966 resultados para Judicial districts
Arran de les exposicions de la jornada de treball desenvolupada el passat 30 de novembre de 2007 es va veure que hi havia una preocupació comuna dels tècnics entorn dels dilemes ètics que es generen en el nostre entorn professional. De les dotze dimensions que es recollien en el qüestionari sobre com pensem que hauria de ser un bon professional, hi destacàvem: responsable, honest, coherent, competent, veraç i rigorós. D’altra banda, sobre com pensem que actuem els mateixos professionals, hi trobàvem prioritzats els valors: actitud crítica, veracitat, competència, comunicació i competències socials. El manual de bones pràctiques, que tot seguit us presentem, és el resultat de l’experiència de la pràctica professional i de l’anàlisi, discussió i revisió de documentació pel grup de tècnics que ha integrat aquest grup, com també, de totes les aportacions recollides abans i durant la jornada esmentada, esperant poder continuar-ne recollint dins el marc del Programa Compartim. Pretenem doncs, garantir-ne el seu compliment i supervisió, mitjançant el seguiment, amb els mecanismes i eines per a compartir inquietuds i objectius.
Audit report on the Iowa Judicial Branch for the year ended June 30, 2006
Combined audit report on the eight Judicial District Departments of Correctional Services for the year ended June 30, 2006
Audit report on the Iowa Judicial Branch – County Clerks of District Courts, a part of the State of Iowa, for the year ended June 30, 2006
Audit report on the Iowa Judicial Retirement System for the year ended June 30, 2007
The old, understudied electoral system composed of multi-member districts, open ballot and plurality rule is presented as the most remote scene of the origin of both political parties and new electoral systems. A survey of the uses of this set of electoral rules in different parts of the world during remote and recent periods shows its wide spread. A model of voting by this electoral system demonstrates that, while it can produce varied and pluralistic representation, it also provides incentives to form factional or partisan candidacies. Famous negative reactions to the emergence of factions and political parties during the 18th and 19th centuries are reinterpreted in this context. Many electoral rules and procedures invented since the second half of the 19th century, including the Australian ballot, single-member districts, limited and cumulative ballots, and proportional representation rules, derived from the search to reduce the effects of the originating multi-member district system in favor of a single party sweep. The general relations between political parties and electoral systems are restated to account for the foundational stage here discussed.
Report on the Iowa Judicial Branch for the year ended June 30, 2007
Report on the Iowa Judicial Branch – County Clerks of District Courts, a part of the State of Iowa, for the year ended June 30, 2007
Combined report on the eight Judicial District Departments of Correctional Services for the year ended June 30, 2007
Audit report on the Iowa Judicial Retirement System for the year ended June 30, 2008
Assuming that the degree of discretion granted to judges was the main distinguishing feature between common and civil law until the 19th century, we argue that constraining judicial discretion was instrumental in protecting freedom of contract and developing the market order in civil law. We test this hypothesis by analyzing the history of Western law. In England, a unique institutional balance between the Crown and the Parliament guaranteed private property and prompted the gradual evolution towards a legal framework that facilitated market relationships, a process that was supported by the English judiciary. On the Continent, however, legal constraints on the market were suppressed in a top-down fashion by the founders of the liberal state, often against the will of the incumbent judiciary. Constraining judicial discretion there was essential for enforcing freedom of contract and establishing the legal order of the market economy. In line with this evidence, our selection hypothesis casts doubts on the normative interpretation of empirical results that proclaim the superiority of one legal system over another, disregarding the local conditions and institutional interdependencies on which each legal system was grounded.
The paper explores an efficiency hypothesis regarding the contractual process between large retailers, such as Wal-Mart and Carrefour, and their suppliers. The empirical evidence presented supports the idea that large retailers play a quasi-judicial role, acting as "courts of first instance" in their relationships with suppliers. In this role, large retailers adjust the terms of trade to on-going changes and sanction performance failures, sometimes delaying payments. A potential abuse of their position is limited by the need for re-contracting and preserving their reputations. Suppliers renew their confidence in their retailers on a yearly basis, through writing new contracts. This renovation contradicts the alternative hypothesis that suppliers are expropriated by large retailers as a consequence of specific investments.
El règim d’accés de persones privades a la documentació, informació o dades, generada pels poders públics, en general, i per l’Administració de justícia, en particular, està actualment dispers en principis i criteris legals continguts dins d’un ampli ventall normatiu, que s’ha d’interpretar i aplicar d’acord amb el principi d’unitat de l’ordenament jurídic. En aquest document s’elabora una aproximació al règim d’accés general a la documentació judicial per part de persones privades a partir d’una recopilació i organització de la normativa vigent i dels principis i criteris generals que conté i que configuren aquest règim d’accés, amb l’objectiu d’ajudar els responsables de la documentació i dels arxius judicials en la seva aplicació. A més, s’analitzen les característiques de la documentació judicial respecte als nivells de reserva i es proposen 15 consideracions que caldria formalitzar en el procés de canalització de les consultes, tot atenent les característiques de la documentació sol·licitada i la condició o interès acreditat per part de la persona sol·licitant. Aquestes 15 consideracions estan precedides d’unes consideracions prèvies en relació amb els principis o drets, reconeguts en el marc constitucional, que cal valorar en les sol·licituds d’accés a la documentació judicial per part de persones privades.
Report on the Iowa Judicial Branch for the year ended June 30, 2008