969 resultados para LEY 9 DE 1989
The present review identifies various constraints relating to poor adoption of ley-pastures in south-west Queensland, and suggests changes in research, development and extension efforts for improved adoption. The constraints include biophysical, economic and social constraints. In terms of biophysical constraints, first, shallower soil profiles with subsoil constraints (salt and sodicity), unpredictable rainfall, drier conditions with higher soil temperature and evaporative demand in summer, and frost and subzero temperature in winter, frequently result in a failure of established, or establishing, pastures. Second, there are limited options for legumes in a ley-pasture, with the legumes currently being mostly winter-active legumes such as lucerne and medics. Winter-active legumes are ineffective in improving soil conditions in a region with summer-dominant rainfall. Third, most grain growers are reluctant to include grasses in their ley-pasture mix, which can be uneconomical for various reasons, including nitrogen immobilisation, carryover of cereal diseases and depressed yields of the following cereal crops. Fourth, a severe depletion of soil water following perennial ley-pastures (grass + legumes or lucerne) can reduce the yields of subsequent crops for several seasons, and the practice of longer fallows to increase soil water storage may be uneconomical and damaging to the environment. Economic assessments of integrating medium- to long-term ley-pastures into cropping regions are generally less attractive because of reduced capital flow, increased capital investment, economic loss associated with establishment and termination phases of ley-pastures, and lost opportunities for cropping in a favourable season. Income from livestock on ley-pastures and soil productivity gains to subsequent crops in rotation may not be comparable to cropping when grain prices are high. However, the economic benefits of ley-pastures may be underestimated, because of unaccounted environmental benefits such as enhanced water use, and reduced soil erosion from summer-dominant rainfall, and therefore, this requires further investigation. In terms of social constraints, the risk of poor and unreliable establishment and persistence, uncertainties in economic and environmental benefits, the complicated process of changing from crop to ley-pastures and vice versa, and the additional labour and management requirements of livestock, present growers socially unattractive and complex decision-making processes for considering adoption of an existing medium- to long-term ley-pasture technology. It is essential that research, development and extension efforts should consider that new ley-pasture options, such as incorporation of a short-term summer forage legume, need to be less risky in establishment, productive in a region with prevailing biophysical constraints, economically viable, less complex and highly flexible in the change-over processes, and socially attractive to growers for adoption in south-west Queensland.
The prevalence and the causes of childhood visual impairment in Finland during the 1970s and the 1980s were investigated, with special attention to risk factors and further prevention of visual impairment in children. The primary data on children with visual impairment were obtained from the Finnish Register of Visual Impairment, one of the patient registers kept up by the National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (Stakes). The data were supplemented from other registers in Stakes and from patient records of the children in Finnish central hospitals. Visual impairment had been registered in 556 children from a population of 1,138,326 children between ages 0-17, born from 1972 through 1989. The age-specific prevalence of registered visual impairment was 49/100,000 in total. Of them, 23/100,000 were blind children and 11/100,000 were children born prematurely. Boys were impaired more often and more severely than girls. Congenital malformations (52%), systemic diseases (48%), and multiple impairments (50%) were common. The main ophthalmic groups of visual impairment were retinal diseases (35%), ocular malformations (29%), and neuro-ophthalmological disorders (29%). Optic nerve atrophy was the most common diagnosis of visual impairment (22%), followed by congenital cataract (11%), retinopathy of prematurity (10%), and cerebral visual impairment (8%). Genetic factors (42%) were the most common etiologies of visual impairment, followed by prenatal (30%) and perinatal (21%) factors. The highest rates of blindness were seen in cerebral visual impairment (83%) and retinopathy of prematurity (82%). Retinopathy of prematurity had developed in the children born at a gestational age of 32 weeks or earlier. Significant risks for visual impairment were found in the association with preterm births, prenatal infections, birth asphyxia, neonatal respiratory difficulties, mechanical ventilation lasting over two weeks, and hyperbilirubinemia. A rise in blind and multi-impaired children was seen during the study period, associating with increases in the survival of preterm infants with extremely low birth weight. The incidence of visual impairment in children born prematurely was seven times higher than in children born at full term. A reliable profile of childhood visual impairment was obtained. The importance of highly qualified antenatal, neonatal, and ophthalmological care was clearly proved. The risks associated with pre- and perinatal disorders during pregnancy must be emphasized, e.g. the risks associated with maternal infections and the use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs during pregnancy. Obvious needs for gene therapies and other new treatments for hereditary diseases were also proved.
