999 resultados para Ji-Parana
Le Nouveau Testament.Traduction datée de 1813, faite et publiée à Canton par Robert Morrison. Table des matières.8 livres.
Manuel encyclopédique pour l'éducation.Composé par Chen Bin gong et annoté par Wang Bai gu ; explications de Li Zhuo wu († 1610). Ouvrage gravé par Wu Qi xiang (1628) ; comprenant : vie de Confucius, — en haut des pages, abrégé historique, en bas, vocabulaire méthodique, — renseignements divers, modèles de lettres, etc.2 + 32 + 6 feuillets.
Contient : tables, livres 1 à 40 ; Ciel ; astronomie, livres 1 à 100 ; saisons, livres 1 à 116 ; calendrier, livres 1 à 140 ; régulateurs du temps, livres 1 à 188 ; Terre ; terre, livres 1 à 140 ; Empire, livres 1 à 1544 ; fleuves et montagnes, livres 1 à 320 ; pays barbares, livres 1 à 140 ; Société ; dignité suprême, livres 1 à 300 ; palais, livres 1 à 140 ; fonctions, livres 1 à 800 (manquent les livres 643, 644) ; règles familiales, livres 1 à 116 ; devoirs sociaux, livres 1 à 120 (manquent les livres 47, 48) ; gentes et familles, livres 1 à 640 ; vie sociale, livres 1 à 112 ; harem, livres 1 à 376 ; Objets divers ; métiers et arts, livres 1 à 824 ; esprits et prodiges, livres 1 à 320 (manquent les livres 221 à 240) ; animaux, livres 1 à 192 ; végétaux, livres 1 à 320 ; Connaissances humaines ; livres canoniques, livres 1 à 500 ; éducation, livres 1 à 300 ; littérature, livres 1 à 260 ; calligraphie, livres 1 à 160 ; Gouvernement ; choix des fonctionnaires, livres 1 à 136 ; nominations, livres 1 à 120 ; denrées et marchandises, livres 1 à 360 ; rites, livres 1 à 348 ; musique, livres 1 à 136 ; armée, livres 1 à 300 ; châtiments, livres 1 à 180 ; travaux, livres 1 à 252
Contient : tables, livres 1 à 40 ; Ciel ; astronomie, livres 1 à 100 ; saisons, livres 1 à 116 ; calendrier, livres 1 à 140 ; régulateurs du temps, livres 1 à 188 ; Terre ; terre, livres 1 à 140 ; Empire, livres 1 à 1544 ; fleuves et montagnes, livres 1 à 320 ; pays barbares, livres 1 à 140 ; Société ; dignité suprême, livres 1 à 300 ; palais, livres 1 à 140 ; fonctions, livres 1 à 800 (manquent les livres 643, 644) ; règles familiales, livres 1 à 116 ; devoirs sociaux, livres 1 à 120 (manquent les livres 47, 48) ; gentes et familles, livres 1 à 640 ; vie sociale, livres 1 à 112 ; harem, livres 1 à 376 ; Objets divers ; métiers et arts, livres 1 à 824 ; esprits et prodiges, livres 1 à 320 (manquent les livres 221 à 240) ; animaux, livres 1 à 192 ; végétaux, livres 1 à 320 ; Connaissances humaines ; livres canoniques, livres 1 à 500 ; éducation, livres 1 à 300 ; littérature, livres 1 à 260 ; calligraphie, livres 1 à 160 ; Gouvernement ; choix des fonctionnaires, livres 1 à 136 ; nominations, livres 1 à 120 ; denrées et marchandises, livres 1 à 360 ; rites, livres 1 à 348 ; musique, livres 1 à 136 ; armée, livres 1 à 300 ; châtiments, livres 1 à 180 ; travaux, livres 1 à 252
