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Ocimum basilicum L., popularmente conhecido como manjericão, é uma planta pertencente à Lamiaceae, cujo óleo volátil possui diversas atividades biológicas, tais como antifúngica, antigiardíase, antioxidante, antibacteriana, antileishmaniose, inseticida, dentre outras. É constituído principalmente por monoterpenos, sesquiterpenos e fenilpropanoides. A composição de metabólitos secundários nas plantas, dos quais os óleos voláteis fazem parte, pode sofrer influência de diversos fatores. Neste trabalho, foi investigada a influência das doenças virais no perfil dos óleos voláteis do manjericão. Para isso, sementes de Ocimum basilicum L. cv. Genovese foram semeadas e mantidas em casa de vegetação. Ao atingirem tamanho adequado (dois pares de folhas acima das cotiledonares), foram inoculadas com vírus não identificado, isolado de manjericão, além do Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) e Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). O óleo volátil de plantas sadias e infectadas foi extraído por hidrodestilação em aparelho de Clevenger e analisado em cromatógrafo gasoso acoplado ao espectrômetro de massas. Os cromatogramas revelaram a presença de metileugenol e ρ- cresol,2,6-di-terci-butílico como principais componentes, sendo que a porcentagem de metileugenol diminuiu significativamente nas plantas infectadas com o vírus não identificado. Houve mudanças na composição do óleo volátil, sendo alguns componentes encontrados apenas nas plantas sadias e outros somente nas infectadas


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Objetivos: Determinar el período de conservación de zapallo orgánico respecto del tradicional, en dos condiciones de almacenamiento. Materiales y métodos: Zapallos variedad Frontera se limpiaron en seco y se pesaron individualmente para controlar pérdida de peso; se consignaron características externas. Para determinar deshidratación se midió humedad en la pulpa (estufa 105 °C). Para conservación, acondicionamiento en cajones de madera con viruta, en galpón (temperatura y humedad ambiente) y antecámara (15- 20 °C y 70-85 % HR). Duración 187 días. Comparación sensorial, al inicio y al final de la conservación, considerando: color, olor, sabor, retrogusto, jugosidad, textura y calidad general. Se utilizó planilla con escala mixta estructurada de 9 puntos y participaron jueces semientrenados (n = 10). Evaluación de datos por análisis de varianza = 0.05. Conclusiones: En las condiciones del ensayo, el período de conservación no debe ser superior a los 105 días por aparición de podredumbre. Por deshidratación superior al 60 %, debe ser inferior a 68 días para antecámara, 105 días para orgánicos de galpón y 105-126 días para tradicionales de galpón. Las características sensoriales iniciales de los zapallos orgánicos fueron mejores; al final se destacaron los tradicionales en galpón, luego los orgánicos en galpón y los conservados en antecámara presentaron características inferiores.


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In order to establish a rational nitrogen (N) fertilisation and reduce groundwater contamination, a clearer understanding of the N distribution through the growing season and its dynamics inside the plant is crucial. In two successive years, a melon crop (Cucumis melo L. cv. Sancho) was grown under field conditions to determine the uptake of N fertiliser, applied by means of fertigation at different stages of plant growth, and to follow the translocation of N in the plant using 15N-labelled N. In 2006, two experiments were carried out. In the first experiment, labelled 15N fertiliser was supplied at the female-bloom stage and in the second, at the end of fruit ripening. Labelled 15N fertiliser was made from 15NH415NO3 (10 at.% 15N) and 9.6 kg N ha−1 were applied in each experiment over 6 days (1.6 kg N ha−1 d−1). In 2007, the 15N treatment consisted of applying 20.4 kg N ha−1 as 15NH415NO3 (10 at.% 15N) in the middle of fruit growth, over 6 days (3.4 kg N ha−1 d−1). In addition, 93 and 95 kg N ha−1 were supplied daily by fertigation as ammonium nitrate in 2006 and 2007, respectively. The results obtained in 2006 suggest that the uptake of N derived from labelled fertiliser by the above-ground parts of the plants was not affected by the time of fertiliser application. At the female-flowering and fruit-ripening stages, the N content derived from 15N-labelled fertiliser was close to 0.435 g m−2 (about 45% of the N applied), while in the middle of fruit growth it was 1.45 g m−2 (71% of the N applied). The N application time affected the amount of N derived from labelled fertiliser that was translocated to the fruits. When the N was supplied later, the N translocation was lower, ranging between 54% at female flowering and 32% at the end of fruit ripening. Approximately 85% of the N translocated came from the leaf when the N was applied at female flowering or in the middle of fruit growth. This value decreased to 72% when the 15N application was at the end of fruit ripening. The ammonium nitrate became available to the plant between 2 and 2.5 weeks after its application. Although the leaf N uptake varied during the crop cycle, the N absorption rate in the whole plant was linear, suggesting that the melon crop could be fertilised with constant daily N amounts until 2–3 weeks before the last harvest.