Contenido: Editorial – Algunas cuestiones sobre el derecho subjetivo / Héctor H. Hernández – Derecho Natural y Ley Natural / Daniel Alejandro Herrera – La historia del derecho romano en Digesto 1, 2, 2 / Alfredo Grieco y Bavio – Matrimonio y divorcio en la Roma primitiva / Rodolfo Jorge De Lorenzi – De la naturaleza del edicto del pretor / Edmundo J. Carbone – La seducción publicitaria subliminal, nuevo vicio del consentimiento contractual / Luis Carlos Consiglieri – Contratos de renta : la renta vitalicia frente a la jubilación privada / Juan Abel Díaz – Instituto de filosofía del derecho y derecho natural, Rosario (memoria de cinco años de actividad) – Ciencias políticas: Las disciplinas políticas / José María Medrano – Condiciones para la persistencia del sistema democrático / Francisco Arias Pelerano – Reflexiones sobre geopolítica y soberanía territorial / Jorge A. Fraga – El V Centenario del descubrimiento de América y los primeros nacionalistas / Elena Piñeiro de Salaverry – Documentos -- Recensiones
Con la finalidad de estudiar en el cultivo de sorgo (Sorghun bicolor L Moench), el tamaño óptimo de la parcela experimental considerando su costos y la mejor relación entre el tamaño de la misma, su forma y el número de repeticiones de acurdo al grado de precisión deseado, se estableció un ensayo de uniformidad en la finca El plantel del ISCA. El experimento se desarrolló entre el 20 de agosto al 23 de diciembre de 1988. Se estableció la variedad de “T-E Dinero se utilizó un tamaño de unidad básica de 2.25m2 teniendo un total de 512 unidades básicas. Para estimar el tamaño óptimo de la parcela experimental se usó el método descriptivo por Hatheway y Willams (1958) y la ley de costo descriptiva por Smith (1938), resultando un tamaño óptimo de parcela de 9.11m2 con un coeficiente de heterogeneidad de suelo de 0.41 y constantes de costos de k1-215790 y k2-0.37368 , $ u.s. Dólar por unidad básica, respectivamente. En la determinación del Número de repeticiones tomando en cuenta el tamaño de la parcela y el grado de precisión deseado, se utilizó la metodología establecida por Hatheway (1961). Se obtuvieron diferentes relaciones según el grado de significación (1y 5%) y del grado de libertas de error igual 15. Para determinar la mejor relación del tamaño y forma de la parcela experimental, se usó el método de la máxima curvatura descrito por De la loma J.L.(1966). Nuestros resultados indican que la forma no contribuye determinantemente a aumentar la precisión de los datos obtenidos.
[ES]La Ley del suelo del País Vasco del 2007 nace con el objeto de favorecer el acceso a una vivienda digna. Sin embargo, en la medida en que apuesta por frenar la especulación y la sostenibilidad del medio legisla sobre el tratamiento que se le ha de aportar al suelo no urbanizable. En este caso, no altera sustancialmente la regulación del suelo rural pero sí incorpora nuevas obligaciones dirigidas a frenar la intensidad de la urbanización en este suelo. Se regula la construcción de nueva vivienda, el desarrollo urbanístico de núcleos y barrios rurales y se obliga a profundizar en la calificación del suelo no urbanizable. La aplicación de los nuevos contenidos quedan en manos de los municipios e instituciones sectoriales y los primeros resultados parecen denotar un cambio de tendencia en municipios que han observado la pérdida de calidad paisajística del medio rural, la creciente especulación y la desagrarización de este entorno.
This report presents five batches of data which have been despatched to the Joint Research Centre, Ispra. The data as been allocated to various ECDIN (Environmental Chemicals Data and Information Network) files. The data comprises environmental chemicals in the freshwater environment, taking in paricular consideration: aquatic toxicity, bioaccumulation, metabolism and elimination biodegradation.
