production (presence of IFN-g and very low IL-4) at the end of therapy (healed lesions). This last pattern is probably associated with a beneficial T cell response
Two different levels of control for bone marrow hematopoiesis are believed to exist. On the one hand, normal blood cell distribution is believed to be maintained in healthy subjects by an "innate" hematopoietic activity, i.e., a basal intrinsic bone marrow activity. On the other hand, an "adaptive" hematopoietic state develops in response to stress-induced stimulation. This adaptive hematopoiesis targets specific lineage amplification depending on the nature of the stimuli. Unexpectedly, recent data have shown that what we call "normal hematopoiesis" is a stress-induced state maintained by activated bone marrow CD4+ T cells. This T cell population includes a large number of recently stimulated cells in normal mice whose priming requires the presence of the cognate antigens. In the absence of CD4+ T cells or their cognate antigens, hematopoiesis is maintained at low levels. In this review, we summarize current knowledge on T cell biology, which could explain how CD4+ T cells can help hematopoiesis, how they are primed in mice that were not intentionally immunized, and what maintains them activated in the bone marrow.
To determine the effects of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in phosphatidylcholine (PC) on macrophage activity, peritoneal lavage cells were cultured in the presence of phosphatidylcholine rich in saturated or unsaturated fatty acids (sat PC and unsat PC, respectively), both used at concentrations of 32 and 64 µM. The treatment of peritoneal macrophages with 64 µM unsat PC increased the production of hydrogen peroxide by 48.3% compared to control (148.3 ± 16.3 vs 100.0 ± 1.8%, N = 15), and both doses of unsat PC increased adhesion capacity by nearly 50%. Moreover, 64 µM unsat PC decreased neutral red uptake by lysosomes by 32.5% compared to the untreated group (67.5 ± 6.8 vs 100.0 ± 5.5%, N = 15), while both 32 and 64 µM unsat PC decreased the production of lipopolysaccharide-elicited nitric oxide by 30.4% (13.5 ± 2.6 vs 19.4 ± 2.5 µM) and 46.4% (10.4 ± 3.1 vs 19.4 ± 2.5 µM), respectively. Unsat PC did not affect anion production in non-stimulated cells or phagocytosis of unopsonized zymosan particles. A different result pattern was obtained for macrophages treated with sat PC. Phorbol 12-miristate 13-acetate-elicited superoxide production and neutral red uptake were decreased by nearly 25% by 32 and 64 µM sat PC, respectively. Sat PC did not affect nitric oxide or hydrogen peroxide production, adhesion capacity or zymosan phagocytosis. Thus, PC modifies macrophage activity, but this effect depends on cell activation state, fatty acid saturation and esterification to PC molecule and PC concentration. Taken together, these results indicate that the fatty acid moiety of PC modulates macrophage activity and, consequently, is likely to affect immune system regulation in vivo.
Neutrophils play an important role in periodontitis by producing nitric oxide (NO) and antimicrobial peptides, molecules with microbicidal activity via oxygen-dependent and -independent mechanisms, respectively. It is unknown whether variation in the production of antimicrobial peptides such as LL-37, human neutrophil peptides (HNP) 1-3, and NO by neutrophils influences the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases. We compared the production of these peptides and NO by lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated neutrophils isolated from healthy subjects and from patients with periodontitis. Peripheral blood neutrophils were cultured with or without Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans-LPS (Aa-LPS), Porphyromonas gingivalis-LPS (Pg-LPS) and Escherichia coli-LPS (Ec-LPS). qRT-PCR was used to determine quantities of HNP 1-3 and LL-37 mRNA in neutrophils. Amounts of HNP 1-3 and LL-37 proteins in the cell culture supernatants were also determined by ELISA. In addition, NO levels in neutrophil culture supernatants were quantitated by the Griess reaction. Neutrophils from periodontitis patients cultured with Aa-LPS, Pg-LPS and Ec-LPS expressed higher HNP 1-3 mRNA than neutrophils from healthy subjects. LL-37 mRNA expression was higher in neutrophils from patients stimulated with Aa-LPS. Neutrophils from periodontitis patients produced significantly higher LL-37 protein levels than neutrophils from healthy subjects when stimulated with Pg-LPS and Ec-LPS, but no difference was observed in HNP 1-3 production. Neutrophils from periodontitis patients cultured or not with Pg-LPS and Ec-LPS produced significantly lower NO levels than neutrophils from healthy subjects. The significant differences in the production of LL-37 and NO between neutrophils from healthy and periodontitis subjects indicate that production of these molecules might influence individual susceptibility to important periodontal pathogens.
