1000 resultados para Isotopic Geology


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Chlorine isotope ratios were determined for volcanic gas, geothermal well, ash, and lava samples along the Izu-Bonin-Mariana volcanic front, serpentinite clasts and muds from serpentine seamounts (Conical, South Chamorro, Torishima), basalts from the Guguan cross-chain, and sediments from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 800, 801, 802, and 1149. There is no systematic variation in d37Cl values along the volcanic front in either gas or ash samples. In contrast, distinct variations occur across the arc, implying variations in the fluid source at different depths within the subduction zone. Serpentinite clasts and serpentine muds from the seamounts tap a source of ~30 km depth and have d37Cl values of structurally bound chloride of +0.4 per mil +/- 0.4 per mil (n = 24), identical to most seafloor serpentinites, suggesting a serpentinite (chrysotile and/or lizardite to antigorite transition) fluid source. Tapping deeper levels of the subduction zone (~115-130 km depth), volcanic gases and ashes have d37Cl values averaging -1.1 per mil +/- 1.0 per mil (n = 29), precisely overlapping the range measured in sediments from ODP cores (-1.1 per mil +/- +0.7 per mil, n = 11) and limited altered oceanic crust (AOC). Both sediments and AOC are possible Cl sources in the volcanic front. The Guguan cross-chain basalts come from the greatest depths and have an average d37Cl value of +0.2 per mil +/- 0.2 per mil (n = 3), suggesting a second serpentine-derived source, in this case from antigorite breakdown at ~200 km depth.


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Changes in circulation associated with the shoaling of the Isthmus of Panama and the Caribbean carbonate crash in the Miocene were investigated using Nd isotopes from fossil fish teeth and debris from two sites in the Caribbean Basin (Ocean Drilling Program Sites 998 and 999) and two sites in the eastern equatorial Pacific (Sites 846 and 1241). The total range for e-Nd values measured from 18 to 4.5 Ma in the Caribbean is -7.3 to 0. These values are higher than Atlantic water masses (~-11) and range up to values equivalent to contemporaneous Pacific water masses, confirming that flow into the Caribbean Basin was composed of a mixture of Pacific and Atlantic waters, with an upper limit of almost pure Pacific-sourced waters. Throughout the Caribbean record, particularly during the carbonate crash (10-12 Ma), low carbonate mass accumulation rates (MARs) correlate with more radiogenic e-Nd values, indicating increased flow of corrosive Pacific intermediate water into the Caribbean Basin during intervals of dissolution. This flow pattern agrees with results from general ocean circulation models designed to study the effect of the shoaling of the Central American Seaway. Low carbonate MARs and high e-Nd values also correlate with intervals of increased Northern Component Water production and, therefore, enhanced conveyor circulation, suggesting that the conveyor may respond to changes in circulation associated with shoaling of the Central American Seaway. Reduced Pacific throughflow related to shoaling of the seaway led to a gradual increase in carbonate preservation and more Atlantic-like e-Nd values following the carbonate crash.


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Oxygen and carbon isotopic variability of the dominant (<38 µm) carbonate fraction within bedded, organic-carbon rich Lower Cretaceous sediment intervals from various DSDP sites are closely correlated with preservational changes in the carbonates. Isotopic fluctuations are absent where carbonate contents vary little and where the carbonate fraction is dominated by biogenic phytoplankton remains. Within each of the studied intervals oxygen and carbon isotopic ratios become increasingly more negative in samples with carbonate contents higher than about 60% in which the proportion of diagenetic microcarbonate increases rapidly. Carbon isotopic ratios show a trend towards positive values in samples with carbonate contents of less than 40% and strong signs of dissolution. The taxonomic composition of nannofossil assemblages varies little within single intervals, despite significant differential diagenesis among individual beds; this points towards ecological stability of oceanic surface waters during the deposition of alternating beds. Bedding is, however, closely related to changing bioturbation intensity, indicating repeated fluctuations of the deep-water renewal rates and oxygen supply. Various microbial decomposition processes of organic matter leading to bed-specific differential carbonate diagenesis resulted in an amplification of primary bedding features and are considered responsible for most of the observed fluctuations in the stable isotopic ratios and carbonate contents.


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The paper presents data on authigenic carbonate distribution in Holocene - Upper Pleistocene deposits of the Okhotsk, Japan, East China, Philippine and South China Seas. Description of carbonate samples, their chemical and isotope compositions are given. Chemical analysis of the samples indicates that almost all authigenic carbonates are composed of calcite or magnesian calcite; and only in one case, of siderite. Oxygen isotopic composition (d18O) ranges from +37.7 to +26.1 per mil (SMOW); it is, probably, connected with different temperatures of carbonate formation. A distinct geographic regularity is traced. Decrease in d18O values is observed from the cold Okhotsk Sea to the warm South China Sea. A very wide range of carbon isotopic composition (d13C from -42 to +3.8 per mil) indicates different sources of carbonic acid required for formation of these carbonates. As a basis for carbon isotopic composition we can distinguish three sources of carbonic acid in the studied sediments: microbiological methane oxidation, organic matter destruction during sediment diagenesis, and dissolved organogenic limestone. Thus, formation of authigenic carbonates in sediments from the marginal seas of the Northwest Pacific results from: 1) sediment diagenesis, 2) methane oxidation in zones of gas anomalies, 3) their precipitation from the supersaturated by carbonates sea shoal waters of tropical sea lagoons.