En los últimos años han aparecido nuevas formas de turismo más sostenibles, donde existen elementos relacionados con el descanso, el disfrute y la protección del medio ambiente o el conocimiento de la cultura local, a través de políticas que favorecen la sostenibilidad del destino. En este sentido, el ecoturismo se configura como una tipología turística que se desarrolla en contacto con la naturaleza. Este turismo ayuda a mejorar el desarrollo socioeconómico de las comunidades locales, a la vez, que fomenta la conservación de los recursos naturales y el respeto hacia el medio ambiente. Aunque, esta tipología de turismo también genera importantes impactos negativos. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es analizar los impactos socioeconómicos, culturales y medioambientales percibidos por el ecoturismo por parte de los residentes de comunidades rurales de República Dominicana. La técnica de recolección de datos utilizada ha consistido en un cuestionario. Entre las principales conclusiones, cabe destacar que actualmente no se perciben impactos negativos, pero si hay una serie de elementos que hay que ir considerando, con la finalidad de que no se conviertan en un impacto a corto plazo para la comunidad rural.
La Contratación Pública constituye una fuente muy importante de la demanda de bienes y servicios, especialmente en la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco en donde el Gobierno Autonómico, también llamado la Administración General Vasca, desarrolla un papel capital como impulsor de dicha contratación pública. Por otro lado, la Economía Social, y especialmente el movimiento cooperativo, tiene en ese mismo ámbito geográfico un papel de gran peso en el conjunto de la Economía Vasca, por sus cifras de empleo y aportación al PIB, así como por tradición y arraigo social. Cabe preguntarse en tal caso, cuál es el papel que desempeñan las cooperativas en la Contratación Pública en aquella Comunidad Autónoma, cómo y cuáles son los contratos de los que resultan adjudicatarias, qué importes suponen esos contratos para las cuentas públicas y, en definitiva, si su papel de adjudicatarias se corresponde con el que desempeñan en el conjunto de la Economía Vasca. Del examen de los contratos publicados en el Perfil del Contratante del Gobierno Vasco, se obtienen datos suficientes que, una vez procesados y analizados, se visualizan en tablas y porcentajes que constituyen la base de un diagnóstico que responde a las preguntas planteadas y evidencia la situación de debilidad de las cooperativas en el campo de la contratación pública vasca.
Transparency in nonprofit sector and foundations, as an element to enhance the confidence of stakeholders in the organization, is a fact shown by several studies in recent decades. Transparency can be considered in various fields and through different channels. In our study we focused on the analysis of the organizational and economic transparency of foundations, shown through the voluntary information on their Website. We review the theoretical previous studies published to put to the foundations within the framework of the social economy. This theoretical framework has focused on accountability that make foundations in relation to its social function and its management, especially since the most recent focus of information transparency across the Website.In this theoretical framework was made an index to quantify the voluntary information which is shown on its website. This index has been developed ad hoc for this study and applied to a group of large corporate foundations.With the application of these data are obtained two kind of results, to a descriptive level and to a inferential level.We analyzed the statistical correlation between economic transparency and organizational transparency offered in the Website through quantified variables by a multiple linear regression. This empirical analysis allows us to draw conclusions about the level of transparency offered by these organizations in relation to their organizational and financial information, as well as explain the relation between them.
The Law of 17 July 1965 on the structure of university faculties and their teaching staff placed the figure of the university senior lecturer on stage. During the sixties, the gestation process, adoption and subsequent integration of the new figure in the academic pyramid did not escape controversy, leading to a complex phenomenon to which, however, non comprehensive studies have been devoted to reveal: how, when, why and under which conditions this teacher appeared in the Spanish University of Franco’s regime. This paper aims to provide an overview of the process of materialization of the senior lecturer, the legislative framework that definitely established this new educational category and the provisions that were in charge of regulating the processes to get tenure. Also, the first approved aggregate endowments and their distribution among universities, colleges and studies will be discussed. Finally, it was a first approach to the possible motivations that led to the creation of this new educational category in a university afflicted by serious problems waiting for a solution that had been delayed sine die. Asimismo, se analizarán las primeras dotaciones de agregados aprobadas y la distribución de las mismas por universidades, facultades y estudios. Para terminar, se realiza un primer acercamiento a las posibles motivaciones que condujeron a la creación de esta nueva figura docente en una universidad aquejada de graves problemas que esperaban a una solución que venía demorándose sine die.