892 resultados para Knowledge production


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O presente estudo tem como proposta compreender os ritos de iniciação como prática cotidiana de produção de conhecimentos em diversas comunidades de Nampula, província situada a norte de Moçambique. A partir de meu lugar de não-iniciado por não ter frequentado estes espaçostempos e de encontros com sujeitos iniciados (as), a proposta assenta-se no reconhecimento de que o empreendimento colonial propiciou ao longo da história processos de subalternização que silenciam discussões e visibilidades sobre os ritos de iniciação, suas múltiplas redes e seus sujeitos-praticantes. Pelas narrativas e fotografias produzidas ao longo da pesquisa como formas de internarrar as relações cotidianas compreendo que os ritos de iniciação situam-se como proposta formativa que, ao iniciar crianças e jovens a determinado status social, propiciam horizontes vitais importantes nestas relações e dentrofora das escolas. Neste sentido, se aponta um conjunto de negociações, subversões e temporalidades que indicam, como em outros espaçostempos, a necessidade de diálogos que permitam levantar questões sobre as várias diferenças que caracterizam os contextos moçambicanos


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A tese aborda as políticas públicas de avaliação para a educação superior no Brasil, desde o seu surgimento, indicado na Reforma Universitária de 1968 e sua efetivação a partir da década de 1980, no Programa de Avaliação da Reforma Universitária PARU e no Grupo de Estudos da Reforma da Educação Superior GERES, ambos com a função de avaliar a Universidade brasileira. Contextualiza a sua institucionalização na década de 1990, por meio do Programa de Avaliação Institucional das Universidades Brasileiras PAIUB, do Exame Nacional de Cursos ENC ou Provão, com enfoque na última e atual política, o Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Superior SINAES e, neste, a avaliação institucional. O objetivo que motivou a produção desta tese foi conseguir clareza sobre as políticas públicas de avaliação para a educação superior no Brasil, especificamente o processo de implantação e implementação da avaliação institucional no período do SINAES na UNIOESTE, bem como, seus desdobramentos no que concerne à autonomia e à produção do conhecimento. Para tanto, foi preciso percorrer meandros do tema, historicizando as políticas públicas de avaliação para a educação superior no Brasil; identificando, examinando e discutindo os processos de implantação e implementação da avaliação institucional na UNIOESTE PR; analisando e discutindo os desdobramentos da avaliação institucional no que concerne à autonomia e à produção do conhecimento na UNIOESTE. A metodologia se constituiu de pesquisa bibliográfica, análise documental e estudo do processo de implantação e implementação do SINAES e também de seus desdobramentos na questão da autonomia e produção do conhecimento em uma universidade pública estadual, a UNIOESTE. Sobre os desdobramentos do SINAES na questão da autonomia e da produção do conhecimento, infere-se que as medidas das políticas públicas de avaliação para a educação superior interferem e impactam a universidade, imprimindo autonomia e produção do conhecimento na medida/lógica necessária para dar vigor a determinada conjuntura societária. No SINAES, a Autoavaliação Institucional é um mecanismo falho, inoperante, que não atende às demandas da comunidade acadêmica e, ainda, que não atinge a sua finalidade profícua, a melhoria da universidade. Dessa maneira, no contexto atual, a universidade se consome em seu papel e função social, dando espaço e força à conformação da universidade às demandas e determinações do capital. A Autoavaliação Institucional precisa ser analisada em suas premissas e no formato que se incorpora ao SINAES, mas não somente isso isoladamente, e, sim, todo o SINAES, enquanto uma política pública de avaliação, para que seja direcionada em favor da universidade e da sociedade brasileira


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A presente tese adota uma perspectiva cognitiva e epistêmica para o estudo dos movimentos sociais, tendo como objeto de estudo a Soberania Alimentar no Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores: MPA. Defendemos a ideia que, através de sua atuação prática e discursiva, os movimentos sociais estão travando uma luta que, além de política e cultural, é também cognitiva e epistêmica e que essa dinâmica social é geradora de novas formas de conhecimento, como a Soberania Alimentar. Neste trabalho, a Soberania Alimentar é entendida como um programa social de conhecimento que vem sendo desenvolvido pela rede transnacional de movimentos sociais Via Campesina e as suas organizações constituintes (dentre as quais o MPA), articulados com entidades parceiras em redes de solidariedade transnacionais e transculturais e em oposição aos seus adversários, em relação a distintos contextos e escalas de ação. Apoiados nessa ideia e na perspectiva adotada, pretendemos revelar aspectos da multidimensionalidade e da multiespacialidade da dinâmica constitutiva da Soberania Alimentar, a partir do estudo das correlações entre o local e o global, o particular e o geral e as dimensões prática e intelectual da produção de conhecimento por movimentos sociais.


