959 resultados para L-Band spectrum


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Actualmente los entornos de televisión manejan gran cantidad de señales procedentes de diferentes fuentes y suministradas en diferentes estándares: SD-SDI,HD-SDI, 3G, DVB-ASI, señales moduladas en banda L. En la gran mayoría de los centros de radiodifusión es necesario al menos en alguno de los pasos del transporte de señales o de su explotación, la replicación de las diferentes señales de entrada a sus diferentes destinos. En el siguiente PFC se tratará de dar a conocer, los principales sistemas que se emplean en los entornos de televisión para la distribución de las señales que se utilizan en los mismos. Los sistemas distributivos se encargan de distribuir y replicar la señal de entrada a ellos hacia diferentes destinos. La principal idea con la que se diseñan estos sistemas es que la señal de entrada no sufra ningún tipo de degradación como fruto de la replicación o división, siendo incluso aconsejable que determinados sistemas regeneren la señal de entrada a sus salidas. El proyecto se divide en tres capítulos: - Capítulo de conceptos teóricos: En el que se presentarán, los fundamentos teóricos que justifican la tecnología utilizada por los diferentes sistemas. - Capítulo de distribución de señales SDI y ASI: En el cual se presentarán los principales sistemas utilizados, para la distribución de señales SD-SDI, HDSDI, 3G y DVB-ASI. - Capítulo de distribución de señales en banda-L: Donde se mostrarán, los principales sistemas de distribución de señales moduladas en banda-L. Al finalizar la lectura del mismo, el lector debería conocer los principales sistemas que se utilizan en la distribución de señales SDI y ASI y en la distribución de señales en banda L. Comprender mediante la teoría expuesta, y los sistemas presentados, las diferentes problemáticas que afrontan los diferentes equipos y la tecnología que subyace en un segundo plano para solventar las problemáticas. Nowadays, broadcast environments, manage an extensive amount of signals from several sources, using differents standards: SD-SDI, HD-SDI, 3G, DVBASI, modulated L band signals. In most of the broadcast infraestructures, it´s usually needed, at any of the transmissions steps, to replicate the source signal to many destinations. This PFC is intended to shown the main systems used to distribute and replicate signals in broadcast environments. Distributive Systems are used to distribute and replicate the source signals to as many destinations as are needed. The main idea behind the design of those systems is to preserve the integrity of the original signal, due to replications or division classical pathologies. Even it is recomendad that those systems are able to regenerate the original signal, trying to avoid or compesate those pathologies. The PFC is divided in three chapters: - Chapter 1: Theorical concepts: In this chapter is presented the minimal theory needed to understand the complex of the tecnology, for those distributive systems. - Chapter 2: Distribution of SDI and ASI signals: It is shown the main systems used to replicate and distribution of the SDI and ASI signals. It will also treatment the state of the art of the actually new systems. - Chapter 3: Distribution of L band signals. It will be shown the main systems used for L band signals At the end of reading this PFC, the reader must known the main systems used for distribution SDI and ASI signals, also L band signals. It is important to understand the contents of the PFC, the systems, the several problems and the background tecnology that is needed to afront the replication known patologies.


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The need for the use of another surveillance system when radar cannot be used is the reason for the development of the Multilateration (MLT) Systems. However, there are many systems that operate in the L-Band (960-1215MHz) that could produce interference between systems. At airports, some interference has been detected between transmissions of MLT systems (1030MHz and 1090MHz) and Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) (960-1215MHz).


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Glaciers on King George Island, Antarctica, have shown retreat and surface lowering in recent decades, concurrent with increasing air temperatures. A large portion of the glacier perimeter is ocean-terminating, suggesting possible large mass losses due to calving and submarine melting. Here we estimate the ice discharge into the ocean for the King George Island ice cap. L-band synthetic aperture radar images covering the time-span January 2008 to January 2011 over King George Island are processed using an intensity-tracking algorithm to obtain surface velocity measurements. Pixel offsets from 40 pairs of radar images are analysed and inverted to estimate a weighted average surface velocity field. Ice thicknesses are derived from simple principles of ice flow mechanics using the computed surface velocity fields and in situ thickness data. The maximum ice surface speeds reach mayor que 225 m/yr, and the total ice discharge for the analysed flux gates of King George Island is estimated to be 0.720+/-0.428 Gt/yr, corresponding to a specific mass loss of 0.64+/-0.38 m w.e./yr over the area of the entire ice cap (1127 km2).


