987 resultados para LARGE-AMPLITUDE


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The linear and nonlinear properties of low-frequency electrostatic excitations of charged dust particles (or defects) in a dense collisionless, unmagnetized Thomas-Fermi plasma are investigated. A fully ionized three-component model plasma consisting of electrons, ions, and negatively charged massive dust grains is considered. Electrons and ions are assumed to be in a degenerate quantum state, obeying the Thomas-Fermi density distribution, whereas the inertial dust component is described by a set of classical fluid equations. Considering large-amplitude stationary profile travelling-waves in a moving reference frame, the fluid evolution equations are reduced to a pseudo-energy-balance equation, involving a Sagdeev-type potential function. The analysis describes the dynamics of supersonic dust-acoustic solitary waves in Thomas-Fermi plasmas, and provides exact predictions for their dynamical characteristics, whose dependence on relevant parameters (namely, the ion-to-electron Fermi temperature ratio, and the dust concentration) is investigated. An alternative route is also adopted, by assuming weakly varying small-amplitude disturbances off equilibrium, and then adopting a multiscale perturbation technique to derive a Korteweg–de Vries equation for the electrostatic potential, and finally solving in terms for electric potential pulses (electrostatic solitons). A critical comparison between the two methods reveals that they agree exactly in the small-amplitude, weakly superacoustic limit. The dust concentration (Havnes) parameter h = Zd0nd0/ne0 affects the propagation characteristics by modifying the phase speed, as well as the electron/ion Fermi temperatures. Our results aim at elucidating the characteristics of electrostatic excitations in dust-contaminated dense plasmas, e.g., in metallic electronic devices, and also arguably in supernova environments, where charged dust defects may occur in the quantum plasma regime.


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A new stomatal proxy-based record of CO2 concentrations ([CO2]), based on Betula nana (dwarf birch) leaves from the Hässeldala Port sedimentary sequence in south-eastern Sweden, is presented. The record is of high chronological resolution and spans most of Greenland Interstadial 1 (GI-1a to 1c, Allerød pollen zone), Greenland Stadial 1 (GS-1, Younger Dryas pollen zone) and the very beginning of the Holocene (Preboreal pollen zone). The record clearly demonstrates that i) [CO2] were significantly higher than usually reported for the Last Termination and ii) the overall pattern of CO2 evolution through the studied time period is fairly dynamic, with significant abrupt fluctuations in [CO2] when the climate moved from interstadial to stadial state and vice versa. A new loss-on-ignition chemical record (used here as a proxy for temperature) lends independent support to the Hässeldala Port [CO2] record. The large-amplitude fluctuations around the climate change transitions may indicate unstable climates and that " tipping-point" situations were involved in Last Termination climate evolution. The scenario presented here is in contrast to [CO2] records reconstructed from air bubbles trapped in ice, which indicate lower concentrations and a gradual, linear increase of [CO2] through time. The prevalent explanation for the main climate forcer during the Last Termination being ocean circulation patterns needs to re-examined, and a larger role for atmospheric [CO2] considered.


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We use images of high spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution, obtained using both ground- and space-based instrumentation, to investigate the coupling between wave phenomena observed at numerous heights in the solar atmosphere. Analysis of 4170 Å continuum images reveals small-scale umbral intensity enhancements, with diameters ~0."6, lasting in excess of 30 minutes. Intensity oscillations of ˜3 minutes are observed to encompass these photospheric structures, with power at least three orders of magnitude higher than the surrounding umbra. Simultaneous chromospheric velocity and intensity time series reveal an 87?±8? out-of-phase behavior, implying the presence of standing modes created as a result of partial wave re?ection at the transition region boundary. We ?nd a maximum waveguide inclination angle of˜40? between photospheric and chromospheric heights, combined with a radial expansion factor of <76%. An average blueshifted Doppler velocity of ˜1.5 km s-1, in addition to a time lag between photospheric and chromospheric oscillatory phenomena, con?rms the presence of upwardly propagating slow-mode waves in the lower solar atmosphere. Propagating oscillations in EUV intensity are detected in simultaneous coronal fan structures, with a periodicity of 172±17 s and a propagation velocity of 45±7 km s-1. Numerical simulations reveal that the damping of the magnetoacoustic wave trains is dominated by thermal conduction. The coronal fans are seen to anchor into the photosphere in locations where large-amplitude umbral dot (UD) oscillations manifest. Derived kinetic temperature and emission measure time series display prominent outof-phase characteristics, and when combined with the previously established sub-sonic wave speeds, we conclude that the observed EUV waves are the coronal counterparts of the upwardly propagating magnetoacoustic slow modes detected in the lower solar atmosphere. Thus, for the ?rst time, we reveal how the propagation of 3 minute magnetoacoustic waves in solar coronal structures is a direct result of amplitude enhancements occurring in photospheric UDs.photospheric UDs.