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Se condujeron cuatro experimentos unifactoriales en condiciones de campo en áreas agrícolas de la Universidad de Granma, en el período comprendido de septiembre/2007 a enero/2010 para determinar el efecto de la aplicación de micorrizas arbusculares, Azotobacter chroococcum y ácidos húmicos sobre la productividad y la calidad poscosecha del tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cv. “Vyta”, sobre un suelo de tipo Fluvisol. La aplicación simple y combinada de las micorrizas arbusculares, el Azotobacter chroococcum y los ácidos húmicos mostró un efecto positivo sobre la productividad de la variedad de tomate estudiada, al obtenerse incrementos significativos de este indicador en comparación con el control (sin aplicación), lográndose los mejores resultados con la combinación Glomus fasciculatum (0,3 kg m-2) + Azotobacter chroococcum (30 L ha-1) + ácidos húmicos (500 mg L-1) con valores de 54,57 t ha-1. Se comprobó además, que los tratamientos con estos bioproductos presentaron contenidos de sólidos solubles totales (SST), carbohidratos solubles totales (CST), vitamina C, porcentaje de materia seca (PMS), firmeza, longitud y anchura de los frutos superiores al control (sin aplicación). Las plantas controles (sin aplicación) significativamente incrementaron la acidez titulable (contenido de ácido cítrico) y la pérdida de peso y redujeron el pH de los frutos del tomate. Los análisis de correlación realizados revelan que existieron correlaciones positivas y significativas entre el contenido de vitamina C, materia seca, sólidos solubles totales, carbohidratos solubles totales, y el pH de los frutos, mientras que la acidez titulable presentó correlaciones negativas y significativas con todas las variables mencionadas anteriormente. Se encontró a su vez un efecto sinérgico en las plantas con la aplicación combinada de estos productos con respecto al control (sin aplicación), expresado en los mayores valores de los parámetros micorrízicos estudiados. ABSTRACT Four unifactorial experiments under field conditions in an agricultural area belonging to the University of Granma from September/2007 to January/2010 aiming to evaluate the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizas, Azotobacter and humic acids on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L) cv. “Vyta” crop yield and postharvest quality in a Typic Fluvent soil were conducted. The simple and mixed application of arbuscular mycorrhizas, Azotobacter chroococcum and humic acids showed a positive effect on yield and internal postharvest parameters evaluated for the studied tomato variety, achieving significant increases with respect to the control treatment ones. The best results related to crop yield were achieved by combining Glomus fasciculatum (0.3 kg m-2) + Azotobacter chroococcum (30 L ha-1) + humic acids (500 mg L-1) that lead to 54.57 t ha-1. In addition, it was also demonstrated that the treatments under effect of biofertilizers and biostimulants resulted in higher total soluble solids (TSS), total soluble carbohydrates (TSC), vitamin C, dry matter contents (DMC), firmness, length and width of the fruits than the control treatment. The control plants showed significantly increased titrable acidity (citric acid content) and weight loss and reduced pH on the tomato fruits. The conducted correlation analyses revealed that there were significant and positive correlations between vitamin C content, dry matter, total soluble solids, total soluble carbohydrates, and pH of the fruit, while titratable acidity showed significant negative correlations with all variables mentioned above. At the same time, a synergic effect by mixed utilization of these biological products on tomato plants, with respect to control treatment (non-treated), was found regarding the increase of studied mycorrhizal parameters.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a compatibilidade de enxertia de goiabeira (Psidium guajava L.) cv. Paluma sobre a jabuticabeira (Myrcia cauliflora Berg), considerando-se o fato de a jabuticabeira ser resistente ao nematoide e pertencer à família das mirtáceas.