Contient : tables, livres 1 à 40 ; Ciel ; astronomie, livres 1 à 100 ; saisons, livres 1 à 116 ; calendrier, livres 1 à 140 ; régulateurs du temps, livres 1 à 188 ; Terre ; terre, livres 1 à 140 ; Empire, livres 1 à 1544 ; fleuves et montagnes, livres 1 à 320 ; pays barbares, livres 1 à 140 ; Société ; dignité suprême, livres 1 à 300 ; palais, livres 1 à 140 ; fonctions, livres 1 à 800 (manquent les livres 643, 644) ; règles familiales, livres 1 à 116 ; devoirs sociaux, livres 1 à 120 (manquent les livres 47, 48) ; gentes et familles, livres 1 à 640 ; vie sociale, livres 1 à 112 ; harem, livres 1 à 376 ; Objets divers ; métiers et arts, livres 1 à 824 ; esprits et prodiges, livres 1 à 320 (manquent les livres 221 à 240) ; animaux, livres 1 à 192 ; végétaux, livres 1 à 320 ; Connaissances humaines ; livres canoniques, livres 1 à 500 ; éducation, livres 1 à 300 ; littérature, livres 1 à 260 ; calligraphie, livres 1 à 160 ; Gouvernement ; choix des fonctionnaires, livres 1 à 136 ; nominations, livres 1 à 120 ; denrées et marchandises, livres 1 à 360 ; rites, livres 1 à 348 ; musique, livres 1 à 136 ; armée, livres 1 à 300 ; châtiments, livres 1 à 180 ; travaux, livres 1 à 252
Evalúa la condición física de la población escolar de la provincia de Paraná, Brasil. 1800 sujetos, 950 varones y 850 hembras, escolares, de 7 hasta 14 años, estudiantes de Enseñanza Fundamental de centros del núcleo regional de educación de Pato Branco-Paraná. Elaborar normas de referencia que puedan ser usadas por los profesionales de educación física con sus alumnos y comparar los resultados obtenidos con lo de otras poblaciones que ya fueron evaluados previamente. El estudio fue del tipo transversal, con una muestra aleatoria estratificada y el tipo de fijación proporcional. Se realizó una estadística descriptiva elemental de los parámetros utilizados, globalmente y por grupo. Batería Eurofit, test, análisis estadístico, material informático. Los materiales utilizados son: test de equilibrio del flamenco, test golpeo de placas, test de flexión de tronco, test de salto horizontal, test de dinamometría manual, test abdominal, test de suspensión en barra, test de carrera ida y vuelta 10 x 5 metros y test de carrera ida y vuelta 'course navete'. También se utilizaron medidas antropométricas, material informático y análisis estadístico. Los resultados obtenidos por los niños en la mayoría de los test administrados presentaron mejoras graduales desde los 7 años. Entre las niñas los mejores resultados ocurrieron entre 10 y 11 años, principalmente en las pruebas de flexión del tronco, golpeo de placas, equilibrio y velocidad. Los niños presentaron resultados significativamente mejores que las niñas en todas las edades. La opción más indicada a utilizar como indicadores referenciales en estudios futuros han sido los valores de percentiles. Los escolares paranaenses fueron inferiores a los de las poblaciones europeas. Ese factor podría deberse al estado nutricional de los evaluados. En definitiva, lo que se ha pretendido es: 1) Evaluar la condición física de la población escolar de la provincia de Paraná-Brasil. 2) Elaborar unas normas de referencia que puedan ser usadas por los profesionales de la Educación Física con sus alumnos. 3) Comparar la condición física de la población evaluada con otras que a fueron evaluadas previamente. Por último, los resultados de la evaluación científica de la aptitud física de los niños podrán subsidiar la elaboración de líneas políticas nacionales que vengan a incrementar los currículos educacionales en la área de Educación Física y deporte; pudiendo también dotar a los profesores de Educación Física de una herramienta para la evaluación de la condición física de sus alumnos.