La réaction du greffon contre l’hôte (GvH) est responsable d’un grand taux de morbidité et de mortalité chez les patients recevant des greffes de cellules souches (GCSH) allogéniques. Dans ce contexte, les cellules T régulatrices sont largement étudiées et semblent avoir un grand potentiel d’utilisation dans le domaine de la thérapie cellulaire de la GvH. Parmi les populations cellulaires T régulatrices, les lymphocytes T CD4-CD8- TCRαβ+ « Doubles-Négatifs » (DN), qui ne représentent que 1-3% des lymphocytes T, ont été décrits. Ces cellules ont des propriétés inhibitrices de la réponse immunitaire qui s’avèrent spécifiques aux antigènes auxquels elles ont préalablement été exposées. La répression de la réponse immunitaire par les cellules T DN régulatrices semble être un mécanisme important impliqué dans l’induction de la tolérance aux allo-antigènes. De plus, ces cellules confèrent une tolérance immunitaire dans des modèles de greffes allogéniques et xénogéniques. En effet, ces cellules ont la capacité d’inhiber la réaction contre un allo-antigène auquel elles ont été exposées, sans inhiber la réaction contre un allo-antigène inconnu. Les cellules T DN ont été isolées et caractérisées chez l’homme où elles ont la capacité d’interagir avec des cellules présentatrices d’antigènes (APCs) par un contact cellulaire, comme chez la souris. Cependant, leur capacité immunomodulatrice reste inconnue chez l’humain. Notre objectif consistait donc principalement à étudier le rôle et le mécanisme d’action des cellules T DN régulatrices humaines in vitro, en étudiant leur capacité à inhiber une réaction lymphocytaire mixte (MLR). Nous avons montré que les cellules T DN stimulées par un allo-antigène donné inhibent des cellules syngéniques effectrices dirigées contre ce même alloantigène mais n’inhibent pas des cellules syngéniques effectrices dirigées contre un autre alloantigène, démontrant ainsi la spécificité aux antigènes de ces cellules. De plus, les T DN non stimulées par un allo-antigène n’ont pas de rôle inhibiteur. Cependant, durant cette inhibition, nous n’observons pas de modulation de l’expression des marqueurs d’activation et d’induction de l’apoptose. Afin d’étudier le mécanisme d’action des cellules T DN, nous avons mesuré l’expression intracellulaire de la granzyme B. Les résultats démontrent que les cellules T DN stimulées expriment un niveau significativement plus élevé de granzyme B que les cellules T DN non-stimulées par l’allo-antigène. Ceci suggère que l’immunosuppression induite par les cellules T DN stimulées pourrait passer par la voie granzyme B. Le mécanisme utilisé par ces cellules reste à être confirmé par nos futures expériences.