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We present 40 Sm-Nd isotope measurements of the clay-size (<2 µm) fractions of sediments from the Southern Greenland rise (ODP-646) that span the last 365 kyr. These data track changes in the relative supply of fine particles carried into the deep Labrador Sea by the Western Boundary Under Current (WBUC) back to the fourth glacial-interglacial cycles. Earlier studies revealed three general sources of particles to the core site: (i) Precambrian crustal material from Canada, Greenland, and/or Scandinavia (North American Shield - NAS), (ii) Palaeozoic or younger crustal material from East Greenland, NW Europe, and/or western Scandinavia (Young Crust - YC) and (iii) volcanic material from Iceland and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). Clay-size fractions from glacial sediments have the lowest Nd isotopic ratios. Supplies of young crustal particles were similar during glacial oxygen isotope stages (OIS) 2, 6, and 10. In contrast the mean volcanic contributions decreased relative to old craton material from OIS 10 to OIS 6 and then from OIS 6 to OIS 2. The glacial OIS 8 interval displays a mean Sm/Nd ratio similar to those of interglacials OIS 1, 5, and 9. Compared with other interglacials, OIS 7 was marked by a higher YC contribution but a similar ~30% MAR supply. The overall NAS contribution dropped by a factor of 2 during each glacial/interglacial transition, with the MAR contribution broadly replacing it during interglacials. To decipher between higher supplies and/or dilution, particle fluxes from each end member were estimated. Glacial NAS fluxes were systematically higher than interglacial fluxes. During the time interval examined, fine particle supplies to the Labrador Sea were strongly controlled by proximal ice-margin erosion and thus echoed the glacial stage intensity. In contrast, the WBUC-carried MAR supplies from the eastern basins did not change significantly throughout the last 365 kyr, except for a marked increase in surface-sediments that suggests unique modern conditions. Distal WBUC-controlled inputs from the Northern and NE North Atlantic seem to have been less variable than proximal supplies linked with glacial erosion rate.


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Nontronite, the main metalliferous phase of the Galapagos mounds, occurs at a subsurface depth of ~2-20 m; Mn-oxide material is limited to the upper 2 m of these mounds. The nontronite forms intervals of up to a few metres thickness, consisting essentially of 100% nontronite granules, which alternate with intervals of normal pelagic sediment. The metalliferous phases represent essentially authigenic precipitates, apparently formed in the presence of upwelling basement-derived hydrothermal solutions which dissolved pre-existent pelagic sediment. Electron microprobe analyses of nontronite granules from different core samples indicate that: (1) there is little difference in major-element composition between nontronitic material from varying locations within the mounds; and (2) adjacent granules from a given sample have very similar compositions and are internally homogeneous. This indicates that the granules are composed of a single mineral of essentially constant composition, consistent with relatively uniform conditions of solution Eh and composition during nontronite formation. The Pb-isotopic composition of the nontronite and Mn-oxide sediments indicates that they were formed from solutions which contained variable proportions of basaltic Pb, introduced into pore waters by basement-derived solutions, and of normal-seawater Pb. However, the Sr-isotopic composition of these sediments is essentially indistinguishable from the value for modern seawater. On the basis of 18O/16O ratios, formation temperatures of ~20-30°C have been estimated for the nontronites. By comparison, temperatures of up to 11.5°C at 9 m depth have been directly measured within the mounds and heat flow data suggest present basement-sediment interface temperatures of 15-25°C.


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Boron and Pb isotopic compositions together with B-U-Th-Pb concentrations were determined for Pacific and Indian mantle-type mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) obtained from shallow drill holes near the Australian Antarctic Discordance (AAD). Boron contents in the altered samples range from 29.7 to 69.6 ppm and are extremely enriched relative to fresh MORB glass with 0.4-0.6 ppm B. Similarly the d11B values range from 5.5? to 15.9? in the altered basalts and require interaction with a d11B enriched fluid similar to seawater ~39.5? and/or boron isotope fractionation during the formation of secondary clays. Positive correlations between B concentrations and other chemical indices of alteration such as H2O CO2, K2O, P2O5, U and 87Sr/86Sr indicate that B is progressively enriched in the basalts as they become more altered. Interestingly, d11B shows the largest isotopic shift to +16? in the least altered basalts, followed by a continual decrease to +5-6? in the most altered basalts. These observations may indicate a change from an early seawater dominated fluid towards a sediment-dominated fluid as a result of an increase in sediment cover with increasing age of the seafloor. The progression from heavy d11B towards lighter values with increasing degrees of alteration may also reflect increased formation of clay minerals (e.g., saponite). A comparison of 238U/204Pb and 206Pb/204Pb in fresh glass and variably altered basalt from Site 1160B shows extreme variations that are caused by secondary U enrichment during low temperature alteration. Modeling of the U-Pb isotope system confirms that some alteration events occurred early in the 21.5 Ma history of these rocks, even though a significant second pulse of alteration happened at ~12 Ma after formation of the crust. The U-Pb systematics of co-genetic basaltic glass and variably low temperature altered basaltic whole rocks are thus a potential tool to place age constraints on the timing of alteration and fluid flow in the ocean crust.