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Linear acceleration emission occurs when a charged particle is accelerated parallel to its velocity. We evaluate the spectral and angular distribution of this radiation for several special cases, including constant acceleration (hyperbolic motion) of finite duration. Based on these results, we find the following general properties of the emission from an electron in a linear accelerator that can be characterized by an electric field E acting over a distance L: (1) the spectrum extends to a cutoff frequency (h) over bar omega(c)/mc(2) approximate to L(E/E(Schw))(2)/(lambda) over bar (C), where E(Schw) = 1.3 x 10(18) V m(-1) is the Schwinger critical field and (lambda) over bar (C) = (h) over bar /mc = 3.86 x 10(-13) m is the Compton wavelength of the electron, (2) the total energy emitted by a particle traversing the accelerator is 4/3 alpha(f)(h) over bar omega(c) in accordance with the standard Larmor formula where alpha(f) is the fine-structure constant, and (3) the low frequency spectrum is flat for hyperbolic trajectories, but in general depends on the details of the accelerator. We also show that linear acceleration emission complements curvature radiation in the strongly magnetized pair formation regions in pulsar magnetospheres. It dominates when the length L of the accelerator is less than the formation length rho/gamma of curvature photons, where rho is the radius of curvature of the magnetic field lines and gamma the Lorentz factor of the emitting particle. In standard static models of pair creating regions linear acceleration emission is negligible, but it is important in more realistic dynamical models in which the accelerating field fluctuates on a short length scale.


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Supersolitons are a recent addition to the literature on large-amplitude solitary waves in multispecies plasmas. They are distinguished from the usual solitons by their associated electric field profiles which are inherently distinct from traditional bipolar structures. In this paper, dust-ion-acoustic modes in a dusty plasma with stationary negative dust, cold fluid protons, and nonthermal electrons are investigated through a Sagdeev pseudopotential approach to see where supersolitons fit between ranges of ordinary solitons and double layers, as supersolitons always have finite amplitudes. They therefore cannot be described by reductive perturbation treatments, which rely on a weak amplitude assumption. A systematic methodology and discussion is given to distinguish the existence domains in solitary wave speed and amplitude for the different solitons, supersolitons and double layers, in terms of compositional parameters for the plasma model under consideration. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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Acoustic supersolitons arise when a plasma model is able to support three consecutive local extrema of the Sagdeev pseudopotential between the undisturbed conditions and an accessible root. This leads to a characteristic electric field signature, where a simple bipolar shape is enriched by subsidiary maxima. Large-amplitude nonlinear acoustic modes are investigated, using a pseudopotential approach, for plasmas containing two-temperature electrons having Boltzmann or kappa distributions, in the presence of cold fluid ions. The existence domains for positive supersolitons are derived in a methodological way, both for structure velocities and amplitudes, in terms of plasma compositional parameters. In addition, typical pseudopotentials, soliton, and electric field profiles have been given to illustrate that positive supersolitons can be found in the whole range of electron distributions from Maxwellian to a very hard nonthermal spectrum in kappa. However, it is found that the parameter ranges that support supersolitons vary significantly over the wide range of kappa considered. VC 2013 AIP Publishing LLC. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4818888]