Le système ubiquitine-protéasome est le principal mécanisme par lequel les protéines intracellulaires sont dégradées. Le protéasome dit constitutif (PC) est donc essentiel à l’homéostasie mais aussi à la régulation de la majorité des processus cellulaires importants. La découverte d’un deuxième type de protéasome, appelé immunoprotéasome (IP), soulève toutefois de nouvelles questions. Pourquoi existe-t-il plus d’un type de protéasome ? L’IP a-t-il des rôles redondants ou complémentaires avec le PC ? L’IP étant présent principalement dans les cellules immunitaires ou stimulées par des cytokines, plusieurs groupes ont tenté de définir son rôle dans la réponse immunitaire. Or, l’implication de son homologue constitutif dans un éventail de processus non spécifiquement immunitaires nous laisse croire que l’IP pourrait lui aussi avoir un impact beaucoup plus large. L’objectif de cette thèse était donc de caractériser certains rôles cellulaires de l’IP dans les cellules dendritiques. Nous avons d’abord étudié l’impact global de l’IP sur la présentation antigénique de classe I. Ce faisant, nous avons pu déterminer ses deux contributions principales, soit l’augmentation drastique du nombre et de la diversité des peptides présentés sur les complexes majeurs d’histocompatibilité de classe I. Les différences de clivage entre le PC et l’IP pourraient expliquer en partie cette diversité du répertoire peptidique, notamment par l’affinité apparente de l’IP pour les régions protéiques non structurées. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons dévoilé un nouveau rôle de l’IP sur un processus dépassant le cadre immunitaire : la transcription. Nous avons découvert que l’IP modifie l’abondance des ARNm en agissant principalement au niveau de leur synthèse. L’impact de l’IP sur le transcriptome est majeur et serait dû en partie à une dégradation différente de facteurs de transcription des familles IRF, STAT et NF-kB. Les cellules dendritiques IP-déficientes activent moins efficacement les lymphocytes T CD8+ et nous croyons que cette défaillance est causée (du moins en partie) par la perturbation transcriptomique provoquée par l’absence d’IP. Il importe donc de comprendre les différents rôles moléculaires de l’IP afin de mieux définir sa contribution globale au fonctionnement de la cellule et comprendre l’avantage évolutif, au niveau de l’organisme, procuré par une telle plasticité du système ubiquitine-protéasome.
Background: Activation of the platelet integrin alpha(2)beta(1) is closely regulated due to the high thrombogenicity of its ligand. As a beta(1) interacting kinase, ILK represents a candidate intracellular regulator of alpha(2)beta(1) in human platelets. Objectives We investigated the regulation of ILK in human platelets and the role of ILK in regulating alpha(2)beta(1) activation in HEL cells, a megakaryocytic cell line. Methods: An in-vitro kinase assay was used to determine the effect of platelet agonists on ILK kinase activity together with the contribution of PI3K and PKC on ILK activation. Interaction of ILK with beta(1)-integrin subunits was investigated by coimmunoprecipitation and the role of ILK in regulating alpha(2)beta(1) function assessed by overexpression studies in HEL cells. Results: We report that collagen and thrombin modulate ILK kinase activity in human platelets in an aggregation-independent manner. Furthermore, ILK activity is dually regulated by PI3K and PKC in thrombin-stimulated platelets and regulated by PI3K in collagen-stimulated cells. ILK associates with the beta(1)-integrin subunits immunoprecipitated from platelet cell lysates, an association which increased upon collagen stimulation. Overexpression of ILK in HEL cells enhanced alpha(2)beta(1)-mediated adhesion whereas overexpression of kinase-dead ILK reduced adhesion, indicating a role for this kinase in the positive regulation of alpha(2)beta(1). Conclusions: Our findings that ILK regulates alpha(2)beta(1) in HEL cells, is activated in platelets and associates with beta(1)-integrins, raise the possibility that it may play a key role in adhesion events upon agonist stimulation of platelets.
Growth of the post- natal mammalian heart occurs primarily by cardiac myocyte hypertrophy. Previously, we and others have shown that a partial re- activation of the cell cycle machinery occurs in myocytes undergoing hypertrophy such that cells progress through the G(1)/ S transition. In this study, we have examined the regulation of the E2F family of transcription factors that are crucial for the G(1)/ S phase transition during normal cardiac development and the development of myocyte hypertrophy in the rat. Thus, mRNA and protein levels of E2F- 1, 3, and 4 and DP- 1 and DP- 2 were down- regulated during development to undetectable levels in adult myocytes. Interestingly, E2F- 5 protein levels were substantially up- regulated during development. In contrast, an induction of E2F- 1, 3, and 4 and the DP- 1 protein was observed during the development of myocyte hypertrophy in neonatal myocytes treated with serum or phenylephrine, whereas the protein levels of E2F- 5 were decreased with serum stimulation. E2F activity, as measured by a cyclin E promoter luciferase assay and E2F- DNA binding activity, increased significantly during the development of hypertrophy with serum and phenylephrine compared with non- stimulated cells. Inhibiting E2F activity with a specific peptide that blocks E2F- DP heterodimerization prevented the induction of hypertrophic markers ( atrial natriuretic factor and brain natriuretic peptide) in response to serum and phenylephrine, reduced the increase in myocyte size, and inhibited protein synthesis in stimulated cells. Thus, we have shown that the inhibition of E2F function prevents the development of hypertrophy. Targeting E2F function might be a useful approach for treating diseases that cause pathophysiological hypertrophic growth.
