630 resultados para Kähler


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Avec prologues, arguments et « capitula ». Evang. Matthaei I,2-XXVIII,20 (13), Marci, cum versibus : « Marcus divini Petro ... » (54v), Lucae XIX,22-XXIV,53 (82), Johannis, cum versibus : « Virgo supra pectus Christi... » (116v) ; « Capitulatio lectionum Evangeliorum de circulo anni ». Ms. X de Klauser, Röm. Capit. Evang., I, 5 (151). F. 159v Promesse d'obéissance faite par Simon Ier, abbé de Notre-Dame de Chaage, diocèse de Meaux, à Manassès II, évêque de Meaux [1153-1158].


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Cette thèse concerne le problème de trouver une notion naturelle de «courbure scalaire» en géométrie kählérienne généralisée. L'approche utilisée consiste à calculer l'application moment pour l'action du groupe des difféomorphismes hamiltoniens sur l'espace des structures kählériennes généralisées de type symplectique. En effet, il est bien connu que l'application moment pour la restriction de cette action aux structures kählériennes s'identifie à la courbure scalaire riemannienne. On se limite à une certaine classe de structure kählériennes généralisées sur les variétés toriques notée $DGK_{\omega}^{\mathbb{T}}(M)$ que l'on reconnaît comme étant classifiées par la donnée d'une matrice antisymétrique $C$ et d'une fonction réelle strictement convexe $\tau$ (ayant un comportement adéquat au voisinage de la frontière du polytope moment). Ce point de vue rend évident le fait que toute structure kählérienne torique peut être déformée en un élément non kählérien de $DGK_{\omega}^{\mathbb{T}}(M)$, et on note que cette déformation à lieu le long d'une des classes que R. Goto a démontré comme étant libre d'obstruction. On identifie des conditions suffisantes sur une paire $(\tau,C)$ pour qu'elle donne lieu à un élément de $DGK_{\omega}^{\mathbb{T}}(M)$ et on montre qu'en dimension 4, ces conditions sont également nécessaires. Suivant l'adage «l'application moment est la courbure» mentionné ci-haut, des formules pour des notions de «courbure scalaire hermitienne généralisée» et de «courbure scalaire riemannienne généralisée» (en dimension 4) sont obtenues en termes de la fonction $\tau$. Enfin, une expression de la courbure scalaire riemannienne généralisée en termes de la structure bihermitienne sous-jacente est dégagée en dimension 4. Lorsque comparée avec le résultat des physiciens Coimbra et al., notre formule suggère un choix canonique pour le dilaton de leur théorie.


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures et posdoctorales en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître (M. Sc.) en criminologie


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The object of research presented here is Vessiot's theory of partial differential equations: for a given differential equation one constructs a distribution both tangential to the differential equation and contained within the contact distribution of the jet bundle. Then within it, one seeks n-dimensional subdistributions which are transversal to the base manifold, the integral distributions. These consist of integral elements, and these again shall be adapted so that they make a subdistribution which closes under the Lie-bracket. This then is called a flat Vessiot connection. Solutions to the differential equation may be regarded as integral manifolds of these distributions. In the first part of the thesis, I give a survey of the present state of the formal theory of partial differential equations: one regards differential equations as fibred submanifolds in a suitable jet bundle and considers formal integrability and the stronger notion of involutivity of differential equations for analyzing their solvability. An arbitrary system may (locally) be represented in reduced Cartan normal form. This leads to a natural description of its geometric symbol. The Vessiot distribution now can be split into the direct sum of the symbol and a horizontal complement (which is not unique). The n-dimensional subdistributions which close under the Lie bracket and are transversal to the base manifold are the sought tangential approximations for the solutions of the differential equation. It is now possible to show their existence by analyzing the structure equations. Vessiot's theory is now based on a rigorous foundation. Furthermore, the relation between Vessiot's approach and the crucial notions of the formal theory (like formal integrability and involutivity of differential equations) is clarified. The possible obstructions to involution of a differential equation are deduced explicitly. In the second part of the thesis it is shown that Vessiot's approach for the construction of the wanted distributions step by step succeeds if, and only if, the given system is involutive. Firstly, an existence theorem for integral distributions is proven. Then an existence theorem for flat Vessiot connections is shown. The differential-geometric structure of the basic systems is analyzed and simplified, as compared to those of other approaches, in particular the structure equations which are considered for the proofs of the existence theorems: here, they are a set of linear equations and an involutive system of differential equations. The definition of integral elements given here links Vessiot theory and the dual Cartan-Kähler theory of exterior systems. The analysis of the structure equations not only yields theoretical insight but also produces an algorithm which can be used to derive the coefficients of the vector fields, which span the integral distributions, explicitly. Therefore implementing the algorithm in the computer algebra system MuPAD now is possible.