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Open source projects are networks of developers, distributors and end-users of non-proprietary created knowledge goods. It has been argued that this form of organization has some advantages over the firm or market coordination. I show that for sufficiently convex and modular projects proprietary licences are not able to sustain sequential knowledge production which, however, can be carried out if the project is run on the open source basis.


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Over the past decade or so a number of historians of science and historical geographers, alert to the situated nature of scientific knowledge production and reception and to the migratory patterns of science on the move, have called for more explicit treatment of the geographies of past scientific knowledge. Closely linked to work in the sociology of scientific knowledge and science studies and connected with a heightened interest in spatiality evident across the humanities and social sciences this ‹spatial turn’ has informed a wide-ranging body of work on the history of science. This discussion essay revisits some of the theoretical props supporting this turn to space and provides a number of worked examples from the history of the life sciences that demonstrate the different ways in which the spaces of science have been comprehended.


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Knowledge production in entrepreneurship requires inclusivity as well as diversity and pluralism in research perspectives and approaches. In this article, the authors address concerns about interpretivist research regarding validity, reliability, objectivity, generalizability, and communicability of results that militate against its more widespread acceptance. Following the nonfoundationalist argument that all observation is theory-laden, context specific, and that there are no external criteria against which to assess research design and execution and the data produced, the authors propose that quality must be internalized within the underlying research philosophy rather than something to be tested upon completion. This requires a shift from the notion of validity as an outcome to validation as a process. To elucidate this, they provide a guiding framework and present a case illustration that will assist an interpretivist entrepreneurship researcher to establish and demonstrate the quality of their work.


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Even though there has been sustained interest in growth for almost 50 years, relatively little is known about this phenomenon and much confusion and misunderstanding surrounds it. Based on a literature review and the articles in this special issue we make three recommendations that we believe will allow theory to advance and be applicable in practice. First, that discourse between key stakeholders is encouraged in order to achieve greater understanding. Second, that focus is placed on " growth as a process," rather than as a " change in amount." Third, that knowledge production requires inclusivity and pluralism in research perspectives and approaches. © 2010 Baylor University.


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Northern Ireland is uniquely distinguished from England, Scotland and Wales, by being a society in transition, emerging from a prolonged period of civil conflict and political instability that has affected its infrastructure and has increased the need for co-ordinated and specialist research. The paper traces some of the systemic challenges and opportunities for educational research capacity-building that arise from Northern Ireland being uniquely positioned as a small polity and critically appraises how initiatives elsewhere, while providing valuable exemplars, are unlikely to transfer readily to this context. Rather, building on an expanded definition of research capacity, Northern Ireland needs to capitalize cautiously on the current climate of openness between policymaker and researcher communities to develop a shared, cohesive agenda, improve research support and harness the strengths and pockets of excellence that exist. All of these should simultaneously go towards meeting local priority research needs, addressing the developmental capacity building needs of local researcher, while at the same time contributing to local, national and international knowledge production.


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What are new interview methods and practices in our new 'interview society' and how do they relate to traditional social science research? This volume interrogates the interview as understood, used - and under-used - by anthropologists. It puts the interview itself in the hotseat by exploring the nature of the interview, interview techniques, and illustrative cases of interview use.

What is a successful and representative interview? How are interviews best transcribed and integrated into our writing? Is interview knowledge production safe, ethical and representative? And how are interviews used by anthropologists in their ethnographic practice?

This important volume leads the reader from an initial scrutiny of the interview to interview techniques and illustrative case studies. It is experimental, innovative, and covers in detail matters such as awkwardness, silence and censorship in interviews that do not feature in general interview textbooks. It will appeal to social scientists engaged in qualitative research methods in general, and anthropology and sociology students using interviews in their research and writing in particular.