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Projected increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) and air temperature associated with future climate change are expected to affect crop development, crop yield, and, consequently, global food supplies. They are also likely to change agricultural production practices, especially those related to agricultural water management and sowing date. The magnitude of these changes and their implications to local production systems are mostly unknown. The objectives of this study were to: (i) simulate the effect of projected climate change on spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Lang) yield and water use for the subtropical environment of the Darling Downs, Queensland, Australia; and (ii) investigate the impact of changing sowing date, as an adaptation strategy to future climate change scenarios, on wheat yield and water use. The multimodel climate projections from the IPCC Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP3) for the period 2030–2070 were used in this study. Climate scenarios included combinations of four changes in air temperature (08C, 18C, 28C, and 38C), three [CO2] levels (380 ppm, 500 ppm, and 600 ppm), and three changes in rainfall (–30%, 0%, and +20%), which were superimposed on observed station data. Crop management scenarios included a combination of six sowing dates (1 May, 10 May, 20 May, 1 June, 10 June, and 20 June) and three irrigation regimes (no irrigation (NI), deficit irrigation (DI), and full irrigation (FI)). Simulations were performed with the model DSSAT4.5, using 50 years of daily weather data.Wefound that: (1) grain yield and water-use efficiency (yield/evapotranspiration) increased linearly with [CO2]; (2) increases in [CO2] had minimal impact on evapotranspiration; (3) yield increased with increasing temperature for the irrigated scenarios (DI and FI), but decreased for the NI scenario; (4) yield increased with earlier sowing dates; and (5) changes in rainfall had a small impact on yield for DI and FI, but a high impact for the NI scenario.


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The efficiency of the nitrogen (N) application rates 0, 120, 180 and 240 kg N ha−1 in combination with low or medium water levels in the cultivation of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cv. Kupava was studied for the 2005–2006 and 2006–2007 growing seasons in the Khorezm region of Uzbekistan. The results show an impact of the initial soil Nmin (NO3-N + NH4-N) levels measured at wheat seeding on the N fertilizer rates applied. When the Nmin content in the 0–50 cm soil layer was lower than 10 mg kg−1 during wheat seeding in 2005, the N rate of 180 kg ha−1 was found to be the most effective for achieving high grain yields of high quality. With a higher Nmin content of about 30 mg kg−1 as was the case in the 2006 season, 120 kg N ha−1 was determined as being the technical and economical optimum. The temporal course of N2O emissions of winter wheat cultivation for the two water-level studies shows that emissions were strongly influenced by irrigation and N-fertilization. Extremely high emissions were measured immediately after fertilizer application events that were combined with irrigation events. Given the high impact of N-fertilizer and irrigation-water management on N2O emissions, it can be concluded that present N-management practices should be modified to mitigate emissions of N2O and to achieve higher fertilizer use efficiency.