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Die spektrale Zusammensetzung von Licht ändert sich, wenn es mit gasförmiger, flüssiger oder fester Materie d.h. mit Ionen, Atomen, Molekülen, Atom- und Molekülverbänden und amorphen oder kristallinen Festkörpern interagiert. Spektroskopische Messungen des Lichts nach der Wechselwirkung geben Aufschluss über die Eigenschaften der zu untersuchenden Materie [2]. Viele der heute noch nicht realisierbaren Ideen und Konzepte in den verschiedensten Anwendungsfeldern der Sensorik benötigen aber für ihre Umsetzung extrem miniaturisierte Spektrometer als Kernbestandteil der Sensoren. Ziel ist es jedoch nicht, dem Anwender dieser Sensoren Informationen über das Spektrum zu liefern, sondern die ausgewerteten spektralen Information als Indikator zum Handeln zu nutzen. Derartige intelligente Sensoren werden in Zukunft unter anderem dazu beitragen intelligente persönliche Umgebungen (engl.: smart rooms, smart buildings, smart cities, samrt personal environments) zu entwerfen und zu realisieren. Grundvoraussetzung für die Erschließung der verschiedenen Anwendungsgebiete sind Spektrometer, die die Anforderungen an niedrige Kosten, hohe Stückzahlen sowie geringe Größe und geringes Gewicht besser als verfügbare Hochleistungsgitter-Spektrometer erfüllen, die zwar bereits in den Bereich weniger Zentimeter miniaturisiert wurden, aber immer noch makroskopisch sind. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, zu zeigen, dass es möglich ist, ein Fabry-Pérot Filterfeld herzustellen, welches später den Kern eines Nanospektrometers darstellen soll, bei dem die unterschiedlichen Kavitäten in einem einzigen Schritt mithilfe der Nanoimprint-Technologie erzeugt werden. Angesichts des Forschungsdefizits hinsichtlich der Nutzung der Nanoimprint-Technologie zur Fertigung von in ihrer Höhe exakten Strukturen werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit zwei Nanoimprint-Technologien untersucht: Das Heißprägen und das UV-Prägen. Das Ergebnis dieser Arbeit ist ein Fabry-Pérot Filterfeld, welches mittels geeigneter Nanoimprint-Technologie hergestellt wurde und demonstriert, dass ein Nanospektrometer auf der Basis eines Feldes von Filtern technisch realisierbar ist. Dazu werden im praktischen Teil dieser Arbeit (Untersuchung der Prägeprozesse) verschiedene technologische Methoden und Maschinen vorgestellt und die damit erreichten Ergebnisse hinsichtlich der Fabry-Pérot-Filterfelder verglichen. Die hergestellten Filterfelder wurden systematisch spektral vermessen. Diese Analyse zeigt 64 Transmissionsbänder der einzelnen Filter eines Feldes. Ein Vergleich mit publizierten Arbeiten des Standes der Wissenschaft und Technik zeigt, dass im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit eine deutliche Verbesserung erreicht wurde. So konnte eine drastische Steigerung der transmittierten Lichtintensität der Filter erzielt werden und eine Nanoimprint-Methode identifiziert werden, mit welcher es möglich ist, einen Demonstrator herzustellen. Aufgrund der im Rahmen einer ausführlichen Charakterisierung ermittelten sehr guten experimentellen Ergebnisse des Demonstrators kann ein Nanospektrometer mit dem Fabry-Pérot-Filterfeld als Kernbestandteil in Zukunft hergestellt werden.


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El presente trabajo de grado tiene como propósito evidenciar los cambios que se generaron en las dinámicas sociales de los residentes y comerciantes del barrio San Bernardo, cuando se decidió declarar este territorio idóneo para el Tratamiento de Renovación Urbana como resultado de una serie de especulaciones originadas por parte de la comunidad debido a la incertidumbre generada por la presencia de las entidades distritales en este barrio de Bogotá.


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La presente investigación tiene como objetivo identificar los procesos que han posibilitado la transnacionalización del movimiento independentista catalán entre 2010 y 2014. Por tal motivo, el análisis de este estudio de caso permitirá comprender con mayor profundidad las dinámicas de transnacionalización de una causa nacional, con las que dicho movimiento ha conseguido conectar lo local con lo global. Para ello, la recolección de datos cualitativos se hace imprescindible en la caracterización de este fenómeno social, a partir del uso de herramientas como la observación participante, entrevistas y el análisis documental. Esto, con el propósito de facilitar la obtención de información proveniente de fuentes primarias y secundarias, respetando la perspectiva de los actores involucrados. De tal manera, será posible evidenciar que estos procesos transnacionales se impulsan mutuamente, propiciando la proyección del debate sobre la independencia fuera de las fronteras catalanas.