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This paper explores the roles of science and market devices in the commodification of ‘nature’ and the configuration of flows of speculative capital. It focuses on mineral prospecting and the market for shares in ‘junior’ mining companies. In recent years these companies have expanded the reach of their exploration activities overseas, taking advantage of innovations in exploration methodologies and the liberalisation of fiscal and property regimes in ‘emerging’ mineral rich developing countries. Recent literature has explored how the reconfiguration of notions of ‘risk’ has structured the uneven distribution of rents. It is increasingly evident that neoliberal framing of environmental, political, social and economic risks has set in motion overflows that multinational mining capital had not bargained for (e.g. nationalisation, violence and political resistance). However, the role of ‘geological risk’ in animating flows of mining finance is often assumed as a ‘technical’ given. Yet geological knowledge claims, translated locally, designed to travel globally, assemble heterogeneous elements within distanciated regimes of metrology, valuation and commodity production. This paper explores how knowledge of nature is enrolled within systems of property relations, focusing on the genealogy of the knowledge practices that animate contemporary circuits of speculative mining finance. It argues that the financing of mineral prospecting mobilises pragmatic and situated forms of knowledge rather than actuarially driven calculations that promise predictability. A Canadian public enquiry struck in the wake of scandal associated with Bre-X’s prospecting activities in Indonesia is used to glean insights into the ways in which the construction of a system of public warrant to underpin financial speculation is predicated upon particular subjectivities and the outworking of everyday practices and struggles over ‘value’. Reflection on practical investments in processes of standardisation, rituals of verification and systems of accreditation reveal much about how the materiality of things shape the ways in which regional and global financial circuits are integrated, selectively transforming existing social relations and forms of knowledge production.


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Research and processes of knowledge production are often based on racialised and imperialistic frameworks that have either led to the exclusion or pathologisation of minority groups. Researchers address issues of exclusion by adopting recruitment strategies that involve negotiating with gatekeepers to ensure the inclusion of minority or marginalised groups. This often involves in-depth scrutiny of gatekeepers and requires the researchers to negotiate deals and to make personal disclosures. However, there remains relatively little discussion on the pragmatic ethical issues facing researchers in the field as a result of these interactions.
This paper suggests that interactions with gatekeepers present ethical issues that can be effectively addressed and managed by researchers through the exercise of phronesis. This allows researchers to make critical ethical decisions based on the specific characteristics of the research sites and subjects, not least of which are those issues that emerge as a consequence of researcher positionality. Such decisions are not necessarily identified or accommodated through bureaucratic processes which govern research ethics. We advance the notion of research ethics as an ongoing process that requires researcher skills and engagement, rather than one where it is a one off bureaucratic exercise.


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This chapter explores how the EU is a largely overlooked exporter of normative power through its facilitation and use of clinical trials data produced abroad for the marketing of safe pharmaceuticals at home; a move that helps to foster the growing resort to pharmaceuticals as a fix for public health problems. This is made possible by the EU’s (de)selection of international ethical frameworks in preference to the international technical standards it co-authors with other global regulators. Clinical trials abroad underscore how ethics are contingent and revisable in light of market needs, producing weak protections for the vulnerable subjects of EU law. I argue that these components and effects of the regime are ultimately about that which undergirds, shapes and directs regulatory design. That is, I point to the use, infiltration, perpetuation and extension of market-oriented ideas, values and rationalities into formally non-market domains like biomedical knowledge production and public health. I explain how these are central to efforts at producing and legitimating the EU, its related imagined socio-political order based on a more innovative, profitable and competitive pharmaceutical sector in order to foster economic growth, jobs and prosperity, and with them the project of European integration. ‘Bioethics as risk’ is highlighted as a way to reshape and redirect the regulatory regime in ways that are more consistent with the spirit and letter of the ethical standards (and through them the human rights) the EU claims to uphold.


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This paper explores the theme of exhibiting architectural research through a particular example, the development of the Irish pavilion for the 14th architectural biennale, Venice 2014. Responding to Rem Koolhaas’s call to investigate the international absorption of modernity, the Irish pavilion became a research project that engaged with the development of the architectures of infrastructure in Ireland in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Central to this proposition was that infrastructure is simultaneously a technological and cultural construct, one that for Ireland occupied a critical position in the building of a new, independent post-colonial nation state, after 1921.

Presupposing infrastructure as consisting of both visible and invisible networks, the idea of a matrix become a central conceptual and visual tool in the curatorial and design process for the exhibition and pavilion. To begin with this was a two-dimensional grid used to identify and order what became described as a series of ten ‘infrastructural episodes’. These were determined chronologically across the decades between 1914 and 2014 and their spatial manifestations articulated in terms of scale: micro, meso and macro. At this point ten academics were approached as researchers. Their purpose was twofold, to establish the broader narratives around which the infrastructures developed and to scrutinise relevant archives for compelling visual material. Defining the meso scale as that of the building, the media unearthed was further filtered and edited according to a range of categories – filmic/image, territory, building detail, and model – which sought to communicate the relationship between the pieces of architecture and the larger systems to which they connect. New drawings realised by the design team further iterated these relationships, filling in gaps in the narrative by providing composite, strategic or detailed drawings.

