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The increasing ubiquity and use of digital technologies across social and cultural life is a key challenge for educators engaged in helping students develop a range of literacies useful for school and beyond. Many young people's experience of communication and participation is now shaped by almost constant engagements with digital technologies and media, as well as with global digital cultures. This increasing access and use has given many young people the opportunity to engage deeply with global media cultures via popular music, television and film franchises, the worldwide computer games industry, or countless other subcultures that connect fans and interested others from around the world via the internet. 'Digital literacy' is often the term associated with the ability to traverse these, and other, online and offline worlds; the notion has long been synonymous with the idea that digital technologies now mediate perhaps a majority of our social interactions. These forms of engagement with the world have important implications for educators and school systems which have historically recognised only a very narrow set of legitimate literacies.


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How is creative expression and communication extended among whole populations? What is the social and cultural value of this activity? What roles do formal agencies, community-based organisations and content producer networks play? Specifically, how do participatory media and arts projects and networks contribute to building this capacity in the contemporary communications environment? The latest issue of CSJ article in a special issue on “Broadening Digital Storytelling Horizons” edited by Burcu Simsek.


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Television is a massive industry in China, yet fewer people are watching television screens. This ground-breaking study explores how television content is changing, how the Chinese government is responding to the challenges presented by digital media, and how businesses are brokering alliances in both traditional and new media sectors. Table of Contents Acknowledgments p. vi Introduction p. 1 1 Television in Transition p. 8 2 Nation Building p. 34 3 Soft Power p. 56 4 Formats p. 85 5 Channels and Content p. 111 6 Convergence p. 141 7 Rethinking Chinese Television Research p. 164 Bibliography p. 173 Index p. 184


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“Fostering digital participation through Living Labs in regional and rural Australian communities,” is a three year research project funded by the Australian Research Council. The project aims to identify the specific digital needs and practices of regional and rural residents in the context of the implementation of high speed internet. It seeks to identify new ways for enabling residents to develop their digital confidence and skills both at home and in the community. This two-day symposium will bring together researchers and practitioners from diverse backgrounds to discuss design practices in social living labs that aim to foster digital inclusion and participation. Day one will consist of practitioner and research reports, while day two will provide an opportunity for participants to imagine and design future digital participation strategies. Academic participants will also have an opportunity to contribute to a refereed edited volume by Chandos Publishing (an imprint of Elsevier).


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The study Slogans of Change. Three Outlooks on Finnish Television Contents is concerned with alleged changes of television contents during the 1990s and 2000s, such as dumbing down, tabloidisation, entertainisation , and the like. Specifically, the focus is on the ways these changes might manifest in Finnish television. The aim of the study has been threefold: 1. To operationalise public and academic discussions about changes via specific slogans emerging from the debates; 2. Consequently, to study the slogans empirically and reflect on the findings with earlier research, including studies on institutional and audience-related aspects; 3. Finally, to suggest what the findings might mean regarding discussions about television s role, and what kinds of slogans or concepts might best serve future discussions and research. The empirical outlooks presented in this study offer analyses with three different sets of opposing slogans of change. The outlooks also follow three different traditions of the study of television. The first outlook focuses on quantity, as it gives a longitudinal (1993-2004), macro-level view on programme structures. The methodological approach is derived from media economic and policy studies. The claims that frame the analysis are convergence versus diversification of programme structures. The second outlook provides quantitative and qualitative views on the characteristics and quality  the term signifying essence as well as worth  of Finnish television journalism during sample weeks from the years 2002 and 2003. This outlook follows the traditions of quantitative content analysis found in journalism studies coupled with descriptive qualitative content analyses. The slogans reflected in this section are the lightening or widening of journalism. The third outlook narrows down the material and focuses at a micro-level on form; that is, communicative conventions in a small array of selected programmes in 1993, 2000 and during 2002-2004. The analyses have been inspired by the method of conversation analysis of verbal interaction, and coupled with qualitative close readings, with the focus of different communicative situations in the programmes. The catchphrases employed in this part are emotainment versus democratainment, coupled with more specific claims of discursive hybridisation and conversationalisation. The findings depict that, empirically, changes in Finnish television contents are not clear linear trends and cannot easily be moulded into neat slogans. The quantitative outlook on programme output during 1993-2004 depicts a tendency towards differentiation of channels, paving the way for the multi-channel digital system. The change in programme structures, however, is not dramatic on the level of total output. The second outlook suggests that the dualistic concepts, such as the pair information-entertainment, are not sufficient in understanding the array and changes of programmes that could be called journalism. The outlook on communicative conventions highlights hybridisation in the manner of television talk and its relation to broader debates on contents. Despite the three dissimilar empirical approaches, unifying aspects emerge. The outlooks suggest, albeit in different ways, tendencies toward distinction and polarisation. This study proposes that in order to facilitate a more nuanced understanding of the changes in television contents, dualistic slogans should be replaced with a multi-dimensional understanding of the concept of diversity.