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Root absorption and translocation of [C-14]fluchloralin were determined in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) cv. TMV-2 and pigweed (Amaranthus viridis L.) grown in nutrient solution culture under greenhouse conditions. Root-applied fluchloralin toxicity to groundnut and pigweed was also examined. A growth reduction of 50% occurred in groundnut that received fluchloralin at a concentration of 9.0 mum. Root absorption was similar for both groundnut and pigweed at one day after application (DAA), but groundnut absorbed about twice the amount of fluchloralin during 4 and 8 days of continuous application, compared with pigweed. Groundnut absorbed 25% of the total applied fluchloralin after 8 days. Translocation to leaves from treated roots was low and roots of groundnut contained 80% of the total absorbed C-14, 8 DAA. Contrary to the observations in groundnut, transport from the roots and leaves following root application in pigweed was rapid: 1 and 8 DAA, leaves of pigweed contained 45 and 70% of the total absorbed C-14, respectively. Different patterns of fluchloralin metabolism were observed in pigweed and groundnut. Pigweed metabolized most of the fluchloralin absorbed by roots. The fluchloralin tolerance of pigweed could partially be accounted for by absorption, translocation and metabolism.


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作为植物界广泛存在的一类酚类聚合物,木质素是陆生植物正常生长发育过程中非常重要的生物大分子,而且与人类的生活息息相关。利用分子生物学手段和基因工程方法,从小麦中分离木质素生物合成途径的关键酶-肉桂酰辅酶A还原酶基因(CCR),研究肉桂酰辅酶A还原酶基因在木质素代谢途径中的调控规律,从其催化的限速步骤入手,来调控木质素的合成,有效的改变木质素的组成、含量和结构,是改善木质素在植物生长发育中的作用乃至开发木质素资源的关键所在。本文就小麦肉桂酰辅酶A还原酶基因的分离、表达特征及其在木质素合成途径中的作用开展了研究工作。 首先用RACE方法从小麦中克隆了CCR的两个cDNA的部分序列,序列分析表明它们编码的蛋白具有CCR的典型特点,GC含量高于均60%,两者在核酸水平和蛋白水平的同源性为76%和 69%,证明在小麦中至少存在着两个CCR基因。通过 RT-PCR和Northern 杂交确定W-cr6和W-cr19在小麦的发育中具有不同的表达特征,W-cr6主要在茎中表达,而W-cr19的表达集中在根中。