Conceived as an open-ended and extendable matrix, the pavilion was influenced by a series of academic writings, curatorial practices, artworks and other installations including: Frederick Kiesler’s City of Space (1925), Eduardo Persico and Marcello Nizzoli’s Medaglio d’Oro room (1934), Sol Le Witt’s Incomplete Open Cubes (1974) and Rosalind Krauss’s seminal text ‘Grids’ (1979). A modular frame whose structural bays would each hold and present an ‘episode’, the pavilion became both a visual analogue of the unseen networks embodying infrastructural systems and a reflection on the predominance of framed structures within the buildings exhibited. Sharing the aspiration of adaptability of many of these schemes, its white-painted timber components are connected by easily-dismantled steel fixings. These and its modularity allow the structure to be both taken down and re-erected subsequently in different iterations. The pavilion itself is, therefore, imagined as essentially provisional and – as with infrastructure – as having no fixed form. Presenting archives and other material over time, the transparent nature of the space allowed these to overlap visually conveying the nested nature of infrastructural production. Pursuing a means to evoke the qualities of infrastructural space while conveying a historical narrative, the exhibition’s termination in the present is designed to provoke in the visitor, a perceptual extension of the matrix to engage with the future.


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No presente trabalho, analisamos através das respectivas narrativas, a formação e ação de dois diferentes grupos de Educadores de Infância, um brasileiro e um português. A formação e o exercício profissional serão analisados no contexto de dois jardins de infância, no Rio de Janeiro (público) e em Aveiro (semi-privado/Instituição Privada de Solidariedade Social). Selecionamos Brasil e Portugal devido às semelhanças das circunstâncias em que as respectivas práticas profissionais/pedagógicas ocorrem: língua, tradições, modos similares do fazer em Educação de Infância. Analisamos as opiniões das educadoras, todas a exercer a profissão há mais de cinco anos, visando esclarecer as singularidades e aspectos em comum na formação e na prática profissional dessas docentes de ambos os países. Além disso, almejamos elucidar as dificuldades, tensões e questões que forjaram o respectivo percurso, em ordem a identificar a forma como gerem o conhecimento acadêmico e o conhecimento baseado na experiência, e a sua própria prática pedagógica, e (em ordem) a analisar as relações que promovem com as crianças, as suas famílias e outros agentes educativos envolvidos. Finalmente, pretendemos refletir sobre o modo como as educadoras lidam com as mudanças em curso neste mundo globalizado, com as transformações sociais e econômicas, com os novos meios de informação e produção do conhecimento, assim como com as alterações nos valores e costumes do universo multicultural dos nossos dias.


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A gestão de conhecimento é crucial para a competitividade sustentável das organizações. Todavia, a gestão do conhecimento nos centros de investigação universitários tem sido alvo de uma parca atenção nas práticas destas instituições e a literatura sobre este tema também é escassa. O objetivo deste estudo é o de identificar as barreiras e os facilitadores em quatro processos de conhecimento (aquisição; criação; partilha; transferência de conhecimento), em centros de investigação universitários. Foi feito um estudo exploratório, sendo realizadas vinte e uma entrevistas a diretores, investigadores principais e investigadores juniores, em sete centros de investigação, em duas universidades portuguesas. Os resultados obtidos são: a) as principais barreiras mencionadas pelos participantes são: fraco capital social organizacional interno; deficientes mecanismos de implementação da estratégia nacional; fraco capital social/relacional individual; fraca cultura orientada para os resultados.b) os principais facilitadores mencionados são: forte capital social organizacional externo; forte capital social organizacional interno; boas práticas de formação; forte cultura organizacional orientada para os resultados e adequada estratégia nacional. Em síntese, o estudo sugere que as variáveis de natureza individual e socioorganizacional são relevantes para a produção de conhecimento nestas organizações. A liderança dos centros de investigação tem que ter em linha de conta estes fatores críticos. Adicionalmente não pode descurar o alinhamento das tecnologias com os processos de conhecimento, visto estas serem considerados um suporte do trabalho dos investigadores. Porque as organizações são entidades porosas, é necessário ainda uma liderança atenta aos fatores contextuais para que a gestão do conhecimento seja eficaz.