Triggered seismicity is commonly associated with deep water reservoirs or injection wells where water is injected at high pressure into the reservoir rock. However, earth tremors related solely to the opening of groundwater wells are extremely rare. Here we present a clear case of seismicity induced by pore-pressure changes following the drilling of water wells that exploit a confined aquifer in the intracratonic Parana Basin of southeastern Brazil. Since 2004, shallow seismic activity, with magnitudes up to 2.9 and intensities V MM, has been observed near deep wells (120-200 m) that were drilled in early 2003 near the town of Bebedouro. The wells were drilled for irrigation purposes, cross a sandstone layer about 60-80 m thick and extract water from a confined aquifer in fractured zones between basalt flow layers. Seismic activity, mainly event swarms, has occurred yearly since 2004, mostly during the rainy season when the wells are not pumped. During the dry season when the wells are pumped almost continuously, the activity is very low. A seismographic network, installed in March 2005, has located more than 2000 microearthquakes. The events are less than 1 km deep (mostly within the 0.5 km thick basalt layer) and cover an area roughly 1.5 km x 5 km across. The seismicity generally starts in a small area and expands to larger distances with an equivalent hydraulic diffusivity ranging from 0.06 to 0.6 m(2)/s. Geophysical and geothermal logging of several wells in the area showed that water from the shallow sandstone aquifer enters the well at the top and usually forms waterfalls. The waterfalls flow down the sides of the wells and feed the confined, fractured aquifer in the basalt layer at the bottom. Two seismic areas are observed: the main area surrounds several wells that are pumped continuously during the dry season, and a second area near another well (about 10 km from the first area) that is not used for irrigation and not pumped regularly. The main area displays cyclic annual activity, but the second area does not. We explain the earthquake swarms as being triggered by pore pressure diffusion in the fractured basalt layer due to additional pressure from the newly connected surface aquifer. This reaches critically prestressed areas up to a few kilometers away from the wells. During periods of continuous pumping, the reduction of pore pressure in the confined aquifer stops the seismic activity. Our study suggests that this kind of activity may be more common than previously thought and implies that many other cases of small tremors associated with the drilling of water wells may have gone unnoticed.
We investigate the depositional time scale of lithological couplets (fine sandstone/siltstone-siltstone/mudstone) from two distinctive outcrops of Permo-Carboniferous glacial rhythmites in the Itarare Group (Parana Basin, Brazil). Resolving the fundamental issue of time scale for these rhythmites is important in light of recent evidence for paleosecular variation measured in these sequences. Spectral analysis and tuning of high-resolution gray scale scans of sediment core microstratigraphy, which comprises pervasive laminations, reveal a comparable spectral content at both localities, with a frequency suite interpreted as that of short-term climate variability of Recent and modern times. This evidence for decadal- to centennial-scale deposition of these lithological couplets is discussed in light of the `varvic` character, i.e., annual time scale that was previously assumed for the rhythmites.
The deep crustal structure of the Parana Basin of southern Brazil is investigated by analyzing P- and PP-wave receiver functions at 17 Brazilian Lithosphere Seismic Project stations within the basin. The study area can be described as a typical Paleozoic intracratonic basin that hosts one of the largest Large Igneous Province of the world and makes a unique setting for investigating models of basin subsidence and their interaction with mantle plumes. Our study consists of (1) an analysis of the Moho interaction phases in the receiver functions to obtain the thickness and bulk Vp/Vs ratio of the basin`s underlying crust and (2) a joint inversion with Rayleigh-wave dispersion velocities from an independent tomographic study to delineate the detailed S-wave velocity variation with depth. The results of our analysis reveal that Moho depths and bulk Vp/Vs ratios (including sediments) vary between 41 and 48 km and between 1.70 and 1.76, respectively, with the largest values roughly coinciding with the basin`s axis, and that S-wave velocities in the lower crust are generally below 3.8 km/s. Select sites within the basin, however, show lower crustal S-wave velocities slightly above 3.9 km/s suggestive of underplated mafic material. We show that these observations are consistent with a fragmented cratonic root under the Parana basin that defined a zone of weakness for the initial Paleozoic subsidence of the basin and which allowed localized mafic underplating of the crust along the suture zones by Cenozoic magmatism.