以W-cr6为探针,从cDNA文库中筛选到一个全长1317bp的cDNA,命名为TaCCR1。TaCCR1包括开放阅读框 (ORF) 1047bp、5′端侧翼 72bp和3′端侧翼198bp的非翻译序列。TaCCR1能够编码由349个氨基酸组成的蛋白质,预期的分子量为37.4kD。同源性比较显示TaCCR1基因在核酸水平和蛋白质水平与其他物种的CCR基因的同源性高于60%。 为了分析CCR在木质素合成中的作用,用TaCCR1构建了用于转化烟草的正义和反义表达载体pStCCR和pAtCCR、用于转化小麦的正义和反义表达载体pBSC1和pBAC1。通过农杆菌介导得到了30株反义转基因烟草和12株正义转基因烟草。由于外源基因的抑制作用,转基因烟草在形态、木质素组成和含量、木质部显微结构上都程度不同的发生了变化。正义和反义的转基因株系呈现出株型矮化、木质素含量下降、木质部导管细胞壁受到破坏等现象。同时利用花粉管通道法转化小麦种子5000多粒,部分处理经过初步的PCR和 Southern分子鉴定获得了1株转基因株系,需要对其遗传、生理和形态特征做进一步的研究。 本文还对木质素对小麦茎杆的机械强度的影响做了初步的探讨,得到的结果是小麦茎杆的木质素含量、维管束的数量、茎杆有效的横界面积与其最大弯曲应力存在着正相关,而维管束的结构、密度对茎杆的最大弯曲应力没有明显的影响,从而为通过CCR基因来改善小麦茎杆的抗倒特性建立了生理学基础。


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本实验以冬小麦“农大139”(T. aestivum L. cv. Nongda 139)为材料对春化作用诱导开花的分子机制作了一些探讨,主要结果如下: 1. 应用SDS-PAGE及高分辨双向电泳技术,比较了冬小麦给予春化、脱春化及超期春化处理后的电泳图谱,并结合对春小麦对照样品的分析,结果发现有一些蛋白质和春化作用紧密相关,它们随春化而出现、随脱春化而消失,并在不经低温处理即可以开花的春小麦对照中存在。也就是说,这些开花特异的蛋白质(FSPs)的存在或在诱导下的合成和小麦抽穗开花能力的获得存在一种正相关,因此推测它们在冬小麦由营养生长状态向生殖生长状态转变的过程中起了关键性的作用。 2. 从不同处理的及对照样品中提取mRNA进行体外翻译的结果表明:春化作用过程中低温诱导了mRNA组分的变化,其中一些新产生的mRNA种类与春化诱导的开花能力的获得呈高度相关,即它们是开花特异的(Flower Specific),它们中有的只在春化的特定时期存在并起作用。 3.比较体内分析及体外翻译的结果发现,一些开花特异蛋白质(FSPs)可以同时在体内提取物及体外翻译产物中检测到,因此,春化作用中开花特异蛋白质诱导合成的调节很可能发生在转录水平上。 4.基于以上结果的分析可以推测春化诱导开花是低温导致了开花特异基因表达的结果,超期春化的效应不能被脱春化所逆转则系编码这些开花特异蛋白质的基因在长期低温条件下转变成了组成性表达所致。 有关低温诱导产生的开花特异蛋白质的性质与功能及编码这些蛋白质的基因尚需进一步研究。


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采用PEG/DMSO融合法,从普通烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.cv.Xanthi nc)叶肉和毛曼陀罗(Datura innoxia Mill.)茎或叶愈伤组织原生质体融合获得I5株花盆中健康生长的族间体细胞杂种植株;其中11株是在没有选择压力的条件下获得,4株则是在有IOA和R6G选择系统存在下获得。同时获得一株试管开花且形态异常的植株和一株花盆中生长的嵌合植株。lOmM IOA和I5μ g/ml R6G均能分别有效地抑制烟草叶肉和毛曼陀罗愈伤组织原生质体的分裂;10% DMSO能显著提高原生质体融合率;PEG种类并不重要,但浓度则很重要;BAP较ZT,KT对植株分化有更好的诱导效果。