992 resultados para K-ar Evidence


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Most of the national Health Information Systems (HIS) in resource limited developing countries do not serve the purpose of management support and thus the service is adversely affected. While emphasising the importance of timely and accurate health information in decision making in healthcare planning, this paper explains that Health Management Information System Failure is commonly seen in developing countries as well as the developed countries. It is suggested that the possibility of applying principles of Health Informatics and the technology of Decision Support Systems should be seriously considered to improve the situation. A brief scientific explanation of the evolution of these two disciplines is included.


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Inelastic light scattering studies on a single crystal of electron-doped Ca(Fe0.95Co0.05)(2)As-2 superconductor, covering the tetragonal-to-orthorhombic structural transition as well as the magnetic transition at T-SM similar to 140 K and the superconducting transition temperature T-c similar to 23 K, reveal evidence for superconductivity-induced phonon renormalization. In particular, the phonon mode near 260 cm(-1) shows hardening below T-c, signaling its coupling with the superconducting gap. All three Raman active phonon modes show anomalous temperature dependence between room temperature and T-c, i.e. the phonon frequency decreases with lowering temperature. Further, the frequency of one of the modes shows a sudden change in temperature dependence at TSM. Using first-principles density functional theory based calculations, we show that the low temperature phase (T-c < T < T-SM) exhibits short-ranged stripe antiferromagnetic ordering, and estimate the spin-phonon couplings that are responsible for these phonon anomalies.


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Grain size has marked effects on charge-ordering and other properties of Nd(0.5)A(0.5)MnO(3) (A=Ca or Sr). Thus, the anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) transition in Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3 is observed distinctly only in samples sintered at 1273 K or higher. The sample with a small grain size (sintered at 1173 K) shows evidence for greater ferromagnetic (FM) interaction at low temperatures, probably due to phase segregation. The FM transition as well as the charge-ordering transition in Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 becomes sharper in samples sintered at 1273 K or higher. The sample sintered at 1173 K does not show the AFM-CO transition around 150 K and is FM down to low temperatures; the apparent T-c-T-co gap decreases with the increase in the grain size. The samples sintered at lower temperatures (<1673 K) show evidence for greater segregation of the AFM and FM domains. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report detailed evidence for a new paleo-suture zone (the Kumta suture) on the western margin of southern India. The c. 15-km-wide, westward dipping suture zone contains garnet-biotite, fuchsite-haematite, chlorite-quartz, quartz-phengite schists, biotite augen gneiss, marble and amphibolite. The isochemical phase diagram estimations and the high-Si phengite composition of quartz-phengite schist suggest a near-peak condition of c. 18 kbar at c. 550 degrees C, followed by near-isothermal decompression. The detrital SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from quartz-phengite schist give four age populations ranging from 3280 to 2993 Ma. Phengite from quartz-phengite schist and biotite from garnet-biotite schist have K-Ar metamorphic ages of ca. 1326 and ca. 1385 Ma respectively. Electron microprobe-CHIME ages of in situ zircons in quartz-phengite schist (ca. 3750 Ma and ca. 1697 Ma) are consistent with the above results. The Bondla ultramafic-gabbro complex in the west of the Kumta suture compositionally represents an arc with K-Ar biotite ages from gabbro in the range 1644-1536 Ma. On the eastern side of the suture are weakly deformed and unmetamorphosed shallow westward-dipping sedimentary rocks of the Sirsi shelf, which has the following upward stratigraphy: pebbly