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This letter proposes the use of a refractive index profile with a graded core and a cladding trench for the design of few-mode fibers, aiming an arbitrary differential mode delay (DMD) flattened over the C+ L band. By optimizing the core grading exponent and the dimensioning of the trench, a deviation lower than 0.01 ps/km from a target DMD is observed over the investigated wavelength range. Additionally, it is found that the dimensioning of the trench is almost independent of the target DMD, thereby enabling the use of a simple design rule that guarantees a maximum DMD deviation of 1.8 ps/km for a DMD target between-200 and 200 ps/km. © 2012 IEEE.


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In this paper, we present a novel 1x2 multi-mode-interferometer-Fabry-Perot (MMI-FP) laser diode, which demonstrated tunable single frequency operation with more than 30dB side mode suppression ratio (SMSR) and a tuning range of 25nm in the C and L bands, as well as a 750 kHz linewidth. These lasers do not require material regrowth and high resolution gratings; resulting in a simpler process that can significantly increase the yield and reduce the cost.


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A new approach to retrieve sea surface wind speed (SWS) in tropical cyclones (TCs) from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) data is presented. Analysis of all six AMSR2 C- and X-band channel measurements over TCs is shown to efficiently help to separate the rain contribution. Corrected measurements at 6.9 and 10.65 GHz are then used to retrieve the SWS. Spatial and temporal collocation of AMSR2 and tropical rain measurement mission (TRMM) microwave instrument (TMI) data is then further used to empirically relate TMI rain rate (RR) product to RR estimates from AMSR2 in hurricanes. SWS estimates are validated with measurements from the stepped frequency microwave radiometer (SFMR). As further tested, more than 100 North Atlantic and North Pacific TCs are analyzed for the 2012–2014 period. Despite few particular cases, most SWS fields are in a very good agreement with TC center data on maximum wind speeds, radii of storm, and hurricane winds. As also compared, very high consistency between AMSR2 and L-band SMOS wind speed estimates are obtained, especially for the super typhoon Haiyan, to prove the high potential of AMSR2 measurements in TCs.


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Instabilities of plastic flow in the form of localised shear bands were experimentally observed to result from equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) of magnesium alloy AZ31. The appearance of shear bands and their spacing were dependent on velocity of the pressing and applied back-pressure. A generic gradient plasticity theory involving second-order strain gradient terms in a constitutive model was applied to the case of AZ31 deformed by ECAP. Linear stability analysis was applied to the set of equations describing the deformation behaviour in the process zone idealised as a planar shear zone. A full analytical solution providing a dispersion relation between the rate of growth of a perturbation and the wave number was obtained. It was shown that the pattern of incipient localised shear bands exhibits a spectrum of characteristic lengths corresponding to admissible wave numbers. The interval of the spectrum of wave numbers of viable, i.e. growing, perturbations predicted by linear stability analysis was shown to be in good agreement with the experimentally observed spectrum. The effect of back-pressure applied during ECAP was also considered. The predicted displacement of the shear band spectrum towards lower wave numbers, shown to be a result of the decreased shear strain rate in the shear zone, was consistent with the experimentally observed increase of the band spacing with increased back-pressure. A good predictive capability of the general modelling frame used in conjunction with linear stability analysis was thus demonstrated in the instance of the particular alloy system and the specific processing conditions considered.


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The Raman spectra at 77 K of the hydroxyl stretching of kaolinite were obtained along the three axes perpendicular to the crystal faces. Raman bands were observed at 3616, 3658 and 3677 cm−1 together with a distinct band observed at 3691 cm−1 and a broad profile between 3695 and 3715 cm−1. The band at 3616 cm−1 is assigned to the inner hydroxyl. The bands at 3658 and 3677 cm−1 are attributed to the out-of-phase vibrations of the inner surface hydroxyls. The Raman spectra of the in-phase vibrations of the inner-surface hydroxyl-stretching region are described in terms of transverse and longitudinal optic splitting. The band at 3691 cm−1 is assigned to the transverse optic and the broad profile to the longitudinal optic mode. This splitting remained even at liquid nitrogen temperature. The transverse optic vibration may be curve resolved into two or three bands, which are attributed to different types of hydroxyl groups in the kaolinite.


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The Raman spectrum of l-asparagine monohydrate in the form of a single crystal has been recorded for the first time. λ 2537 excitation has been used. Fifty-three Raman frequency shifts have been recorded. They are grouped as follows: Eight Raman lines coming under the lattice spectrum, three Raman lines arising from low-frequency vibrations of the hydrogen bonds and the remaining forty-two arising from the internal oscillations of the asparagine molecule. Appropriate assignments have been given for the observed Raman lines