杂种的形态、细胞、同工酶、Southern杂交,花粉育性分析结果如下:1、l5株杂种较双亲普遍株型矮小,生长缓慢,形态接近烟草但不很正常,根据形态特征可分为两种类型:(1)共有8株,其叶片大小、形状、颜色、开花习惯、花类型(单花)等均与毛曼陀罗接近,但子房败育;(2)共有7株,其株型、叶片形状、颜色、光滑度、花形状、类型(圆锥状花序)、颜色更接近烟草,但少数杂种开单花或先单花后圆锥状花序或先单花后两种花并存,且开花时间不一,部分子房败育。2、杂种染色体数目大都在60~90之间,个别者较少(48条)或较多(125条),没有一株为双二倍体(2n=96),并全部为混倍体。3、15株杂种植株均有双亲的细胞色素氧化酶同工酶特征谱带;大部分都有双亲的过氧化物酶同工酶特征谱带,少都仅具烟草的谱带。4、Hae Ⅲ/水稻rDNA的Southern杂交分析表明杂种1较双亲多一条谱带,杂种2较双亲也多一条弱带,其它杂种尚待定。5、花粉活力测定表明毛曼陀罗(种子再生而来)的为99%,烟草(原生质体再生而来)为80~90%,而杂种的为24~61%,育性普遍低于双亲。


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对于某些一年生或二年生高等植物,春化作用是诱导其成花的一个重要的环境因子。冬小麦春化进程中存在着一个核酸代谢的关键期,利用分子生物学技术分离特异表达的基因是研究春化诱导成花机理的一个突破口。 利用TRIzol试剂快速提取冬小麦燕大1817(Triticum aestivum L. cv Yanda 1817)未春化、春化4d、春化20d、5d脱春化的胚芽中的总RNA,去除污染的DNA后,将引物P_1(5'TTTTTTTTTTTCA3')、P_2(5'TTTTTTTTTTCC3')与10个碱基的随机引物OPF_1-OPF_(20)、OPG_1-OPG_(20)组成80个引物对,对不同来源的RNA进行差别显示,共显示了大约10,000种mRNA,结果发现了两个仅在春化20d这一关键期表达而在未春化、春化4d、5d脱春化时不表达的春化相关基因(VRG)VRG49与VRG54。Northern分析进一步表明这两个基因仅与春化20d的冬小麦RNA有杂交信号。将VRG49与VRG54亚克隆于pGEM-4Z载体上,利用T_7测序系统获得了VRG49和VRG54的DNA序列,它们的长度分别为307bp与169bp。 春化21d的冬小麦京冬1号(T. aestivum L. cv Jingdong No. 1)胚芽的mRNA在逆转酶作用下反转录成sscDNA杂交,将过量的未春化、脱春化的mRNA与sscDNA杂交,运用磁珠法分离出未杂交上的sscDNA,以特异的sscDNA为模板,用DNA聚合酷I合成了dscDNA。通过对dscDNA内部EcoRI位点的甲基化、末端补平、EcoRI接头的安装、连接进入λgt10载体的EcoRI位置,以及运用包装系统进行体外包装,建立了库容为4 * 10~6pfu的富集低温诱导的冬小麦cDNA噬菌体文库。用来源于未春化、春化21d、脱春化的冬小麦mRNA合成3种cDNA探针,对噬菌斑进行原位杂交,结果筛选出了3个春化相关基因(VRG)VRG79、VRG111和VRG231。Dot blotting与Northern分析表明VRG79仅在冬小麦春化关键期21d表达。运用PCR方法从λgt10DNA中扩增出VRG79片断并亚克隆于PUC18载体上,通过T_7测序系统获得了VGR79的序列,其包括349个碱基。 通过Internet将VRG49、VRG54、VRG79与GenBank、EMBL、DDBJ、PBD中的序列进行同源性分析,结果发现这些基因至少是在植物中新发现的基因,对这些基因推测的一些功能也进行了讨论。


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一、 春化相关基因全长cDNA序列及其启动子的克隆与分析研究 通过建立小麦(Triticum aestivum. L. cv Jingdong No.1)胚芽春化cDNA文库,以春化相关基因VER2的3’端序列为探针,筛选获得全长1195 bp cDNA序列,它编码300个氨基酸。在VER2中存在植物疾病抗性反应蛋白和茉莉酸诱导凝集素两种蛋白的结构域。另外在VER2蛋白中存在核定位信号和多种磷酸酶的作用位点,VER2可能参与了多种调控途径。 以VER2基因的cDNA为探针,利用改进的池式PCR以及高密度膜杂交筛选的方法,从小麦TAC基因组文库中获得41,788 bp的基因组克隆,该序列含有11个基因,其中VER2基因位于第三个基因。