quartzite/sandstone, turbidite, magnetite iron formation, and limestone; farther east the lower lying quartzite has an unconformable contact with ca. 2571 Ma quartzo-feldspathic gneisses of the Dharwar block with a ca. 1733 Ma biotite cooling age. To the west of the suture is a c. 60-km-wide Karwar block mainly consisting of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) and amphibolite. The TTGs have U-Pb zircon magmatic ages of ca. 3200 Ma with a rare inherited core age of ca. 3601 Ma. The K-Ar biotite cooling age from the TTGs (1746 Ma and 1796 Ma) and amphibolite (ca. 1697 Ma) represents late-stage uplift. Integration of geological, structural and geochronological data from western India and eastern Madagascar suggest diachronous ocean closure during the amalgamation of Rodinia; in the north at around ca. 1380 Ma, and a progression toward the south until ca. 750 Ma. Satellite imagery based regional structural lineaments suggests that the Betsimisaraka suture continues into western India as the Kumta suture and possibly farther south toward a suture in the Coorg area, representing in total a c. 1000 km long Rodinian suture. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The occurrence of high-pressure mafic-ultramafic bodies within major shear zones is one of the indicators of paleo-subduction. In mafic granulites of the Andriamena complex (north-eastern Madagascar) we document unusual textures including garnet-clinopyroxene-quartz coronas that formed after the breakdown of orthopyroxene-plagioclase-ilmenite. Textural evidence and isochemical phase diagram calculations in the Na2O-CaO-K2O-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O-TiO2 system indicate a pressure-temperature (P-T) evolution from an isothermal (780 degrees C) pressure up to c. 24 kbar to decompression and cooling. Such a P-T trajectory is typically attained in a subduction zone setting where a gabbroic/ultramafic complex is subducted and later exhumed to the present crustal level during oceanic closure and final continental collision. The present results suggest that the presence of such deeply subducted rocks of the Andriamena complex is related to formation of the Betsimisaraka suture. LA-ICPMS U-Pb zircon dating of pelitic gneisses from the Betsimisaraka suture yields low Th/U ratios and protolith ages ranging from 2535 to 2625 Ma. A granitic gneiss from the Alaotra complex yields a zircon crystallization age of ca. 818 Ma and Th/U ratios vary from 1.08 to 2.09. K-Ar dating of muscovite and biotite from biotite-kyanite-sillimanite gneiss and garnet-biotite gneiss yields age of 486 +/- 9 Ma and 459 +/- 9 Ma respectively. We have estimated regional crustal thicknesses in NE Madagascar using a flexural inversion technique, which indicates the presence of an anomalously thick crust (c. 43 km) beneath the Antananarivo block. This result is consistent with the present concept that subduction beneath the Antananarivo block resulted in a more competent and thicker crust. The textural data, thermodynamic model, and geophysical evidence together provide a new insight to the subduction history, crustal thickening and evolution of the high-pressure Andriamena complex and its link to the terminal formation of the Betsimisaraka suture in north-eastern Madagascar. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Resumen: El objetivo es determinar utilizando las mediciones acústicas, qué información es más relevante para el oyente al momento de categorizar el grado general de disfonía. Se eligieron 8 (4 voces femeninas y 4 voces masculinas. Cada emisión fue evaluada auditivo perceptualmente a través del item G de la escala GRBAS por 10 oyentes experimentados y acústicamente mediante medidas de aperiodicidad, ruido y caos. El estudio estadístico de análisis discriminante señala la importancia de GNE, Jit y Jitter_cc y Lyapunov como parámetros predictores del grado general de disfonía. La aplicación del método k-means evidencia que existen rasgos en los parámetros acústicos empleados que permiten agrupar objetivamente las voces estudiadas con 100% de precisión para la clase 0, 96% a la clase 2 y 79% a la clase 3. Un mayor número y variabilidad de casos se necesita a fin de verificar los resultados preliminares.