Homologous desensitization of beta(2)-adrenergic receptors has been shown to be mediated by phosphorylation of the agonist-stimulated receptor by G-protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) followed by binding of beta-arrestins to the phosphorylated receptor. Binding of beta-arrestin to the receptor is a prerequisite for subsequent receptor desensitization, internalization via clathrin-coated pits, and the initiation of alternative signaling pathways. In this study we have investigated the interactions between receptors and beta-arrestin2 in living cells using fluorescence resonance energy transfer. We show that (a) the initial kinetics of beta-arrestin2 binding to the receptor is limited by the kinetics of GRK2-mediated receptor phosphorylation; (b) repeated stimulation leads to the accumulation of GRK2-phosphorylated receptor, which can bind beta-arrestin2 very rapidly; and (c) the interaction of beta-arrestin2 with the receptor depends on the activation of the receptor by agonist because agonist withdrawal leads to swift dissociation of the receptor-beta-arrestin2 complex. This fast agonist-controlled association and dissociation of beta-arrestins from prephosphorylated receptors should permit rapid control of receptor sensitivity in repeatedly stimulated cells such as neurons.
Glutathione-S-transferase (GST)-Grb2 fusion proteins have been used to identify the potential role of Grb2-binding proteins in platelet activation by the platelet low-affinity IgG receptor, Fc gamma RIIA. Two tyrosine phosphoproteins of 38 and 63 kD bind to the SH2 domain of Grb2 following Fc gamma RIIA stimulation of platelets. Both are located in the particulate fraction following platelet activation and are also able to bind to a GST-construct containing the SH2 and SH3 domains of phospholipase C gamma 1. p38 also forms a complex with the tyrosine kinase csk in stimulated cells and is a substrate for the kinase. The SH3 domains of Grb2 form a stable complex with SOS1 and two proteins of 75 kD and 120 kD, which undergo tyrosine phosphorylation in Fc gamma RIIA stimulated cells. The 75-kD protein is recognized by antibodies to SLP-76, which has recently been isolated from T cells and sequenced. Tyrosine phosphorylation of p38 and p63 is also observed in platelets stimulated by the tyrosine kinase-linked receptor agonist collagen and by the G protein-coupled receptor agonist thrombin, although phosphorylation of SLP-76 is only observed in collagen-stimulated platelets. p38 and p63 may provide a docking site for Grb2, thereby linking Grb2 SH3-binding proteins SOS1, SLP-76, and p120 to downstream signalling events.
Apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype is believed to play an important role in cardiovascular risk. APOE4 carriers have been associated with higher blood lipid levels and a more pro-inflammatory state compared with APOE3/E3 individuals. Although dietary fat composition has been considered to modulate the inflammatory state in humans, very little is known about how APOE genotype can impact on this response. In a follow-up to the main SATgene study, we aimed to explore the effects of APOE genotype, as well as, dietary fat manipulation on ex vivo cytokine production. Blood samples were collected from a subset of SATgene participants (n = 52/88), prospectively recruited according to APOE genotype (n = 26 E3/E3 and n = 26 E3/E4) after low-fat (LF), high saturated fat (HSF) and HSF with 3.45 g docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) dietary periods (each diet eight weeks in duration assigned in the same order) for the measurement of ex vivo cytokine production using whole blood culture (WBC). Concentrations of IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 and TNF-alpha were measured in WBC supernatant samples after stimulation for 24 h with either 0.05 or 1 lg/ml of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Cytokine levels were not influenced by genotype, whereas, dietary fat manipulation had a significant impact on TNF-a and IL-10 production; TNF-a concentration was higher after consumption of the HSF diet compared with baseline and the LF diet (P < 0.05), whereas, IL-10 concentration was higher after the LF diet compared with baseline (P < 0.05). In conclusion, our study has revealed the amount and type of dietary fat can significantly modulate the production of TNF-a and IL-10 by ex vivo LPS-stimulated WBC samples obtained from normolipidaemic subjects.