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The collision of two plasma clouds at a speed that exceeds the ion acoustic speed can result in the formation of shocks. This phenomenon is observed not only in astrophysical scenarios, such as the propagation of supernova remnant (SNR) blast shells into the interstellar medium, but also in laboratory-based laser-plasma experiments. These experiments and supporting simulations are thus seen as an attractive platform for small-scale reproduction and study of astrophysical shocks in the laboratory. We model two plasma clouds, which consist of electrons and ions, with a 2D particle-in-cell simulation. The ion temperatures of both clouds differ by a factor of ten. Both clouds collide at a speed that is realistic for laboratory studies and for SNR shocks in their late evolution phase, like that of RCW86. A magnetic field, which is orthogonal to the simulation plane, has a strength that is comparable to that of SNR shocks. A forward shock forms between the overlap layer of both plasma clouds and the cloud with cooler ions. A large-amplitude ion acoustic wave is observed between the overlap layer and the cloud with hotter ions. It does not steepen into a reverse shock because its speed is below the ion acoustic speed. A gradient of the magnetic field amplitude builds up close to the forward shock as it compresses the magnetic field. This gradient gives rise to an electron drift that is fast enough to trigger an instability. Electrostatic ion acoustic wave turbulence develops ahead of the shock, widens its transition layer, and thermalizes the ions, but the forward shock remains intact. © 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.


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We present an IR-monitoring survey with the Spitzer Space Telescope of the star-forming region GGD 12-15. More than 1000 objects were monitored, including about 350 objects within the central 5′, which is found to be especially dense in cluster members. The monitoring took place over 38 days and is part of the Young Stellar Object VARiability project. The region was also the subject of a contemporaneous 67 ks Chandra observation. The field includes 119 previously identified pre-main sequence star candidates. X-rays are detected from 164 objects, 90 of which are identified with cluster members. Overall, we find that about half the objects in the central 5′ are young stellar objects (YSOs) based on a combination of their spectral energy distribution, IR variability, and X-ray emission. Most of the stars with IR excess relative to a photosphere show large amplitude (>0.1 mag) mid-infrared (mid-IR) variability. There are 39 periodic sources, and all but one is found to be a cluster member. Almost half of the periodic sources do not show IR excesses. Overall, more than 85% of the Class I, flat spectrum, and Class II sources are found to vary. The amplitude of the variability is larger in more embedded YSOs. Most of the Class I/ II objects exhibit redder colors in a fainter state, which is compatible with time-variable extinction. A few become bluer when fainter, which can be explained with significant changes in the structure of the inner disk. A search for changes in the IR due to X-ray events is carried out, but the low number of flares prevented an analysis of the direct impact of X-ray flares on the IR light curves. However, we find that X-ray detected Class II sources have longer timescales for change in the MIR than a similar set of non-X-ray detected Class IIs.


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The interaction of high‐intensity laser pulses with matter releases instantaneously ultra‐large currents of highly energetic electrons, leading to the generation of highly‐transient, large‐amplitude electric and magnetic fields. We report results of recent experiment in which such charge dynamics have been studied by using proton probing techniques able to provide maps of the electrostatic fields with high spatial and temporal resolution. The dynamics of ponderomotive channelling in underdense plasmas have been studied in this way, as also the processes of Debye sheath formation and MeV ion front expansion at the rear of laser‐irradiated thin metallic foils. An application employing laser‐driven impulsive fields for energy‐selective ion beam focusing is also presented.