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报道了利用兰州重离子加速器国家实验室ECR离子源首次引出的全裸Ar离子和类氢、类氦、类锂Ar离子与Be固体表面相互作用形成的空心原子x射线实验测量结果 .结果发现 ,同样条件下 ,由于K壳层电子的剥离 ,Ar的K_x射线单离子发射产额增加了 5个量级 ,约为 3 6× 10 - 3每原子 ;而当L壳层存在电子时 ,Ar的K_x射线几乎观测不到


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The occurrence of Late Cretaceous mafic dykes and their entrained peridotite and granulite xenoliths as well as clinopyroxene xenocrysts in the Qingdao region provide us a precious opportunity to unveil the nature and characteristics of the Late Mesozoic lithospheric mantle and lower crust beneath the Jiaodong region, and the change of the magma sources. These studies are of important and significant for understanding the lithospheric evolution in the eastern North China Craton. There were two periods of magma activities in Late Mesozoic in Qingdao Laoshan region, one was around 107Ma in the Early Cretaceous and the other around 86Ma in the Late Cretaceous according to the whole rock K-Ar age determination. The Early Cretaceous mafic dykes and the Late Cretaceous mafic dyke (i.e. Pishikou mafic dike) have completely different geochemical characteristics. The Early Cretaceous mafic dykes are enriched in LILE, strongly depleted in HFSE (Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf) and characterized by the highly radiogenic Sr and Nd isotopic compositions. These geochemical features indicate that the Early Cretaceous mafic dykes were derived from an enriched lithospheric mantle. In contrast, the Late Cretaceous mafic dyke is enriched in LILE, without HFSE depletion (Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf) and has less radiogenic Nd and Sr isotopic compositions. These geochemical features indicate that the Late Cretaceous mafic dyke was derived from the asthenosphere modified by subducted pelagic sediment contamination. The intrusive age of the Late Cretaceous mafic dyke provides further information for the termination of the lithosphere thinning for the eastern North China Crtaon. Pishikou Late Cretaceous mafic dyke contains abundant peridotitic xenoliths, granulite xenoliths and clinopyroxene xenocrysts. The peridotitic xenoliths can be divided into two types: high Mg# peridotites and low Mg# peridotites, according to their textural and mineral features. The high-Mg# peridotites have high Fo (up to 92.2) olivines and high Cr# (up to 55) spinels. The clinopyroxenes in the high# peridotites are rich in Cr2O3 and poor in Al2O3. The low-Mg# peridotites are typified by low Mg# (Fo <90) in olivines and low Cr# (Cr# <0.14) in spinels. The clinopyroxenes in the low-Mg# peridotites are rich in Al2O3 and Na2O and poor in Cr2O3. These two type peridotites have similar equilibrated temperatures of 950C-1100C. The Clinopyroxenes in the high-Mg# peridotites generally have high and variable REE contents (REE = 5.6-84 ppm) and LREE-enriched chondrite-normalized patterns ((La/Yb)N>1). In contrast, the clinopyroxenes in the low-Mg# peridotites have low REE contents (REE = 12 ppm) and LREE-depleted patterns ((La/Yb)N<1). The textural, mineral and elemental features of the low-Mg# peridotites are similar to those of the low-Mg peridotites from the Junan, representing the newly-accreted lithospheric mantle. However, the mineralogical and petrological features of the high-Mg# peridotites are similar to those of the high-Mg# peridotites from the Junan region, representing samples from the old refractory lithospheric mantle that was strongly and multiply affected by melts of different origins Late Cretaceous mafic dike in the Qingdao region also contains two types of granulite xenoliths according to the mineral constituents: the pyroxene-rich granulites and the plagioclase-rich granulites. Equilibrated temperatures calculated from the cpx-opx geothermometers are in a range of 861C - 910C for the pyroxene-rich granulites and of 847C - 890C for the plagioclase-rich granulites. The equilibrated pressure for the plagioclase-rich granulites is in a range of 9.9-11.7 kbar. Combined with the results of the peridotitic xenoliths, a 40C temperature gap exists between the peridotite and the granulite. The petrological Moho was 33~36 km at depths, broadly consistent with the seismic Moho estimated from the geophysical data. This indicates that there was no obvious crust-mantle transition zone in the Qingdao region in the Late Mesozoic. Pishikou Late Cretaceous mafic dyke entrained lots of clinopyroxene xenocrysts which are characterized by the chemical zoning. According to the zoning features, two types of clinopyroxene xenoliths can be classified, the normal zoning and the revise zoning. The normally-zoned clinopyroxene xenocrysts have LREE-depleted REE patterns in the cores. In contrast, the revisely-zoned clinopyroxenes have LREE-enriched REE patterns in the cores. According to the rim and core compositions of xenocrysts, all the rims are balanced with the host magma. Meanwhile, the origins of the cores were complicated, in which the normally-zoned clinopyroxenes were derived form the lithospheric mantle and some of the reversely-zoned clinopyroxnes were originated from the lower crust. Other revisely-zoned clinopyroxenes had experienced complex geological evolution and need to be further investigated. According to the above results, a simplified lithospheric profile has been established beneath the Qingdao region and a constraint on the nature and characteristics of the lithospheric mantle and lower crust has been made.


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~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar法是继K-Ar法后发展起来的一个新的年代学分支,自1962年Sigurgeirssion正式提出~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar计时理论以来,经C. M. Merrihue, G. Turner, G. B. Dalrymple, M. A. Lanphere, I. McDougall, J. G. Mitchell等人的不断改造和完善,现已发展成为一门较为成熟的学科。~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar法以其独特的优点而倍受地质学家的偏爱,其中阶段加热技术是~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar法得以广泛应用的关键,它不仅可以提供一般的年代学资料,同时,还提供诸如样品的受热历史、过剩Ar、封闭温度以及岩体的隆起速率等许多信息。近十年来,对这一领域的研究,无论是在理论方面,还是在实验技术方面,都取得了可喜的进展。


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Kingston-Smith, A. H., Merry, R. J., Leemans, D. K., Thomas, Howard, Theodorou, M. K. (2005). Evidence in support of a role for plant-mediated proteolysis in the rumens of grazing animals. British Journal of Nutrition, 93(1), 73-79. Sponsorship: DEFRA / BBSRC RAE2008


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