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Analisa o debate político relativo à implantação da TV digital no Brasil, tendo como referência a audiência pública da Comissão de Ciência, Tecnologia, Comunicação e Informática da Câmara dos Deputados, realizada em 31 de janeiro de 2006, com a participação do ministro das Comunicações, Hélio Costa. Parte-se do pressuposto de que o Congresso Nacional exerceu relevante papel no debate relativo ao tema, mas não exerceu nenhuma influência na escolha do modelo de TV digital, rendendo-se à proposta do Executivo que, por sua vez, acatou o projeto de interesse dos empresários do setor. Constata-se que existem pelo menos três fantasmas que perseguem as empresas brasileiras de televisão: 1) a possibilidade de um novo marco regulatório para o setor de radiodifusão; 2) o aumento da concorrência; e 3) e a ameaça do fim do broadcast, o sistema de difusão de informações utilizado pelo rádio e pela televisão, em que há apenas um emissor e diversos receptores simultaneamente.


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Investiga como a produção e a distribuição de programas de televisão, filmes e outros conteúdos audiovisuais de produção nacional podem ser promovidas pela regulação. O estudo identifica as atuais ferramentas regulatórias e as diferentes políticas adotadas para a promoção do conteúdo nacional. Ele também aponta novas questões resultantes da transformação substancial que a mídia tem sofrido nos últimos anos. O setor audiovisual hoje é caracterizado pela abundância de canais de televisão e de serviços de telecomunicações e pela convergência digital em curso. Este novo cenário impacta a eficiência e a racionalidade da regulamentação dos conteúdos. Focada no Reino Unido, França e Brasil, esta pesquisa comparativa investiga as mudanças regulatórias, políticas, sócio-culturais, econômicas, tecnológicas e mercadológicas dos serviços de comunicação nas últimas décadas e como esse desdobramento tem influenciado a oferta de conteúdo audiovisual nacional. O ponto de partida da análise é a década de oitenta, quando a radiodifusão começou a ser gradualmente liberalizada em diversos países, e termina na primeira década do novo milênio, quando as tecnologias da informação, as telecomunicações e a radiodifusão convergem para a oferta de serviços interconectados, complementares e suplementares.


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[ES] Este proyecto contiene información obtenida en el siguiente trabajo de documentación geométrica de un elemento patrimonial:


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[ES] Como parte de este proyecto de investigación se realizó el siguiente proyecto fin de carrera:


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[EN]The purpose of this project is to study and analyse signals of digital television, provided for mobile services, by using LDM technology. In order to achieve this, it will be needed the use of different transmission configurations (modulation, code rate…) suitable for this type of service, as well as propagation channels showing movement situations, such as pedestrian or mobile. This project comes as a response of recent research in LDM technology, which has been proposed as a Physical Layer technology to the ATSC 3.0 Next Generation Digital TV standard.


