839 resultados para JUDICIAL DECISIONS
Desde la vigencia de la Constitución del 2008, nuestro país evidencia una serie de cambios significativos, relacionados principalmente con las garantías constitucionales. En la presente monografía se ha realizado un estudio detallado de cada uno de estos mecanismos constitucionales, que garantizan una protección eficiente de los derechos reconocidos en el ordenamiento jurídico interno y en los instrumentos internacionales a favor de las personas. La presente investigación se divide en dos importantes secciones, que son las siguientes: Inicialmente, se presentan los avances en tema de garantías constitucionales establecidas en la Constitución de 2008, en relación a las garantías reguladas en el cuerpo político de 1998; se desarrolla además, un análisis de cada uno de estos mecanismos constitucionales, garantías normativas, institucionales, de políticas públicas, y jurisdiccionales, efectuando una referencia de las instituciones que abarca cada una de ellas.
This thesis entitled “Judicial review of academic decisions.Education in India is being increasingly controlled and guided by the courts.This study makes an attempt to assess the involvement of the court in regulating education and its role or interference in the conventional concepts of ‘academic freedom’ and ‘university autonomy.The study mostly concentrates on the jurisdiction under Article 226 of the Constitution and its invocation in academic matters with particular reference to the decisions of the Kerala High Court.The concept of judicial review in the Constituent Assembly, initial approach of the Supreme Court of India towards the doctrine, gradual empowerment of Indian judiciary in this area and the resultant judicial activism.The study proceeds through the analysis of ‘academic freedom’ and ‘university autonomy’ in the 4"‘ chapter. This chapter attempts to probe academic freedom and university autonomy in India,England and United States and autonomy of Indian universities before and after independence.Basic principles and the jurisdictional parameters of judicial review in the area of academic decisions, as pronounced by the Apex Court, can be convincingly and consistently followed by the High Courts, which is possible only if special Academic Benches are constituted.
Includes index.
Mode of access: Internet.
Recent decisions of the Family Court of Australian reflect concerns over the adversarial nature of the legal process. The processes and procedures of the judicial system militate against a detailed examination of the issues and rights of the parties in dispute. The limitations of the family law framework are particularly demonstrated in disputes over the custody of children where the Court has tended to neglect the rights and interests of the primary carer. An alternative "unified family court" framework will be examined in which the Court pursues a more active and interventionist approach in the determination of family law disputes.
In Australia seven schemes (apart from the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal) provide alternative dispute resolution services for complaints brought by consumers against financial services industry members. Recently the Supreme Court of New South Wales held that the decisions of one scheme were amenable to judicial review at the suit of a financial services provider member and the Supreme Court of Victoria has since taken a similar approach. This article examines the juristic basis for such a challenge and contends that judicial review is not available, either at common law or under statutory provisions. This is particularly the case since Financial Industry Complaints Service Ltd v Deakin Financial Services Pty Ltd (2006) 157 FCR 229; 60 ACSR 372 decided that the jurisdiction of a scheme is derived from a contract made with its members. The article goes on to contend that the schemes are required to give procedural fairness and that equitable remedies are available if that duty is breached.
In 1995, the Federal Commissioner of Taxation released Taxation Ruling TR 95/35 in an attempt to comprehensively address the appropriate capital gains tax treatment of a receipt of compensation, awarded either by the courts or via a settlement. The ruling was in response to the numerous, somewhat contradictory, court decisions of the early 1990s. Despite the release of TR 95/35, there still appears to be a lack of consensus as to the appropriate treatment of such awards. It has been suggested that the only way a taxpayer can, with any certainty, determine their liability is to obtain a private binding ruling, a far from satisfactory situation. In an attempt to clarify what the capital gains tax consequences of a compensation receipt should be, this article examines the Australian position and explores the comparative jurisprudence of the United Kingdom and Canada to ascertain whether the Australian attitude is consistent with these international jurisdictions. This article concludes that while the jurisdictions, through differing approaches, achieve a similar result, there is still a need to address the uncertainties that remain.
•Intractable disputes about withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatment from adults who lack capacity are rare but challenging. Judicial resolution may be needed in some of these cases. •A central concept for judicial (and clinical) decision making in this area is a patient's “best interests”. Yet what this term means is contested. •There is an emerging Supreme Court jurisprudence that sheds light on when life-sustaining treatment will, or will not, be judged to be in a patient's best interests. •Treatment that is either futile or overly burdensome is not in a patient's best interests. Although courts will consider patient and family wishes, they have generally deferred to the views of medical practitioners about treatment decisions.