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La flexibilité est une caractéristique intrinsèque des protéines qui doivent, dès le mo- ment de leur synthèse, passer d’un état de chaîne linéaire à un état de structure tridimen- sionnelle repliée et enzymatiquement active. Certaines protéines restent flexibles une fois repliées et subissent des changements de conformation de grande amplitude lors de leur cycle enzymatique. D’autres contiennent des segments si flexibles que leur structure ne peut être résolue par des méthodes expérimentales. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons notre application de méthodes in silico d’analyse de la flexibilité des protéines : • À l’aide des méthodes de dynamique moléculaire dirigée et d’échantillonnage pa- rapluie, nous avons caractérisé les trajectoires de liaison de l’inhibiteur Z-pro- prolinal à la protéine Prolyl oligopeptidase et identifié la trajectoire la plus pro- bable. Nos simulations ont aussi identifié un mode probable de recrutement des ligands utilisant une boucle flexible de 19 acides aminés à l’interface des deux domaines de la protéine. • En utilisant les méthodes de dynamique moléculaire traditionnelle et dirigée, nous avons examiné la stabilité de la protéine SAV1866 dans sa forme fermée insérée dans une membrane lipidique et étudié un des modes d’ouverture possibles par la séparation de ses domaines liant le nucléotide. • Nous avons adapté auproblème de la prédiction de la structure des longues boucles flexibles la méthode d’activation et de relaxation ART-nouveau précédemment uti- lisée dans l’étude du repliement et de l’agrégation de protéines. Appliqué au replie- ment de boucles de 8 à 20 acides aminés, la méthode démontre une dépendance quadratique du temps d’exécution sur la longueur des boucles, rendant possible l’étude de boucles encore plus longues.


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Le problème de l’extrême pauvreté dans le Tiers-monde n’est pas d’abord une question économique. Il est avant tout politique parce qu’il est la conséquence directe des choix de société et de l’organisation du pouvoir au niveau des États et des diverses instances de la communauté internationale. Le politique a pour objet la conquête du pouvoir et la répartition des richesses à grande échelle. Il s’agit aussi d’un problème moral parce que les options prises collectivement par les peuples et le concert des nations ne s’orientent pas toujours vers la vertu de justice et l’égalité de chances pour tous. Extrême pauvreté et justice globale forment un binôme qui nous ramène donc au cœur de la philosophie politique et morale. Après la Seconde guerre mondiale, la philosophie politique a élargi ses horizons. Elle réfléchit davantage à l’exercice du pouvoir sur la scène internationale et la distribution des richesses au niveau mondial. Le phénomène de la mondialisation économique crée une dépendance mutuelle et d’importantes influences multilatérales entre les États. Plus que par le passé, l’autarcie n’est guère envisageable. Le dogme de la souveraineté intangible des États, issu du Traité de Westphalie au XVIIe siècle, s’avère de plus en plus caduque au regard des enjeux communs auxquels l’humanité fait actuellement face. D’où la nécessité d’une redéfinition du sens des souverainetés nationales et d’une fondation des droits cosmopolitiques pour chaque individu de la planète. Voilà pourquoi le binôme extrême pauvreté/justice globale nécessite une réflexion philosophique sur le concept de la responsabilité qui s’étend non seulement sur la sphère nationale, mais aussi sur une large amplitude cosmopolitique. L’expression « pays du Tiers-monde » peut sembler archaïque, péjorative et humiliante. Cependant, mieux que celles de « pays sous-développés » ou « pays en voie de développement », elle rend compte, sans euphémisme, de la réalité crue, brute et peu élégante de la misère politique et économique qui y sévit. Bien qu’elle semble désuète, elle délimite assez clairement le domaine de définition conceptuel et géographique de notre champ d’investigation philosophique. Elle désigne l’ensemble des pays qui sont exclus de la richesse économique répartie entre les nations. Étant donné que le pouvoir économique va généralement avec le pouvoir politique, cet ensemble est aussi écarté des centres décisionnels majeurs. Caractérisée par une pauvreté extrême, la réalité tiers-mondiste nécessité une analyse minutieuse des causes de cette marginalisation économique et politique à outrance. Une typologie de la notion de responsabilité en offre une figure conceptuelle avec une géométrie de six angles : la causalité, la moralité, la capacité, la communauté, le résultat et la solidarité, comme fondements de la réparation. Ces aspects sous lesquels la responsabilité est étudiée, sont chapeautés par des doctrines philosophiques de types conséquentialiste, utilitariste, déontologique et téléologique. La typologie de la responsabilité donne lieu à plusieurs solutions : aider par philanthropie à sauver des vies humaines ; établir et assigner des responsabilités afin que les torts passés et présents soient réparés aussi bien au niveau national qu’international ; promouvoir l’obligation de protéger dans un contexte international sain qui prenne en considération le devoir négatif de ne pas nuire aux plus défavorisés de la planète ; institutionnaliser des règles transfrontalières de justice ainsi que des droits cosmopolitiques. Enfin, nous entendrons par omniresponsabilité la responsabilité de tous vis-à-vis de ceux qui subissent les affres de l’extrême pauvreté dans le Tiers-monde. Loin d’être un concept-valise fourre-tout, c’est un ensemble de responsabilités partagées par des acteurs identifiables de la scène mondiale, en vue de la coréparation due aux victimes de l’injustice globale. Elle vise un telos : l’épanouissement du bien-être du citoyen du monde.