VER2基因组序列含有3个内含子,4个外显子与cDNA序列100%同源。通过对转录起始点和转录终止点的分析,进一步证明从cDNA文库筛选得到的VER2基因为全长序列。 对VER2基因的上游启动子区域进行分析,发现基因上游启动子区存在三个小的重复序列,每个片段有482 bp,另有两个较大的重复序列,每个片段有2,161 bp。对上游2.8 kb启动子区(不含重复序列)的响应元件分析,其包括ABA响应元件(ABRE)、茉莉酸甲酯响应元件(Me-JARE)、胚乳特异性表达元件、参与淀粉酶合成的元件以及存在类似GA响应元件(ATAACAAAC)如ATAACATAC等等。根据VER2基因上游6 kb序列结构特点,将VER2启动子区域进行缺失突变形成10个片段,分别以GUS和GFP为报告基因构建成瞬间表达载体和植物表达载体等四类质粒。通过基因枪方法将最大片段(6 kb)驱动GFP报告基因的瞬间表达载体转入经春化处理或未春化处理的小麦幼叶中,结果发现GFP在春化处理的幼叶中表达,而在未春化处理的幼叶中不表达,说明VER2基因的启动子驱动基因转录受春化处理调控。 二、 小麦矮化突变体的研究 通过对小麦矮化突变体gaid遗传生理分析发现该突变体为半显性阻断GA信号途径,由此发现在赤霉素信号途径中,α-淀粉酶的诱导一定程度上通过某些与株高相关的基因控制。突变体gaid呈现对高浓度的脱落酸更敏感,当ABA浓度达到10-6M时,突变体的生长几乎完全受到了抑制,而野生型的生长需要ABA浓度达到10-5M时才能完全受到抑制。通过突变体gaid对乙烯等抑制型生长调节剂的响应实验研究,首次提出GA调控植物伸长生长存在两条信号途径,即GA基础水平信号途径(GA basal level signaling pathway)和GA正常水平信号途径(GA normal level signaling pathway),而乙烯以及高浓的GA合成抑制剂(如PAC)是通过第一条途径(GA基础水平信号途径)起作用。光形态建成中对植株生长的抑制作用存在独立于GA的信号途径。 突变体gaid的根系在强光照(63.5 Es-1m-2)和培养基内(低氧)的生长条件下,表现出弯曲、变短、加粗等异常性状,而随光照强度的减弱,这种根系异常生长的表型也减弱,在暗培养中则完全消失,但无论在哪种环境条件下,相对野生型对照而言,突变体的种子根短、侧根少。低浓度的ABA(10-8M)可以恢复突变体gaid根系在强光低氧条件下的正常生长发育。然而利用IAA及其极性运输的抑制剂(TIBA)、乙烯生物合成前提物(ACC)及合成抑制剂(AOA)处理突变体gaid,并没有发现突变体根系的生长发育得到恢复。 突变体gaid可能是一个新的属于小麦GA信号途径中的负调控基因(GAID)发生了突变或超表达,导致其负调控作用增强,呈现半显性的矮化突变。在与另一已知小麦GA信号途径中的负调控基因RHT的关系研究上发现,GAID可能对RHT蛋白磷酸化后的降解途径起抑制作用。通过双向电泳发现突变体gaid与野生型对照(京冬1号)在生长过程中存在差异蛋白,这将有助于对GA信号途径分子机理的深入研究。


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本文以桃(Prunus persica L. cv. Bayuecui.)栽培种‘八月脆’和芒果(Mangifera indica L.)栽培种‘圣心’为材料,研究外源草酸对采后果实的生理生化效应及其作用机理,为果实贮藏保鲜提供新方法。采后桃果实用1、5 mM的草酸溶液浸果10 min,以浸水10 min为对照,然后在常温下贮藏,测定果实在贮藏期间对草酸处理的一些生理生化反应。芒果经采后杀菌剂(post- P)、采后草酸(post-OA)、采前+采后草酸(pre-OA + post-OA)、采前Ca + 采后草酸处理(pre-Ca + post-OA)处理,以采后浸水为对照,然后分别将果实在常温(25 C)、低温(14 C)和控制性气调(3% CO2 + 2% O2 ,14 ± 1 C)下贮藏,测定草酸处理对芒果的成熟进程、病情发展及其相关生理指标的影响。研究结果表明如下: 1.