Resumen: La potestad judicial en el principio del constitucionalismo moderno aparece diseñada de modo impreciso y sin función clara. Ella adquiere entidad en el derecho norteamericano cuando la propia jurisprudencia diseña el control de constitucionalidad. Este es resistido por el derecho continental europeo, aunque finalmente aceptado, con otras modalidades, luego de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Con el tiempo ese poder excede el mero control de las leyes, para transformarse a través de sus sentencias en órgano que compite en la creación del derecho con los poderes políticos encargados de la función de gobierno. El autor considera que esa función basada en principios de normas internacionales de discutible vigencia y sin el freno de la consideración, por el nominalismo que la anima, de la existencia de un orden objetivo termina originando un poder incontrolable con riesgo de destrucción social.
Considerando que o ativismo judicial é uma realidade contemporânea da prática decisória do Supremo Tribunal Federal, como melhor explicar sua recente ascensão e, principalmente, como identificar as decisões ativistas da Corte? Este trabalho é dedicado a investigar o ativismo judicial do Supremo Tribunal Federal de modo a tornar possível responder a essas perguntas. Nele são examinadas as práticas ativistas de importantes cortes constitucionais ou supremas cortes, principalmente a norte-americana, com o propósito de extrair lições para a elaboração de uma definição abrangente do ativismo judicial e para a montagem de um esquema explicativo e categorizador das decisões ativistas. As conclusões são por uma explicação multifacetada e por uma identificação multidimensional do ativismo judicial. Aplicando essas premissas sobre a realidade decisória do Supremo, é verificado que seu ativismo judicial responde a um conjunto de fatores institucionais, sociopolíticos e jurídico-culturais que se desenvolveram gradualmente a partir da Constituição de 1988. E, principalmente, que é possível descrever cinco dimensões de manifestação de seu ativismo judicial: metodológico (interpretativo); processual; estrutural (horizontal); de direitos; antidialógico.
A presente dissertação centra-se no estudo do direito prestacional à saúde e de sua sindicação por intermédio de demandas individuais e coletivas. Para tanto, demonstrada a fundamentalidade formal e material do direito à saúde, analisa-se como os tribunais brasileiros se comportam diante das muitas objeções opostas à sua atuação. Constatada a elasticidade do tratamento conferido pela jurisprudência às demandas individuais, propõem-se critérios objetivos limitadores; diante da contrastante timidez dos julgados na seara coletiva, o foco passa a ser o escrutínio das possibilidades de controle judicial inexploradas.
La grande majorité des causes tranchées par la Cour fédérale relève du droit de l’immigration. Environ 80% des causes plaidées devant la Cour fédérale sont en matière d’immigration. La plupart des causes qui se rendent à la Cour fédérale aboutissent au renvoi de la personne concernée. La requête en sursis est généralement le dernier recours que la personne peut exercer afin d’éviter ou à tout le moins retarder son renvoi du Canada. Près de 800 de ces requêtes en sursis ont été décidées par la Cour fédérale en 2008. Malgré un si grand nombre de causes et malgré le rôle important que ces requêtes peuvent jouer dans la vie d’une personne, aucun auteur n’a organisé et présenté les règles législatives et jurisprudentielles qui s’appliquent à ces procédures. Aucun livre, article ou commentaire n’a été rédigé sur ce sujet. De même, il n’existe aucun cours d’université ni de formations professionnelles sur les requêtes en sursis. Le droit des sursis consiste exclusivement de la jurisprudence des cours fédérales. Ainsi, on s’attend à ce qu’un avocat prépare une requête en sursis intuitivement. Toutefois, à cause de la nature urgente de cette procédure, il est pratiquement impossible pour un avocat inexpérimenté de se préparer adéquatement et de bien représenter les intérêts de son client. Beaucoup de causes ayant un fort potentiel sont perdues par manque d’expérience de l’avocat ou à cause d’une préparation inadéquate. La jurisprudence émanant de la Cour fédérale relativement aux sursis semble être incohérente et parfois même contradictoire. Ce livre organise, présente et explique de façon claire et concise le droit des sursis. Plus particulièrement, nous examinerons en détail les trois types de sursis – les sursis législatifs, administratifs et judiciaires. Tant les juges que les plaideurs trouveront cet ouvrage de référence utile dans la préparation et l’adjudication des causes.