Samples of Araucaria area soil from Parana state, Brazil, were separated by particle size fractionation and investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) in X-Band of 9.5 GHz at room temperature and 77K, infra-red spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometry. The paramagnetic species in the soil samples were identified by comparison with EPR spectra of some minerals studied recently by our group, several soil types and/or soil components investigated in the literature. The value of g = 2.1 (Delta H = 85 mT) indicated the presence of ferrihydrite. Hematite was identified by g = 2.1 (Delta H = 100 mT) and g = 4.3 for Fe(3+) lines of the concentrated dominium and diluted dominium. Kaolinite was identified by IR and EPR with the resonance at g = 4.3 attributed to Fe(3+) ions in isolated sites of tetrahedral and octahedral symmetry with rhombic distortion. The resonances at g = 3.7 and g = 4.9 were attributed to Fe(3+) in more highly symmetrical environment than rhombic symmetry, but not in axial symmetry. Three signals around g = 2 were attributed to radiation defects, plus additional resonances at g = 2.8 and 9.0. Signals less intense than those at g = 2.1, 3.7, and 6.5, observed for clear grains of soil, were attributed to presence of Fe(3+) in quartz which was identified by IR and XDR. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study is focused on the analysis of an accumulation of inorganic elements in muscles, liver and gonad of seven fish species from Sao Francisco River located in the Parana state of Brazil. Concentrations of the elements were determined using the SR-TXRF technique. In the muscles of fish species, negative length dependent relationships were observed for chromium and zinc ion absorption. The obtained results showed that accumulated Cr ions values are above the limits defined in the Brazilian legislative norm on food. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.
We present four SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages for the Choiyoi igneous province from the San Rafael Block, central-western Argentina. Dated samples come from the Yacimiento Los Reyunos Formation (281.4 +/- 2.5 Ma) of the Cochico Group (Lower Choiyoi section: andesitic breccias, dacitic to rhyolitic ignimbrites and continental conglomerates). Agua de los Burros Formation (264.8 +/- 2.3 Ma and 264.5 +/- 3.0 Ma) and Cerro Carrizalito Formation (251.9 +/- 2.7 Ma Upper Choiyoi section: rhyolitic ignimbrites and pyroclastic flows) spanning the entire Permian succession of the Choiyoi igneous province. A single ziron from the El Imperial Formation, that is overlain unconformably by the Choiyoi succession, yielded an early Permian age (297.2 +/- 5.3 Ma). while the main detrital zircon population indicated an Ordovician age (453.7 +/- 8.1 Ma). The new data establishes a more precise Permian age (Artinskian-Lopingian) for the section studied spanning 30 Ma of volcanic activity. Volcanological observations for the Choiyoi succession support the occurrence of explosive eruptions of plinian to ultraplinian magnitudes, capable of injecting enormous volumes of tephra in the troposphere-stratosphere. The new SHRIMP ages indicate contemporaneity between the Choyoi succession and the upper part of the Parana Basin late Paleozoic section, from the Irad up to the Rio do Rasto formations, encompassing about 24 Ma. Geochemical data show a general congruence in compositional and tectonic settings between the volcanics and Parana Basin Permian ash fall derived layers of bentonites. Thickness and granulometry of ash fall layers broadly fit into the depletion curve versus distance from the remote source vent of ultraplinian eruptions. Thus, we consider that the Choiyoi igneous province was the source of ash fall deposits in the upper Permian section of the Parana Basin. Data presented here allow a more consistent correlation between tectono-volcanic Permian events along the paleo-Pacific margin of southwestern Gondwana and the geological evolution of neighboring Paleozoic foreland basins in South America and Africa. (C) 2010 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A radiometric zircon age of 285.4 +/- 8.6 Ma (IDTIMS U-Pb) is reported from a tonstein layer interbedded with coal seams in the