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Algumas situações relativas às práticas de comunicacão chamam a atenção, seja pelas possibilidades técnicas que surgem a cada nova ferramenta criada, seja pela influência inconteste para as relações humanas e sociais. Em um momento em que a comunidade acadêmica é convocada a pensar uma nova televisão, este trabalho se propõe a entrar em campo para observar o que há disponível: usos, formatos e linguagens em fase de transição. Propomos, portanto, uma análise empírica ambientada em espaço de recepção midiática, e utilizamos como ferramenta metodológica o Princípio da Simetria com base na Teoria Ator-rede. Seguindo a ideia de rastrear conexões a partir de uma escrita etnográfica, o método propõe pensar o social menos como categoria de base analítica - posto antecipadamente e desvinculado do campo das ações - e mais como algo focado em processo contínuo. As práticas so-ciais e midiáticas são pensadas aqui para além dos limites humanos - ou exclusivamente técnicos. O ator-rede se estabelece não como uma entidade fixa, mas através de fluxos a partir dos quais o método ajudará a descrever a propagação das associações. A discussão sobre possibilidades técnicas e produção de conteúdo mal começou. Talvez por isso se encontre vivendo o momento de transcender o campo dos conceitos normativos e das especulações, para assim acompanhar as instâncias midiáticas como redes de actantes inventadas e re-inventadas a cada dia, nas condições de possibilidades dos momentos práticos de uso. Coube à pesquisa em questão a observação mais detida desses procedimentos e da relação entre tecnologias em transformação, audiências, materialidades, espaços, corpos, sensações e emoções, para que assim seja possível identificar algum entendimento sobre o que poderá caracterizar a televisão, pelo menos provisoriamente


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It is now possible to use powerful general purpose computer architectures to support post-production of both video and multimedia projects. By devising a suitable portable software architecture and using high-speed networking in an appropriate manner, a system has been constructed where editors are no longer tied to a specific location. New types of production, such as multi-threaded interactive video, are supported. Editors may also work remotely where very high speed network connection is not currently provided. An object-oriented database is used for the comprehensive cataloging of material and to support automatic audio/video object migration and replication. Copyright © 1997 by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, Inc.


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The present article analyses the preferences of the deaf who use sign language and are users of the TV interpretation service to sign language, as well as the characteristics with which TV channels provide that service in television in Spain. The objective is to establish whether the way in which the aforementioned accessibility service is provided matches the preferences of users or differ from them. The analysis presents the opinion on this service of the deaf that use the Spanish sign language as their first language for communication. A study has also been conducted on the programmes broadcast with sign language during week 10-16/03/2014. The main data collected reveal that the deaf are dissatisfied with broadcasting times. They ask for news programmes with sign language, they would rather have the interpretation carried out by deaf people who use sign language and they prefer that the interpreter is the main image on screen. Concerning the analysis of the programmes broadcast, the study shows that the majority of programmes with sign language are broadcast at night, they are entertainment programmes, the interpretation is carried out by hearing people who use sign language and that their image is displayed in a corner of the screen.


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This paper addresses the issue of the digital divide in students of public secondary schools at Chihuahua City, Mexico. It seeks to identify potential inequality of opportunities with regards to subjects’ access to information, knowledge and education through the ICT (internet, mobile telephony, broadband and television). The study takes three schools as investigative stage, using the survey as a data collection instrument, identifying patterns of behavior regarding: general knowledge of them, access to computer equipment and internet, and characterization of their use. Other aspects of analysis are the identification of the educational level of parents and access to technology resources available for academic and non-academic purposes in various application areas (home, school and social environment). The proposal concludes, that it is through the recollection of alternatives suggested by the teachers themselves to incorporate ICT for teaching purposes in a systematic and planned fashion, whose greatest reflection manifests in better digital literacy indicators.


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The value proposition concept, while forming a central foundational premise of service-dominant (S-D) logic, has nevertheless been treated somewhat ambiguously. Recent work in attempting to address this has focused through a S-D logic lens on the reciprocal nature of value propositions. Important to this work has been a focus on communicative interactions and resource integration between network suppliers and customers. Overall, value proposition thinking has not studied in detail their adoption and use in practice. Considering the compelling notion of reciprocity, there have been recent calls for research to consider reciprocal value propositions in practice. The overall aim of this paper, therefore, was to explore how reciprocal value propositions are developed (or not) in practice at the network level. The study was set in the mobile television (TV) sector, which, as an internet-driven sector, is viewed as particularly pertinent. To conduct the study an S-D logic and Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Group framework are integrated for the first time. A key finding is that while the reciprocal value proposition concept is theoretically intuitive, it is by no means inevitable in practice. Reciprocal value propositions were found to be simultaneously constrained, and, potentially enabled by these constraints in practice. At an overall level this paper contributes to the ongoing collaborative process, which aims to move S-D logic from a framework to a theory. More specifically, we provide new insights into the development of reciprocal value propositions in practice.