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The phenomenon of mirage effect suffered by a He-Ne laser beam has been utilized to detect phase transitions in solids. It has been observed that anomalous fluctuations of large amplitude occur in the signal level near the transition temperature. The mean square value of the fluctuation is found to exhibit a well-defined peak at this point. Results of measurements made in the case of crystals of TGS ((NH2CH2COOH)3.H2SO4) and a ceramic sample (BaTiO3) are given to illustrate this technique.


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It is shown that Bretherton's view of baroclinic instability as the interaction of two counter-propagating Rossby waves (CRWs) can be extended to a general zonal flow and to a general dynamical system based on material conservation of potential vorticity (PV). The two CRWs have zero tilt with both altitude and latitude and are constructed from a pair of growing and decaying normal modes. One CRW has generally large amplitude in regions of positive meridional PV gradient and propagates westwards relative to the flow in such regions. Conversely, the other CRW has large amplitude in regions of negative PV gradient and propagates eastward relative to the zonal flow there. Two methods of construction are described. In the first, more heuristic, method a ‘home-base’ is chosen for each CRW and the other CRW is defined to have zero PV there. Consideration of the PV equation at the two home-bases gives ‘CRW equations’ quantifying the evolution of the amplitudes and phases of both CRWs. They involve only three coefficients describing the mutual interaction of the waves and their self-propagation speeds. These coefficients relate to PV anomalies formed by meridional fluid displacements and the wind induced by these anomalies at the home-bases. In the second method, the CRWs are defined by orthogonality constraints with respect to wave activity and energy growth, avoiding the subjective choice of home-bases. Using these constraints, the same form of CRW equations are obtained from global integrals of the PV equation, but the three coefficients are global integrals that are not so readily described by ‘PV-thinking’ arguments. Each CRW could not continue to exist alone, but together they can describe the time development of any flow whose initial conditions can be described by the pair of growing and decaying normal modes, including the possibility of a super-modal growth rate for a short period. A phase-locking configuration (and normal-mode growth) is possible only if the PV gradient takes opposite signs and the mean zonal wind and the PV gradient are positively correlated in the two distinct regions where the wave activity of each CRW is concentrated. These are easily interpreted local versions of the integral conditions for instability given by Charney and Stern and by Fjørtoft.


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Changes in the effective potential function of a low-frequency large-amplitude molecular vibration, resulting from excitation of a high-frequency vibration, are discussed. It is shown that in some situations a significant contribution to such changes may arise from failure of the Born-Oppenheimer separation of the low-frequency mode. In the particular example of the HF dimer, recent evidence that the tunneling barrier increases on exciting either of the H-stretching vibrations is probably due to this effect.


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The infrared spectrum of carbon suboxide has been recorded with a resolution of 0•01cm-1 from 400 to 700 cm-1. The region from 530 to 570 cm-1 shows intense absorption due to the v6(Πu) band system, of which the fundamental band only has been assigned and analysed, giving v6=540•221 cm-1. The region 590 to 660 cm-1 shows weaker absorption due to the v5(Πg) band system appearing in combination with odd quanta of the v7(Πu) fundamental at 18 cm-1. The v5 + v7 band and several hot bands have been assigned and analysed, and the effective v7 bending potential in the v5 state has been deduced. This potential shows a splitting as the large amplitude bending coordinate q7 is displaced due to interaction between v5 and v7 analogous to the Renner-Teller effect in electronic spectroscopy. This splitting is about 4 cm-1 for the classical turning points in q7 and the mean q7 bending potential is closely similar to that in the ground state.