Faxinal coalfield, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Calibration of palynostratigraphic data with the absolute age shows that the coal depositional interval in the southern Parana Basin is constrained to the Sakmarian. Consequently, the basal Gondwana sequence in the southern part of the basin should lie at the Carboniferous-Permian boundary, not within the Sakmarian as previously considered. The new results are significant for correlations between the Parana Basin and the Argentinian Paganzo Basin (302 +/- 6 Ma and 288 +/- 7 Ma) and with the Karoo Basin, specifically with the top of the Dwyka Tillite (302 +/- 3 Ma and 299.2 +/- 3.2 Ma) and the lowermost Ecca Group (288 +/- 3 Ma and 289.6 +/- 3.8 Ma). The evidence signifies widespread latest Carboniferous volcanic activity in western Gondwana. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Itaiacoca Belt is a sequence of metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks that crop out east of Parana and southeast of Sao Paulo states, in southern Brazil. This geologic-geochronologic study supports division of the Itaiacoca Belt into two major lithologic sequences. The older is a carbonate platform sequence (dolomitic meta-limestones/metamarls/calc-phyllites/ carbonate phyllites) with minimum deposition ages related to the end of the Mesoproterozoic/beginning of the Neoproterozoic (1030-908 Ma:U-Pb, zircon of metabasic rocks). The younger sequence contains mainly clastics deposits (meta-arkoses/metavolcanics/metaconglomerates/metapelites) with deposition ages related to the Neoproterozoic (645-628 Ma:U-Pb,zircon of metavolcanic rocks). These ages are quite close to K-Ar ages (fine fraction) of the 628-610 Ma interval, associated with metamorphism and cooling of the Itaiacoca Belt. The contact between the dolomitic meta-limestones and meta-arkoses is marked by intense stretching and high-angle foliation, suggesting that the discontinuity between these associations resulted from shearing. It is proposed here that the term Itaiacoca Sequence, should represent the dolomitic meta-limestones, and the term Abapa Sequence represents the meta-arkoses/metavolcanics/phyllites. in a major tectonic context, these periods are related to the break-up of Rodinia Supercontinent (1030-908 Ma) and the amalgamation of the Gondwana Supercontinent (645-628 Ma). (C) 2008 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Lycopodiopsis derbyi Renault was analyzed on the basis of compressed silicified stems from four Guadalupian outcrops of the Parana Basin (Corumbatai Formation) in the State of Sao Paulo, Southern Brazil. Dichotomous stems have been recorded, and three different branch regions related to apoxogenesis are described. The most proximal region has larger, clearly rhomboidal leaf cushions, with protruding upper edges; the intermediate transitional region also has rhombic leaf cushions, but they are smaller and less elongated than the lower in the same axis; finally, the most distal region reveals only incipient cushions, with inconspicuous infrafoliar bladders; interspersed microphylls were still attached. A well preserved branch representative of this most distal region was sectioned; it has a siphonostelic cylinder similar to that previously described for L derbyi. The cortex, however, shows new traits, such as a short portion of elongated cells between the periderm and the external cortex (or leaf cushion tissue). The stems were apparently silicified prior to their final burial but were probably not transported for long distances. Their final burial may have taken place during storm events, which were common during the deposition of the Corumbatai Formation. These stems are commonly deformed due to compression, mainly because the internal cortical portions rapidly decayed prior to silicification due to their thin-walled tissue, and are therefore not preserved. The common alkalinity of a shallow marine environment such as that in which the Corumbatai Formation was deposited, should mobilize the silica and favors petrifaction. Based on the new data, an emended diagnosis is proposed and a modification of the identification key published by Thomas and Meyen in 1984 for Upper Paleozoic Lycopsida is suggested. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.