与对照相比,草酸处理的桃果实在贮藏期间果实的电解质渗漏量和呼吸速率降低、果实硬度高、果实的抗氧化酶(超氧化物岐化酶、SOD;过氧化物酶,POD;过氧化氢酶、CAT;抗坏血酸过氧化物酶、APX)和多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性提高、脂氧合酶(LOX)活性降低。同时,在贮藏后期,果实的活性氧自由基(ROS)产量(超氧阴离子、O2.;过氧化氢、H2O2)和丙二醛(MDA)含量降低。草酸的这些生理效应有利于保持膜的完整性和延缓桃果实的成熟;草酸诱导POD、SOD、PPO活性可能有助于提高采后果实的抗病性。 2.外源5、10 mM浓度的草酸(pH值中和或不中和)对芒果炭疽病原菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides)孢子萌发和菌丝生长均表现出显著的抑制作用。这种作用不仅与草酸降低培养基(PDA)的pH值相关,而且与草酸独特的化学特性相关。 3.在常温、低温和控制性气调贮藏下,采后草酸、采前 + 采后草酸、采前Ca + 采后草酸处理均能有效减缓芒果果实的软化速率,延缓芒果的成熟进程,降低芒果的病情指数,同时改善芒果成熟时的表皮着色,对果实完全后熟时的可溶性固形物(SSC)、可滴定酸(TA)含量、果肉口感均没有产生负面的影响。 4.草酸处理增强芒果细胞膜的稳定性,诱导提高芒果抗氧化酶活性,特别是提高果皮SOD、APX活性,降低LOX活性,以及降低果皮O2.、H2O2 和果肉H2O2含量,抑制采后果实的乙烯生物合成。这些生理生化效应与延缓芒果的成熟衰老和提高果实的抗病性相关。 5. 采后草酸、采前 + 采后草酸和采前Ca + 采后草酸处理表现出高效低廉、无毒无副作用、易操作等优点,是芒果采后贮藏保鲜的可供选、具有实际应用前景的新方法。


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植物种子萌发、开花结实和衰老等一系列生长发育过程,都受到植物激素的影响。细胞分裂素作为重要的生长调节物质,对其传统生物化学和生理学特性的研究已积累子大量资料。随着分子生物学的发展,对植物激素的研究又进一步从单纯的生物学描述阶段深入到分子水平研究的阶段。尤其是近年来对来自病原微生物植物激素相关基因的研究,为揭示细胞分裂素的作用机理和细胸分裂素的水平调节机制的阐明开辟了新的途径。 根瘤农杆菌T-DNA上ipt、iaaM和iaaH基因和发根农杆菌的rol基因表达产物与植物激素的代谢有关。rolC基因是位于发根农杆菌T-DNA区的12号开放读框,编码细胞分裂素-β-葡萄糖苷酶,水解结合态细胞分裂素为自由态细胞分裂素。ipt基因编码异戊烯基转移酶,是细胞分裂素合成过程中的关键酶。 本文用PCR方法从发根农杆菌(Agrobacterium rhizogenes)1601质粒中扩增 rolC基因,并构建CaMV 35S启动子驱动下的双元表达载体。以农杆菌介导的叶盘法,分别对野生型烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. W38)和已转入异戊烯基转移酶基因(ipt)的3F1和3F2烟草进行转达化。Southern blot和Northern Dot Blot分析表明,rolC基因已导入烟草植株,并具有转录活性。转基因烟草的形态特征与细胞分裂素过量表达的植株表现出的特征一致。 用ELISA方法测定转基因烟草植株中激素的含量,结果显示,单独转rolC基因烟草和同时转入rolC和ipt两个基因的烟草,细胞分裂素的水平有不同程度的提高。转基因烟草表现多芽、节间缩短、叶色深绿等现象。同时,转基因烟草内部发生生理变化,如总自由氨基酸、脯氨酸在正常情况下较对照减少,气孔延迟关闭。在干旱胁迫下,转基因烟草随水势的降低、总自由氨基酸和脯氨酸的变化与对照不同。转基因烟草在开始干旱阶段较对照的总自由氨基酸和脯氨酸含量低,随着干旱胁迫的加深,植物中自由氨基酸的含量增加,但转基因植物自由氨基酸的含量高峰值出现时间较对照推迟。干旱胁迫48小时后,恢复给水,转基因植物较对照易恢复正常生长状态,表明转细胞分裂素基因植物抗旱能力增强。另外,叶片总蛋白SDS-PAGE电泳分析表明,转基因植物蛋白质含量高于对照,某些蛋白组分所占比例也明显提高。 综上所述,转rolC和ipt基因烟草的形态和生理变化,是细胞分裂素过量表达引起植物体内激素失衡的结果。