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ERA-Interim is the latest global atmospheric reanalysis produced by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). The ERA-Interim project was conducted in part to prepare for a new atmospheric reanalysis to replace ERA-40, which will extend back to the early part of the twentieth century. This article describes the forecast model, data assimilation method, and input datasets used to produce ERA-Interim, and discusses the performance of the system. Special emphasis is placed on various difficulties encountered in the production of ERA-40, including the representation of the hydrological cycle, the quality of the stratospheric circulation, and the consistency in time of the reanalysed fields. We provide evidence for substantial improvements in each of these aspects. We also identify areas where further work is needed and describe opportunities and objectives for future reanalysis projects at ECMWF


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We evaluate the response to regional and latitudinal changes in aircraft NOx emissions using several climate metrics (radiative forcing (RF), Global Warming Potential (GWP), Global Temperature change Potential (GTP)). Global chemistry transport model integrations were performed with sustained perturbations in regional aircraft and aircraft-like NOx emissions. The RF due to the resulting ozone and methane changes is then calculated. We investigate the impact of emission changes for specific geographical regions (approximating to USA, Europe, India and China) and cruise altitude emission changes in discrete latitude bands covering both hemispheres. We find that lower latitude emission changes (per Tg N) cause ozone and methane RFs that are about a factor of 6 larger than those from higher latitude emission changes. The net RF is positive for all experiments. The meridional extent of the RF is larger for low latitude emissions. GWPs for all emission changes are positive, with tropical emissions having the largest values; the sign of the GTP depends on the choice of time horizon.


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar alguns aspectos relacionados à zoogeografia e ecologia dos ostracodes da plataforma interna norte do Rio de Janeiro, próximo à cidade de Cabo Frio. O material de estudo resultou da análise de 43 amostras sedimentológicas coletadas durante a expedição GEOCOSTA RIO II. Este estudo permitiu o reconhecimento de 16 famílias, 49 gêneros, 66 espécies e dois gêneros que permaneceram em nomenclatura indeterminada. A descrição de uma nova espécie, Actinocythereis brasiliensis sp. n., também foi realizada no âmbito do presente trabalho. As famílias mais representativas quanto à abundância e o número de espécies foram Thaerocytheridae e Cytheruridae, respectivamente. A espécie mais constante na área foi Caudites ohmerti e, dentre as com maior dominância estão, Caudites ohmerti, Meridionalicythere? dubia, Callistocythere litoralensis, Paracytheridea bulbosa, Urocythereis dimorphica, Henryhowella inflata, Oculocytheropteron delicatum, Xestoleberis umbonata, Henryhowella macrocicatricosa e Brasilicythere reticulispinosa. As preferências sedimentológicas e batimétricas das espécies são também discutidas neste trabalho. É sugerido que se estenda a distribuição zoogeográfica, um pouco mais ao norte, para sete espécies: Cushmanidea variopunctata, Neocytherideis impudicus, Hemingwayella advena, Hemingwayella sp., Urocythereis dimorphica, Munseyella cornuta e Basslerites costata. A grande maioria das espécies são características da plataforma continental sul, sendo que destas o maior percentual pertence à Subprovíncia Sul-Brasileira. De acordo com a fauna registrada, predominantemente de águas frias, chegamos a conclusão que a sua presença se deve, em grande parte, à influência da ressurgência marinha na área de estudo A proporção sexual foi de 1,19 machos para 1 fêmea. Fêmeas ovígeras encontradas entre abril e setembro e o ingresso de juvenis na população (recrutamento) foi observado em novembro e dezembro de 2000.


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O trabalho desenvolvido tem por objetivo uma sistematização teórica do estudo do conceito da causalidade na Psicologia. Aborda a contribuição da Epistemologia nas obras de Hume, Kant e Maine Biran e, mais recentemente, Mario Bunge, e da Epistemologia Genética nos estudos desenvolvidos por Jean Piaget. Na Psicologia Contemporânea, temos a obra dos psicólogos K. Koffka, W. Köhler e S. Asch dentro da Psicologia da Gestalt, que apresenta relevante in fluência nos atuais trabalhos desenvolvidos' em Psicologia sobre o conceito de causalidade. A posição gestaltista aparece influenciando a obra de Michotte, de caráter fenomenológico. Ainda, em todo o trabalho dos psicólogos sociais em 'relação à causalidade. Inicialmente em Heider, o qual formula a noção de atribuição de causalidade, objeto de estudos por vários autores, entre os quais destacamos Jones e Davis, Kelley e Kruglanski. Concluímos considerando, em termos avaliativos, as diversas perspectivas teóricas apresentadas, o que nos permite um questionamento da posição atual da psicologia nos estudos sobre a causalidade.


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We attempt to incorporate inflation into a string theory realization of the chameleon mechanism. Previously, it was found that the volume modulus, stabilized by the supersymmetric potential used by Kachru, Kallosh, Linde and Trivedi (KKLT) and with the right choice of parameters, can generically work as a chameleon. In this paper, we ask whether inflation can be realized in the same model. We find that we need a large extra dimensions set-up, as well as a semi-phenomenological deformation of the Kähler potential in the quantum region. We also find that an additional KKLT term is required so that there are now two pieces to the potential, one which drives inflation in the early universe, and one which is responsible for chameleon screening at late times. These two pieces of the potential are separated by a large flat desert in field space. The scalar field must dynamically traverse this desert between the end of inflation and today, and we find that this can indeed occur under the right conditions. © 2013 SISSA, Trieste, Italy.